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Campho-Phenique in Diseases of Women.

DR. WALTER B. DORSETT, Superintendent Female Hospital, St. Louis, says: As a local germicide, applied to the cervical canal in early cases of gonorrhea in women, CAMPHO-PHENIQUE prevents endometritis and salpyngitis, and when used upon open chancroidal buboes. it promotes early granulation and healing.

DR. P. P. PRICE, Professor Clinical Gynecology, Urinary and Rectal Diseases, Eclectic Medical College, Cincinnatti, writes: Having used CAMPHOPHENIQUE with wonderful success in my practice for the past year in the treatment of rectal, vaginal and uterine diseases, I deem it but just to you that I give this expression of gratitude for the great benefits derived from so valuable a remedy as CAMPHO-PHENIQUE. I regard it as a powerful antiseptic and local anesthetic.

DR. WALTER COLES, late President St. Louis Obstetrical Society, writes: [ am much pleased with CAMPHO-PHENIQUE. Its property of obtunding pain, in conjunction with its antiseptic and local alterative effects renders it an admirable agent, when applied undiluted, in the treatment of erosions about the os uteri, and chronic ulcers and fissures of the anus. Mixed with vaseline it may be applied as a permanent dressing on absorbent cotton. Diluted with vaseline or lanoline it is an efficient and agreeable application in many skin diseases.

DR. D. C. KNOTT, Argos, Ind., writes: CAMPHO-PHENIQUE is superior to any application I have ever used in the treatment of obstinate cases of ulceration of the os uteri; in fact, it is the only agent I have ever found that would cure such cases. Two cases were of two years standing and had resisted the most skillful treatment. Each was healed nicely with CAMPHO-PHENIQUE, and the patients relieved of what had been a loathsome disease.


Campho-Phenique in Surgical Practice.

DR. W. H. GRAYSON, Surgeon to St. Mark's Railroad Hospital, Venice, Ills., says: I have used CAMPHO-PHENIQUE in all sorts of surgical proceedures and believe it to be the best antiseptic known. I find it non-irritating, non-poisonous and highly germicidal. It corrects offensive odors and facilitates healing. In a word, CAMPHO-PHENIQUE is the only antiseptic agent I am acquainted with that possesses all the good qualities without any of the bad. It is the remedy par excellence in erysipelatous affections.

Campho-Phenique in General Practice.

DR. S. T. YOUNT, President Indiana State Medical Society, writes: I have given CAMPHO-PHENIQUE a careful and thorough trial in a great variety of cases, and find it better than any known remedy I have heretofore used. I have treated two cases of empyema with the most satisfactory results by the use of your remedy. I can eheerfully endorse it as the best antiseptic, germicide disinfectant now in the market, and also can recommend it to the general practitioner as the very thing he needs for the various wounds, sores and injuries he may be called upon to treat.

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PARIS, 41 Bd. Hausmann.

LONDON, 239 Oxford Street. 52 West 15th Street, New York.


J. K. BAUDUY, M. D., LL. D.,

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Physician, St. Vincent's Insane Asylum; Prof. Nervous
Diseases, Mo. Med. Coll.; President

St. Louis Med. Soc., &c.,
writes :-

"After a thorough and continued trial of BROMIDIA (Battle's) at St. Vincent's Asylum, I can cheerfully certify to its great therapeutic value and purity. Its effects. are much more rapid and efficient than the ordinary chloral mixtures. The sisters in charge of the wards, after using the BROMIDIA, and comparing its effects with the ordinary chloral mixtures used so long as a hypnotic, claim great superiority for the former. Its success has been tested where the other, in similar doses, has failed. The purity of the chloral and the extracts of cannabis indica and the hyoscyamus which it contains, together with the small dose of the remedy which is required, makes it almost invaluable to medical practitioners, who are guaranteed a pure and efficacious remedy in the use of BROMIDIA. They are not left at the mercy of pharmacists, who sometimes dispense inferior, if not adulterated, preparations of chloral. Experience in its use requires us, as a matter of justice, most emphatically to endorse the preparation, after an extended and impartial trial. In fact, we expect in future to use BROMIDIA exclusively."

BATTLE & CO., Chemists' Corportion,
St. Louis, Mo., U. S. A.


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