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policy of his predecessor, his Lordship was received, on his arrival, with public expressions of joy and satisfaction. This flattering manifesta

tion of the public mind was to be attributed to the connection which Lord Temple had formed with the daughter of Lord Nugent; a nobleman whose unwearied services and zeal for Ireland, were thus rewarded by the public attention to his son-in-law. The large and extensive domains of Lord Nugent, in Ireland, constituted the marriage portion of his daughter, whose character is enriched with every virtue and accomplishment, calculated to endear her to the people-charitable, kind and benevolentthe protecting mother of the poor-the unaffected disseminator of liberal and enlightened principles; the Marchioness of Buckingham frequently concealed from the public eye, the defects of her husband's politics; and the sensibility of the Irish heart to her merits, sometimes obliterated the invidious impressions which a cold, imperious, and dictatorial demeanour had made on the mind of the nation.

During the very short period in which Lord: Temple administered the affairs of Ireland (from the 15th of September, 1782, to the 3d of June, 1783,) his chief attention appears to have been directed to the establishment of a system of

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œconomy throughout the different departments, in which the grossest abuses were practised with impunity. In return for the spirit with which his lordship prosecuted this most necessary reformation, he experienced all that little malicious detraction which detected delinquency always circulates against the author of the discovery. Lord Temple was necessarily opposed by a host of subordinate dependants upon the Castle, who were now smarting under the efficacy of that inquiry which he had industriously instituted into their well-connected system of abuses. It is but justice to bear testimony to the indefatigable assiduity and industry with which his Lordship investigated the accounts and details of office ;-and it is the pleasing task of the Historian, to record the services which were rendered to Ireland, by Lord Temple's public and exemplary discouragement of those corrupt and infamous practices, which, at that period, disgraced almost every department under the Government.


That the people of Ireland, and particularly the citizens of Dublin, duly and fully appreciated the extent of the service which Lord Temple had endeavoured to render them;-that his Lordship's administration was calculated, in a great degree, to promote the interests and happi

ness of the community, is best demonstrated by the universal respect which followed him on his departure from Ireland.

The address, presented by the Corporation of Dublin, which at this period, contained within its body some of the most zealous supporters of Irish independence, is peculiarly remarkable, for the enthusiastic expressions of attachment and respect for his Lordship, and of sincere sorrow, that any change should then take place in the councils of his Majesty, which would, in its results, deprive them of a Chief Governor, who manifested such regard for the freedom and prosperity of Ireland. They thus address his Lordship:


"Your Excellency's early attention to the removal of all doubts, relative to the independency of the legislation, and jurisdiction of the Parliament of Ireland, the general and ceconomical reform introduced into several departments of the State, and the many great and apparent advantages we enjoy, and are likely to experience, from your Excellency's wise, firm, and virtuous administration, must at all times excite and demand the highest expressions of gratitude; and make us earnestly solicitous for the continuance of your government over a people affectionate to your person, and truly

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sensible of your honourable intentions. To this address Lord Temple returned an answer, strongly expressive of the warmest and sincerest wishes for the constitutional and commercial freedom of Ireland. The above address bears date the 7th March, 1783; and Lord Temple gave up the Government of Ireland on the 3d of June following.On the 14th of October, 1783, the late much respected Mr. Gardner moved a vote of thanks to Lord Temple; and the terms with which he introduced this motion, will give the reader a brief but correct view of the public feeling for the Administration of this Nobleman.

Mr. Gardner said that Lord Temple bad received addresses of thanks from every County in that Kingdom, for his conduct as chief Governor; each of his public measures carried with it wisdom and integrity;-and in his private character, he had concurred in every thing tending to the interest of Ireland, and had laid down such plans as would have been a national benefit, had he continued in the Government of that nation. Nothing but the sanction of the House was necessary to render the thanks of the people of that Country universal. Three persons only, of no great parliamentary consideration, were found to oppose the vote of thanks, then moved by Mr. Gardner,

Five years had elapsed, when Lord Temple (now Marquis of Buckingham) was a second time created Lord Lieutenant of Ireland.-Succeeding the Administration of the Duke of Rutland, which was opposed by all the talents and the patriotism of the country, the Marquis of Buckingham departed but little from the system pursued by a Nobleman, not more distinguished by the generosity and dignity of his nature, than by the unprecedented sorrow displayed by Irishmen, of all descriptions, after his decease. Possessed of all that candour and ingenuousness and hospitable feeling, which characterize Ireland-in person, as well as disposition, eminently calculated to win the hearts and affections of the people, they followed his hearse with tears, though his administration was marked with the most hostile aggressions on the constitution and liberty of Ireland. The celebrated commercial propositions, which artfully sapped the constitution of 1782, were more thau

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or twice attempted to be introduced, in various shapes, and under various disguises.The Press was shackled, and pensions and places were multiplied to a degree which excited the fears and apprehensions of every friend to Ireland.-The Union, during this administration, was frequently threatened; and the system

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