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tice of the people.-Come, now, do go down, like a hero, at once.-Ay, now, that's something like yourself.I'll see all the stores properly stowed, and bring you the bill of lading."

"Well, well, Fyke, let me alone, and I will go below, since you insist upon it," said the purser, mournfully, and almost reduced to tears; "but you must-you cannot but acknowledgethat I've been most confoundedly affronted."

"We will talk of that some other time, when you are more yourself," said Lieutenant Fyke, leaving him at the top of the companion-ladder; "but I must see what these fellows are about." Then going forward, and mounting a carronade, which enabled him to overlook the hold of the light er, he bawled out to Bird, the boatswain's mate, "Well, Bird, how get you on, my brave fellow? art nigh clear yet?"

"Very nearly, sir-d-d hurry, sir -I'll tell you directly, sir," answered the bustling Bird, in detached morsels:-"On deck there, whip !—whip, I say, whip!-d-n the fellows, what are they thinking on?-whip, you lubbers, whip!-high enough-now lower away-gently, gently, though. -Below there-d'y 'ye hear me, you Sykes?-how much is to come yet?"

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Why, Bill, not a vast deal now, as one may say," answered Sykes, squirting out a mouthful of tobaccojuice. "Let me see, you've got all the bread, flower, pease, cocoa, and them there other dry gear; and, as far as I can see, you've got all the beef and pork. Why, dang it, Bird, I do supposes we've got nothing here now but the good stuff; and I don't care although they should send it ashore again, and you and I along with itMy eye! what a blow-out we should have!"

Bah, bah, my hearty!-do answer a question, when it is put to ye, if you please," cried the half-smiling Bird. Are you nearly clear yet? How much longer will you be, think you?-Whip there, whip

"Why, fully half an hour, I think, Bird-that is, if you're smart.-Hoist away!"

"You hear, sir," said Bird, addressing the first lieutenant, and touching his hat-"Whip, there, whip!-high enough-lower away!"

"Be active, then, Bird-be active,

my heart," said Lieutenant Fyke, "for, mind me, there will be no grog allowed until all is stowed, and the hatches on."

Bird made a slight inclination of his body, and again touched his hat, in token of complete understanding; then raising his stentorian voice, he bawled out, "D'ye all hear that, men? -no grog till all's stowed, and the hatches on-so you may be as long as you please about this here clearance. Come, d-n me, cheerly, my hearts, and run them up. Blow away, you whistling lubber-blast me, but you've the easiest birth in the hooker, stuck up there on the top of the nettings like another officer, with that morsel of yellow wattle in your fist-come, blow like blazes, and give us something cheery-High enough-lower away!"

In this rude but animating manner did matters gaily proceed, until the lighter was completely emptied of her cargo; and as the stowers on board had been equally active under the direction of the master all this while, the hatches were in no long time put on, and the keys delivered by the captain of the hold to the first lieutenant in form. Grog was then piped, and all hands went to supper. Twilight was now well advanced, the hammocks were piped down, and nothing occurring worthy of notice, the approaching night gradually consigned the wearied ship's company into the arms of sleep.

Our hero never loved to be in Leith Roads-he was too near what Leyden emphatically calls the scenery of his infancy-which, of course, were fraught with so many associations—so many fond remembrances of better and more joyous days-in all their various aspects, as were ever sure to make him melancholy, and to create a certain disgust for his present profession he could not account for. He had now been long in his hammock-had had an overhaul with busy meddling memory, and, after a severe conflict, had beat the skillet off. He was now, therefore, gladly composing himself for a nap, when a sudden noise of bustling feet on the deck attracted his attention, which in no long time was followed by the unusual call of-All hands ahoy!-He knew Bird's voice, and, springing from his hammock, slipped on trowsers and shoes, and flew on deck jacket-in-hand. Here he beheld a scene of the most uncom


THIS is a little book, about little people, by a little author, of the height of Tom Moore-full of little stories, pleasant to read, and little woodcuts, pleasant to look at—a book, in short, all the persons and things connected with which are little, except the good humour and the research; both of which are great. It is a collection of fairy stories, from the south of Ireland, told with a true Hibernicism of tone and manner-an asiness, as the natives themselves would say, which (as they would not say,) is quite refreshing. The stories, even as told here, are as old as the hills—in their original existence, as old as the mountains of the first formation. It is really amazing how little creative of new incidents we are. Our jokes made yesterday are in Hierocles, and he again is but a revival of the jesters of the East. Punch, who castigates Judy for the benefit of the street audience, is the Arlechino of Italy-the descendant of the Fescennines the regular representatives of the drolls of the golden age-temp. Saturni primi. The very cantripes of our witches, their hell-broths and cauldrons, are all in Apuleius, who is himself but an echo of times much older-a dim shadower forth of mysteries, by himself not understood. Ghosts have flourished in all their glory from the earliest times, and we know of no addition made to their terrors. There is nothing in the Castle of Otranto-nothing in the Mysteries of Udolpho-that we have not heard before we mean nothing of incident. The White Lady of Avenel, piercing the centre of the earth, and singing her wondrous songs, is to be found in many a fabling saga. We own that her taking a hob-nailed, hard-fisted Berwickshire clown at her tail, to find a translation of the Bible in central fire, is new ; but we doubt whether the original inventor would claim the addition.

Among other of the gay and gloomy imaginations dispersed all over the


world, is that of the fairies. The pyg mies of old, riding on ram-backt-the troldes of the north-the dwarfs of the romancers-the Daoineshee of the Highlands-the Banshies, Phookas, Shefros, &c. of the Irish-the Mabs, the Oberons, the Titanias-many more, too long for our purposes, meet us in every quarter of the globe. But there is seldom much use in doing over again anything that Sir Walter Scott has thought proper to do; and highly as we respect ourselves, we beg leave to refer the curious in fairies to his Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, and then they will be satisfied to their heart's content on the subject. What we were saying of the want of the creative power in men in these later ages, holds here as well as in any other department of the imaginative faculty; for there's hardly a story told, either by Sir Walter Scott, in the beautiful dissertation to which we have alluded, or by Mr Thomas Crofton Croker, in the pretty and amusing volume before us, which could not be traced to antiquity as remote as the earliest congregation of men in society.

Everything, therefore, is in the telling, and in the description of the peculiar costume in which these stories appear, in the particular country from which the narrator has drawn his immediate subject; in both of which main branches of art, our present story-teller has most admirably succeeded. By way of specimen, we take the very first.

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Fairy Legends and Traditions of the South of Ireland. London: John Mur1825.

+ Or She-goat-back. Insidentes arielum caprarumque dorsis. We do not think Addison has noticed this circumstance; but it is so long since we read the PygmaioGeranomachia, that we are not sure.

"But before lodge was built, or acre sown, there was close to the head of the hill a large pasturage, where a herdsman spent his days and nights among the herd. The spot had been an old fairy ground, and the good people were angry that the scene of their light and airy gambols should be trampled by the rude hoofs of bulls and cows. The lowing of the cattle sounded sad in their ears, and the chief of the fairies of the hill determined in person to drive away the new comers, and the way she thought of was this :-When the harvest nights came on, and the moon shone bright and brilliant over the hill, and the cattle were lying down hushed and quiet, and the herdsman, wrapt in his mantle, was musing with his heart gladdened by the glorious company of the stars twinkling above him, bathed in the flood of light bursting all over the sky, she would come and dance before him,-now in one shape-now in another,—but all ugly and frightful to behold. One time she would be a great horse, with the wings of an eagle, and a tail like a dragon, hissing loud and spitting fire. Then in a moment she would change into a little man, lame of a leg, with a bull's head, and a lambent flame playing round it. Then into a great ape, with duck's feet and a turkeycock's tail. But I should be all day about it were I to tell you all the shapes she took. And then she would roar, or neigh, or hiss, or bellow, or howl, or hoot, as never yet was roaring, neighing, hissing, bellowing, howling, or hooting, heard in this world before or since. The poor herdsman would cover his face, and call on all the saints for help, but it was no use. With one puff of her breath she would blow away the fold of his greatcoat, let him hold it never so tightly over his eyes, and not a saint in heaven paid him the slightest attention. And to make matters worse, he never could stir; no, nor even shut his eyes, but there was obliged to stay, held by what power he knew not, gazing at these terrible sights, until the hair of his head would lift his hat half a foot over his crown, and his teeth would be ready to fall out from chattering. But the cattle would scamper about mad, as if they were bitten by the fly; and this would last until the sun rose over the hill.

"The poor cattle, from want of rest, were pining away, and food did them no good; besides, they met with accidents without end. Never a night passed that some of them did not fall into a pit, and get maimed, or, may be, killed. Some would tumble into a river, and be drowned; in a word, there seemed never to be

an end of the accidents. But what made the matter worse, there could not be a herdsman got to tend the cattle by night. One visit from the fairy drove the stoutest hearted almost mad. The owner of the ground did not know what to do. He offered double, treble, quadruple wages, but not a man could be found for the sake of money to go through the horror of facing the fairy. She rejoiced at the successful issue of her project, and continued her pranks. The herd gradually thinning, and no man daring to remain on the ground, the fairies came back in numbers, and gambolled as merrily as before, quaffing dew-drops from acorns, and spreading their feast on the head of capacious mushrooms.


"What was to be done, the puzzled farmer thought in vain. He found that his substance was daily diminishing, his people terrified, and his rent-day coming round. It is no wonder that he looked gloomy, and walked mournfully down the road. Now in that part of the world dwelt a man of the name of Larry Hoolahan, who played on the pipes better than any other player within fifteen parishes. A roving, dashing blade was Larry, and feared nothing. Give him plenty of liquor, and he would defy the devil. would face a mad bull, or fight singlehanded against a fair. In one of his gloomy walks the farmer met him, and on Larry's asking the cause of his down looks, he told him all his misfortunes. If that is all ails you,' said Larry, 'make your mind easy. Were there as many fairies on Knocksheowgowna as there are potatoe blossoms in Eliogurty, I would face them. It would be a queer thing, indeed, if I, who never was afraid of a proper man, should turn my back upon a brat of a fairy, not the bigness of one's thumb.'-' Larry,' said the farmer, do not talk so bold, for you know not who is hearing you; but, if you make your words good, and watch my herds for a week on the top of the mountain, your hand shall be free of my dish till the sun has burnt itself down to the bigness of a farthing rushlight.'

"The bargain was struck, and Larry went to the hill-top, when the moon began to peep over the brow. He had been regaled at the farmer's house, and was bold with the extract of barleycorn. So he took his seat on a big stone, under a hollow of the hill, with his back to the wind, and pulled out his pipes. He had not played long when the voice of the fairies was heard upon the blast, like a low stream of music. Presently they burst out into a loud laugh, and Larry

could plainly hear one say, 'What! another man upon the fairies' ring? Go to him, queen, and make him repent his rashness;' and they flew away. Larry felt them pass by his face, as they flew like a swarm of midges; and, looking up hastily, he saw between the moon and him a great black cat, standing on the very tip of its claws, with its back up, and mewing with a voice of a water-mill. Presently it swelled up towards the sky, and, turning round on its left hind leg, whirled till it fell on the ground, from which it started in the shape of a salmon, with a cravat round its neck, and a pair of new top-boots. 'Go on, jewel,' said Larry; if you dance, I'll pipe;' and he struck up. So she turned into this, and that, and the other; but still Larry played on, as he well knew how. At last she lost


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more resuming her figure, addressed him:

You have shown so much courage, Laurence,' said she, 'that while you keep herds on this hill, you never shall be molested by me or mine. The day dawns; go down to the farmer and tell him this; and if anything I can do may be of service to you, ask and you shall have it.' She vanished accordingly; and kept her word in never visiting the hill during Larry's life; but he never troubled her with requests. He piped and drank at the farmer's expense, and roosted in his chimney-corner, occasionally casting an eye to the flock. He died at last, and is buried in a green valley of pleasant Tipperary; but whether the fairies returned to the hill of Knocksheogowna after his death is more than I can say."

There is something odd and pastoral in this kind of writing. We remember to have heard the story on the top of a coach, going from Birr to Kenagh, as we were driving under the very hill of Knocksheogowna, which, being interpreted, signifies the Hill of the Fairy Calf, so denominated from the tale. It was in the month of July, on a fine warm day, and altogether it made so deep an impression on our memory that we were We must say, glad to see it here. however, that our Tipperary friend told it rather better; for he gave it with a rich and mellifluous brogue, and made no attempts at the fine writing about the "glorious company of the stars," which we have in the tale as published.

patience, as ladies will do when you do not mind their scolding, and changed herself into a calf, milk-white as the cream of Cork, and with eyes as mild as those of the girl I love. She came up gentle and fawning, in hopes to throw him off his guard by quietness, and then to work him some wrong. But Larry was not so deceived; for when she came up, he, dropping his pipes, leaped upon her back. "Now from the top of Knocksheogowna, as you look westward to the broad Atlantic, you will see the Shannon, queen of rivers, spreading like a sea, and running on in gentle course to mingle with the ocean through the fair city of Limerick. It on this night shone under the moon, and looked beautiful from the distant hill. Fifty boats were gliding up and down on the sweet current, and the song of the fishermen rose gaily from the shore. Larry, as I said before, leaped upon the back of the fairy, and she, rejoiced at the opportunity, sprung from the hill-top, and bounded clear, at one jump, 66 Billy Mac Daniel was once as likely over the Shannon, flowing as it was just a young man as ever shook his brogue ten miles from the mountain's base. It at a patron, emptied a quart, or handled was done in a second; and when she a shillelagh; fearing for nothing but the alighted on the distant bank, kicking up want of drink; caring for nothing but her heels, she flung Larry on the soft who should pay for it; and thinking of turf. No sooner was he thus planted, nothing but how to make fun over it: than he looked her straight in the face, drunk or sober, a word and a blow was and, scratching his head, cried out, By ever the way with Billy Mac Daniel; my word, well done! that was not a bad and a mighty easy way it is of either leap for a calf I' getting into, or of ending a dispute. More is the pity that, through the means of his thinking, and fearing, and caring for nothing, this same Billy Mac Daniel fell into bad company; for surely the good people are the worst of all company any one could come across.

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"She looked at him for a moment, and then assumed her own shape. Laurence,' said she, you are a bold fellow; will you come back the way you went?' -' And that's what I will,' said he, if you let me.' So changing to a calf again, again Larry got on her back, and at another bound they were again upon the top of Knocksheogowna. The fairy once VOL. XVIII.

We shall just take one more.


"It so happened, that Billy was going home one clear frosty night not long after Christmas; the moon was round


and bright; but although it was as fine a night as heart could wish for, he felt pinched with the cold. By my word,' chattered Billy, a drop of good liquor would be no bad thing to keep a man's soul from freezing in him; and I wish I had a full measure of the best.'

"Never wish it twice, Billy,' said a little man in a three-cornered hat, bound all about with gold lace, and with great silver buckles in his shoes, so big that it was a wonder how he could carry them; and he held out a glass as big as himself, filled with as good liquor as ever eye looked on or lip tasted.

"Success, my little fellow,' said Billy Mac Daniel, nothing daunted, though well he knew the little man to belong to the good people; here's your health, any way, and thank you kindly; no matter who pays for the drink;' and he took the glass and drained it to the very bottom, without ever taking a second breath to it.

"Success,' said the little man; ' and you're heartily welcome, Billy; but don't think to cheat me as you have done others,-out with your purse and pay me like a gentleman.'

"Is it I pay you?' said Billy: 'could I not just take you up and put you in my pocket as easily as a blackberry?'

"Billy Mac Daniel,' said the little man, getting very angry, 6 you shall be my servant for seven years and a day, and that is the way I will be paid; so make ready to follow me.'

"When Billy heard this, he began to be very sorry for having used such bold words towards the little man; and he felt himself, yet could not tell how, obliged to follow the little man the livelong night about the country, up and down, and over hedge and ditch, and through bog and brake, without any rest.

"When morning began to dawn, the little man turned round to him and said, You may now go home, Billy, but, on your peril, don't fail to meet me in the Fort-field to-night; or if you do, it may be the worse for you in the long run. If I find you a good servant, you will find me an indulgent master.'

"Home went Billy Mac Daniel; and though he was tired and weary enough, ver a wink of sleep could he get for king of the little man; but he was d not to do his bidding, so he got up e evening, and away he went to the -field. He was not long there bethe little man came towards him said, Billy, I want to go a long arney to-night; so saddle one of my orses, and you may saddle another for

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yourself, as you are to go along with me, and may be tired after your walk last night.'

"Billy thought this very considerate of his master, and thanked him accordingly: But,' said he, if I may be so bold, sir, I would ask which is the way to your stable, for never a thing do I see but the Fort here, and the old thorn-tree in the corner of the field, and the stream running at the bottom of the hill, with the bit of bog over against us.'

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"Ask no questions, Billy,' said the little man, but go over to that bit of bog, and bring me two of the strongest rushes you can find.'

"Billy did accordingly, wondering what the little man would be at; and he picked out two of the stoutest rushes he could find, with a little bunch of brown blossom stuck at the side of each, and brought them back to his master.

"Get up, Billy,' said the little man, taking one of the rushes from him, and striding across it.

"Where shall I get up, please your honour?' said Billy.

"Why, upon horseback, like me, to be sure,' said the little man.

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"Is it after making a fool of me you'd be,' said Billy, bidding me get ahorseback upon that bit of a rush? Maybe you want to persuade me that the rush I pulled but a while ago out of the bog over there is a horse?'

66 6 ' Up! up! and no words,' said the little man, looking very angry; 'the best horse you ever rode was but a fool to it.' So Billy, thinking all this was in joke, and fearing to vex his master, straddled across the rush: Borram! Borram! Borram' cried the little man three times (which, in English, means to become great,) and Billy did the same after him presently the rushes swelled up into fine horses, and away they went full speed; but Billy, who had put the rush between his legs, without much minding how he did it, found himself sitting on horseback the wrong way, which was rather awkward, with his face to the horse's tail; and so quickly had his horse started off with him, that he had no power to turn round, and there was therefore nothing for it but to hold on by the tail.

"At last they came to their journey's end, and stopped at the gate of a fine house: Now, Billy,' said the little man, 'do as you see me do, and follow me close; but as you did not know your horse's head from his tail, mind that your own head es not spin round until you can't You are standing member

on it

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