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for the restoration of peace. Captain Steuart's first reflections, after his escape from the savages, were exercised to concert ways and means for the relief and ransom of his garrison: he despatched expresses to Georgia and Carolina, informing them of the sad disaster that had happened to the garrison of fort Loudon, and of the designs of the Indians against fort Prince-George. In consequence of which, orders were given to Major Thompson, who commanded the militia on the frontiers of Georgia and Carolina, to throw in provisions for ten weeks into that fort, and warn the commanding officer of his danger. The settlers near Augusta, secured their families as well as they could in stockade forts. A messenger was sent to Attakullakulla, desiring him to inform the Cherokees, that fort Prince-George was impregnable, having vast quantities of pow der buried under ground every where around it, to blow up all enemies that should attempt to come near it. Presents of considerable value were sent to ransom the prisoners at fort Loudon, a few of whom had by this time made their escape and afterwards, not only those that were confined in the towns and in the vallies, but also all that had survived the hardships of hunger, disease and captivity, in the upper towns, were released and delivered up to the commanding officer at fort Prince-George.

It might be expected that the vindictive spirit of the savages would now have been satisfied,

and that they would have been disposed to listen to terms of accommodation: the treacherous conduct to the soldiers at fort Loudon, they intend. ed as a satisfaction for the harsh treatment their hostage friends and relations had met with at fort Prince-George; and dearly had the provinces of Georgia and South-Carolina paid for the impri sonment and massacre of the chiefs at that place. Still, however, a great majority of the nation spurned at every offer of peace: the lower towns had all been destroyed by colonel Montgomery, the warriors in the middle settlements had lost many friends and relations; and several Frenchmen had crept in among the upper towns, and helped to foment their ill humor against the southern provinces. Lewis Latinac, a French officer, was among them, and proved an indefatigable instigator to mischief: he furnished them with arms and ammunition, and urged them to war, persuading them that the English had nothing less in view than the extermination of their race from the face of the earth: at a great meet. ing of the nation, he pulled out his hatchet, and sticking it into a log, called out—“ Who is the man that will take this up for the king of France ?" Saloue, a young warrior of Estatoe, laid hold of it and cried out, "I am for war! the spirits of our brothers who have been slain, still call upon us to revenge their death-he is no better than a woman who refuses to follow me." Many others seized the tomahawk, yet dyed with the stains of

innocent blood, and burned with impatience for the field. Finding the provinces still under the most dreadful apprehensions from their savage neighbors, who continued insolent and vindictive, and ready to renew their ravages and murders; application was again made to general Amherst for assistance. Canada being now reduced, the commander in chief could the more easily spare a force adequate to the purpose intended. Colonel Montgomery, who conducted the former expedition, having embarked for England, the command of the Highlanders devolved on lieutenant colonel James Grant, who was ordered to relieve the distresses of the southern provinces: on the 1st of January he landed at Charleston, where he quartered for the winter. Georgia was yet but a narrow strip of settlement on the southern frontier of Carolina, consequently barely able to protect herself at home. Carolina determined to exert herself to the utmost, that in conjunction with the regular forces, a severe correction might be given to those troublesome savages: for this purpose a provincial regiment was raised, and the command of it given to colonel Middleton: presents were provided for the Indian allies, and several of the Chickesaws and Catabaws engaged to assist them against the Cherokees. The Creeks whose help was also strongly solicited, played an artful game between the English and French, and gave the one or the other encouragement, according to the advantages they reaped

from them. All possible preparations were made for supplying the army with provisions at different stages, and with such means of conveyance as were thought necessary to the expedition; and they flattered themselves that by one resolute exertion, they would tire the savages of war, and oblige them to accept of such terms of peace as were dictated to them. After being joined by the provincial regiment and Indian allies, colonel Grant mustered in all, about two thousand six hundred men. With this force he took up his line of march early in the spring: he had served some years in America, and had been in several engagements with Indians, he was therefore no stranger to their method of making war he was sensible how ready they were to take all advantages by surprise, srtatagem or otherwise, that the nature of the country afforded: caution and vigilance were not only necessary on his part, but to prepare an army for such service, the dress, arms and discipline, should all be adapted to the nature of the country, in order to give the men every advantage. According to the Indian manner of attack, the eye should be habituated to perpetual watchfulness; the body should be so clothed as to be free from encumbrance, and equipped in such light armor as would be most manageable in a thick forest; the feet and legs should be fortified against briars and brushy woods; and those men who had been accustomed to hunting, being quick-sighted, were found

to be of great service in scouring the dark thick. ets, and as guards to the main body. Europeans, who were strangers to the country and mode of Indian warfare, were not well calculated for military service in America. Many brave officers, ignorant of the peculiar circumstances of the country, have fallen a sacrifice to their own rashness, and the numerous snares to which they were exposed by savage cunning.

On the 27th of May, colonel Grant arrived at fort Prince-George, and Attakullakulla, having received information that he was advancing against his nation with a formidable army, hastened to his camp, to signify his earnest desire for peace : he told the colonel that he always had been, and ever would continue to be, a firm friend to the English; that the outrages of his countrymen covered him with shame, and filled his heart with grief; nevertheless he would gladly interpose in their behalf, in order to bring about an accommodation. He said he had often been ignominiously censured by his countrymen, for his pacific disposition, and that the young warriors of his nation had delighted in war, and despised his counsels, after he had endeavored to get the war-club buried, and the former good correspondence with the provinces re-established. Now he was determined to set out for the nation to persuade them to consult their safety, and speedily agree to terms of peace; and warmly begged the colonel to proceed no further until he returned.

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