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of Ohio. Thereupon Gov. Lucas of Ohio levied troops and encamped at old Fort Miami, eight miles above Toledo, and four miles above the disputed territory.

Michigan was about to apply for admission as a State, and insisted on the line as originally established, and made preparations to resist a party of surveyors sent by the authorities of Ohio to re-survey the line. The surveyors were driven off by a party of Michigan men. Learning that Ohio would send troops to take possession of the disputed territory, acting Governor Mason called out the militia of the territory, and as Commander-in-Chief, placed himself at their head, and marched "to the front."

No enemy appearing to oppose him, he marched boldly into Toledo, overrunning, it is said, all the watermelon patches in his route, and making sad havoc among the fowls of the neighboring farmers. "He demolished the ice-house of Maj. Stickney, burst in the front door of his residence, and triumphantly carried him off a prisoner of war to Monroe."

A case of considerable interest, Piatt vs. Oliver and others, in which the question of State jurisdiction became important, is reported in 2 McLean, 267, (U. S. Circuit Court) establishing the right of jurisdiction to be in Michigan until 1836. The case was appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States, where the jurisdiction over the disputed territory was treated as rightfully and clearly in Michigan. 3 Howard's R. 333.

The acts passed by the General Assembly of Ohio, in relation to the "Northern Boundary," indicated a determination to hold the disputed territory, if blood and treasure could do it. On the 19th of June, 1835, three hundred thousand dollars was appropriated, "to be paid out of the treasury on the order of the Auditor of State for the purpose of defraying the expense of carrying into effect the laws in regard to the northern boundary."

The following account of the conclusion of the war was furnished by an actor in the "scenes which he depicts," and published in Howe's Historical Collection:

"About this time appeared from the Court of Washington, two ambassadors, with full powers to negotiate with the belligerents, for an amicable settlement of difficulties. These were Richard Rush, of Pennsylvania, and Colonel Howard, of Maryland. They were successful in their mission, chiefly because Michigan was satisfied with the laurels won, and Ohio was willing to stand on her dignity-8 miles from the ground in dispute. At the Court next holden in Wood county, the prosecuting attorney presented bills of indictment against Gov. Mason and divers others, in like manner offending; but the bills were thrown out by the grand jury. Thus was Ohio defeated in her resort to law as she had before been in her passage-at-arms. At the next session of Congress the matter was taken up, and able arguments in favor of Ohio were made in the house, by Samuel F. Vinton, and in the senate, by Thomas Ewing. Here Ohio carried the day. Michigan instead of the narrow strip averaging about eight miles wide on her southern border, received as an equivalent the large peninsula between Lakes Huron, Michigan and Superior, now so well known for its rich deposit of copper and other minerals. The chief value to Ohio of the territory in dispute, was the harbor at Toledo, formed by the mouth of the Maumee, essential, as her public men believed, to enable her to reap the benefit of the commerce made by her canals to Cincinnati and Indiana. The result has shown that they judged correctly. Toledo has proved to be the true point for the meeting of lake and canal commerce."




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