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The Battle of Brandywine.


division, consisting George Weedon's and Peter Muhlenberg's brigades, accompanied by Washington, formed a reserve and took a position in the centre between the right and left wings.†

Early on the morning of September 11, the British army in two columns

*Fisher, Struggle for American Independence,

vol. ii., p. 23; Trevelyan, American Revolution, vol. iv., p. 226; Tower, Marquis de La Fayette, vol. i., p. 224.

†Tower, Marquis de La Fayette, vol. i., p. 225; Lossing, Field-Book of the Revolution, vol. ii., pp. 169-170.

under General Maxwell, and by reinforcing his advance Knyphausen succeeded in driving the Americans across the river, where they sheltered themselves under their batteries on the north bank. Knyphausen then brought up his artillery which was placed in the most advantageous points, and a sharp artillery duel was carried on between the two forces.*

Carrington, Battles of the Revolution, pp. 369– 370; Lowell, Hessians in the Revolution, pp. 197198; Lossing, pp. 171-173; Sparks, Life of Washington, p. 233.


Meanwhile the British left wing under Cornwallis crossed the Ford above the Forks. The information given to Washington regarding this movement seems to have been very conflicting, coming as it did from several different quarters and through unpracticed scouts. Consequently, his movements were much embarrassed.* Having passed the fords, Lord Cornwallis took the road toward Dilworth, which led him to the American right.† General Sullivan, who had been appointed to command the troops in that quarter, occupied the heights above Birmingham church, his right flank covered by the woods and his left flank extending to Brandywine, the artillery being placed at advantageous points. Lord Cornwallis formed his troops in battle order about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and shortly afterward began the attack. The resistance was intrepidly sustained by the Americans for some time, but at length they were compelled to give away. Upon hearing the firing from that quarter, Washington ordered General Greene, with the brigades under Weedon and Muhlenberg, to support Sullivan. Greene covered the four miles in about 42 minutes, but upon reaching the scene of battle found Sullivan's division completely

*Irving, Life of Washington, vol. iii., pp. 215– 216; Trevelyan, American Revolution, vol. iv., p. 228; Lodge, George Washington, vol. i., p. 192; Tower, Marquis de La Fayette, vol. i., pp. 226-228; Lossing, pp. 173-174.

Tower, Marquis de La Fayette, vol. i., p. 226. Lossing, Field-Book of the Revolution, vol. ii., pp. 175-176.


defeated and in full flight. Greene covered the retreat and shortly afterward, finding an advantageous position, he renewed the battle and put a stop to the progress of the enemy.* As soon as Knyphausen was informed that Cornwallis' division was in action, he immediately forced a passage at Chad's Ford, attacked Wayne's troops opposite him, and drove them into headlong flight.+ Consequently, as both divisions of the army had been decisively defeated, Washington, with such of the troops as he had been able to keep together, retired with his artillery to Chester. There a halt was made within eight miles of the British army until the next morning, when the retreat was continued to Philadelphia. The British troops were so exhausted from fighting that they did not continue the pursuit during the night, which fact probably saved the American army from total annihilation.‡

The losses on the American side in this battle were severe, amounting to 300 killed, 600 wounded, and about 400 captured by the British. The British loss is supposed to have been much less, probably not exceeding 600

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killed and wounded. Among the Americans wounded was Lafayette, who received a bullet in the leg, from which he was laid up for several months. The troops under Count Pulaski displayed great bravery in this action, and for meritorious conduct on the field of battle Pulaski was raised to the rank of brigadier-general in command of the cavalry. Subsequently an investigation of General Sullivan's conduct was made, but he was exonerated from any blame connected with the retreat.‡

After allowing his army a day of complete rest, Washington recrossed the Schuylkill and proceeded by the Lancaster Road with the full intention of meeting and engaging the British army. The night after the battle of Brandywine, Sir William Howe encamped his army on the field of the conflict, and on the two succeeding days marched by easy stages toward Chester, also occupying Wilmington, to which place the sick and wounded were carried. On the 15th, in an effort to gain the left of the British, the American army reached the

Gordon, American Revolution, vol. ii., P. 509 (ed. 1788); Greene, Life of Greene, vol. i., p. 447; Drake, Life of Knox, p. 48; Reed, Life of Joseph Reed, vol. i., pp. 305-307; Ford's ed. of Washington's Writings, vol. vi., p. 71; Trevelyan, American Revolution, vol. iv., p. 232; Sparks, Life of Washington, p. 235.

Tower, Marquis de La Fayette, vol. i., pp.


↑ Hildreth, vol. iii., pp. 218-219; American Historical Magazine (December, 1866); Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society (18661867). See also W. D. Stone, The Battle of Brandywine (1895).

Warren Tavern on the Lancaster Road, about twenty-three miles from Philadelphia. Early the next morning Washington was apprized that the British were approaching in two columns, and therefore determined to hasten his march and to engage Howe in front.* Both armies made hasty preparations for the battle, and the advance guards had even begun to skirmish when a terrific thunder storm arose which absolutely prevented fighting by either army except with the bayonet. The gunlocks were not well secured and the muskets soon became unfit for use; in addition the cartridge boxes had not been well made so as to protect the ammunition, and more than 400,000 were ruined. The American soldiers were without bayonets, and as the British were well equipped with these instruments and well trained in their use, Washington perceived that they possessed a great superiority over his army, and that a retreat was absolutely necessary.† The attempt to engage the British army was therefore abandoned, the retreat continuing all day and a greater part of the night, in the midst of a heavy downpour and over very poor roads. One of Washington's

Fisher, Struggle for American Independence, vol. ii., pp. 30-31. See also Washington's letter in Sparks, Life of Washington, pp. 237-238.

Lodge, George Washington, vol. i., p. 193. See also Knox's letter of September 24 to his wife, in Brooks, Life of Knox, p. 105; Kalb's letter of September 24, 1777, quoted in Fredrich Kapp, Life of John Kalb, p. 125.

Bancroft, vol. v., p. 180; Carrington, Battles of the Revolution, p. 383; Lossing. Field-Book of the Revolution, vol. ii., pp. 179–180.


officers writes: "The hot-headed politicians will no doubt censure this part of his conduct, while the more judicious will approve it, as not only expedient, but in such a case highly commendable. It was, without doubt, chagrining to a person of his fine feelings to retreat before an enemy not


munition, it was ascertained that there
was scarcely a musket that could be
discharged and hardly one cartridge
that was fit for use.
that was fit for use.* The army then

retired to Warwick Furnace, on the
south branch of the French Creek,
where a supply of muskets and am-
munition could be obtained in suffi-

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AAAA. March of Grey's Detachment in two columns to attack the Americans (B). C. Light infantry attacking Americans in flank. D. Light infantry pursuing American artillery (EE) which was carried off on first alarm. F. Light infantry after routing Americans. G. 44th regiment supporting light infantry. H. 42d regiment in reserve. IIII. Americans in disorderly retreat. The two regiments under Colonel Musgrave were not engaged.

more in number than himself; yet, with a true greatness of spirit, he sacrificed them to the good of his country." Early the next morning a halt was made at Yellow Springs, and upon examining the muskets and am


Josiah Quincy, Memoir of Major Samuel Shaw, quoted by Irving, Life of Washington, vol. iii., p. 227.

cient time to dispute the passage of the Schuylkill River.

At Paoli Inn, in the vicinity of White Horse Tavern, a detachment of 1,500 troops, under General Wayne,

* G. W. Greene, Life of Greene, vol. i., p. 461; F. V. Greene, Life of Greene, p. 84; Ford's ed. of Washington's Writings, vol. vi., pp. 77, 81, 83; Gordon, American Revolution, vol. ii., p. 515 (ed. 1788).



had been stationed in the woods on the left of the British army for the purpose of harassing the latter as much as possible. Upon learning of this, Howe dispatched General Grey on the night of September 20, with a sufficient body of troops completely to overwhelm Wayne. Grey was almost successful in the task assigned him, but Wayne had been warned of the attack and was prepared for it. His troops resisted bravely and he was able to save his artillery and stores. The British finally conquered, however, killing or wounding about 300 men and taking nearly 100 prisoners. The British loss amounted to only 4 killed and 4 wounded.* Wayne was sharply censured for his apparent neglect in allowing the British to surprise him, and he demanded a courtmartial to determine his responsibility, but he was acquitted with honor.†

The result of the campaign thus far had been all in favor of the British, and it was seen, unless some notable event should occur, that Philadelphia would soon be in the possession of the British. Congress therefore determined to move from the city to a place of safety as soon as it should become absolutely necessary. The magazines and public stores were removed, removed, but the members

Carrington, p. 383; Stillé, Wayne and the Pennsylvania Line, pp. 82-91; Reed, Life of Joseph Reed, vol. i., pp. 312-313; Trevelyan,

American Revolution, vol. iv., pp. 232-234; Loss

ing, Field-Book of the Revolution, vol. ii., pp. 163-164.

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themselves continued to hold their sittings in the city and to maintain their authority until the very last moment. They did not, however, lose confidence in Washington's ability, but gave him still greater authority. He had been invested with power to seize whatever provisions were necessary for the maintenance of the troops, paying for such provisions in public certificates. He was also empowered to try by courtmartial, and immediately upon conviction to execute such persons as should assist the British in any way or furnish them with provisions, arms, and stores. The citizens of Philadelphia were levied upon for blankets, shoes, and clothing, before the British captured the city. These measures were considered an absolute necessity in the face of an advancing British army, and with the knowledge that there was a large body of sympathizing Tories or lukewarm neutrals in the vicinity.* To Alexander Hamilton, at this time a lieutenant-colonel, was entrusted the work of carrying out the terms of these provisions, and he executed the task with energy, judgment and with a great measure of success. On September 18, the British now being very near Philadelphia, Congress decided it most prudent to abandon the city. They first went to Lancaster and later to Yorktown, where they

continued to transact business for the

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