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ble, reckoning from the day and date of this declaration, the ratifications of the fame fhall be brought hither to the Hague, to be here exchanged. In witness whereof we have figned thefe prefents at the Hague, this 30th day of December, 1675.

(L. S.) W. Temple.

(L. S.) W. Van Heuckelom.
(L. S.) D. Van Wyngaerden.
(L. S.) Gafp. Fagel.

(L. S.) Jo. Mauregnault.
(L. S.) John Baron van Reede
vry Heer van Renswoude.

(L. S.) W. Haren.
(L. S.) H. Ter. Borgh.

(L. S.) L. Alting.

[The following is printed from the copy published by authority in 1784.]

The Definitive Treaty of Peace and Friendship between his Majefty the King of Great Britain, and their High Mightineffes the States General of the United Provinces of the Low Countries.

In the name of the most holy and undivided Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft. So be it.

BE it known to all thofe whom it fhall or may in The moft Serene and moft any manner concern. Potent Prince and Lord George the Third, by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, Duke of Brunfwic and Lunenbourg, ArchTreasurer and Elector of the holy Roman Empire, &c. and the High and Mighty Lords the States General of the United Provinces of the Low Countries, having laid the foundation of peace by the preliminary articles figned at Paris the fecond of September laft; and his faid Majefty and the faid States General being defirous to complete fo great and falutary a work, have


named and authorifed, to wit; on the part of his Britannic Majefty, Daniel Hailes, Efq; his faid Majefty's Minifter Plenipotentiary to his moft Chriftian Majefty; and on the part of their High Mightineffes the faid States General, the most Noble and most Excellent Lords Mathew Leftevenon, Lord of Berkenroode and Stryen, Deputy to the States General of the United Provinces of the Low Countries from the province of Holland, and their Ambaffador in Ordinary to his Majefty the moft Chriftian King, and Gerard Brantfen, Burgomafter and Senator of the city of Arnheim, Counfellor and Grand Mafter of the Mint of the Republic, Deputy to the States General of the United Provinces, and their Ambaffador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to his moft Chriftian Majefty: who, after having duly communicated to each other their full powers in good form, have agreed upon the following articles.

I. There fhall be a chriftian, univerfal, and perpetual peace, as well by fea as by land, and a fincere and conftant friendship fhall be re-established, between his Britannic Majefty, his heirs and fucceffors, kingdoms, dominions, and fubjects, and their High Mightineffes the faid States General, and their dominions and fubjects, of what quality or condition foever they be, without exception either of places or perfons; fo that the high contracting parties fhall give the greatest attention to the maintaining between themfelves, and their faid dominions and fubjects, this reciprocal friendship and intercourfe, without permitting hereafter, on either part, any kind of hoftilities to be committed, either by fea or by land, for any caufe or under any pretence whatsoever and they fhall carefully avoid, for the future, every thing which might prejudice the union happily re-established, endeavouring, on the contrary, to procure reciprocally for each other, on every occafion, whatever may contribute to their mutual glory, interefts, and advantage, without giving any affiftance or protection, directly or indirectly, to thofe who would


do any injury to either of the high contracting parties. There fhall be a general oblivion of every thing which may have been done or committed, before or fince the commencement of the war which is just ended.

II. With refpect to the honours of the flag, and the falute at fea, by the fhips of the Republic towards thofe of his Britannic Majefty, the fame custom shall be respectively followed, as was practifed before the commencement of the war which is just concluded.

III. All the prisoners taken on either fide, as well land as by fea, and the hostages carried away or given during the war, and who have not yet been reftored, conformably to the preliminary treaty, shall be restored as soon as poffible, without ranfom; each Power respectively discharging the advances which shall have been made, for the fubfiftence and maintenance of their prisoners, by the Sovereign of the country where they fhall have been detained, according to the receipts, attefted accounts, and other authentic vouchers, which fhall be furnished on each fide: and fureties fhall be reciprocally given for the payment of the debts which the prisoners may have contracted in the countries where they may have been detained until their entire release. And all fhips, as well men of war as merchant-fhips, which may have been taken fince the expiration of the terms agreed upon for the ceffation of hoftilities by fea, fhall likewise be restored, bona fide, with all their crews and cargoes: and the execution of this article fhall be proceeded upon immediately after the exchange of the ratifications of this treaty.

IV. The States General of the United Provinces cede and guaranty, in full right, to his Britannic Majefty, the town of Negapatnam, with the dependencies thereof; but in confideration of the importance which the States General of the United Provinces annex to the poffeffion of the aforefaid town, the King VOL. I.

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of Great Britain, as a proof of his good-will towards the faid States, promises, notwithstanding this ceffion, to receive and treat with them for the reftitution of the faid town, in cafe the Lords the States fhould hereafter have an equivalent to offer him.

V. The King of Great Britain fhall reftore to the States General of the United Provinces, Trinquemale, as alfo all the other towns, forts, harbours, and settlements, which, in the courfe of the war, have been conquered, in any part of the world whatever, by the arms of his Britannic Majefty, or by thofe of the Englifh Eaft India Company, and of which he fhould be in poffeffion; the whole in the condition in which they fhall be found.

VI. The States General of the United Provinces promife and engage not to obftruct the navigation of the British fubjects in the Eaftern feas.

VII. Whereas differences have arifen between the English African Company, and the Dutch West India Company, relative to the navigation on the coafts of Africa, as alfo on the fubject of Cape Apollonia; for preventing all cause of complaint between the fubjects of the two nations on thofe coafts, it is agreed that commiffaries fhall be named, on each fide, to make fuitable arrangements on thefe points.

VIII. All the countries and territories which may have been, or which may be conquered, in any part of the world whatfoever, by the arms of his Britannic Majefty, as well as by thofe of the States General, which are not included in the prefent treaty, neither under the head of Ceffions, nor under the head of Reftitutions, shall be restored without difficulty, and without requiring any compenfation.

IX. Whereas by the ninth article of the preliminary treaty, a period was ftipulated and appointed, by the high contracting parties, for the restitutions and evacuations to be made, on each fide, of the towns, for



treffes, and territories which might have been conquered by their refpective arms, and of which they fhould be in poffeffion, excepting fuch as had been ceded; and whereas the term specified in the aforefaid ninth article is already expired, the high contracting parties engage reciprocally and bona fide, to obferve the faid ftipulations, and in cafe, by any accident or otherwife, the ceffions and reftitutions therein comprised should not have taken place, to expedite immediately the neceffary orders, to the end that there may be no further delay in the accomplishment of the faid ftipulations.

X. His Britannic Majefty and their High Mightineffes the aforefaid States General, promise to obferve fincerely, and bona fide, all the articles contained and established in this prefent treaty; and they will not fuffer the fame to be infringed, directly or indirectly, by their respective fubjects: and the said high contracting parties guaranty to each other, generally and reciprocally, all the ftipulations of the prefent articles.

XI. The folemn ratifications of the prefent treaty, prepared in good and due form, shall be exchanged in this city of Paris, between the high contracting parties, in the space of one month, or fooner, if it can be done, to be computed from the day of the fignature of the present treaty.

In witness whereof, we the under-written, their ambaffadors and ministers plenipotentiary, have figned with our hands, in their names, and by virtue of our full powers, the present definitive treaty, and have caused the feals of our arms to be affixed thereto.

Done at Paris the 20th of May, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-four.

Daniel Hailes. (L. S.)

Leftevenon van Berkenroode. (L. S.)
Brantfen. (L. S.)

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