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ROM Vienna. Orders are fent to Count Philippi Minifter at Turin, to return forthwith, without taking Leave of the Court. Some Advices from Turin fay, that the Defign of the combin'd Forces of Spain, France, and Sardinia, is to poffefs themfelves of the Milaneze, while the Naval Forces of France and Spain attack Sicily.

The Elector of Saxony was chofen King of Poland on the 5th Inftant. When the

Nobility was arriv'd, Prince Lubomirski, Palatine of Cracovia, made a moving Speech, tending to prove that the Election of Stanislaus was contrary to the known Laws and Conftitutions of the Kingdom, and by Confequence was null and invalid: Here he fhew'd, by fe veral Arguments, the Neceflity there was for a new Election, where the Rights and Prerogatives of the Nation might remain untouch'd. His Speech met with a general Applaufe, after which the Bishop of Craco via, appointed to collect the Votes, cry'd out aloud, Let every Man give bis Vote. Prince Lubomirski answered first, Vivat Rex Auguftus Tertius; the Bishop of Cujavia feconded him, whom the reft follow'd unanimoufly; upon which the Staroft Linowski was immediately difpatch'd from the whole Body to the new King, at Drefden

The 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th Inftant the French Army. were taken up in paffing the Rhine, building Bridges, &c. The 16th, 17th, and 18th they were employ'd in carrying over the Artillery and Implements of War. The 19th and 20th they open'd Ground before Fort Kebl, and began to raise Batteries, without any Oppofition. The 21st they took a Half Moon, belonging to the Place, on which were fix Pieces of Cannon, alfo with out Refiftance.

From Paris. The King having given the Dutchess of Lorrain her Option to live with her Children either in a.Town of that Dutchy, or in fome Town of France, that Princess, 'tis thought, will choofe to refide at Luneville; and the Marquis de Silly is marching to put French Garrifons into the Places of Lorrain.

From Berlin. Our laft Letters from Dantzick advife, that the Ruffian Army having paft the Viftula, are become Mafters of War-, fary: That General Lafci has taken up his Quarters in the Palace of Czartorinski,

His Serene Highness the Duke of Wirtemberg died at his Palace at Studgard in Germany the 18th Inftant N. S. the laft of the Proteftants of that illuftrious Family. He is fucceeded by his Brother Prince Alexander, a General in the Emperor's Service.

From Paris. We have received Advice from the Camp before Fort Kebl, that the 26th in the Night the Befiegers took the Hornwork of that Place; and on Saturday Night Jaft

the Marquis de Reynel, Son-in-Law to the brought to the King the Articles of CapituDuke of Berwick, arrived at Fontainbleau, and lation, which his Generals had granted to the Governor of Fort Kebl for the Surrender of that Place.

From Augsburg. The French are on full March to the Milaneze, which has ftruck a general Confternation in Lombardy.

From Warsaw. The Ruffians are intrenching and fortifying themselves near this City, and are about detaching fome Troops to take Pofleflion of the Bishoprick of Warmia. General Lafci has declared to the Secretary for Dantzick, that if King Stanislaus does not retire from that City, he will march to bombard and befiege it with 30,000 Men, Univerfalia's are about to be published, in the Name of King Auguftus III. to fummon those of the contrary Party, to acknowledge the new King, on Pain of being treated as Enemies to their Country.

From Dantzick. The King of France has written a Letter with his own Hand to the King his Father-in-law, to affure him, that he will not lay down his Arms 'till he has fettled his Majefty in the Poffeffion of the Throne of Poland. That Letter has been made publick, and is as followeth :


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May I be permitted to tell your Majefty (that nothing be wanting to your Satisfaction) that God has been pleased that my Zeal has < obtained from his Holiness not to defer any longer to acknowledge your Majefty, maugre all that has been attempted to difluade him from it: The Marquis de Monti will have the Honour to deliver you, Sire, an Affurance in the Copy of the Answer the Pope makes you, and in the mean while 'till the Nuncio of his Holiness can acquit himself of the Order fent him to carry you in Perfon, I have defired, that in cafe, for any Caufe that may happen, he might not be in a Condition to comply with that Order, he be enjoined to fupply it in Writing to you, ⚫ and I was promised that it fhould be done."

From Vienna. The Imp. Army, now on its March towards the Rhine, confifts of 33,685 Foot, and 5,783 Horfe. The Czarina has offer'd to affift the Emperor with 30,000 Men, or more if defired. Several of the Circles of the Empire have already affur'd the Emperor of their Readiness to furnish their Contingents to maintain the War with the French King. Mr. Wafner, the Imperial Agent at Paris, has fent Word to this Court, that notwithstanding War has been declar'd on the Part of France, yet they continue to fhew him the fame Refpect as ever.


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Towards the End of the Month.


S. Sea 73 41 a
-Bonds Par

-Annu. 101

Bank 132
-Circ. I.1.
Mil. Bank 113
India 140 a
-Bonds 125

The Courfe of

Amft. 35 637
D. Sight 35 445
Rotter. 35 8

Afric. 25
Royal Alf. 91
Lon. ditto 12

Y. Build.

3p. C. An. 98
Eng Copper 1.1 15
Weljh dit. 175
Tic. 45 a 3 6 Difc

Bilboa 41 a 40

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P. Sight 30 a

Lisb. 5 4a 5

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Bourduf 30 a

Oport.5 4




Cadiz 41 슬

Antw. 35 6a7

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Madrid 41

Dublin 12 a

Prices of Goods at Bear-Key.

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90 and upwards


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12 16


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H. Beans 14 19
P. Malt 17 20

H. Pease do oo

B. Malt 16 18

Prices of

Goods, &c. in London. Hay 36 to 42s a Load.

Coals per Chaldron 24 to 24 6
New Hops per Hun. 41. to 5.
Old Hops 31. 10 to 41.
Rape Seed 10l. to 11
Lead the Fodder 19 Hun. 1 balf

on board, 14 a 14. 108.
Tin in Blocks 3l. 18
Ditto in Bars 41. os.

Copper Eng. best 51. 55...
Ditto ordinary 4l. 16s. a 5l.
Ditto Barbary 85 a 954 ·
Iron of Bilboa 154.05s. per Ton.
Ditto of Sweden 161. 105.
Tallow 30s. a31
Country Tallow 30s.
Cochineal 195. od.

Grocery Wares by the C.
Raifins of the S. 30s.
Ditto Malaga Frailes none
Ditto Smirna new 21s
Ditto Alicant none
Ditto Lipra new 208
Ditto Belvedera 205
Currants 445.
Prunes French none
Figs 205

Sugar Powder beft 54 a 59s.
Ditto fecond Sort 46s.a 50
Loaf Sugar doubleref.8d. half a gd.
Ditto fingle refine 56s. a 645.

[blocks in formation]

Manna 25, 6 d. a45
Maftick white 4s. 6d.
Opium 8s. 6
Quickfilver 45. od.
Rhubarb 16 a 18s.

Sarfaparilla 35. od.
Saffron English 295.
Wormfeeds none
Balfam Copaiva 25. ogd
Balfam of Gilead 20s.
Hypocacuane 5s.
Ambergreece per oz. 8s.


Wine, Brandy, and Rum.
Oporto red per Pipe 321. a 341.
Ditto white mone
Lisbon red 351. a 40
Ditto white 261. a 28
Sherry 261.
Canary new 251. a 28
Ditto old 321. a 34
Florence 31

French red 30l. a 4ol.
Ditto subite 201.

Mountain Malaga old 241.
Ditto new 20 a 211.

Brandy Fr. per Gal. 65. a 6s, 84

Rum of Jam. 57.

Ditto Lew.Ijlands 65,4d, abs, 100 ·




HE natural, experimental, and me-
dicinal Hiftory of the Mineral Wa-
ters of Derbyshire, Lincolnshire, and
Yorkshire, particularly thofe of Scarborougk.
Wherein they are carefully examined and com-
pared, their Contents difcovered and divided,
their Ufes fhewn and explained, and an Ac-
count given of their Difcovery and Alterations.
Together with the Natural History of the
Earths, Minerals, and Foffils through which
the Chief of them pafs. As alfo four Cop-
per-Plates reprefenting the Crystals of the Salts
of 34 of thofe Waters.
M. D. of Sheffield.Sold by F. Gyles, pr. 175.6d.
By Thomas Short,
*2. A Courfe of chirurgical Operations,
demonftrated in the Royal Garden at Paris.
By Monf. Dionis, chief Chirurgeon to the
late Dauphinefs, and to the prefent Dutchess.
Tranflated from the Paris Edition. The fe-
cond Edition, 8vo, price 6 s. 6 d.

3. A Scheme of the true Appearances of the Satellites of Saturn, with his Ring every Night, during his Vifibility here: And when this Planet difappears, the like Scheme will be publifh'd of the Satellites of Jupiter; and fo to be continued annually for the Time they are in View. By Charles Leadbetter. To be fold at J. Wilcox's, price 1 S.


4. A Treatife of the mechanical Powwherein the Laws of Motion, and the Properties of thofe Powers are explained and demonftrated in an eafy and familiar Methed. Being the Subftance of certain Difcourfes deliver'd at the Geometry-Lecture at Gresham College. The fecond Edition (with feveral Additions and Amendments). By Andrew Motte. Printed for B. Motte, 8vo, price 4 s. 6d.

5. A Letter to the Hon. Sir Hans Slcane, Bart. Prefident of the College of Phyficians, and President of the Royal Society, in Vindication of the Characters of thofe Greek Writers in Phyfick that ficurifh'd after Galen, but particularly that of Alexander Trallian; containing an Account of the Birth-place, Age, Stile, Method, Practice, &c. of that excellent Author. By E. Milward, M. D. Printed for A. Bettefaworth, C. Hitch, J. Waltboe, S. Auftin, and R. Hett, and fold by T. Cooper, price bound 5s. few'd 4 s.

6. The Treafury of Drugs unlock'd. By Jo. Jacob Berlu, of London, Merchant in Drugs. The fecond Edition, with Additions. printed for S. Clarke, 12mo, price 1 s. 6 d.

7. Philofophical Tranfactions, N° 426, for the Months of November, and December 1732, continued and published by Cromwell Mortimer, M. D. R. S. S. pr. 1 s. 6 d.

N. B. This Number finishes the 37th Vol. with an Index to the fame. Printed for W. Inny, and R. Manby.


8. De facra vernacula Epiftola. Per Edm Maffey, M.A. Printed for L. Gilliver,pr.1s. 6d 9. The prefent State of Popery in England. Discovering a new Ecclefiaftical Jurifdiction in different Parts of the Kingdom, and other exercis'd by Apoftolical Vicars, &c. refiding Advances lately made by them. In a Letter from **** to a Cardinal at Rome, dated Jan. 1, 1733. To which is prefix'd an Introduction by the Editor. Printed for A. Dodd, price 6 d.

10. The Apprentice's faithful Monitor, directing him in the feveral Branches of his Duty to Ged, his Mafter, and himself; and fhewing him the fatal Confequences of his Neglect thereof, with Regard both to his temporal and eternal Happiness. Digested under proper Heads, with Prayers particularly adapted. Compofed by a Divine of the Church of England, for the Inftruction of his own Children, and now made publick for the Good of others. Price Is. 6d. bound; or 15 per Dozen to those who give them away.

II. A ferious and useful Scheme to make an Hofpital for Incurables of universal Benefit to all his Majesty's Subjects; occafion'd by a Report that the Estate of Richard Norton, Efq; was to be appointed by Parliament for fuch an Endowment. To which is added; a Petition of the Footmen in and about Dublin. By a celebrated Author in Ireland. Printed for J. Roberts, price 6 d.

12. A Copy of the Will of Dr. Matthew Tindal, with an Account of what paffed concerning the fame, between Mrs. Lucy Price, Euftace Budgell, Efq; and Mr. Nicholas Tindal. Printed for T. Cooper, price 4 d.

13. A fhort Account of the Hurricane that
pafs'd thro' the English Leeward Caribbee
Inlands, on Saturday the 30th of June, 1733.
With Remarks. In a Letter from an Inha-
bitant of his Majefty's Ifland of Nevis, to a
Gentleman in London, price 6 d.

14. The Oration, fpoke at Joyner's-Hall
in Thames-freet on Monday Sept. 24, pursuant
to the Will of Mrs. Jane Ilive, who depart-
ed this Life Aug. 29, 1733, Proving 1. The
Plurality of Worlds.
the Hell.
2. That this Earth is
3. That the Souls of Men are the
Apoftate Angels. And 4thly. That the Fire
which will punish those who fhall be confined
to this Globe after the Day of Judgment will
be immaterial. With large Notes confirming
the Hypothefis, and refuting Dr. Lupton's O-
pinion of the Eternity of Hell Torments. By
her Son and Executor. Printed for T. Cooper,
price 15.

15. An Enquiry into the Nature of the
human Soul; wherin the Immateriality of the
Soul is evinc'd from the Principles of Reaton
and Philofophy. Sold by G. Strabon, J. Gray,
A. Millar, A. Lyon, and O. Payne, where
Subfcribers may call for their Books,pr. 14s. 6d

16. A

16. A Vindication of Euftace Budgell, Efq; from fome Afperfions thrown upon him in a late Pamphlet, entitled, A Copy of the Will of Dr. Matthew Tindal, with an Account of what pafs'd concerning the fame, between Mrs. Lucy Price, Euftace Budgell, Efq; and Mr. Nicholas Tindal, price 3d.

17. An Effay concerning the Laws of Nations and the Rights of Sovereigns; as likewife concerning the Inconsistency of abfolute Submiffion to Princes.

18. A Propofal to his Highness the Prince of Orange.

19. A Letter to Mr. Curll, Bookfeller, from the Rev. Mr. Tindal, with Mr. Curll's Anfwer. The 3 laft are printed for E. Curll, price 1 s. 6 d.

20. The Theatre turn'd upfide down; or, the Mutineers. A Dialogue, occafion'd by a Pamphlet, call'd the Theatric Squabble. Sold by A. Dodd, price 6 d.


21. Some Obfervations upon a Paper, entitled, the Lift: That is, of those who voted for and against the Excife-Bill. Printed for J. Peele, price 6 d.

22. The Rife and Fall of the late projected Excife, impartially confider'd. By a Friend to the English Conftitution. Printed for 7. Peele, price 1s.

23. A Letter to the Craftsman, on the Game of Chefs: Occafion'd by his Paper of the 15th of Sept. 1733. Printed for 7. Peele, price 6 d.

24. The remarkable Speech of Stanislaus, on his remounting the Throne of Poland, to the Primate and Electors, containing many curious Obfervations on the prefent Posture of Affairs in Europe. The Primate's congratulatory Aníwer, in behalf of himself and the Senators. To which is added, an authentick Account of the Motives inducing his molt Christian Majefty to declare War against the Emperor of Germany, with his Majesty's Declaration of War faithfully translated from the original Copies. Printed for E. Nutt, pr. 6 d.


25. A political Converfation, which lately happened between a Couple of stanch Patriots, and a Revolter to the Court Intereft. which many important Points are canvas'd, the true Deligns of both Parties open'd, and not a little fecret Hiftory reveal'd. Publish'd for the Benefit of the People. Printed for T. Cooper, price 6 d.

26. A Difcourfe on the Wickedness and Danger of fomenting a Divifion in a State. Printed for 7. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, price 6 d.

27. Motives for the Refolutions of his Moft Christian Majefty, with his Declaration to the Electors and Princes of the Empire; containing the Reafons for the prefent Measures of the Court of France, in French and English. Printed for F. Cogan, price 6 d.

28. The Landed Interest confider'd: Being ferious Advice to Gentlemen, Yeomen, Farmers and others concern'd in the enfuing Election. By a Yeoman of Kent. Printed for 7. Roberts, near the Oxford Arms in Warwicklane, price 6 d.

29. Some Reasons for continuing the prefent Parliament. Sold by T. Bowman, price 6 d.

30. A Letter of Advice to the Rev. Mr. Scurlock, occafion'd by his extraordinary Sermon, preach'd the 7th of O. at St. Paul's. By a sturdy Beggar, Citizen and Merchant of London. Sold at the Pamphlet Shops, price 6d,

31. A Letter to the Proteftant Diffenters of all Denominations, on the prefent Situation of Affairs. Printed for R. Hett, pr. 3d. 32. Serious Reflections on the prefent Condition of Great Britain. In an Addrefs to the Electors of Members to represent them in the next Parliament, from fome of their Friends in the Cities of London and Westminler. Wherein is fhewn the Judgment of the most eminent Perfons in Church and State, fince the Revolution, relating to the more firm uniting Proteftants among themselves. Printed for J. Roberts, price 6 d.

33. The Crifis; or, Briton's Advocate: Being a full Answer to the Obfervations on a Paper, entitled, The Lift, &c. Printed for J. Toocky, price 1 s. PLAYS, POETRY, and ENTERTAIN


34. The happy Marriage. In Imitation of Virgil's Tityrus. With other Poems. Printed for J. Duke, and B. May, price 6 d.

35. An Effay on Hunting. By a Country 'Squire. Printed for F. Roberts, pr. 1 s. 6 d.

36. The Livery Rake, and Country Laís. An Opera: As it is perform'd by the Company of Comedians of his Majefty's Revels, at the New Theatre in the Haymarket; with the Mufic prefix'd to each Seng. Printed for J. Watts, price Is.

37. A paftoral Poem. Printed for W. Mears, price 6 d.

38. Kick him, Jenny: A Tale. The fecond Edition. Sold by J. Gover, price 6 d. 39. The mock Lawyer: A Ballad Opera. As it is acted at the Theatre Royal in CoventGarden. Written by Mr. Phillips. To which is added the Mufick engrav'd on Copper Plates. Sold by T. Aftley, price 1s.

40. The finish'd Rake: Or, Gallantry in Perfection: Being the genuine and entertaining Adventures of a young Gentleman of Fortune; faithfully extracted from Memoirs written with his own Hand, and defign'd by him to be publish'd, as is believed, had he not been prevented by Death. The whole being interfpers'd with feveral curious, whimsical, and uncommon Incidents; particularly his Intrigue with a fine Coquette Milliner, near one of our most noted Inns of Court, whilst he was a Student.

41. The


The Monthly Catalogue for October, 1733

41. The Art of Scribbling. Addrefs'd to all the Scribblers of the Age. By Scriblerus Maximus. Printed for A. Dodd, price 1.

42. The Mufe in Direfs. A Peem. Occafion'd by the prefent State of Poetry. Printed for T. Cooper, price 15.


43. The Infufficiency of Reafon, and Neceflity of Revelation, to affure Men of the Pardon of Sin. A Sermon preach'd at the triennial Vifitation of the Right Rev. Father in God Richard Lord Bishop of Lincoln, held at Melton-Mowbray in Leicestershire, Auguft 2, 1733 By Chriftopher Clarkfen, D. D. Rector of Strathern in Leicestershire, and late Fellow of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. Publish' at his Lordship's Requeft. Cambridge, printed for C. Crownfield, Printer to the Univerfity, and F. Crownfield, in St. Paul's Chur-Yard,

44. A Sermon preached before the Right
Hon. the Lord Mayor, and Court of Alder-
and the feveral Livery Companies of
the City of Londen, at the Parish Church
of St. Lawrence-Jury, on Saturday the 29th

September, 1753. Being the Day of
Election of a Lord Mayor for the Year en-
A. M.
fuing. By Matthew Pilkington,
Chaplain to the Lord Mayor. Printed for
B. Motte, and L. Gilliver, and fold by 7.
Roberts, price 6d.

45. A Sermon preach'd before the Trustees for eftablishing the Colony of Georgia in Amesita, and before the Af ciates of the late Rev. Dr. Thomas Bray, for converting the Negroes in the British Plantations, and for ether good Purpefes, at their anniversary Meeting in the Parish Church of St. Mary

Bow, on Thursday, March 15, 1732. By Job Burton, B. D. Fellow of Corpus Chrifti, Oxon, and Eaten Colleges.

To which is annex'd, The general AcCount exhibited by the Trustees to the Right Hon. the Lord High Chancellor and the Lord Chief Juftice of his Majefty's Court of Com

-Pleas, pursuant to the Directions of their Charter. Sold by Meff. Mount and Page, price 6d.

46. A Difcourfe concerning the UniverfaFity and Order of the Refurrection: Being á Sequel to that wherein the Perfonal Identity is alerted. By Henry Feiton, D. D. Principal of Edmund-Hall, Rector of Whitwell, and Chaplain to his Grace the Duke of Rutland. Printed for B. Mutte, price 6d.

47. A Caution against fpeaking Evil of par Governors and of one another. As it was deliver'd in a Sermon preach'd at St.

Paul's Cathedral, on Sunday the 7th of this
Inftant October. By David Scurlock, M. A.
Vicar of Pettern, Wilts. To which is pre-
fix'd, the Preacher's Advertisement to the
Publick, fhewing his Reafons for publishing
the fame. Printed for J. Roberts, price 6d.

48. A Funeral Sermon on Occafion of the Death of John Archer, who died Sept. 23, 1733. Preach'd at Tonbridge Wells. Sept. 30. By Ben. Mills. Printed for R. Ford in the Poultry, Price 6d.


49. A Specimen of a new Tranflation of the Book of Palms; with critical Obfervations upon feveral Obfcure Paffages in it, By a Gentleman of Wadbam College, Oxford. Sold by J. Batley, price Is.

50. A Paraphrafe and Notes on St. Paul's Epifle to Titus. In Imitation of Mr. Locke's Manner. To which is added, an Effay concerning the abolishing the Ceremonial Law, &c. occafion'd by St. Paul's Words, Tit. i. 15. Unto the pure all things indeed are pure. By the Author of the Paraphrafe and Notes on St. Paul's Epiftles to Philemon, First and Second to the Theffalonians, and Firft to Timethy. Printed for R. Ford, price 2s. 6d.

51. The Rev. Dr. Thomas Ridgley's Body of Divinity, the 2d Vcl. are ready to be deliver'd to Subfcribers, on their fending in their Receipts, and the Remainder of the Payment, according to the Propofals, to the refpective Perfons they had the Receipts of.

Printed for Daniel Midwinter in St. Paul's Church-Yard; Aaron Ward in Little Britain; Richard Hett and John Ofwald, both in the Poultry.

The first Volume being all fold, it is now reprinting, for which Subscriptions are taken in by the above Perfons, at 1, 1o. the two Volumes; the fecond Volume will be deliver'd at the Time of Subfcribing, on their Payment of che Guinea, and the first Vol. on the Payment of the Remainder when finish'd, which will be about Christmas next.

52. The Importance of the Doctrine of the holy Trinity afferted; in Reply to fome late Pamphlets. By Daniel Waterland, D. D. Chaplain in Ordinary to his Majefty. Printed for W. Inny and R. Manby, price 6s. 6d.

* 53. Plain Reafons for being a Chriftian. Printed for 7. Roberts, price 6d. or gs. per Dezen.

N. B. The Pamphlets printed in Numbers (as mentioned in our Fermer) continue to be publish'd as ufual.

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