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Colonel Grant replied, that he had always enter. tained the highest opinion of his honesty and integrity; that he had always been a friend to the English; that the observance of his wise policy would have produced the happiest effects, if the obstinacy of his nation had not forbidden them to follow his advice; that he was but one man and did not speak the sentiments of the nation, which had been led astray by the falshood of French emissaries.


On the 7th of June, colonel Grant marched from fort Prince-George, carrying with him thirty days provision. A party of ninety Indians and thirty woodsmen from the frontiers, painted like Indians, under the command of captain Kenedy, were ordered to march in front and scour the woods. After them the light infantry and fifty rangers followed, consisting in all of about two hundred men; by whose vigilance and activity the commander imagined that the main-body of the army might be kept secure from surprise. For three days he made forced marches, in order to get over two narrow dangerous defiles in the mountains, which he accomplished without a shot from the enemy, but which might have cost him dear, had they been properly guarded and disputed by the Indians. On the 10th, various circumstances concurred to awaken suspicion in every direction, and orders were given for the first time, to load and prepare for action, and the guards to march slowly forward, doubling their

vigilance. As they frequently spied Indians around them, all were convinced that they should that day have an engagement: at length having advanced near the place where colonel Montgomery was attacked the preceeding year, the Indian allies in the van-guard, about eight in the morning, observed a large body of Cherokees posted upon a hill on the right flank of the army, and immediately gave the alarm. The savages rushed down and commenced a heavy fire upon the advanced guard, which being supported, the enemy was soon repulsed, and again formed upon the heights: under this hill the army was obliged to march a considerable distance. On the left was a river, from the opposite bank of which, a large party of Indians fired briskly on the troops as they advanced. Colonel Grant ordered a party to march up the hill and drive the enemy from the heights, while the line faced about and gave their whole charge to the Indians who annoyed them from the side of the river: the engagement became general, and the savages seemed determined obstinately to dispute the lower grounds, while those on the hill were dislodged only to return with redoubled ardor to the charge. The situation of the troops was in several respects unfavorable: fatigued by a tedious march in rainy weather; surrounded with woods, so that they could not discern the enemy; galled by the scattered fire of the savages, who when pressed always kept aloof, but rallied again

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and returned to the ground; no sooner did the army gain an advantage over them on one quarter, than they appeared in force on another. While the attention of the commander was occupied in driving the enemy from their lurkingplace on the river side, the rear was attacked, and so vigorous an effort made to take the flour and cattle, that he was obliged to order a party back to the relief of the rear-guard. From eight o'clock in the morning until eleven, the savages continued to keep up an irregular and incessant fire, sometimes from one place and sometimes from another, while the woods resounded with the war-whoop, and hideous shouts and yells, to intimidate the troops. At length the Cherokees gave way, and being pursued for some time, scattered shots continued until about two o'clock, when the enemy disappeared. The loss sustained by the enemy in this action, was not accu, rately ascertained. Colonel Grant's loss was between fifty and sixty killed and wounded: orders were given not to bury the slain, but to sink them in the river, to prevent their being dug up from their graves and scalped to provide horses for those that were wounded, several bags of flour were thrown into the river; after which the army proceeded to Etchoe, a large Indian town, which they reached about midnight, and next day reduced to ashes: all the other towns in the middle settlement, fourteen in number, shared the same fate: the corn, cattle and other

stores of the enemy were likewise destroyed, and those miserable savages, with their families, were driven to seek shelter and subsistence among the barren mountains.

It would be no easy matter to describe the various hardships which this little army endured in the wilderness from heat, thirst, watching, danger and fatigue: thirty days colonel Grant continued in the heart of the Cherokee territories, with a handful of troops, compared to the number of warriors in that nation; and upon his return to fort Prince-George, the feet and legs of many of his men were so mangled, and their strength and spirits so much exhausted, that they were unable to march further without rest: he resolved therefore to encamp, to refresh his men, and wait the resolutions of the Cherokees, in consequence of the chastisement which he had given them. Besides the nume rous advantages their country afforded for defence, it was supposed that some French officers had been among them and given them assistance. When the Indians were driven from their advantageous posts and thickets, they were wholly disconcerted, and though the repulse was far from being decisive, yet after this engagement they returned no more to the charge, but remained the tame spectators of their towns in flames, and their country laid desolate.

To represent the situation of the savages, when reduced by this severe correction, would be

difficult even in time of peace they are destitute of that foresight, which in a great measure provides for future events; but in time of war, when their villages are destroyed, and their fields plundered, they are reduced to the extreme of want: driven to barren mountains, the hunters being furnished with ammunition, might indeed obtain a scanty subsistence for themselves, but women, children and old men, must suffer greatly, when almost deprived of the means of supporting life.

A few days after colonel Grant's arrival at fort Prince-George, Attakullakulla, attended by several chiefs, came to his camp and expressed a desire for peace. Severely had they suffered for breaking their alliance with the English, and giving ear to the deceitful promises of the French: convinced at last of the weakness and perfidy of the latter, who were neither able to assist them in time of war, or to supply their wants in time of peace, they resolved to renounce all connection with them forever: accordingly terms of peace were drawn up and proposed, which were no less honorable to colonel Grant, than advantageous to the southern provinces. The different articles being read and interpreted, Attakullakulla agreed to them all, excepting one, by which it was demanded, that four Cherokee Indians should be delivered up to colonel Grant at fort Prince-George, to be put to death in the front of his camp, or four green scalps be brought

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