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Advantage of cotemporary history
Necessity of developing the Society of Orangemen
Ascendancy - First germ of Union in Mr. Pitt's mind - Bishop
of Cloyne's controversy - System of terrifying by false alarms-
Religious dissension fomented in Armagh Lord Clare made
Chancellor Strength of the Ascendancy party Mr. Pitt's
conduct towards the Catholics-Mr. Pitt's conduct to the Protest-
ant parties, and his view to Union Turbulence of the country
•ncreased—Mr. Pitt divides the Whig party in England-False
charges against Mr. Fay and others Mr. Pitt's conspiracy a-
gainst Catholic Emancipation-Persecutions in Armagh Peace-
able resolutions of the Catholics of Lurgan-Commencement of
the Orange Society -Spirit and progress of Orangeism - Mr.
Giffard the founder of the Orangemen - Orangemen grow more
ferocious, and are encouraged Lurgan Magistrates encourage
Orangemen-Conviction of Mr. Greer for denying justice-Con.
spiracy against Mr. Coile-Conspirators retract and own their
crime-How Mr. Coile was prevented from prosecuting other
Magiftrates and what juftice done to Orange delinquents - Mis-
chief of Orangism kept from the public-Alarming progress of
Orangeism - Evidence of the Armagh magistrates against the
Orangemen Speech of Lord Gosford-How Ld. Gosford ap-
pointed governor of Armagh. His upright spirit-Legislative acts
not always authentic ground for history-The debates in parlia
ment the only hiftorical source of information-Nature of propɔ-
sed amendment to the Attorney General's bill-Outrageous con-
duct of the Orange magiftrates in Armagh-Insurgency and In-
demnity Bills paffed-Partiality for Orangemen & their triumph.
Address of the Grand Jury of Armagh self-adulatory
ment finds the Orangemen useful - Bad effects of Government's
encouraging the Orangemen-Original obligation of Orangemen
-Inefficient remedy in Armagh -Firmness of Mr. Coile in de-
manding redress, and bringing to light the form of the oath of
Orangemen-Further proofs of the oath of extermination-

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Testimony of Mr. O'Connor-Further evidence-Impunity and
protection of Orangemen—Orangism spreads to the neighbouring
counties Why so many Presbyterians Orangemen—Mr. Pel-
ham's boaft of the vigilance of Government-Orangemen paiḍ
by Government-Orangemen eagerly enter the Yeomanry corps
and why-Orange atrocities unpunished-Orangemen encreased
and dreaded by the people-Orangemen's address-Gains them
no credit-Commended by Duigenan and Pelham — Commenț
on Orange address - Further comment - Toleration of King -
William-The address denies not the oath of extermination—-
Extension of Orangism—Massacre and burnings near Newry
Same subject continued Further atrocities-Rebellion in 1798.3
-Wexford insurrection-Lord Cornwallis arrives in Ireland-
Ld. Cornwallis the tool of Mr. Pitt -Conduct of the Orangemen
after the rebellion-Orangism after the rebellion was put downo
-Murder of Dogherty by Wolaghan a Yeoman, and its conse
quences-Orangemen proselytise amongst the English regiments
- Lord Hardwicke's order against entering into Orange lodges
Evil of keeping Orangism on foot Mischief of countenancing
known evils-General Cockburne's orders against Orangism→
Effects of those ordersQuestion of Catholic emancipation————
Insincerity of promises of emancipation Lord Cornwallis
keeps up the Orangemen Import of the term Protestant as-
cendancy -Efforts to forward the Union- -Orangemen natur-
ally againft Union- Orange advertisement not to interfere
with Union New rules and regulations of the society of
Orangemen- -Conclusive observation.


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Adminiftration of the EARL of HARDWICKE.


Principles of the new adminiftration--Parliamentary debates
on Irish matters- -Important debates in the Lords on the mar
tial law bill-Lord Hardwicke's arrival in Dublin-State of
Parties on the change of Ministers-Mr. Pitt's friends against
Mr. Addington's adminiftration - Opening symtoms of Lord
Hardwicke's adminiftration-Lord Hardwicke's confistence
Messrs Sirr and Sandys--Peace with France, and meeting of
Parliament-State of parties-Effect of Peace-Internal spirit in
Ireland- Death of Lord Clare- Political arrangements after
Lord Clare's death-Case of Mr. Napper Tandy- Mr. Tandy &
others arrested at Hamburgh-Mr. Tandy involved in the capi-
tulation of the Helder-Mr. Tandy sent from Hamburgh to Ire-
land-Mr. Tandy cleared-Base attempt at Mr. Tandy's life ➡
Contrivance of Government against Mr. Tandy-Irish finances
and Mr. Fofter-Dissolution of Parliament-Causes of internal
discontent-Viceregal tour- Parliament meets Mr. Abbot re-
elected Speaker Col. Despard's conspiracy-The obligation -
Trial of the conspirators-Disturbances in the south put down-
Successful exertions of Lord Donoughmore to keep the peace-
State of parties in the new parliament-Preparations for war
Parliamentary proceedings respecting Ireland-Irish poor
Measures of Lord Hardwicke's Government-Symtoms of insur-
gency-Commencement of Mr. R. Emmett's insurrection
Continuance of Emmett's insurrection-General ambiguous con-
duct of Government-Conduct of Lord Lieutenant and others-
Final catastrophe of the rebellion-Government measures after
the danger-Russell's insurrection in the North-Russell's pro-
clamation-Further caution of Government-Judges under mi-
fitary escort-King's message and cautionary bills - Catholic's
address to the Ld, Lieutenant and his answer-New system of
severity-Further cautionary measures-Mr. Hutchinson's moti-
on on the state of Ireland-Prorogation of Parliament & further

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caution. Apprehension, trial and execution of Emmett
Trials in the North, Mr. Russell Peculiar imbecility of
Government- -System of secret rigor- -General conduct
of official men- -Parliament convened, King's speech and
-Renewal of coercion and debates thereon-Further
acts of the legislature Dwyer surrenders to Mr. Hume
Mr. Wickham retires from ill health Further cautionary
measures- -King's illness and conduct of Ministers
Minifters called upon by Mr. Grey-Linen duty imposed-
Sir John Wrottesley's motion on the rebellion-Lord Redesdale's
correspondence with Lord Fingal-Mr. Perceval's juftifica-
tion of Lord Redesdale- -Mischief of unfair representation

of the people. Mr. Pitt Debates in Parliament affecting
Ireland- -Mr. Pitt's influence and duplicity - Mischievous
inconsistency of military service.


Mr. Arthur's case.

P. 277


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