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paupers will swell rapidly; the pressure upon the community proportionably accumulate, the abuses grow more and more inveterate, and finally, all other burthens become as nothing, when compared with this one paramount oppression.

Your committee do not intend to enter further into the argument upon this subject. If the system were to be introduced now for the first time, it would be necessary to resort to speculation, in the absence of facts; but since it has prevailed in England for more than two centuries, in this commonwealth for above fifty years, and in some of the other States in the Union, for a still longer period, your committee will take experience alone as their guide, and direct their enquiries towards ascertaining, not what might have been expected, but what has actually taken place.

To avoid confusion, your committee will point the most striking facts which they have collected, as far as may be, to the following heads:

1. Whether under a system of poor laws, such as ours, the number of paupers and the amount of the public expense have uniformly been augmented?

2. Whether the necessity for private charity, has been done away by the operation of the public provision for the poor?

3. Of those who are relieved by the public bounty, whether the greater portion be not composed of such as have been reduced to penury by their own vice or improvidence?

4. Whether any expedient has been found, by any modification of the system, to prevent the evils which it produces?

1. Under a system of poor laws, such as ours, have the number of paupers and the amount of the public expense uniformly been augmented?

Your committee will take, in the first place, the case of England, into which this system was first introduced, and where it has prevailed for a longer time than in any of our own states. An enlightened writer, of the last century, bears the following emphatic testimony. (1) "Under the operation of the poor laws, it is a sad truth, that the disease of poverty, instead of being eradicated, has become more and more inveterate. England in particular overflows with beggars, though in no other country are the indigent so amply provided for." The following statement of the sums raised in different years, in England, for the support of the poor, will show a progressive and rapid increase: Year.

(2) 1680 (3) 1750










(4) 1815

Sums raised.

*Including minor rates for highways, &c. Exclusive of minor rates.

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It was stated by Mr. Walter Burrell, a member of the House of Commons, (Debates House of Commons Feb. 9, 1819,) that, in his own parish, that of West Grinstead, which consisted of 5000 acres, the rental of which was 40007 the poor-rates of the year 1818-19, amounted to 4500. And on the 7th of March, 1817, Mr. Calcraft, also a member of the House of Commons, presented to that body, petitions signed by individuals for whose respectability and credibility he vouched, which stated, that in the parish of Langton Matravers, in Dorsetshire, 1,774,000 containing 575 inhabitants, 419 were receiving parochial relief; and that the poor-rate amounted to at least 18 shillings or 19 shillings in the pound. And that, in the parish of Swanage, also in Dorsetshire, containing 1500 inhabitants, there was not 1 in 7 able to support himself; that the poor-rates amounted to 21 shillings in the pound, 6,630,297 and every occupant of land, but one, had given notice 7,525,057


It is said by Lowe, that there has been a gradual reduction of the charge since 1819, and that it may now be taken at less than 6,000,000.

The following statement, taken from "Lowe's Present State of England," (p. 193,) will show the increase, in two English counties.

(1) Sketches of Man. b. 2, sk. X.

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to abandon.

An extract from the report of a select committee of the House of Commons, appointed to consider of the poor laws, will explain the conclusion to which they were led, after a laborious investigation of the whole subject, as to the fact of the progressive increase of the burthen, in that country.

"Independent of the pressure of any temporary or accidental circumstances, and making every allowance for an increased population, the rise in the price of pro

(1) Documents accompanying the report of the Se(2) Mr. Curwen, (House of Commons,) May 28, 1816.cretary of the State of New York, to the Assembly,

(3) Lowe's Present State of England, p. 181, &c. (4) Statement presented to the House of Commons, by Mr. Addington, Feb. 26, 1816, adding 1-14th for parishes not returned. Lowe states it at 5,745,8337.

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visions, and other necessaries of life, and a misapplication of part of the funds, it is apparent, that both the number of paupers, and the amount of money levied by assessment, are progressively increasing, while the situation of the poor appears not to have been in a corresponding degree improved, and the committee is of opinion, that whilst the existing poor laws, and the system under which they are administered, remain unchanged, there does not exist any power of arresting the progress of this increase, till it shall no longer be found possible to augment the sums raised by assessment." (1)

crease of expense in certain Scottish parishes, where the
legal assessments have been introduced.
County. Expense
in 1790.
Roxburgh, 1.92 18 00

(1) Par.

East Kilbride,

Averg. ann. expense from 1812 to 1815. 288 17 11

836 19 00

311 01 08

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141 08 05

350 06 04(Av. from 1811 to 1815.)

(2) Into the Barony parish, one of the suburbs of Glasgow, with a population of 43,000, the English assessments were introduced in 1810-the expenses then amounted to £600 per annum. 3,000 do.

In 1817, they had swelled to

The English system of poor rates has never been generally introduced into Scotland. The mode adopted for the relief of the poor in that country, is a peculiar one. In every parish is a fund raised by the voluntary contributions of the parishioners, at the kirk door, and devoted to charitable uses. The fund is administered by the "kirk session," a body composed of the minister and elders of the parish. When a year of extraordinary Exhibiting an increase of nearly six-fold, in 7 years; pressure occurs, and the fund proves insufficient for its while in the Gorbals, another suburb of the same city, purposes, the heritors or landholders of the parish hold with a population of 20,000, where the English assessa meeting, at which they fix for themselves a rate of con-ments have not been introduced, the regular annual extribution, to make up the deficiency. (2) It is unneces-penditure is 3504; and the whole sum expended on the sary at this time to discuss the advantages of this ar- poor in a year of extraordinary pressure, was 8751. rangement, (which "leaves the object of their charity the maintenance of the poor, amounted to between two (3) In a parish in Dumfrieshire, where the funds for and the measure, to the humanity and discretion" (a) of the givers,) over the English mode. The actual effects and three thousand pounds per annum, of a population of the two systems, are alone to be inquired about, at supposed to be nearly 800, the greater part, in the year present; and the following statements exhibit their dif- 1817, were in a state of pauperism, dependent on charity for their support. While, in an adjoining parish, ferent practical results, in a striking point of view. with a population of 2,500 souls, there were but two The expense of supporting the poor in certain Scotch paupers. The number of parochial poor in Scotland, in parishes where there are no poor-rates, contrasted 1817, was about one in sixty-the whole number of poor with certain English parishes, where there are poor in that country, was then calculated at from thirty to rates. (From the Edinburg Review for Feb, 1818.) thirty-six thousand, and the total expenditure for their SCOTCH. support, supposed not to exceed 180,000l. It is stated, however, (4) that the total poor rate collected in Scot land, in 1817, a year of scarcity and distress, was 119,0001; of which 49,000l. proceeded from assessments, and the rest were voluntary contributions.

Parish. County, Population. Total yearly fund. £ s. d.

Frazerburgh, Aberdeen, 2,271
New Deer






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Perth 2,216
Linlithgow, 2,919
Sutherland, 2,317
do. 2,408


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Barrow, upon Leicester-}1,143


100 00 00

86 10 00

25 00 00 46.00 00 6 00 00 99 00 00 124 00 00 13 00 00 18 17 00 5 00 00 Poor Rates, 1,868 17 00

803 7 41 901 07 00 1,764 00 00 1,015 00 00 1,391 05 06

It is to be observed, that in no country in Europe, has the example of England, on this subject, been followed, "On the continent of Europe, the public institutions afford protection only against infirmity and extreme penury; even Holland, so noted for its hospitals and charities, has not a poor-rate on the comprehensive plan of England." (5)

In France, before the revolution, the funds appropriated for the poor, yielded the same sum annually; "that sum was always pre-occupied; and France, with respect to all but those on the list, approached the state of a nation that had no fund provided by law for the poor." (6) Besides this, there were no doubt certain sums given in charity, by the religious establishments of that country; and in 1791, when the revolution had swept away those institutions, "there took place in the Assemblee Legislative, a long discussion on the fittest mode of Your Committee have observed that the English legal providing for the poor; the result was a decided deterassessments, have not been generally introduced into mination to avoid the English plan, but to provide at the Scotland; they have however been adopted in certain public charge, a fund of about 2,000,000 a year, for parts of that country, and the following examples of the the relief of the aged and infirm throughout the whole expenditures in certain Scottish parishes where they of France." (7) In addition to the permanent aid affordprevail, may be advantageously compared with the ex-ed by the government, collections are made "by subpenditures stated above, of Scottish parishes, which are yet free from such assessments. (3) Parish. County. Population.

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The facts with regard to Scotland, have been already stated. In Ireland, it is well known, that there is no public provision for the poor whatever. Yet it is said that the poor in that country, are better taken care of, and the lower orders generally more happy, and more independent than in England. (1) "The indigent themselves view it as a duty, not to refuse their mite. This affords a proof that when there is no other provision than that of charity, all are disposed to exercise it." (2) Table showing the number of paupers, in every hundred souls of the whole population of Scetland, where the English system of poor rates does not generally obtain, and of England; together with the amount of the public expense, for the relief of the poor in each country.

Per centage of

Scotland, (3) 3
England, (3) 25

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With regard to the effects of the system in our sister States, your committee will proceed to state the facts in their possession.

The following table exhibits the public pauper expense of the State of New York, for the years speci


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6,896 15,215 22,111

Total number of Extract from a report made by a committee to the House of Assembly of New York, in 1820.

"The committee find that the increase of pauperism, in this State, and the consequence expense to the community, is truly alarming." They go on afterwards to state, "that this enormous increase of expense is by no means in proportion to the increase of population; nor can it be attributed to the increase of the expense of living, but that in their opinion idleness and dissipation are one great cause of the evil."

The ensuing statement shows the whole public expense of the poor in the State of New Hampshire, in the years specified; the population of the State in those years, and estimated number of paupers in every 100 souls of the whole population. (7)

Years. Expnd're. Population. Per centage of paupers. 1800 $17,000 183,858 3-10 of 1 per cent. 1820 80,000 244,161 1 per cent.

Showing that the actual expense was very nearly quintupled, in twenty years, and that the proportion - which the number of paupers bore to the whole population, had, in the same time, increased in the ratio of more than 3 to 1.

In the State of Massachusetts, a similar increase has taken place, though not in so great a degree. (8) Under their poor laws, the State supports the expense of such paupers as have no legal settlement.

The following table shows the amount of expenditure

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(estimated) $350,000

The whole annual expense of paupers, in 1820, was estimated at 350,000 dollars, and the whole number of paupers at somewhat exceeding 7,000. It was the decided opinion of a committee, who reported to the general court in 1821, (having been appointed at the previous session, to consider the pauper laws of the commonwealth,) "that the pernicious consequences of the system were palpable; that they were increasing, and that they imperiously called for the interference of the legislature, in some manner equally prompt and efficacious" (2)

If we turn to our own State, the proofs of a similar augmentation of the burthen will be found as cogent and alarming. The picture drawn of Pennsylvania by an able writer of the last century, compared with our present situation, affords a strong illustration of the ef fects of the system which we have adopted. It is in these words: "There is not a single beggar to be seen in Pennsylvania. Luxury and idleness have got no footing in that happy country; and those who suffer by misfortune have their maintenance out of the public treasury." (3) But he goes on: "Luxury and idleness cannot forever be excluded; and when they take place, this regulation will be as pernicious in Pennsylvania as the poor rates are in Britain." (4) Your committee believe, from a consideration of even the comparatively few facts which they have collected, that there is too much reason to suppose that the prophecy has been completely verified.

The ensuing table shows the number of paupers reliev ed in the county of Chester, in the respective years mentioned.

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No. of Paupers, Bucks County. (6)






(1) Rep. Comm. Mass. 1821. App. C.

(2) Rep. Comm. Mass. 1821. p. 3.

(3) Sk. of Man. pub. in 1774. B, 2, sk. X. (4) 1d. ibid.

(5) Journals H. R. 1823-6. p.

(6) Id. p. Doc. N. Y. p. 111.

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13,568 39†

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It is stated by the directors of the poor, that in the 5 years, from 1816, to 1821, the increase of pauperism in that county had been in the ratio of 24 to 1. (2) Your committee come now to the facts, relating to the populous district of Philadelphia.

A Table of the paupers relieved and supported, in and out of the Alms House, during the years specified, in the city of Philadelphia and the annexed townships and districts; and of the amount of the poor tax, during the same years. Years.




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Poor Tax. (3) $22933







(4) Table of the number of paupers relieved and supported during the years specified, in Philadelphia and the annexed districts, in and out of the alms house.

1819 1820

Totals.... .$912564 29

$716320 55

Your committee observe, moreover, that the poor tax does not always show the actual public expense of the poor during each year. A large revenue is derived from other sources, as will appear from the following statement of the account for the year ending May 26, 1824. Expenses of the alms house, Do. of out door poor, &c. Accommodation notes paid, Interest on borrowed money,

54000 00 1156 18

$53262 06

88976 24

55156 10

197394 48

The tax laid for that year amounted to 114,468 dollars 10 cents, and the whole amount received from taxes of that and former years, during that year, was 108,410 dollars 51 cents.

The other sources of receipt may be stated as follows,



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Amount received from late treasurer, Do. returned by sundry guardians

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From bastardy cases, bonded,

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Do. support of married women, Ground rents,

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Commutations in bastardy cases,

Sundry incidental receipts,

Board af medical students, in steward's family, 1231 33 Tickets and certificates sold to medical stu

$1064 02

5245 50

1227 68

4034 57

1084 62

915 24

883 07

135 25

Years. City.

Ag. districts.

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Money borrowed,

68000 00

20774 14

70138 67

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99699 85

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64496 55

26910 36

91406 91

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In the opinion of your committee, it is unnecessary to comment upon these facts, or to enter upon a more elaborate detail of them. After a mature consideration of the whole subject, your committec are irresistibly led to the conclusion, that in every country in which our system of poor laws has prevailed, the number of paupers, and the amount of assessments for their relief, have progressively increased, and in a ratio not to be accounted for by the increase of population, or a rise of provisions, and other necessaries of life.

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Justice Cook. But it is revived again, and is in force, and without any regard to the matter of the book provides that the printer should put his name to the books he prints, which thou hast not done."

The prisoners continued to press for a trial. "Justice Cook. A trial thou shalt have, and that to your cost, it may be.

Justice Jennings. A trial thou shalt have, but for some reason known to us, the court defers it to the next sessions, and that is the answer we give, and no other you shall have."

The trial was, accordingly, put over to the next term. The only offence which appeared against Macomb, was his joining with Keith and his party, and disposing of two copies of Keith's printed address to his Quaker brethren; for this he was not only imprisoned, but also deprived, by lieutenant governor Lloyd, of a license to keep an ordinary, or, house of public entertainment, for which he had, a few months before his confinement, paid the lieutenant governor twelve pieces of eight, or three pounds, twelve shillings of the then currency.

At the next sessions of the court on the 6th of the following December, Bradford was placed at the bar. "The presentment was read;" the substance of which was, that the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th articles of the pamphlet called 'An Appeal,' had a tendency to weaken the hands of the magistrates, and William Bradford was presented as the printer of that seditious paper. The following proceedings of the court are extracted from the pamphlet above mentioned.

"Clerk. What say you William Bradford, are you guilty as you stand presented, or not guilty?

Bradford. In the first place, I desire to know whether I am clear of the mittimus, which differs from the presentment?

The clerk and the attorney for the government read and perused the mittimus and presentment, and finding them to differ, said, that when William Bradford was

(5) Including 161 illegitimate children, Journal H. cleared according to law, he was cleared of the mittiR. 1823-24, p. 40.

mus. Bradford insisted on knowing, whether, on the

(6) Answer of county commissioners, to commission-issue of the presentment, he was clear of the mittimus. ers on pauperism, 1821-2.

(8) The cure of the "guardians and managers," includes only the city, the [old] township of the Northern Liberties, and the district of Southwark. The other parts of the county are under the direction of distinct officers.



After a long debate on the subject, Bradford was told that he was clear of the mittimus, on the issue of the presentment.

Bradford. What law is the presentment founded on? Attorney for the government. It is grounded both on

statute and common law.

Bradford. Pray let me see that statute and common law, else how shall I make my plea? Justice Cook told us last court, that one reason why ye deferred our trial then, was, that we might have time to prepare ourAt the Court before which William Bradford and oth-selves to answer it; but ye never let me have a copy of ers were arraigned, the following conversation took place between the Judges and the prisoners.

"Justice Cook. What bold, impudent and confident men are these to stand thus confidently before the court? Macomb. You may cause our hats to be taken off if you please.

Bradford. We are here only to desire that which is the right of every free born English subject, which is speedy justice, and it is strange that, that should be accounted impudence, and we impudent fellows therefore, when we have spoke nothing but words of truth and soberness, in requesting that which is our right, and which we want; it being greatly to our prejudice to be detained prisoners.

Justice Cook. If thou hadst been in England, thou would have had thy back lashed before now. Bradford. I do not know wherein I have broke any law so as to incur any such punishment.

Justice Jennings. Thou art very ignorant in the law. Does not thee know that there's a law that every printer shall put his name to the books he prints, or his press is forfeited?

my presentment, nor will ye now let me know what

law ye prosecute me upon.

Attorney. It's not usual to insert in indictments against what statute the offence is, when it's against several statutes and laws made.

Justice White. If thou wilt not plead guilty, or not guilty, thou wilt lose thy opportunity of being tried by thy country.

The court then ordered the clerk to write down that William Bradford refused to plead, which he did; but as he was writing it down, Bradford desired they would not take advantage against him, for he refused not to plead, but only requested that which was greatly neces sary,in order to his making his own defence. Several in the court requesting on the prisoner's behalf, that the court would not take advantage against him, they admitted him to plead, and he pleaded, not guilty.

The jury were then called over, and attested; but before they were attested, Bradford was asked, if he had any exceptions to make against any of them that were returned for the jury.

Bradford. Yes, I have, and particularly against two of them, Joseph Kirle and James Fox, for at the time Bradford. I know that there was such a law, and I when I was committed to prison, Arthur Cook [one of know when it expired. the judges] told me, that Joseph Kirle had said, that if

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