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ris, prout ei visum fuerit. Sed pœna quidem injuriæ, quæ ex lege xii. tabularum introducta est, in desuetudinem abiit: quam autem prætores introduxerunt, (quæ etiam honoraria appellatur,) in judiciis frequentatur. Nam, secundùm gradum dignitatis vitæque honestatem, crescit aut minuitur æstimatio injuriæ: qui gradus condemnationis et in servili personâ non immeritò servatur, ut aliud in servo actore, aliud in medii actùs homine, aliud in vilissimo vel compedito, jus æstimationis constituatur.

De lege

a guide to the judge, but not preclude him from lessening the estimate at his discretion. The species of pecuniary punishment, which was introduced by the law of the 12 tables, fell gradually into disuse, and that only which the prætors introduced, termed honorary, is now resorted to: for the estimate of an injury is increased or diminished according to the degree and quality of the person injured; a gradation not improperly observed even as to slaves; so that one estimate may be adopted in the case of a steward or agent to his master, and a lower one in the case of an inferior slave.


§ 8. The law Cornelia speaks also of injuries, and hath introduced an action, which lies, when a man alledges, that he hath been struck or beaten, or that another hath entered forcibly into his house; and whether he owns, or hires, or borrows, or lives in it as a guest, it is regarded

VIII. Sed et lex Cornelia de injuriis loquitur, et injuriarum actionem introduxit, que competit ob eam rem, quod se pulsatum quis, verberatumve, vel domum suam vi introitam esse, dicat. Domum autem accipimus, sivè in propriâ domo quis habitet, sivè in conductâ, sivè gratis, sivè hospitio receptus as his house.


De æstimatione atrocis injuriæ.

IX. Atrox injuria æstimatur vel ex facto, veluti si quis ab alio vulneratus sit, vel fustibus cæsus; vel ex loco, veluti si cui in theatro, vel in foro, vel in conspectu prætoris, injuria facta sit; vel ex personå, veluti si magistratus injuriam passus fuerit, vel si senatori ab humili persona injuria facta sit, aut parenti patronove fiat à liberis vel

§ 9. An injury is esteemed atrocious, from the nature of the fact, as when a man is wounded by another, or beaten with a club-from the place, as when an injury is done in a public theatre, in an open market, or in the presence of the prætor-and sometimes from the rank of the person, as when a magistrate, or a senator, receives an injury from

libertis. Aliter enim senatoris et parentis patronique, aliter extranei et humilis personæ, injuria æstimatur. Nonnunquam et locus vulneris atrocem injuriam facit, veluti si in oculo quis percussus fuerit. Parvi autem refert, utrum patri-familias, an filio-familias, talis injuria facta sit: nam et hæc atrox injuria æstimabitur.

one of mean condition, a parent from his child, or a patron from his freedman; for these cases demand a heavier punishment, than where an injury is done to a stranger, or a person of low degree. Also the part injured, may constitute an injury atrocious; as if a man should be wounded in his eye; but it is of little consequence whether such an injury be done to the father of a family, or to the son of a family; for such an injury will be considered as atrocious.

De judicio civili

§ X. In summâ sciendum est, de omni injuria eum, qui passus est, posse vel criminaliter agere, vel civiliter: et, si quidem civiliter agatur, æstimatione factâ, secundùm quod dictum est, pœna reo imponitur; sin autem criminaliter, officio judicis extraordinaria pœna reo irrogatur. Hoc videlicèt observando, quod Zenoniana constitutio introduxit, ut viri illustres, quique super eos sunt, et per procuratores possint actionem injuriarum criminaliter vel persequi vel suspicere, secundùm ejus tenorem, qui ex ipsâ manifestius apparet.

Qui tenentur

§ XI. Non solùm autem is injuriarum tenetur, qui fecit injuriam, id est, qui percussit; verùm ille quoque tenetur, qui dolo fecit injuriam, vel qui procuravit, ut cuì mala pugno percuteretur.

et criminali.

§ 10. In fine, it must be observed concerning every injury, that the party injured may sue either criminally or civilly. If civilly, the damage must be estimated, and the penalty awarded as we have before noticed: but, if he sue criminally, it is the duty of the judge to inflict an extraordinary punishment upon the offender; observing the constitution of Zeno, which permits illustrious persons, and those who enjoy a superior title, either to pursue or defend criminally any action of injury by their proctors; but the tenor of this law will more fully apppear by a perusal of the ordinance itself.


11. An action of injury lies not only against him, who hath done an injury, by giving a blow, c. bus also against him, who by croft, or by persuasion hath caused the inju ry to be done.

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SI judex litem suam fecerit, non propriè ex maleficio obligatus videtur: sed quia neque ex maleficio, neque ex contractu obligatus est, et utique peccasse aliquid intelligitur, licèt per imprudentiam, ideò videtur quasi ex maleficio teneri ; et, in quantum de eâ re æquum religioni judicantis videbitur, pœnam sustinebit.

De dejectis vel effusis, § I. Item is, cujus ex cœnaculo, vel proprio ipsius, vel conducto, vel in quo gratis habitat, dejectum effusumve aliquid est, ita ut alicui no-, ceret, quasi ex maleficio obligatus

If a judge make a suit his own; by giving an unjust determination, an action of mal-feasance will not properly lie against him: but, granting he is not subject to an action of mal-feasance, or of contract, yet, as ke hath certainly committed a fault, although not by design, but through imprudence and want of skill, he may be sued by an action of quasi-mal-feasance; and must suffer such penalty, as seems equitable to the conscience of a superior judge.

et positis aut suspensis.

1. The occupier of a chamber, from whence any thing hath been thrown or spilt, whereby damage is done, is liable to an action of quasimal-feasance; and it is not material,

intelligitur. Ideò autem non propriè ex maleficio obligatus intelligitur, quia plerumque ob alterius culpam tenetur, aut servi aut liberi. Cui similis est is, qui eâ parte, quâ vulgo iter fieri solet, id positum aut suspensum habet, quod potest, si ceciderit, alicui nocere; quo casu pœna decem aureorum constituta est. De eo verò, quod dejectum effusumve est, dupli, quantum damni datum sit, constituta est actio. Ob hominem verò liberum occisum, quinquaginta aureorum pœna constituitur. Si verò vivat, nocitumque ei esse dicatur, quantum ob eam rem æquum judici videtur, actio datur. Judex enim computare debet mercedes medicis præstitas, cæteraque impendia, quæ in curatione facta sunt; præterea operas, quibus caruit aut cariturus est, ob id, quod inutilis est factus.

whether the chamber be his property; whether he rents it; or inhabits it gratis: and the reason, why such occupier is not suable for a direct mal-feasance, is, because he is generally sued for the fault of another. Any man is also subject to the same action, who hath hung or placed any thing in a public road, so as to en◄ danger passengers by the fall of it; in which case, a penalty of ten aurei is appointed: but, when any thing hath been thrown or spilt, the action is always for double the actual damage. If a freeman be killed by accident, the penalty is fifty aurei; but, if he only receive some hurt, the quantum of the damage is at the discretion of the judge, who ought to take into account the fees of the physician and all other expences attendant upon the cure, over and above the time, which the patient hath lost in his illness, or may lose by being unable to pursue his business.

De filio-familias, seorsum habitante à patre. § II. Si filius-familias seorsum à patre habitaverit, et quid ex cœnaculo ejus dejectum effusumve fuerit, sivè quid positum suspensumve habuerit, cujus casus periculosus est, Juliano placuit, in patrem nullam esse actionem, sed cum ipso filio agendum esse. Quod et in filio-familias judice observandum est, qui litem suam fecerit.

§ 2. If the son of a family live separate from his father, and any thing is either thrown, or spilt, from his apartment, or so hung, or placed, that the fall of it may be dangerous, it is the opinion of Julian, that no action will lie against the father, and that the son only can be sued. The same rule of law is also to be observed, in regard to the son of a family, who hath given as a judge, an unjust decision.

De damno aut furto, quod in navi, aut cauponâ, aut stabulo, factum est.

III. Item exercitor navis, aut cauponæ, aut stabuli, de damno aut furto, quod in navi, aut cauponâ, aut stabulo, factum erit, quasi ex maleficio teneri videtur; si modo ipsius nullum est maleficium, sed alicujus eorum, quorum opera navem, aut cauponam, aut stabulum, exercet. Cum enim neque ex maleficio, neque ex contractu, sit adversus eum constituta hic actio, et aliquatenus culpæ reus est, quod opera malorum hominum uteretur, ideò quasi ex maleficio teneri videtur. In his autem casibus in factum actio competit; quæ hæredi quidem datur, adversus hæredem autem non competit

3. The master of a ship, tavern, or inn, is liable to be sued for a quasimal-feasance, on account of every damage, or theft, done or committed in any of these places, by himself or his servants: for although no action, either of direct mal-feasance, or of contract, can be brought against the master, yet, as he has, in some measure, been guilty of a fault in employing dishonest persons as his servants, he is therefore subject to a suit for a quasi-mal-feasance. But, in all these cases, the action given is an action upon the fact, which may be brought in favour of an heir, but not against him.

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