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him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungered, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? 45 Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto

assurance, contrasted as it is with the total unconsciousness evinced by those on the right hand, is made a prominent feature in their character, and is important for ascertaining the class of people here intended.

Ver. 45. In reply to their challenge, the king alleges no direct delinquency on their part, and does not maintain his charge in the prima facie sense in which they understood it, but explains it merely of their cruel neglect of his brethren, or of the disciples of Christ; and this he accounted as neglect of himself. These on the left accordingly represent a people who thought themselves faithful to the cause of their expected Messiah, and who had, in fact, been punctilious in what they regarded as his service, but had mistreated those that proved to be his disciples. This was their guilt. It scarcely need be observed, that we find this description realized, with striking exactness, in the religious Jews, who were rejected of God at that time, and doomed to a state of alienation and suffering, which has not yet ceased.

Ver. 46. into_everlasting punishment, (eis kolasin aiōnion;] see note on ver. 41 and 45. eternal life, (zoën aiōnion;) i. e. the life of the gospel, as the phrase often means; thus, "This is life eternal, (aiōnios zoē,) that they might know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." (John 148


you, inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. 46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

xvii. 3.) "He that believeth on the Son, hath everlasting life,” (zoën aiōnion.) (John iii. 36.) "He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, (zoen aiōnion,) and shall not come into condemnation, but is passed from death into life." (John v. 24.) In other places, also, Christians are said to have passed from death into life, (eis zoen.)

REMARK.-It has sometimes been contended that, since the most of the Jews (the Pharisees) of Christ's time held an eternal retribution for mankind after death, he must have been understood to teach the same idea, when he spoke of "everlasting fire" and "everlasting punishment," because these are the leading terms of that doctrine, and associated with it by common usage. They are, indeed, the leading terms of our modern doctrine of endless misery; but it is worthy of special notice, that they do not appear to have been thus appropriated by the ancient Jews, who, so far as we can ascertain, employed other terms and other figures to signify that idea; so that they would not understand Christ to speak of that subject, when he used neither the phraseology nor the representations which they connected with the doctrine, to say nothing of the evident tenour of the context.







"Beholding, in the sacred light

Of his essential reason, all the shapes
Of swift contingence, all successive ties
Of action, propagated through the sum
Of possible existence-he at once,
Down the long series of eventful time,
So fixed the dates of being-so disposed,
To every living soul of every kind,
The field of motion, and the hour of rest,
That all conspired to his supreme design-






THE more I have contemplated the view of the divine character and government which is exhibited in the following pages, and the more the engagements of life have brought me acquainted with the wants of the human mind in this state of discipline, and therefore of vicissitude and suffering, the more deep has become my conviction, that, were the I look back to the quiet and contemplative opinions which it is the object of this work hours which were devoted to these inquiries to establish, generally believed and consider- with the feeling, not unmixed with melanchoed, they would promote, in an incalculable ly, with which we reflect on our departed measure, the virtue and happiness of man- pleasures. And yet there is a closer connexkind. This conviction coincides with that of ion than there might at first seem, between the wisest and best men whom I have the these subjects and those which now much pleasure of knowing. My sense of the im- more exclusively occupy my attention. The portance of rendering this view of the moral real end of both is the same; for the object government of the Deity as complete as pos- of each is alike to extend the knowledge, to sible, is therefore stronger than ever; and un- mitigate the suffering, and to increase the hapder this impresssion, I have entered, in this piness, of mankind; and without doubt this edition, into a more close and connected in- is the great business of life. Whoever sucvestigation of the origin, the nature, and the ceeds in it most is the wisest, the ablest, and tendency of evil. I have considered, sepa- the happiest of his race; and even he whose rately and in detail, the several classes of measure of success is not great, cannot be evil, namely, natural and moral evil, and the without satisfaction, so long as he is conevils which have hitherto been found insepa-scious of the wish and the effort to accomplish rable from the social state, namely, poverty, more. dependence, and servitude. I have endeavoured to show why these evils exist in the creation of a Being of almighty power, of infinite

wisdom, and of perfect goodness. I have endeavoured to lead the mind to the calm and serious consideration of principles which seem adequate to divest it of doubt, where doubt must be unhappiness, and to conduct it to a conclusion which, if once embraced from conviction, must secure it from misery.

London, Trinity Square,
March, 1822.


Ir it be reasonable to refer the formation of the earth, and of all the objects and beings on its surface, to an intelligent agent, and if we cannot doubt that we are entirely dependent upon our Creator for all which we possess and hope, it must be of unspeakable importance, to ascertain what his character really is; and if there be indeed reason to believe that, in fashioning our frame, and appointing that it should undergo at a certain period total disorganization, he do not by that change design to destroy us, but to qualify us for a higher state and for nobler pursuits, no inquiry can be so interesting as that which relates to our destiny in the ages which are before us.

Were it possible to arm ourselves against the calamities of life, as Perseus is fabled to have been armed by the gods, for his far-famed expedition, he who should commence the career of existence without his helmet, falchion and ægis, would be universally regarded as destitute of reason; but that individual is infinitely better prepared to encounter the evil with which he has to combat, who believes in the doctrine of a Providence, and knows the ground of his belief-that is, who views all events with the eye, and meets them with the feeling, of a Christian philosopher. With this belief, no combination of circumstances can make him, for any considerable period,

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unhappy; without it, nothing can afford him charity are, among theologians, scarcely anya pleasure of which Wisdom ought not to thing but a name.

fear to participate, and with which Philosophy ought not to blush to be content.

The author would particularly solicit the It was under the influence of this convic- those who may be believers in the doctrine of attention of his readers, and especially of tion, that the author of the following work Limited Punishment, terminated by Destruccommenced it with a trembling mind, afraid tion, to that part of the work in which this to undertake a task of so much magnitude subject is discussed. He has there endeavourand interest. But appearing to himself to ed to meet, fairly and fully, all the arguments, have formed a clear, consistent, and cheering as far as he has been able to learn them, which view of the nature and object of the dispensa- are urged in support of the hypothesis.tions of the great Parent of mankind, and Feeling, as he does, a thorough persuasion, having, in the retirement of private life, been that each is satisfactorily answered, and that, a witness, on occasions which to him were on the other hand, difficulties are stated deeply impressive, of the tendency of that against the doctrine, which are insuperable, view to heighten the pleasure of the hour of he cannot but think that the reasoning which enjoyment, and to sustain the mind in the day appears to his own mind so forcible may posof sorrow, he thought that, by directing sibly make some impression on that of the the attention of his fellow-Christians to a candid and patient inquirer. comprehensive and connected investigation of aware, however, of the different estimate He is well the subject, he might possibly contribute which different persons form of the force of something to the removal of their doubts and the same arguments, and, instead of cherishthe confirmation of their faith. If, in any de- ing a positive, feeling that he is right, he is gree, he have succeeded in this object, his much more disposed to bear in mind the possuccess will ever appear to him invaluable. fluences by which we impose upon ourselves sibility of his being under those common inrespecting the conclusiveness of our own rea

any one who may do him the favour to correct any mistake into which he may have fallen.

In one part of the work, an expression or two occur, which some persons may consider strong, and perhaps uncandid, relative to doc-sonings, and to attend with thankfulness to trines which appear to him unjust, malevolent, and immoral; but he trusts the spirit which this volume breathes will secure him from the suspicion of attributing anything of ceed with this work, by honouring him with To the friends who encouraged him to proinjustice, malevolence, or immorality, to the their names as subscribers to it, as soon as persons who maintain the opinions which he they heard it was projected, the author recondemns. The intelligent inquirer will have turns his thanks; and the ardent testimony of made but little progress in his religious in- approbation which he has received from some vestigation, before he learns the necessity of of them, since its publication, has excited the distinguishing between rectitude of character hope, that he has not written wholly in vain, and excellence of system-between the ma- and that these pages may perhaps be the means lignant tendency of a creed, and the benigni- of speaking peace to the perturbed mind, and ty of the heart which embraces it. Neither of solacing the sorrows of the mourner, when justice nor charity can exist, unless this dis- the hand which penned them is motionless, and tinction be constantly kept up; and it is be- the heart which dictated them shall have cause it is so seldom made, that justice and ceased to beat with human emotion.


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