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"country upon the subject of the slave-trade. | the abolition of the trade in slaves. In a de"It is universally believed that the abolition spatch from Mr. Secretary Canning to the com


was a measure which Great Britain, under "the cloak of philanthropy, but really in"fluenced by jealousy of the prosperity of this “island, forced upon Spain. That the latter "fulfils her engagements as far as Great Bri"tain is directly concerned, but that in reality "she is indifferent upon the subject. Among "the illicit traders, it is the general persuasion "that if they escape the British cruisers they "have nothing to fear. The trade itself is "looked upon as any thing but criminal; it is, "on the contrary, considered to be promoting "the interests of the island, and merely "thwarting the selfish views of Great Britain. "If the Spanish government be really desirous "of suppressing the slave-trade, they must "convince the people here that such is their "desire; and that his Catholic majesty is really "of opinion that the true interests of the island are intimately connected with the carrying "that measure effectually into execution. The “slave-trade with this island is now as extensive as ever it was, and is necessarily car"ried on with greater cruelty. The abolition by Spain, therefore, is merely nominal; and instead of promoting, only serves to injure "the cause of justice and humanity."



Quarterly Reports from the commissioners, dated July 6th, 1824, and 25th October, 1824, state that no slave-vessels had been brought into the port of Rio de Janeiro by any of his majesty's cruisers for adjudication.


missioners, dated April 4th, 1825, he informs them that his majesty's ambassador at the Hague having been instructed to urge upon the government of the Netherlands the expediency of rendering the Netherlands' regulations as to the captors of slave-traders more favourable than they appeared to have been to the capturing vessel, the king of the Netherlands, with that candour which did him honour, admitted the truth of the observations submitted to his majesty; and had issued a decree by which the officers and crew of a Netherlands' cruiser, in the case of the capture of vessels afterwards condemned by the mixed commission, should obtain a grant of that portion of the seizure which by right belonged to the Netherlands' government, the expenses of the trial in the mixed commission court being first deducted: and further, that the officers and crew of a capturing vessel should obtain the net proceeds of all slave-trading vessels taken in virtue of the Netherland law of the 23d of December, 1824.

Correspondence between the Admiralty and Naval Officers, relative to the Suppression of the Slave Trade.

The substance of the communications from naval officers to the admiralty, is, that the Brazilian slave-trade was more vigorous than ever; that all the Portuguese authorities on the coast either entered into or took a part in that infamous traffic; that the commander of the Portuguese factory had provoked wars between the different tribes of the natives for the sake of J. H. Lance, esq., in a letter to Mr. Secretary getting slaves cheap, and actually paid for them Canning, dated March 30, 1824, encloses a copy about half a dollar in value, of goods, for each; of a paper which had been recently sent to every that it was ascertained that Brazilian vessels, furplantation and to every owner of slaves in the nished with a passport (agreeably to the treaty becolony of Surinam, and which was to be continued tween Great Britain and Portugal) to trade for annually. The object of the government was to slaves to the Portuguese possessions south of the ascertain the name, age, occupation, and religion Line, instead of doing so, made a direct passage of every slave in the colony; which were to be to one of the ports in the Bight of Benin; that it set down by, and delivered in upon the oath of had been strongly represented to the governor of the director or owner, as the case might be. If Mozambique, that, in contravention of the treaty a false return were afterwards discovered to between Great Britain and Portugal, vessels have been made, the slaves omitted were in- carrying the flag of France continued to obtain stantly to be forfeited to the government; and slaves at places under his excellency's govern the person making such false return to be crimi- ment; that several vessels with slaves (many nally proceeded against before the fiscal. Mr. of them in the most distressing condition) Lance observes, that if this measure were pro- were captured north of the Line; that on the perly enforced it would more effectually put a eastern coast of Africa the slave-trade had restop to future illicit importations of negroes cently received a new impulse from the supply than any thing hitherto done for that purpose; required for Brazil, the new order of things and that it would in many respects be equal to having opened the ports of Quilliman and Inthe acts of registration passed in the British hanban to a direct communication with Brazil; colonies. In answer, Mr. Secretary Canning that the exportation of slaves from Mozambique states, that his majesty's government had pe- could not be less than 15,000 annually; that the rused with satisfaction the proof thus given by slave-trade was carried on in the most extensive the local authorities of Surinam of their sincere and audacious way from Cuba; &c. &c. endeavours to second the humane intentions of The substance of the despatches from the adtheir sovereign, as recorded in the treaty be-miralty to the naval officers consists of commutween Great Britain and the Netherlands, fornications of the treaties entered into between

Great Britain and foreign powers for the sup-
pression of the slave-trade, and of the acts of the
British parliament for the same purpose; as
well as of instructions as to the best mode by
which the object of those treaties and acts might
be best accomplished.
Correspondence of the Governor of the Mauritius
with the Colonial Office, regarding the State
of the Slave Trade.

Governor Farquhar's correspondence com. mences on the 26th July, 1820, with detailing the efforts which his excellency was making to suppress the traffic in slaves, especially in Madagascar; conveys an address from the inhabitants of the Mauritius, expressing their de testation of the trade; communicates the stipu. lations of a treaty with Radama, the king of Madagascar, for the abolition of the slave-trade throughout his dominions; describes the good faith with which Radama carried that treaty into execution; relates a successful attempt (in conjunction with the government of India) to prevail on the Imaun of Muscat and the governor of Zanzibar to co-operate in putting down the slave-trade; and concludes, on the 16th May, 1823, with expressing the governor's satisfaction at leaving the island of Mauritius wholly freed from the stigma of the slave-trade. In a despatch, dated "Mauritius, 31 Dec., "1824," lieutenant-general sir Lowry Cole says: “I have great satisfaction in being able to state, that there is no reason to suppose that any vessel under the British flag is at all engaged in the slave-trade."





Return of the Amounts of the Slave Popula-
tion in each of his Majesty's Colonies in the
West Indies, distinguishing the Males and
Females, as received in the office of the
Registrar of Colonial Slaves since the 18th
April, 1824.




Year. Males. Females. Total.

Papers in explanation of the Measures adopted by his Majesty's Government for the melioration of the condition of the Slave Population in the West Indies on the Continent of South America.


A DESPATCH from earl Bathurst to the duke

of Manchester, dated "Downing Street, 9th "January, 1824," instructs his grace to endeavour to prevail upon the assembly to reconsider their act for the melioration of the slave

population, and to take a more temperate and judicious view of what their real interests, and, as lord Bathurst was willing to believe, their natural sense of justice, would ultimately require them to adopt.

A despatch from the duke of Manchester to earl Bathurst, dated "King's House, Jamaica, "12th January, 1824," expresses his grace's satisfaction that the holidays had passed away without any commotion amongst the negroes. His grace observes, however, that from examinations which had taken place it was proved that there had been a settled plan among the slaves to rise on some fixed day. Deeply as he lamented the necessity of executing the slaves convicted of rebellious conspiracy in St. Mary, he was persuaded that the example had had the effect of deterring others who were prepared for


A despatch from the duke of Manchester to earl Bathurst, dated "King's House, Jamaica, 9th February, 1824," reports the trials and sentences of the slaves who had been charged with rebellious conspiracy in the parishes of St. George and St. James. Two were executed, and the others sentenced to transportation and minor punishments.

A despatch from the duke of Manchester to earl Bathurst, dated "King's House, Jamaica,

16th June, 1824," communicates information
he had received of the slaves having, in two in-
stances, proceeded to acts of outrage in the
parish of Hanover; but his grace expresses his
1823 36,159 42,657 78,816 hope that the measures of precaution which
1823 41,224 33,753 74,977 had been adopted would check any disposition
1823 12,258 13,052 25,310 to revolt before it could proceed to any extent.
1823 166,595 169,658 336,253
A despatch from the duke of Manchester to
1823 6,812 7,262 14,074
1824 6,558 7,098 13,656 earl Bathurst, dated "King's House, Jamaica,
1822 13,052 10,336 23,388 "1st July, 1824," states, that the revolt men-
tioned in his last despatch had been for the pre-
sent suppressed. The prompt measures which
had been adopted by sir John Keane had been
productive of the best consequences. The ne-
groes throughout the island laboured under the
delusion that they were entitled to their free-
dom; and the publication of his majesty's pro-
clamation had not removed their error, for they
declared that the proclamation was a forgery,
fabricated in Jamaica by their owners.

Return of the Amounts of the Slave Popula-
tion in the Colonies of the Cape of Good
Hope and Mauritius, distinguishing the
Males and Females, as received in the office
of the Registrar of Colonial Slaves since its
first establishment.

Cape of Good







Year. Males. Females. Total.

1819 20.098 13,743 33,841
1820 20,313 14,016 34,329
A despatch from the duke of Manchester to
1821 20,494 14,263 34,757 earl Bathurst, dated" King's House, Jamaica,

1822 20,461 14,536 34,997

1823 20,491 14,780 35,271

31st July, 1824," announces the trials and

1822 41,015 22,754 63,760 sentences of the slaves concerned in the late

The Seychelles (1822) 4,574 2,166 6,740 revolt. Twelve had been executed. It appeared

evident from their declarations that they were 66 your grace's message of the 11th instant, to fully impressed with the belief that they were "gether with a copy of his majesty's order in entitled to their freedom, and that the cause "council, for improving the condition of the they had embraced was just, and in vindication" slaves in Trinidad, which accompanied the of their own rights. "said message. The house consider the pre


A despatch from earl Bathurst to the duke" sent season of alarm and agitation, when the of Manchester, dated "Downing Street, 14th negro mind is peculiarly liable to receive false "July, 1824," encloses a copy of the order in" impressions, unfavourable for the adoption of council for the improvement of the condition of " any measures interfering with long-established the slaves in Trinidad; and notifies the ap-" institutions, and therefore cannot but regret pointment of two bishops, the one for Jamaica" that those motives of prudence, which in. and the other for the Leeward Islands, to whom" fluenced the British government in delaying are to be entrusted the control of the clergy of" to carry the order in council into execution the church of England in their respective dio-" at Demarara, should not have restrained it ceses, and the duty of reporting upon the state "from pressing the immediate consideration of of the ecclesiastical establishment, particularly" this subject on one of the oldest and most as it relates to the slave population, and upon "valuable possessions of the British crown, the best means of diffusing the benefits of reli-" under circumstances infinitely more critical gious instruction to that part of the community." than those which apply to that conquered His lordship expresses his hope, that the assem"colony. The house, however, assure your bly of Jamaica, by incorporating in their statutes grace, that they will, potwithstanding, conthose additional provisions of the order in coun- "tinue to bestow their most serious consideracil respecting Trinidad, which as yet were not "tion on all subjects connected with the welfare to be found in their consolidation act, would lay" of the slave population in this island, and the foundation for such a system of gradual im- " will embrace every favourable opportunity to provement of the condition of the slave popula-make such enactments as may be deemed tion, as would prove equally honourable to the "prudent and advisable." assembly and beneficial to those for whose advantage it appeared to be more immediately intended.

A despatch from the duke of Manchester to earl Bathurst, dated" King's House, Jamaica, "13th November, 1824," encloses copies of his grace's speech at the opening of the session, and the addresses of the council and assembly in answer thereto. His grace had the satisfaction to acquaint his lordship, that a bill had been introduced into the assembly by a very intelligent member of that body, admitting the evidence of slaves under certain regulations; and that, although some little clamour was at first excited, it seemed in a great measure to have subsided; and that the bill had been ordered to be read a second time on the 24th November.

A despatch from the duke of Manchester to earl Bathurst, dated" King's House, Jamaica, "24th December, 1824," announces the termination of the session on the 18th. His grace was afraid his lordship would be dissatisfied with the proceedings of the assembly with reference to the order in council respecting Trinidad. The bill which had been introduced into the house for admitting the evidence of slaves, with certain qualifications, had been rejected by a majority of 36 to 1. His grace was extremely apprehensive that the failure of that bill would destroy all hope of any measure of consequence being adopted in favour of the slaves; and that fear was not diminished by the following message which he received from the house on the 26th November:


Two acts, however, had been since passed, important in themselves as affording protection and encouragement to the slaves, and more so as indicating an intention of doing more hereafter. The first act protected slaves from all mesne process on the day allotted to them for the cultivation of their provisions or to carry them to market. It would enable them to employ the Saturday for this purpose; whilst before this act passed, slaves belonging to individuals against whom judgments were open were obliged to go to market on Sunday, in order to avoid the danger of being taken by the deputy-marshal on any other day. This exemp tion from mesne process would afford them now the opportunity to employ Sunday in a more suitable manner, and would materially contri. bute to the extinction of the Sunday market. The other act enabled the owners of slaves to reward their services by manumission, notwithstanding entails and other settlements. The mode of removing legal disabilities adopted in the act was simple, and would he hoped prove beneficial. Although he was aware that those acts fell very short of his lordship's expec tations, still he was convinced that there was a very sincere desire to do, from time to time, what might appear practicable; and if the assembly had not done more now, it had arisen from the general belief that the negro mind was still unsettled, and their designs of mischief not yet abandoned: an impression which had acquired much force from the Report of a secret committee appointed to inquire into

"May it please your Grace, the rise, progress, and means used to sup"We are desired by the house to wait on 66 press the late disturbances in this island, and your grace, and to inform you, that they have to report their opinion thereon; and also to "taken into their most serious consideration" inquire if any and what negroes have be


"haved themselves faithfully and meritoriously "only be quenched in blood. The wishes and "to their owners and the public during such "good intentions of the master have been para"disturbances, and if any of them deserve" lysed by the fear that scenes of revolt may "rewards for the same;" a copy of which he" be of too frequent occurrence to afford any enclosed for his lordship's information. After" rational prospect that the fatal delusion which describing the nature of the rebellious conspira." now overshadows the mind of his negro may cies that had lately manifested themselves in" be eventually renewed; and, however anxious the island of Jamaica, the report thus pro- "he may be to adopt measures which prudence ceeds: "and humanity might suggest as tending to "Your committee has sedulously endeavoured" ameliorate the condition of his slaves, he dare "to trace the origin of the various disturbances" not, lest they should be considered acts of "which have so recently agitated the island,“ compulsion, and thereby excite feelings of "and in no one instance have they been attri-" triumph in the negro bosom, which perhaps "buted to any complaints preferred by the slaves" no subsequent events but of pure benevolence "of cruel treatment experienced from their "could possibly allay. Your committee there"masters or overseers, of the privation of any "fore in adverting to the agitated state in which rights with which usage or law had invested" the negro population (too susceptible of re“them, or of any excess of labour exacted; on "ceiving false impressions) is unhappily placed, "the contrary thereof, the very negroes who" as evidenced by the construction which they "have atoned by the forfeiture of their lives for " put on his majesty's proclamation, and other "the violation of the laws of their country, de-" measures connected with the present disturb“clared, both before their conviction and at the "ances, deprecate as impolitic the discussion at “place of execution, that they were contented" this particular season of any question relative "and happy till they imbibed notions that the "to our slave code. The danger resulting from king and Wilberforce had made them free." the disaffection which has been too success"This idea is not confined to any one particular" fully excited, becomes more alarming when we "parish, but appears to have pervaded the "advert to the critical situation in which this "whole island, and has taken such full posses-" island stands with reference to a neighbouring "sion of the negro mind, that it forms the con- "colony, and the communication which, in "stant theme of his conversation, and its effects" defiance of the laws, is carried on. Oppor"are too lamentably shown by the altered de-"tunities are thereby afforded incendiaries from "meanour and the reluctance exhibited in" that country to disseminate their revolutionary "discharging his ordinary duties. All notions" principles. The feeling of disaffection which "of dependence and subjection to the authority" has already been engendered by the political "of his master are now excluded, and so far "discussions in the mother country is fostered "from regarding the latter with his wonted" and encouraged with a view to promote that feelings of respect and affection, he looks" spirit of insurrection and rebellion from which upon him as his bitterest enemy, in with-" alone they anticipate to reap the fruits of their holding from him the enjoyment of those pri-“ labour, the subversion of the established vileges which the mother country is supposed" government, and thereby assimilate this island to have conceded. The natural result of" to Saint Domingo. The expenses which the "this has been a restless expectation of benefits" island has had to sustain in consequence of "of which they have no definite idea; some "the late disturbances amount to 15,270l. 12s. "looking forward to emancipation, whilst others," 11d., as will appear on reference to the more moderate, confine their views to the en- "several returns and documents laid before the "house. The uniform, peaceful, and good






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joyment of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, as days set apart exclusively for the negro." conduct of the slaves, for years anterior to "The discussions which from time to time are "the period when Mr. Buxton made his motion “renewed in the British parliament, and with" in the House of Commons, had induced his "which the negroes become acquainted, tend" grace the governor to dispense with Christmas to keep alive those feelings of distrust and "guards. The question, however, which was “dissatisfaction, and will, if persisted in, even- "then agitated was fraught with the most "tually place a barrier of insurmountable hos-" direful consequences. It shook the fidelity "tility between the master and his slave, and“ and attachment of our negro population, and " inevitably defeat the object which even the" may for ever destroy that confidence which has "advocates of emancipation themselves enter- "hitherto been reciprocally interchanged. Re*tain; for instead of diffusing a pure and salu-" volt and insurrection menaced us on every “tary light, which might gradually prepare the side, and the Christmas guards were in consenegro mind for that improvement in its condi-66 quence restored; these expenses fall with *tion which may be alone contemplated, they" double severity on a colony overwhelmed with "infuse notions inimical to their own happiness" distress, arising from the heavy duties which and to the welfare of the colony, the effect of "are imposed by the mother country, on and ** which your committee dread will be to kindle" from the depreciation in value of our colonial


a flame, which, if ever extinguished, will" produce; and under the existing state of


"things, your committee see no prospect of being good humour, and throng the place of worship.

[merged small][ocr errors]

Psalmody and organs have great attractions
for them: they seem particularly fond of form
and ceremony, and greater critics than many
persons will give them credit for, remarking
every particularity of manner and gesture, and
have a great predilection for a powerful sonorous
voice. As soon as my archdeacon and myself
have visited the several parishes, which we pur-
pose doing immediately, I shall not fail to com.
municate to your lordship whatever I may deem
useful and practical. In the mean time, I am
happy in being able to assure your lordship that
a very general wish to ameliorate the condition
of the slaves, and to instruct them in the princi-
ples of the established church, seems to pervade
the great mass of proprietors, and every facility
is afforded me of visiting the several plantations.
I shall endeavour to procure some accurate esti-
mates for the building of churches.
Statement of the population, &c. of the city
of Kingston in 1825.

Slave population

15,000 Free persons of colour and blacks 10,000 White inhabitants 6,000

Total population, about...31,000
The religious accommodation for the above
number is as follows:

Church of the establishment, cal-
culated to contain 1,000...
Wesleyan methodist chapels
Anabaptist chapels
Scotch church
Roman catholic chapel





Extract of a despatch from the lord bishop of Jamaica, addressed to the earl Bathurst, dated Perkin's Pen, Jamaica, March 12th, 1825. The accompanying addresses, being five out of seventeen which have been presented to me, will be the best proof of the state of public opinion as to the new ecclesiastical establishment. I have the honour to enclose a statement of the population of Kingston, and the very inadequate means of accommodation for members of the church of England. Under the pressing circumstances of the case, I have allowed Mr. Paterson, one of the stipendiary clergy, and just appointed island curate to the parish of Kingston, to officiate in a free school, which has been offered to me by the mayor and corporation divine service was performed in this place in 1812, during a temporary panic from the effects of an earthquake, and I have availed myself of this precedent to meet the present exigencies of the inhabitants. The room will contain nearly five hundred persons, and a very strong predilection exists for the doctrines of the church of England, if opportunities for attending divine service were afforded them. With a view to the more punctual performance of the parochial duty, I have made an arrangement with Mr. Mann, the rector of Kingston, to allow 2001. per annum to an assistant curate. I shall lose no time in licensing Mr. Askew to this curacy. I have no hesitation in suggesting to your lordship the propriety of erecting two chapels of ease to the mother church at Kingston, and from all that I can learn on the subject, am of opinion they would both be immediately filled wherever I go, I find the greatest aversion to sectarianism of every kind and denomination, but every degree of confidence in any teachers of religion whom I may be pleased to appoint. I have as yet seen very little of the slave population, except during a short excursion into the Port Royal Mountains: the great want is places of worship in situations where the negroes of many surrounding estates might be easily assembled, and houses for the clergy. Many proprietors have indeed tendered houses which might be adapted for this purpose, and from all I hear from the clergy, much has been done this way, particularly since the Society for further extension of privilege to certain the Education of Negroes has directed its atten- "free persons of colour in certain cases.”— tion to this point. From the great uncertainty "An act to suspend an act, intituled ÂL and capriciousness of the negro character, it is act to ascertain who shall not be deemed difficult to make sure of their attendance even "Mulattoes." "- "An act to amend and cawhere great pains have been taken; but when-solidate the several slave acts." Governor ever a preacher is popular, they dress out their Grant observes, that the first of these acts at children and themselves, a sure sign they are in mits the evidence of free persons in all cases


The number of baptisms of slaves
in 1824
Marriages of slaves in the same




With respect to the baptisms, it is to be remarked that not one third of the number of slaves mentioned to have been baptised in Kingston belong to Kingston, the others come from various parts of the country.

(Signed) J. MANN, Rector of Kingston.


A despatch from governor Grant to ear! Bathurst, dated "Government House, Baha"mas, 10th May, 1824," encloses copies of three acts, having reference to the free and slave coloured people of the Bahamas; all of them intended and calculated, in some degree, to meliorate their condition. These acts are intituled as follows:-"An act to grant the

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