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Hohen Contrahenten gegenwärtigen in Französischer 1843 Sprache abgefassten Tractat unterschrieben und ihre Siegel beigedruckt.

31. Mai
12. Juni

Geschehen in duplo zu Athen den im Jahre des Heils Eintausend achthundert drei und vierzig. (gez.) P. COLQUHOUN Dr. (gez.) PIERRE DELYANNI. (L. S.)

(L. S.)

(Der vorstehende Tractat, der am 2. Juni 1847 in Bremen officiell veröffentlicht worden, ist bis jetzt noch nicht gleichfalls von den freien Städten Hamburg und Lübeck ratificirt worden.)

4o Que les mesures provisoires qu'il s'agit d'adopter, ont pour objet la protection de la navigation et du commerce national;

50 Que l'adoption de droits différentiels est universellement en usage, chez les nations les plus éclairées, pour l'encouragement de la navigation lointaine et du commerce;

60 Que les droits actuellement perçus, d'après le tarif, sur les marchandises asiatiques importées pour la consommation sont tellement faibles que, même en les portant au double, l'augmentation ne sera pas considérable, et affectera d'autant moins les intérêts des classes pauvres qu'elle portera sur des articles de luxe;

70 Que les priviléges de la compagnie asiatique n'ayant pas été abolis, et toute importation d'articles asiatiques par navires étrangers étant prohibée, la mesure que le gouvernement adopte provisoirement en autorisant leur importation par cette dernière voie, doit être reçue comme un bienfait par les parties intéressées; Je décrète en conséquence:

Art. 1er. A partir de ce jour, tous produits et marchandises venant directement d'Asie et importés par des bâtimens naviguant légitimement sous pavillon péruvien et consignés à des citoyens péruviens conformément à l'art. 84 du règlement de commerce, paieront les droits d'entrée correspondans, qui leur seront imposés selon leur nature.

2. Les produits et marchandises d'Asie qui, à partir de ce jour, seront importés sous pavillon étranger,

1843 paieront en espèces, à l'époque où ils seront admis pour la consommation, le double des droits qui ont été perçus jusqu'à ce jour en vertu des règlemens du commerce.

3. Les dispositions de l'art. 83 du règlement de commerce seront sans force en ce qui concerne les droits à lever sur les marchandises asiatiques sous pavillon national ou étranger.

Le ministre des finances est chargé de l'exécution du présent décret et d'en donner, en temps utile, avis au corps législatif.

Donné au palais du gouvernement suprême, à Lima le 25 janvier 1343.



Convention entre la Prusse et le Duché de Brunswick sur la protection réciproque des étiquetes de marchandises, signée à Berlin le 15 Août


Ministerial-Erklärung über die zwischen der Königlich
Preussischen und der Herzoglich Braunschweigischen
Regierung getroffene Uebereinkunft wegen des gegensei-
tigen Schutzes der Waarenbezeichnungen.
(Gesetzsammlung für die Preuss. Staaten. 1843. Nro 27.)

Gemäss dem §. 4. des Königlich Preussischen Gesetzes vom 4. Juli 1840., betreffend den Schutz der Waarenbezeichnungen, sollen die Bestimmungen der §§. 1. und 2. dieses Gesetzes auch zu Gunsten der UnterthaDen derjenigen fremden Staaten in Anwendung gebracht werden, mit welchen wegen der deshalb zu beobachtenden Reziprocität Uebereinkunft getroffen worden ist. Nachdem nunmehr die Königlich Preussische und die Herzoglich Braunschweigische Regierung unter sich übereingekommen sind, gegenseitig ihre beiderseitigen Unterthanen in dem gesetzlichen Schutze der Waarenbezeichnungen einander gleich zu stellen und zu hehandelu, so wird hierdurch Seitens des unterzeichneten Königlich Preussischen Ministeriums der auswärtigen

Angelegenheiten noch besonders und ausdrücklich er- 1843 klärt, dass die Bestimmungen der ff. 1. und 2. des erwähnten Gesetzes vom 4. Juli 1840. auch zum Schutze der Herzoglich Braunschweigischen Unterthanen in der gesammten Königlich Preussischen Monarchie bis auf Weiteres Anwendung finden sollen.

Hierüber ist Königlich Preussischer Seits die gegenwärtige Ministerial - Erklärung ausgefertigt und solche mit dem Königlichen Insiegel versehen worden. Berlin, den 15. August 1843..

(L. S.)

Königlich-Preussisches Ministerium der auswärtigen

Frh. v. BüLOW..

Vorstehende Erklärung wird, nachdem sie gegen eine entsprechende Erklärung der Herzoglich Braunschweigschen Regierung ausgewechselt worden ist, hierdurch zur öffentlichen Kenntniss gebracht.

Berlin, den 27. August 1843.

Der Minister der auswärtigen Angelegenheiten.
Frh. v. BÜLOW.


Acte du Parlament d'Angleterre du 22 Août 1843 pour mettre en effet le traité entre la Grande-Bretagne et les Etats-unis de l'Amérique du 9 Août 1842 sur l'extradition réciproque des malfaiteurs *).

Whereas by the 10 Art. of a Treaty between Her Majesty and the United States of America, signed at Washington on the 9 August 1842, the ratifications whereof were exchanged at London on the 13 Octobre 1842, it was agreed that Her Majesty and the said United States should, upon mutual requisitions by them or their Ministers, officers or Authorities respectively made deliver up to Justice all Persons who, being char

*) Public general Statutes passed at the 6th and 7th year of the Reign of Queen Victoria. Lond. 1843 p. 680.

1843 ged with the crime of Murder, or assault with Intent to commit Murder or Piracy, or Arson or Robbery, or Forgery, or the Utterance of forged Papers, committed within the Jurisdiction of either of the High Contracting Parties, should seek an Asylum or should be found within the territories of the other; provided that this should only be done upon such Evidence of criminality as according to the laws of the Place where the fugitive or person so charged should be found would justify his Apprehension and Commitment for trial if the Crime or Offence had been there committed, and that the respective Judges and other Magistrates of the two Governments should have Power, Jurisdiction and Authority, upon complaint made under Oath, to issue a Warrant for the Apprehension of the fugitive or person so charged, so that he might be brought before such Judge or other Magistrates respectively, to the end that the Evidence of Criminality might be heard and considered, and if on such Hearing the Evidence should be deemed sufficient to sustain the charge, it should be the Duty of the examining Judge or Magistrate to certify the same to the proper executive Authority, that a Warrant might issue for the Surrender of such Fugitive, and that the Expence of such Apprehension and Delivery should be borne and defrayed by the Party making the Requisition and receiving the Fugitive; and it is by the Eleventh Article of the said Treaty further agreed, that the Tenth Article, herein-before recited, should continue in force until one or other of the High Contracting Parties should signify its Wish to terminate it, and no longer: And whereas it is expedient that Provision should be made for carrying the said Agreement into effect; be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, That in case Requisition shall at any Time be made by the Authority of the said United States, in pursuance of and according to the said Treaty, for the Delivery of any Person charged with the Crime of Murder, or Assault with Intent to commit Murder, or with the Crime of Piracy, or Arson, or Robbery, or Forgery, or the Utterance of forged Paper, committed within the Jurisdiction of the United

States of America, who shall be found within the 1843 Territories of Her Majesty, it shall be lawful for One of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, or in Ireland for the Chief Secretary of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, and in any of Her Majesty's Colonies or Possessions abroad for the Officer administering the Government of any such Colony or Possession, by Warrant under his Hand and Seal to signify that such Requisition has been so made, and to require all Justices of the Peace, and other Magistrates and Officers of Justice within their several Jurisdictions to govern themselves accordingly, and to aid in apprehending the Person so accused, and committing such Person to Gaol for the Purpose of being delivered up to Justice, according to the Provisions of the said Treaty; and thereupon it shall be lawful for any Justice of the Peace, or other Person having Power to commit for Trial Persons accused of Crimes against the Laws of that Part of Her Majesty's Dominions in which such supposed Offender shall be found, to examine upon Oath any Person or Persons touching the Truth of such Charge, and upon such Evidence as according to the Laws of that Part of Her Majesty's Dominions would justify the Apprehension and Committal for Trial of the Person so accused if the Crime of which he or she shall be so accused had been there committed it shall be lawful 'for such Justice of the Peace, or other Person having Power to commit as aforesaid, to issue his Warrant for the Apprehension of such Person, and also to commit the Person so accused to Gaol, there to remain until delivered pursuant to such Requisition as aforesaid.

II. Provided always, and be it enacted, That in every such Case Copies of the Depositions upon which the original Warrant was granted, certified under the Hand of the Person or Persons issuing such Warrant, and attested upon the Oath of the Party producing them to be true Copies of the original Depositions, may be received in Evidence of the Criminality of the Person so apprehended.

III. And be it enacted, That upon the Certificate of such Justice of the Peace, or other Person having Power to commit as aforesaid, that such supposed Offender has been so committed to Gaol, it shall be lawful for One of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of

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