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bread here for their labor, how will their condi tion be mended in Georgia ?" which he solves in the following manner-"The answer is easy; part of it is well attested, and part self evident; they have land there for nothing, and that land so fertile, that as is said before, they receive an hundred fold increase for taking a very little pains. Give ten acres of good land in England, to one of these helpless persons, and I doubt not his ability to make it support himself and family by his own labor, without letting it to another; but the difference between no rent and rack'd rent, is the difference between eating and starving."

This highly colored picture of the American terrestrial paradise, uncontaminated by the fall of man, had well nigh turned the heads of the English peasantry, and with the additional evidence of the trustees, Great-Britain would have been nearly depopulated. The trustees however represented that the description of the country was greatly exaggerated, and thus composed once more, for a time at least, the inflamed fancies of the people.

Oglethorpe having placed his settlers in the 'best possible state of security, and provided for the accommodation of their wants during his ab. sence; sailed in April 1734 for England, and invited the Indian king, with whom he had formed the treaty to accompany him: to this Tomochichi consented, and himself, his queen and some other Indians, accompanied Oglethorpe to GreatBritain:

On their arrival in London, the Indian chiefs were introduced to the king, while many of the nobility were present: Tomochichi struck with as, tonishment at the grandeur of the British court, ad, dressed the king in the following words: This day I see the majestyof your face, the greatness of your house and the number of your people; I am come in my old days, though I cannot expect to see any advantage to myself; I am come for the good of the children of all the nations of the lower and upper Creeks, that they may be instructed in the language of the English. These are fea thers of the eagle, which is the swiftest of birds, and which flyeth round our nations: these feathers are emblems of peace in our land, and have been carried from town to town. We have brought them over to leave them with you, O great king, as a token of everlasting peace: O great king, whatever words you shall say unto me, I will faithfully tell them to all the kings of the Creek nation." To which the king replied; "I am glad of this opportunity of assuring you of my regard for the people from whom you came; and I am extremely well pleased with the assurances you have brought me from them, and accept yery gratefully of this present, an indica tion of their good dispositions to me and my peo ple. I shall always be ready to cultivate a good correspondence between the Creeks and my subjects, and shall be glad on any occasion to show you marks of my particular friendship."

While these Indians were in England, no. thing was neglected that might serve to engage their affections, and fill them with just notions of the greatness and power of the British nation, The nobility, curious to see them, and observe their manners, entertained them magnificently at their tables; wherever they went multitudes flocked around them, shaking hands with the rude warriors of the forest, giving them little presents, and treating them with every mark of friendship and civility: twenty pounds sterling a week were allowed them by the crown while they remained in England, and when they returned, it was computed they carried presents with them to the value of four hundred pounds sterling.After staying four months, and admiring the splendor of the British court and their sovereign, they were carried to Gravesend in one of his majesty's carriages, where they embarked for Geor gia, highly pleased with the grandeur and gene. rosity of the nation, and promising perpetual fidelity to its interest.

It was supposed that this kind method of treating barbarians, was more politic than that of over. awing them by harsh and forcible measures; that to promote the settlement of the colonies, nothing could be more effectual than the purchase of Indian friendship by mildness, a repetition of presents, and other friendly offices. This ill judged policy will be treated more largely in its proper place,

Tomochichi acknowledged that the governor of the world, or great spirit, had given the English great wisdom, power and riches; that they wanted nothing he had given Indians great extent of territories; yet they wanted every thing and he exerted his influence in prevailing on the Creeks to resign such lands to the English as were of no use to themselves, and to allow them to settle amongst them, that they might be supplied with useful articles for cultivation and necessaries of life. He told them that the English were a generous nation, and would trade with them on the most honorable and advantageous terms; that they were brethren and friends, and would protect them against danger, and go to war with them against their enemies. ..Before Tomochichi left England he requested of the trustees that the weights, measures, prices, and qualities of all goods to be exchanged by them for their deer-skins and other peltry, might be settled by established rules; that none might be allowed to trade with the Indians in Georgia, without a licence from the trustees, in order that if they were in any respect defrauded by the traders, they might know where to apply for redress; and that there might be one store house in each town, to supply them with such goods as they might want to purchase, from whence the trader might be obliged to supply them at first cost. The Indians alledged as a reason for this application, that the traders had demanded ex.

orbitant prices for their goods, and defrauded them in their weights and measures; and that to such impositions were to be ascribed the animosities and quarrels between the English and Indians, which had frequently ended in war, prejudicial to both powers.

The government of South-Carolina had passed a law on this point, the 20th of August 1731, entitled an act for the better regulation of the Indian trade, and for appointing a commissioner for that purpose with regulations. The trustees hoping that an act of this nature might be effectual in Georgia, prepared an act entitled an act for maintaining the peace with the Indians in the province of Georgia, with the same regulations and provisions, as were in the Carolina act; which act of Carolina ceased to be in force in Georgia, since it was erected into a distinct independant province, not subject to the laws of that province.

The trustees having received information from the colony, that the most pernicious effects had arisen from the use of spirituous liquors; that by the abuse of them great disorders had been created amongst the Indians who had been plentifully supplied by the traders, and that by the same cause, a variety of diseases had been produced amongst the white people, as well as disorderly conduct; prepared an act entitled an act to prevent the importation and use of rum and brandies into the province of Georgia, or

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