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The liquid prelude still they raise,

Their silvery tones, now sweet, now wildly swelling,

sound ;

Each string its tribute trembling pays.

The spreading zones far off have caught the sacred.


Archangels, seraphim,

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And all their host, the ecstatic numbers strike again, – GOD's transport-hymn of choral praise;

And heaven's vast vaults reëcho loud and long, Of Moses and the LAMB, heaven's holiest song.

The chorus-shout has past;

That hymn's triumphant grandeur discords may not


And now, with hushed and holy fear,

They list JEHOVAH's word, those multitudes afar. The charge goes forth to all they hear,

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Some to the systems bright, which rear Their walls of massive brilliance on creation's verge, Pursue their journey fast;

To every varied clime their vivid track they urge,
In every distant globe or near;

They speed, with gleaming wing, their rapid flight,
Their rapid flight, — a flash of sudden light.*

Some to salvation's heirs

Are ministering spirits, sent to watch their path,

* Ezekiel i. 14.

And guide them to the Saviour's rest ;

Some flames of fire are made, his ministers to scath, Where rebel worlds are guiltiest ;

Some rushing winds are sped, his messengers of wrath; All haste the Living Father's hest.

They need no glowing crown, no lustrous ring nor gem;

Each angel-forehead wears

The mark of GOD, his angels' noblest diadem,
Each holy, each supremely blest.

By one great law the radiant spirits move,
The law which rules in heaven, the law of love.

Would it were thus on earth!

That blessed order and obedience held each heart,
Like theirs, to our JEHOVAH nigh!

That men, with all above, might bear concordant part,
With those blest angel-hosts might vie!

Then human sin would die, remorse no longer smart, And human sorrows cease to sigh.

Soon would the desert smile, with shining garments clad,

Plenty spring up from dearth,

Beauty from ashes rise, and crystal streams make glad

The city of our God Most High,

Earth long so desolate, so long forlorn,
Now to fair hope and peace celestial born.

Thy kingdom come, oh God!

Thy will be done on earth, as angels keep thy law !

Oh grant the grace thy people crave;

Roll on the dazzling day thy visioned prophets saw ! Oh come, thy suffering people save !

Thou mighty LORD of lords, gird on thy sword of war; Assert the right thy Father gave!

Great King of Saints, all power in earth and heaven is thine !

Rule with thine iron rod;

Make bare thy holy arm, in majesty Divine ;

Thy blood-stained banner conquering wave; Down to their lake of fire grim Death and Hell be driven;

Set up thy throne, oh God, till Earth be one with Heaven!


WELCOME! Welcome! once again, ye lowly Buds of Spring!
Though ye do not ope so full, nor spread your leaves so gay,
As when summer's ripening breezes fresh around you play,
Still I dearly love you for the moral which ye bring!
Bursting ice-cold fetters, which to earthly beauty cling,
Starting from the winter to the sun's first warming ray,
When returning birds once more chant loud their joyous lay,
Thus ye tell, that spirits rise where glorious angels sing!
All along the growing vines new blossoms ye will string,
Lovelier, richer tribute in the coming season pay;
Brightening and expanding ever through the lengthening day,
Thoughts of heaven upon the air with perfume sweet ye fling!
Hallowing Wisdom's lessons may these humble leaflets say,
Like your fragrant whispers heard, ye lowly Buds of Spring!

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