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During the same year various other expeditions were sent against the Indians. In April Colonel Van Schaick, with 55 men, marched from Fort Schuyler into the Onondaga territory burning their settlements and destroying large quantities of provisions. In addition, 12 Indians were killed and 34 prisoners taken without the loss of a single man to the Americans. While Sullivan was engaged in laying waste the territory of the Six Nations, Colonel Brodhead was engaged in a similar task, his expedition starting from Pittsburg and going up

the Alleghany. He advanced about
200 miles up the river and destroyed
a number of villages and large
on the head
quantities of grain on
branches of that river. As in New
York, the Indians were unable to
withstand the attack of the American
troops, and after a slight and unsuc-
cessful resistance, abandoned their
villages to the mercy of the Ameri-
cans. These expeditions had a won-
derful effect upon the savage mind,
for while no great numbers of In-
dians were killed, still the savages
were intimidated and their incursions
became less frequent.




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Party dissensions in Congress - Washington's letter to Harrison expressing apprehension Effect of French alliance - Washington's intercourse with Congress — Relaxation in vigorous preparations for war - Inefficiency of American army - Efforts of Washington and others to remedy condition of affairs — Lust for riches among contractors - Depression of the currency Revolt of the Jersey Brigade - Washington's address to the latter Issues of paper money Trouble among foreign representatives Money borrowed in foreign countries Quarrel between Lee, Franklin and Deane transferred to Congress - Paine's connection with the dispute - The accounts of Beaumarchais - Lee and Izard recalled - Deane discharged -His subsequent career - Further issues of money Treasury board reorganized - Prices of commodities rise Riot in Philadelphia - Convention at Hartford States slow in remitting quotas States called upon for specific supplies — The new currency Committee appointed to investigate condition of army - Their report.

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The jealousies and party dissenand party dissensions prevailing in Congress at this time were a source of great anxiety to Washington. By far the greater

Gordon, American Revolution, vol. iii., pp. 307, 491 (ed. 1788); Ford's ed. of Washington's Writ ings, vol. vii., pp. 307, 460-463, vol. viii., pp. 9-17; Lossing, Field-Book of the Revolution, vol. i., pp. 271-278; Stone, Life of Brant, vol. ii.

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general thing, not more than 30 members were present at any one time and frequently some of the States were entirely Furtherunrepresented. more, party feuds greatly interfered with the work of Congress and had a tendency to completely disorganize every department connected with the government. Washington was deeply concerned at this condition of affairs, and in a letter to Benjamin Harrison of Virginia, dated December 18, 1778, he gives expression to his apprehensions as follows:

"It appears as clear to me as ever the sun did in its meridian brightness that America never stood in more eminent need of the wise, patriotic, and spirited exertions of her sons than at this period; and, if it is not a sufficient cause for general lamentation, my misconception of the matter impresses it too strongly upon me, that the states, separately, are too much engaged in their local concerns, and have too many of their ablest men withdrawn from the general council, for the good of the common weal. In a word, I think our political system may be compared to the mechanism of a clock, and that we should derive a lesson from it; for it answers no good purpose to keep the smaller wheels in order, if the greater one, which is the support and prime mover of the whole, is neglected.

"How far the latter is the case, it does not become me to pronounce; but, as there can be no harm in a pious wish for the good of one's country, I shall offer it as mine, that each state would not only choose, but absolutely compel their ablest men to attend Congress; and that they would instruct them to go into a thorough investigation of the causes, that have produced so many disagreeable effects in the army and country; in a word, that public abuses should be corrected. Without this, it does not, in my judg ment, require the spirit of divination to foretell the consequences of the present administration; nor to how little purpose the states individually are framing constitutions, providing laws, and filling offices with the abilities of their ablest men. These, if the great whole is mismanaged, must sink in the general wreck, which will carry with it the remorse of thinking that we are lost

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by our own folly and negligence, or by the desire perhaps of living in ease and tranquillity during the expected accomplishment of so great a revolution, in the effecting of which, the greatest abilities, and the most honest men, our American world affords, ought to be employed.

"It is much to be feared, my dear sir, that the states, in their separate capacities, have very inadequate ideas of the present danger. Many per sons removed far distant from the scene of action, and seeing and hearing such publications only, as flatter their wishes, conceive that the contest is at an end, and that to regulate the government and the police of their own state is all that remains to be done; but it is devoutedly to be wished that a sad reverse of this may not fall upon them like a thunderclap, that is little expected. I do not mean to designate particular states. I wish to cast no reflection upon any one. The public believe (and, if they do believe it, the fact might almost as well be so) that the states at this time are badly represented, and that the great and important concerns of the nation are horribly conducted, for want either of abilities or application in the members, or through the discord and party views of some individuals. That they should be so, is to be lamented more at this time than formerly, as we are far advanced in the dispute, and, in the opinion of many, drawing to a happy period; we have the eyes of Europe upon us, and as I am persuaded many political spies to watch, who discover our situation, and give information of our weaknesses and wants." *

While the French alliance had given a great impetus to the cause of the colonies, still it had considerable ill effect upon the community. People considered that, as the French king had determined to lend his aid in securing to America independence from Great Britain, it was unnecessary that the Americans continue their exertions. To many it seemed as though it were only necessary to allow the French to fight the battles for the Americans, and when the war had finally been won, without any hard

*Sparks, Life of Washington, pp. 286-287.



ship or sacrifice upon their own part, to accept the independence thus gained as a matter of course and of right. Consequently, general languor and indifference prevailed. Thinking that the final result of the war was now a foregone conclusion and being very nearly exhausted by the long protracted struggle, the Americans began to grow weary of the fight and to shrink from every sacrifice. Public and private enterprises lagged; accessions to the army came in but slowly, and even for those who came in it was difficult to provide supplies. The necessity of emitting still further and greater sums of paper money had led to a number of deplorable circumstances; attempts to sustain the currency at par were abortive, and hard currency afterward became so valuable that it was worth ten, fifteen and twenty times the face value of the colonial bills. The Tories began to emit forged Continental currency, which helped to depreciate the value of paper money. Prices soared far beyond the ability of people to pay, and a wide field of speculation opened itself to contractors and speculators, who seized the opportunity to acquire sudden riches amidst the distresses of their compatriots. As a result of this depression, probably none suffered more than the army itself, for supplies were so high that Congress could not issue enough paper money to buy sufficient quantities and could obtain but little coin money. In South Carolina a pair of

shoes cost $700 in paper money, while the pay of the officers and privates was hardly sufficient to provide them even the barest existence. Speaking of these speculators, Washington said, "I would to God that some one of the more atrocious in each state was hung in gibbets upon a gallows five times as high as the one prepared for Haman. No punishment in my opinion is too severe for the man who can build his greatness upon his country's ruin.*

During 1778 but little had been accomplished by the army and both the Americans and French had been unsuccessful in their attempts to drive the British from the continent. On the other hand, however, the British had been unable to make any accession to the territory under their sway. Therefore, in order to concert plans for the coming year, Washington visited Philadelphia to hold personal intercourse with the members of Congress. In this service about five weeks was spent, during which it was finally concluded, considering the condition of the army and the general state of affairs, to act chiefly on the defensive, with the exception of punishing inroads upon the borders. Washington exerted the whole weight of his influence to offset the general impression that the mere fact of the French alliance would result in the ultimate success of the American conflict and that it in itself would relieve

Lodge, George Washington, vol. i., P. 253.



the generally depressed economic with the outside world. They thereconditions. He corresponded with fore no longer enjoyed the security members of Congress and the gov- which their insular position hitherto ernors of the various States and other offered. Having used every available influential citizens, pointing out the piece of material for fuel and having fallacy of the belief that peace was entirely consumed the supplies alnear and showing that a force suffi- ready in the city, the garrison were cient for active operations should be compelled to make frequent expediimmediately raised, equipped and tions into the country, which occawell supported. He said also that sioned many skirmishes, though withwhatever arrangements were made out any great damage to either side. for the army should be made early so The army under Washington, howthat the recruits could all be assem- ever, was too weak to attack the Britbled at headquarters by January 1. ish army even in its present preDespite his urgent requests, it was carious situation. Had he been propnot until January 23, 1779, that Con- erly supported, Washington would gress passed resolutions to reënlist have seized a number of opportunithe army, and not until March 9 were ties to effectively assault the garrison, the States requested to furnish their for the reënforcements sent to the quotas. The military establishment South had greatly reduced it and there for 1780 did not receive considera- was no possible chance of success. tion until some time later, and was But Washington was now numerically not agreed upon until February 9; weaker than his enemy and could not even then the men were not required consider any enterprise of a hazto reach headquarters until April 1. ardous or risky nature. FurtherThus when the American army should more, he was destitute of necessary have been in the field coöperating with supplies, particularly clothing, and the French, nothing had been done could not undertake active operations with the exception of granting author- during the winter. ity to reënlist and recruit the army. This delay was most inopportune and vexatious.

The winter of 1778-1779 had been particularly severe. In New York and Staten Island the British suffered from lack of fuel and other supplies from the country, for Washington had established his troops in that vicinity so as to cut off completely the British garrison from communication

In addition to the inactivity of the army, affairs in general were in a depressed state. While at first the news of the French alliance had filled the people with unbounded enthusiasm, the protraction of the struggle had been quite beyond expectations and their enthusiasm speedily began to die out and their ardor to cool. After the surrender of Burgoyne and the arrival of the French troops in

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