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Fine Chemicals, Laboratory Utensils, Assayers', Chemists' and Perfumers' Articles, Felt and Paper Filters, etc., Genuine Minerals and Fossils, Sole Agency for Trommsdorf's Pure Chemicals for Laboratories, Wire, Foil, Crucibles, etc., Analytical Weights and Balances.


10 Barclay Street, three doors from the Astor House, New York.


Platinum Apparatus, Vessels, Sheet, Wire, etc., for School and College use and for all Laboratory, Experimental and Manufacturing purposes.

Circulars and Price Lists, by Mail.


25 Bond Street, NEW YORK.



Manufactured only by the


191 Fulton, Cor. Church Streets, NEW YORK.


The well known numbers, 303, 351, 404, 170, 332, and his other styles can be had of all dealers.


HENRY HOE, Sole Agent.

91 John Street, NEW YORK.

"A Globe is as essential in a School-room as a Blackboard or a Dictionary".


It may seem needless nowadays to enlarge upon the value and advantages of Globes as means of instruction, and the more so as, apart from their general introduction into schools, they are fast becoming favorites in private libraries and parlors, with a fair prospect that they will in time be regarded as among the necessaries in every well-furnished home. It will not, however, be considered out of place to enumerate here some of their special advantages.

The Globe is the truest, most natural, and indeed, cartographically speaking, the only accurate representation of the Earth. All flat map-projections must necessarily contain errors, which will increase in proportion to the area of the Earth's surface which they are intended to represent. The Mercator projection, if the ends of a Map of the World are joined together, produces a cylinder, and, in different latitudes, presents widely different scales. If we place side by side planiglobes based on other projections, they touch each other only at one point (when in fact they should touch each other at all points of the periphery), and give the countries according to widely differing scales, or, in a measure, distorted and disarranged.

The Globe is, consequently, a most important and, indeed, an indispensable auxiliary in geographical instruction; where the means will permit, the Relief Globe, on account of its manifest preeminence, should be used.

Only upon the Globe can the teacher present to the pupil the whole Earth in its natural form. On the Globe can easily be explained those points and mathematical lines which require elucidation as being the groundwork of Geography: the poles, the meridians, the parallels, the equator, the tropics, the polar circles, and the ecliptic.

On the Globe the teacher can readily explain the lighting of the Earth at different times of the day; the diurnal revolution of the Earth, the synchronism of sunrise, midday, and sunset in any two given places upon the same meridian, the difference of the time of day between places not upon the same meridian. All this the pupil can see with his own eyes, and, therefore, thoroughly understand.

On a Globe provided with a Meridian, the lighting and heating of the Earth at various seasons may be demonstrated; and, in connection therewith the climatic differences of the zones, the tradewinds, the winds arising from climatic differences, as the monsoons, etc., may all be explained.

On the Globe we can learn the real form of countries and seas. There is not a flat map of the Pacific or Atlantic Ocean which is correct in every direction and at all points; their representation on a flat surface makes errors inevitable. Consequently on a Globe the great lines, too, of transmarine trade, of circumnavigation, of the telegraphs encircling the whole Earth, are traced with certainty and accuracy.

It must be allowed that the larger Globes have some slight drawbacks, inasmuch as they cannot be put into the pupil's hands, and the minuteness of the drawing and names makes their study from a distance impossible. This little difficulty has been surmounted. For the demonstration of problems, etc., the teacher uses the largest Globe at command. Pupils have Globes of small size in their hands. These small Globes are very cheap, and contain, in the main, every thing necessary for elucidating the elementary principles of general mathematical Geography. They give also the chief countries and seas, and the lines of circumnavigation.

Whilst the foregoing applies with special reference to Terrestrial Globes, it is needless to mention that the same principles hold good in regard to Celestial Globes.

The more advanced pupil will also find the Tellurian a valuable aid in the study of mathematical Geography. The synchronism and regularity of the Earth's revolution on its axis, as well as of its revolution round the Sun, and of the Moon's revolution round the Earth, may be traced and understood in every phase by this apparatus. Above all, this is the most direct and practical means of making evident to the pupil the eclipses of the Sun and the Moon, the inclination of the Earth's axis to its orbit, etc., etc.

As regards the SCHEDLER Globes, there need be no longer any hesitation in claiming that they are

absolutely the best Globes in the market.

In support of this assertion the following statement is submitted:

It is universally conceded that the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia, 1876, furnished an opportunity which producers all over the world had desired the opportunity to test by actual

E. STEIGER, 25 Park Place, NEW YORK

comparison the respective merits of their several manufactures or productions. As a consequence, nearly every nation was there represented by the best it had to offer, and individual exhibitors were, as a rule, confident that their goods, which had been forwarded for competition at great expense, would surpass all similar displays. On the other hand, articles or manufactures concerning the absolute superiority of which any doubt existed, were wisely kept at home to avoid unnecessary expense and possible defeat. On the whole, therefore, we may regard the material placed on exhibition at Philadelphia as the world's best.

Many Terrestrial and Celestial Globes are being produced both in America and in Europe, and yet, only a few publishers ventured to send even the choicest of these to the Centennial. Upon a careful comparison the SCHEDLER Globes were admitted by all to be by far the finest on exhibition. This popular verdict was officially sustained, after a thorough examination, by the Judges, and, as a result, the SCHEDLER Globes were the only Terrestrial and Celestial Globes that received an award at the Philadelphia Exhibition.

The Judges recommended them for the following reasons:

"Excellence of Work,

Delicacy of Finish,

Accuracy of Adjustments,
Freshness of Detail,

Economy of Cost."

In addition to these qualities, another point might have been mentioned, viz.: the unsurpassed variety of styles and sizes, for the display of the SCHEDLER Globes comprised no less than 60 different numbers, i. e. more than all the other exhibits of Globes combined, a fact which shows that the wants and tastes of all classes of purchasers have ben studiously considered.

The excellence of the SCHEDLER Globes, thus again officially recognized, had long been acknowledged. They received a medal at the Paris Exposition of 1867, and subsequently the Medal of Merit, at Vienna, 1873, at which time they entered the field against all their European competitors. Since then, they have steadily increased, alike in quality and in extent of variety, so that they now constitute absolutely the largest assortment of sizes and styles of any one make, either in America or in Europe.

A small assortment of these Globes were placed on exhibition in the Exposition Universelle, at Paris, in 1878, and the published reports show that these alone of all Globes there exhibited received two Medals.

The SCHEDLER Globes are, in fact, the only American Globes that were awarded Medals at the International Exhibitions of Paris, in 1867, Vienna, in 1873, Philadelphia, in 1876, and again at Paris, in 1878.

In their prominent features: Beauty of Workmanship, Completeness and Accuracy of the Maps, Durability and Cheapness, as well as in minor matters they are not only unexcelled—they are unrivalled.

It is truly said of them that they combine extreme lightness with the greatest possible durability; they supply the maximum of information compressible within their space, and yet extreme clearness is every-where observable; they are produced by a patented process at prices which place

them within the reach even of those of modest means.

It is a fact that much attention is now being devoted to the matter of improved School Apparatus, and that school officers and educators are making careful selections in this line inferior articles being considered too dear at any price.

A consequence of this is that universal attention has been attracted and secured to the SCHEDLER Globes. They are now being, more than ever before, closely examined and carefully compared with others, and the uniform result is that they are unhesitatingly preferred not only on account of their excellence, but also of their cheapness.

It is especially important that new geographical discoveries and territorial changes be promptly reproduced on the Globes. This is being constantly done on the SCHEDLER Globes and thus, for instance, the discoveries of such explorers as Stanley, the changes of sovereignty in Eastern Europe, the re-adjustments of territorial lines in Africa and Asia and similar signs of historical progress are indicated upon them as soon as made known. In addition to this, the peculiar composition of these Globes, their material and mounting, render them proof against all climatic changes or influences (a feature which other Globes do not possess), and they are, consequently, especially adapted for export to foreign countries in which such atmospheric inconveniences occur.

E. STEIGER, 25 Park Place, NEW YORK

I A.

Scale 1:25,000,000.

The Parlor Globe.

-"A beautiful ornament for the Parlor or Library". The prices within brackets [] denote the extra cost of packing.

The Parlor Globe. Complete. On fine bronzed pedestal frame, 42 inches high. With horizon, brass meridian divided into half-degrees, quadrant, hour-circle, and magnetic needle. $175.00 [5.00] IA 1. The Parlor Globe. Complete. On low frame of black polished wood. With horizon, (cast iron, nickel-plated) meridian divided into half-degrees, hour-circle, and quadrant. $80.00 [4.00] (This style, with brass meridian. $15.00 extra.)

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This is the most elaborate Globe ever produced. Not only does it give the latest authenticated discoveries in various parts of the World, but, in addition, it contains a large fund of interesting information on physical matters.

It contains the Lines of Ocean Steam Communication and Overland Routes, the great overland and submarine Telegraph Lines, and the principal Tracks of Sailing Vessels; showing the directions and mean velocity of the Ocean Currents, important Deep Sea Soundings, also the lines of Equal Magnetic Variations.

E. STEIGER, 25 Park Place, NEW YORK

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