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Power, The donkey, 298.

Poyser, Mrs., Sayings of, 66, 67.
Prague, Spectres round, 289.

Prairie, Magic circle of the, 526–528.


Prayer, Beethoven's, 162; An old proverb
on, 175.

Preachers, Savoir faire needed by, 441,
442; Shakspeare's advice to, 468-
475; Should we do without, 473.
Presswell, Percy, Character of, 440.
Presumption, Parable on, 298.
Pride, Proverbs on, 85.

Priest, Rogues and the, 4.

Prince and bishop, 110.

Pringle, Thomas, quoted, 338.

Proverb, Unity of the popular, 59, 60;

Definition of a, 65; Characteristics
of the, 67; Parable and, 83, 84, 87;
Arabic and Persian, 129; against
proverb, 476-478, 480.

[blocks in formation]

Proverbs (continued).

Fallacy of popular, 487, 488.

Fashion, 454.

Feathers, Fine, 319.

Folly, 194.

Fools, 88, 103, 104, 106-108, 193, 302.
German, 213.

Good man, A, 202.
Greediness, 77.

Hands, Clean, 158.

Health, 81.

Hearse at the door, 187.

Heraldry and, 71.

Homely, 480.

Honesty, 479.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Providence, Fate and, 128; Watching for, Romanism, Fables of, 515, 516.

[blocks in formation]

Rome, Dogs of Ancient, 233; Security
for the Church of, 431.
Rooms, Sabbath in sick, 336.
Rosalind, The dwelling of, 245.
Rose, The world's fairest, 539.
Rubicon, Crossing the, 294.
Ruins, Silence among, 511.
Ruled and rulers, 49.
Ruskin quoted, 92, 301.

Sabatjon, the river, 53.
Sabbath, Disregarding the, 323, 324;

Keeping the, 324; a sign, 324; a
day of rest, 326; Lord Justice
Hale on the, 329; the eight-day clock
of life, 330; in sad rooms, 336; in
Africa, 338; on board man-of-war,

Sacrifice, The poor man's, 166.

Saddles, Changing, 445.

Saffron bag, Apply the, 295.
Saffron-yellow fly, 455.

Sailor and Jew, 4.

Salem, The murder in, 271.

Sanscrit and Icelandic tales, Unity of, 4.
Satan, Milton's, 15, 16.

Saturday, Evening of, 335.

Savage, The gentleman in the, 424-426.
Saviour, Parables of our, 532.

Savoir faire, 434; Professors of, 435,
436; Meaning of, 436.

Sayings, Great proverbial, 71; Smart,
488; 489.

Scales, The philosopher's, 481.

Scandal, Benevolent side of, 373.

Righteous overmuch, 142; End of the, Scattering yet increasing, 92, 93.


Rightwell, Rev. Dr., 442.

Ring, The monitory, 269; Origin of the
Wedding, 25; Variations of the,

Rippon, Dr., Anecdote of, 376.

Rising, Proverbs on early, 478.

Sceptic, Lines on the, 498.

Schieldburgers, Alderman of, 106.
Schiller quoted, 171.

Schemhammphorasch, 82.

Scholar, Experience with a, 107, 108.

Schoolcraft, Dr., referred to, 13.

Schoolmaster, Nature a, 360.

[blocks in formation]

Scotland Yard, A visit to, 148.
Scott, Sir W., Last moments of, 213;
on dogs, 302; on age, 229; re-
ferred to, 43.

Sea, Apes of the Dead, 323; Sunday at,

Seaboard parish, A walk in a, 460.
Seaham, Sundials at, 97.

Securities, Shakspeare on bad, 427; In-

stances of bad, 429, 430.
Security, A good, 428; Proverbs on,
428; Ruin from bad, 429.
Seeing is believing, 447.

Selection, Making our own, 358, 359.
Self-importance, Proverbs on, 487.
Self-respect, A gentleman has, 417.
Senator, The American, 486, 487.
Sense, Common, 90, 200.
Sermon, A patchwork, 106.
Sermons, Shaksperian, concerning,-
Asses, Conceited, 296.
Bees, 351.

Conscience, 264.

Doubt, Treason of, 288.
Fashions, 450.

Fruits, flowers, and farming, 356,
Money, 398.

Preachers, Advice to, 468.

Rough hewings and Divine shapings,

Scandal, School for, 373.
Securities, Bad, 427.

Suffering, The uses of, 161-169.
Tapers, Little, 115.
Tongues in trees, 245.

Vanity and conceited asses, 297.
Weaver, Odd logic of Smith the, 344.
Serpent-worship, 14-16; Shelley's, 15;

Gnostics and, 17; the Midgard, 20;
in Central America, 21; Study of,
24; and Christianity, 25; Symbol
of benevolence, 25; what it sym-
bolizes, 27.

Shadow, The dial and the, 100–102.
Shadows, Power of, 190; Chasing, 208.
Shakspeare quoted, 70, 107, 108, 115,

144, 161-166, 170, 172-174, 191,
221, 231, 245, 259, 264-268, 270,
288, 293, 296, 299, 300, 345, 351,
355, 357, 358, 359, 361, 365, 373,
374, 398, 403, 427, 429, 450, 451,
468, 469, 472, 474, 503.

Shapes, The Divinity that, 173.

Shepherd, Ettrick, on dogs, 236–238.
Sheridan, Character and death of, 209;
quoted, 375.

Shifty lad, The, 3.

Shipwreck, An incident in, 105.
Shoulders, Inscrutable, 377.
Side, Taking a, 294.

Silence, Shakspeare on, 503; Poets on,
503-505; a mark of intelligence,
506; Power of, 508, 509; God works
in, 509, 510; in the wilderness, 510,
511; Desert, 512; Proverbs on, 502,
513; and sound, 503.

Sin, Expiation demanded for, 184; The
unforgiven, 184.

Sins, Danger of little, 90; Psalmist on,

Sioux and Ojibbeway, 493.

Skeleton? Where do you keep your,
179; Cross over the, 187.
Skewer, Theory of the, 170.

Skulls, St. John's three, 346, 347.
Skunk, Lyman Beecher and the, 109.
Slander, Lord Lytton on, 373; Proverbs

on, 374; How to take, 379.

"Sleep no more," 265.

Slick, Sam, on judging others, 152.
Slowly, Hasten, 282.

Smith, Sydney, quoted, 276.

Smith, The, and the philosopher, 315.
Snake, Mexican myth of the, 23; and
the bird, 317.

Snipe, Children of the, 67.
Snuffing, The candle wants, 118.
Society, Aurelian, 443; Burns in, 419;
Caste of modern, 318; Donkey power
in, 490, 491; Impudence a factor
in, 492; Royal, Anecdote of, 198;
Vanity of, 113.

Socrates and the oracle of Delphi, 389.
Sodom, Sin of, 58.

Soldier, Finery of the, 453.
Soliloquies, A pair of, 388.
Solomon, Song of, quoted, 33.
Son, Lord Chesterfield's, 206; Death of
Burke's, 209, 210.

Song, Birds', 311; The Epicurean, 276.
Sorrow, Fashionable, 164; Nature and,

311, 312.

Soul, The lost, 207; and body, 314.
Souls, Visit to the land of, 216, 217.
Southey, Anecdote of, 333; on the cross,
36; "The Holly-tree," by, 262;
quoted, 137, 146, 211.

Spain, Use of proverbs in, 69, 70.

[blocks in formation]

Sparrows, St. Francis preaching to the, Storyology, Science of, 1, 40.


Spectacles and the monkey, 112; The

man and the, 112.

Speech, Shakspeare on, 468; Proverbial
form of, 70; proverbs, 202.

Spenser quoted, 211.

Spheres, Silence of the, 503.
Spirito-Santo, The, 356.

Spirits, Familiar, 27, 28; Song of the
tree, 256, 257.

Stael, Madame de, 276.

Staff, Story of Adam's, 52, 53.

Stagyra, Demon of, 525.

Stepho, the crown, 464, 465.
Sterling, John, quoted, 135.
Sterne, Lawrence, 361.

Stories, Bible truths and dead, 39; Com-
mon foundation for popular, 51;
Parabolic, 9, 10; Similarity of, 3.

Apes, The Dead Sea, 323.

Bheki, The frog, 46.

Bride, The aged, 6.
Brothers, The, 191.
Charlemagne, 85.

Chesterfield and Montesquieu, 195.
Cinderella, A Highland, 8.
Conversion, A wonderful, 411.
Daughter, The giantess's, 9.
Demosthenes, 190.

Fairy story, An old, 399.
Farmer, A Plymouth, 77.
Fohi, The Chinese myth of, 7.
Frog and the princess, 45.
Gotham, The men of, 104, 105.
Hat, The sailor's, 4.
Hathaway, Tim, 183.
Inheritance, The, 5.
Jerry, 133.

Margaret and her minister, 82.
Master Thief, The, 43.
Mouse-tower, 153.

Parrot, The wicked, 319, 320.
Pele, The fire goddess, 394, 395.
Priest and the rogues, 4.
Pyrrhus and Cineas, 76.
Salem, the murder in, 271-274.
Scholar, An experience with a, 167, 168.
Skeleton? Where do you keep your,


Storyteller, A Highland, 2.
Strangers, Five, 530, 531.
Stratford, Garrick at, 224.
Strength and weakness, 131.

Success, Power of, 163; Secret of, 135.
Suffering, Fashionable, 164; Value of,
163; Variety of, 162.
Suicide, The would-be, 73.
Sun, Rising and setting, 447; worship,
Myths the débris of, 12, 13.
Sunday in the country, 527; Poets on,
325-329, 333-335, 337.

Sundial, Home of the, 96.
Sundials, Inscriptions on, 97; Surly, 97;

Metaphysical and witty, 98; Grateful,
99; Modest, 100; Infallible, 100;
stirring to action, 101; stirring to
pleasure, 101; Book of, 102 (note).
Superstition, Definition of, 37.
Superstitious, In all things, 393.
Sure, It is good to be, 432.
Swindler an artist, The, 149.
Switzerland, Sabbath in, 343, 344.
Swords, Conscience a thousand, 271.
Symbols, All things are, 71.
Sympathy, Adversity creates, 165.

Tabbytoft, Miss, 438.

Tact, Push, and Principle, 125.
Tailor-bird, Nest of the, 306.

Tales, Variety of popular, 1; Source and
ancestry of, 2; Character of nur-
sery, 12.

Tall talk, Proverbs on, 480.
Talleyrand, Anecdote of, 477.
Talmud, Legends from the, 52.
Taper, The little, 115.
Tau, The Hebrew, 36.
Taylor, Isaac, quoted, 349.
Taylor, Jane, quoted, 121.

Taylor, Jeremy, on the lark, 307; quoted,


Telephone, First idea of the, 510.
Tell Country, Legend from, 166.
Temple, Sundial at the, 97.
Temples, The earliest, 247, 251.
Ten-and-one, Parable of, 214.
Tennyson quoted, 65, 377, 521.
Tenterden Steeple and Goodwin Sands,
79, 347, 348.


Terrors, The king of, 181, 185.
Tertullian quoted, 25.


Testament, Cross and the Old, 36.
Thackeray on the skeleton, 180; on con-

science, 265; quoted, 212.

Thames? Will they take away the, 202.
Theologaster, The, 193.

Theological, Christmas not, 381, 382.
Theology, Logic in, 349.

Theories, Doubtful myth, 40, 41.
Theory, The skewer, 170.

Thief, An ingenious, 147; Fashion a de-
formed, 451; Master, Hindoo ver-
sion, 43.

Thieves, Dogs discovering, 242.
Thing, Doing one, 135, 136.

Things, Proverbs on the fitness of, 91;
Proverbs on little, 90.

Thor and the Midgard Snake, 20, 21;
The hammer of, 35.

Thornbury, Mr., on Spanish proverbs,
69, 70.

Three, The mighty, 10.

Thrift and industry, parable, 10.
Tiger, The, and the forest, 259.

Time, All things have their, 91; Sundial
inscriptions on, 98.

Timon, Shakspeare's, 402.
Toby, Story of the dog, 135.

Tone, Every tree has its, 201, 202.

Tongue, Proverbs on the, 299-375; Put

out your, 376.
Toolittle, The ogre, 74.
Toomuch, The imp, 74.
Tooth-money, 149.

Trade, Laws of, 150; Catspaws in, 156.
Tree, The serpent, the cross, and the,

13, 14; and serpent worship, 14;
Worship of the, 27-30; and cross,
Legend of, 30, 31; Associations of
the, 37; Instance of the worship of,
31, 37; Homa, 32; Iggdrasill, 33;
Diagram in a, 256.

Trees, An orchestra of, 249; Fruitful-

ness of, 250-260; Divine analogies
in, 257; Fall of great, 259; Homage
paid to, 252; Human character in,
253; Imaginative views of, 248;
Sacred, 33, 34; Tongues in, 245;
Poets and, 245, 246.

Trench, Archbishop, quoted, 175, 293.
Trinity, Flower of the, 366.
Trumpet, The, 269.

Trumpeter, Proverbs on being our own,

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