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tion of the mystery, I determined to subject the matter to the ordeal of my own senses; and for this purpose visited the cabin for fourteen nights, and on three nights only did I witness any thing unusual. Once I perceived a luminous fog, resembling the Aurora Borealis, and twice I saw scintillations, like the sparkling phosphorescence sometimes exhibited by the sea infusoria. From the close scrutiny I made, I can with certainty say, that no imposition was either employed or attempted."

I refer only to one case more, which I will briefly relate :


In the old Meath Hospital a poor woman was admitted, labouring under an extensive cancerous mour of the breast, who complained that she could not sleep for watching the sore, which she described as being on fire all night. Dr. Stokes, whose patient she was, directed that he should be sent for when this luminous appearance was visible; which was done. The lights of the ward were extinguished; and then, removing the coverings of the tumour, he discovered the whole of the base and edges of the cavity phosphorescing in the strongest manner. The light was distinctly visible at the end of the ward, a distance of more than twenty feet from her bed. The light within a few inches of the ulcer, enabled him to distinguish the figures on a watchdial.

How are these appearances to be accounted for? In answering this question, I would observe, that they are never seen but in cases of extensive disease, and when considerable alteration of structure has taken

place. Processes analogous to decomposition are witnessed in the human subject while the living principle remains. Disease is but a step toward dissolution, in which the vital powers are impaired; and unless the malady be checked by the use of proper means, the period will quickly approach when the chemical action will entirely prevail over the frame. Phosphorescent matter may be generated in organic bodies at the period of incipient decomposi tion; and when we consider that phosphuretted hydrogen undergoes spontaneous combustion, when brought in contact with the oxygen of the atmosphere, and that in the body, the component parts of which this gas is formed exist in great abundance, an easy solution is at hand, accounting for the luminous appearances which have been witnessed in dissecting-rooms, in burialgrounds, in marine substances, as well as on the approach of dissolution.


On the subject of burial-grounds, we are reminded of that phenomenon which has often been witnessed in the grave-yards of Wales, and popularly termed, "corpse dles;" which, when divested of the marvellous and superstitious expressions that generally accompany their description, will be found to arise from the spontaneous combustion of a noxious gas, similar in quality to the phosphuretted hydrogen and hence, who does not perceive the deleterious effects of a cemetery in the vicinity of a populous neighbourhood, or of a residence immediately contiguous ? S. London.


The Connexion and Harmony of the Old and New Testaments: being an
Inquiry into the Relation, literary and doctrinal, in which these two
Parts of the sacred Volume stand to each other. By W. L. Alexander,
M.A., Edinburgh. 8vo. pp. xv, 510. Jackson and Walford.
HOWEVER necessary controversy lishment or vindication of truth,
may be when required for the estab- and with whatever pleasure its suc-

cessful issue, or even progress, may be regarded, yet the region through which it conducts is never one which would be chosen for its own sake by those who have any acquaintance with the paths of a more practical inquiry, or who at all understand the charity which the divine administration always seeks to secure, whether in love or redemption. For our own part, we are glad to avail ourselves of every opportunity of escaping from it. Truth, indeed, must be freed from the entanglements of error, and they who err must often be directly assailed, lest they succeed in beguiling others by the impunity which they may be permitted to enjoy but it is far more pleasant to move under the guidance of unfettered truth, gathering the fruit which may be found in her paths, and advancing towards the position to which they lead, and of which they afford the prospect.

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It is with feelings such as these that we have placed before us the Congregational Lectures" delivered some time ago by Mr. Alexander. Other matters have lately called for our attention. Even Dr. Bennett's Lectures, likewise belonging to this series, and delivered since Mr. Alexander's, were noticed as connected with the almost allabsorbing controversy of the day. Nor will it be out of sight from the ground on which the present volume places us. The point really at issue between the Tractarians and Evangelicals relates directly to the true nature of personal religion; and if the Evangel cal view be correct, it may be looked for, in its principles at least, as well in the Old Testa. ment as in the New; and because of the national, and therefore limited, character of the Mosaic ritual, it may even be expected to stand out from it with sufficient distinctness, to furnish important directions for our guidance in ascertaining the boundaries between the form of godliness, and its power, under the Gospel. It was often necessary to remind the Jew of the difference between the obedi-ence due from him as the member

of a political community, and the religion necessary for him as a a fallen but redeemed man; and thus, amidst so much that is ceremonial and external, the unchangeable cha racteristics of spiritual piety were brought forwards with a prominence which even the New Testament does not surpass, though the prin ciples of which they are the developement, and the various relations in which they stand, may be placed in a clearer light, and revealed to a greater extent.

Still, the subjects which a volume like Mr. Alexander's calls us to consider are, in the first instance, and chiefly, connected with personal improvement. The knowledge which these studies are calculated to be stow, relates generally to the divine goodness in affording to us direct revelations and particularly to those momentous subjects which those revelations place before us. Milton speaks with all the exactness of even mathematical truth, as well as with all the richness of poetical thought, uttered in language of the sweetest melody, when he exclaims, How charming is divine philosophy!" and denies the harshness and ruggedness ascribed to it by the foolishness of a God-forgetting world. The history of the Old and New Testament is the history of the divine administration; they who devote themselves to its study, might almost be said "to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of their life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in his temple."

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Indeed, we often think that many Christians deprive themselves, by want of reflection on subjects of this class, of one of the most pleasingly impressive evidences of the truth of revelation. They take the Bible as one book. It is bound in one volume; and, having been translated at one time, and in the same state of the national mind, it speaks throughout in the same language. In their own minds, let them separate its constituent portions, and regard them as having been penned by different men, in more than one language, and throughout a tract of

time extending from the Jewish Legislator, Moses, to the Roman Emperor, Trajan; from B. C. 1500, to A. D. 100; a space (speaking generally) of not less than sixteen hundred years. Over this period does the work of revelation extend, embracing a large number of writers, and exhibited in no less than sixty-six separate treatises. Sixty-six works, in sixteen hundred years! And what is the fact of the case? It may be given under two aspects. First, there is sufficient variety in the external forms of style to banish even the suspicion of their production by one man, or even by many men at one time. Second, under this remarkably limited variety, there is a oneness of thought, principle, object, utterly inexplicable, except on the supposition, that they were the work of one and the same mind, that mind being the same throughout the whole period required by the facts of the case for its manifestation. No hypothesis will meet the undeniable facts, but that of the inspiration of holy men; one and the same Spirit operating upon a number of men of different mental constitutions, living at different times, and in different states of public opinion: and by this hypothesis they are met, and fully satisfied. And this, according to the established principles of the inductive philosophy, this is demonstration. And if demonstration be delightful in the science of abstract quantity, what must it be in the science which, if true, makes known to us infinite wisdom, benevolence, and power, as the attributes of a Being whom we may call "Our Father which art in heaven?"

The title page of Mr. Alexander's volume precisely explains his object, and the character of his work. He proposes to show-and he does show-the connexion and harmony of the two great portions of the sacred volume: he thus furnishes a most important and convincing argument for their divine origin; they are exhibited as being undeniably the work of one mind, and as relating to the same object. Their literary connexion is placed before

the reader; but the principal stress is laid, as was proper, on their religious unity.

As to their literary connexion, the first Lecture is devoted to the consideration of the subject, and the question of the quotations from the Old Testament found in the New, is examined with much ability. We can give, however, only the conclusion, which is likewise the conclusion of the Lecture.

"I have now finished what I have

deemed it necessary to offer, in such a course as the present, on the external or

literary connexion between the Old and the New Testaments. From the survey which has been made, it is obvious that that connexion is very close, and that a powerful influence has been exerted upon the composition of the latter, by the familiarity which its authors possessed with the language and contents of the former. Though written originally in different tongues, and marked respectively by certain peculiarities of style, structure, and allusion, both belong evidently to the same national literature, and bear the stamp and hue of the same national taste, intellect, and character.

"Besides establishing this connexion, however, the materials we have been considering clearly point us to one of a deeper and more intrinsic character, to one not in outward form merely, but also in substance. The terms in which our Lord and his Apostles speak of the Old Testament, the frequent references which, in their discourses or writings, they make to its contents, and the purposes for which these references are made, are such as to leave no doubt on the mind of the reader respecting the views entertained and taught by them on this head. That the Jewish Scriptures contain a system of religious truth substantially identical with that which they promulgated; that the prophecies recorded in these Scriptures concerning the Messiah and his kingdom, find their fulfilment in the events in which they either were chief agents, or of which they are witnesses to the world; that the symbolical and typical institutions of Mosesadumbrated those great spiritual truths which they had come forth to proclaim to mankind; that, in short, Christianity is only the full manifestation of those glorious facts which had projected their prophetic shadows into the previous economies, announcing that the source of light was in the direction from which

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Yes; and the inference is irresistible, that both the religion and the books are from God. An origin merely human, under these circumstances, they could not have had. What man is, is well known; and his variableness now belongs to his very nature. We cannot conceive of a series of works, spread over so many ages, each number of it being the separate result of an individual will, whatever sameness of intention there might be, preserving such a perfect identity of character. Had the books been merely human, marks of their humanity would have been indisputably presented. But all the phenomena which the case furnishes, and on which alone it can be honestly argued, conduct us to this issue, that "the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man; but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." And, therefore, "all Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works."

Nor is this a merely theoretical conclusion; nor is it so put by the Apostle. From the divine origin of the Scriptures, their unapproachable supremacy unavoidably follows. They stand alone. No other writings are to be associated with them. Nor are they wrapped in obscurity. Given for the instruction of man, they are fitted for their work. The Bible is not a column of hieroglyphics, requiring either a living priesthood, or a traditionary alphabet and key, for their just interpretation. Were this the case, we might expect to find some expressions of thanksgiving for a provision so indispensable. But we find nothing of the sort. On the contrary, the plainness of Scripture, for the sanctifying pur

poses for which it is given, is as unequivocally stated as its inspiration. Something, indeed, is represented as necessary for its proper under. standing; but that aid is not refer red to human tradition. "Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law," is language the meaning of which cannot be misunderstood, and which is perfectly in agreement with the lan guage of the New Testament on the same subject: "From a child thou hast known the holy Scriptures," St. Paul says to Timothy, "which are able to make thee wise unto salvation,"-not by the careful study of the traditions of men who lived next to the times when these Scriptures were given, as if here alone the just principles of interpretation were to be found, but,-"through faith which is in Christ Jesus." And thus, assuming their practical plainness, the writer of that admirable composition, Psalm cxix., declares, "O how I love thy law! it is my meditation all the day." And was he thus led into heresy? Nay; let us hear him out: Thou, through thy commandments, hast made me wiser than mine enemies; for they are ever with me. I have more understanding than all my teachers; for thy testimonies are my meditation. I understand more than the ancients, because I keep thy precepts." What! were there no diffi culties in the Mosaic ritual? And if so, is it not certain that Moses would explain them? and, therefore, that the people of his time would most correctly understand them? and, as a further conse quence, that the traditions of the ancients would furnish the true solution of all difficulties, and the proper rule of faith be the Mosaic books, with the traditions of the primitive church? Nothing of the kind is set before us. On the contrary, our Lord only refers to these traditions to condemn them. And he condemns them in language which the earlier Scriptures furnished, and which is more remarkable than is sometimes supposed: "Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with

their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men,"is the language of God in the Old Testament; and our Lord, in quoting it, fully opens its significance by the form which he gives to the last clause: "But in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." God will not accept a merely external religion; nor will he allow his service to rest on what-plausibly disguised as it may be-is, after all, only a human foundation. And the two go together. Externalism is found still to be associated with tradition; while they who identify religion with the inward and spiritual kingdom of God, make the written word of God their only and sovereign rule. Chrysostom bears a very strong testimony to the mischiefs which are inevitable when this rule is neglected: "From this it is that our countless evils have arisen, from ignorance of the Scriptures; from this it is that the plague of heresies has broken out so rife; from this, that there are negligent lives; from this, labours without advantage. For as men deprived of this daylight would not walk aright; so they that look not to the gleaming of the holy Scriptures, must needs be frequently and constantly sinning, in that they are walking in the worst of darkness."*

In fact, when the number of the books of Scripture is remembered, and also the division of the whole into two grand classes,-the writings of the Old and of the New Testament, the plan of making the Scripture its own interpreter will be seen to have more recommendations than would at first be supposed, on a view of the sacred volume as being properly one complete whole. The comparison of Scripture is the comparison of the writings of many men, living at very different times. And the comparison which brings out their important meaning, illustrates, likewise, their oneness. A few particulars may be adduced in proof of this.

* Homilies on Romans. Argument. VOL. XXI. Third Series.

Of all personal religion, the foundation must be the knowledge of God; and in nothing do we see the unity of Scripture more clearly, than in the instructions by which this is communicated. Some ancient heretics seemed to fancy that they perceived a distinction between the God of the Old Testament, and the God of the New. But this was a fancy which could only have existed in times when general opinion was as yet struggling with newly-revealed truth, and had as yet taken up none of that truth into its own collection. Truth was as yet external to human thought, which was only made up of heathen fables, and popularizations of heathen philosophy. Even the religious opinions of individuals were often a strange mixture of light and darkness; and heretical notions were fabricated out of the mass of common thought; and were, therefore, such as no wild dreamer, unacquainted with antiquity, would now construct. The revelations of the divine character, contained in the earlier Scriptures, are remarkably explicit; and no one can read the language of Psalmists and Prophets, and be surprised that, when it had thoroughly penetrated and pervaded the public mind, an unconquerable opposition to idolatry should be the result. Mr. Alexander's statements are important:-

"Whatever obscurity may be sup posed to attach to the Old-Testament

revelations of the nature of the divine existence, it must be admitted, on every hand, that nothing of this is carried into their announcements of the moral character and attributes of the Almighty. Here their language is precise and full; and perhaps we may say, that even greater prominence is given to this department of divine truth in them, than in the New Testament itself. The reason of this probably is, that as it is chiefly in connexion with the scheme of redemption that the moral character of Jehovah is displayed in the Bible, the more perfect developement of that scheme by the incarnation and work of Christ, rendered it less necessary for his Apostles to teach by formal statements the true character of God, than it had been for those who taught before his advent. Be this, however, as it may, no one can NOVEMBER, 1842. 3 R

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