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his emigration, therefore, to South Australia, affords the Committee a favourable opportunity of strengthening the Bethel cause in that most important province.

There is every appearance of the ports of that colony, especially those around Spencer's Gulf, becoming more frequented, within a very short period, than those of any other in the Southern Ocean; and if worthy efforts are now made to secure religious instruction to seamen on their arrival, the enormities of that class of men complained of, as having been committed in the islands of the South Seas, will happily no more be reported, to the deep affliction of Christians, the friends of missions in Britain and America.

Mr. Barclay's designation took place at Silver Street Chapel, on Friday evening, June 9th, when Rev. John Young, M. A. read the Scriptures and prayed; Rev. Dr. Cox addressed the assembly on the condition and claims of seamen; Rev. T. Timpson, Foreign Secretary of the Society, offered the dedicatory prayer; Rev. Dr. Bennet gave his friend a pastoral address; Rev. H. Townley offered some judicious counsels; and Rev. R. Ferguson, Home Secretary of the Society, concluded the service with prayer. Hymns were given out by Rev. J. Upton, and Rev. Mr. Moore. Great solemnity pervaded the meeting, and the service, it is believed, will long be remembered by many besides Mr. Barclay.

June 9, 1837,


2, Jeffreys' Square, St. Mary Axe, London.

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Rev. R. FERGUSON offered prayer.

DIVINE PROVIDENCE is evidently favouring the operations of the British and Foreign Sailors' Society, as will appear from the following extracts of the monthly reports of the Agents. Those relating to the Thames, Agency would re

quire a much larger space than can be allowed in the of the PILOT.

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Welsh Sailors in the Port of London.-J. T. Rowland reports holding four meetings among his Welsh brethren on the river during the month; about three hundred seamen attended the worship of God on these several and truly delightful occasions. Three of the meetings were convened on deck, under awning, and the other in a hold, conveniently arranged for the opportunity. One new vessel has been added to the number of our Bethel ships."

This agent hesitates not to assert, that a general moral and saving reformation has taken place in the deportment and condition of Welsh seamen, within the last few years. To God be all the praise.

First Thames Station.-J. T. Rowland reports several disappointments of meetings, on account of the seamen being at work. One meeting was held, attended by thirty seamen, who paid the greatest attention to the word of salvation there were also three Custom House officers present, one of whom led the singing, and seemed to be a very pious character. The occupation of these men I am sorry to find precludes even the few of those amongst them that are so inclined from attending the worship of God, for months together. On one occasion, I was on board the L, Capt. H. of Guernsey, a pious master, who gave some very pleasing accounts of the prosperity of the cause of Christ among his brother seamen in general, but in Guernsey in particular. A Bethel meeting is held there once a week, attended by about two hundred seamen: four meetings are also held among the same class of men every Lord's day; about four hundred generally attend in the evening of that holy day. It seems to be truly a pentecost among mariners on that fine island.

Rev. Mr. Benson reports some exceedingly good meetings, in several instances as many as thirty sailors present. The owner and the captain of a vessel were on board, and the owner having made a recent purchase of this vessel, all alike were desirous of again dedicating her to God and his service; accordingly, every preparation was made in her hold, and a goodly number attended, rejoicing that such were the opportunities they could now enjoy.

Fifth Thames Station." Mr. Maddox writes, "Some of the meetings in the Station have been unusually interesting, from the circumstance of my having had upon

three occasions the valuable assistance of the father of the Bethel Meetings,' Captain Wilkins. At a service held on board his vessel, a young man seemed deeply affected, as he knelt down, and prayed for the Divine grace and mercy. I think nearly twelve seamen poured out their hearts in prayer that night; it was one of the most awakening and powerful meetings I ever attended. At another meeting, a youth prayed for the first time in public.

The services have all been regular. No disappointment has occurred.

Thanks be to God,

I think I have met with more praying seamen, during the past month, than for a long time. the work is advancing.

Mr. Waldon reports much that was Fifth Station during the month past; he writes:

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encouraging in the among other things

'May 11.-Our meeting was on board the I

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new Bethel ship, though the master was very ill in his state-room; six sailors were present, and two of them prayed.

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May 18.-Meeting on board the JW

which fourteen sailors were present.



May 22.-On board the NY, thirty sailors present, and four of them offered prayer: this was a cheering meeting. One master addressed his brethren present, and said, 'I have read in the Pilgrim's Progress of a very troublesome fellow, and his name is Shame. I think he had made it his business to come among us to-night. Come, let us turn him out, for he is no friend to prayer; and if you listen to him, he'll take care to keep your tongue quiet from calling on the Lord Jesus Christ.' I have reason to rejoice in the belief that the Lord blessed this word of exhortation to the sailors. "May 25.-On board the Wtwenty sailors present, and three prayed. It is a new Bethel ship. May 29.-On board the GB, nine sailors present.

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"June 5.-On board the N-, a new Bethel ship, twenty-eight seamen present, and five of them prayed. This was an edifying opportunity; and while it was good to hear the natural showers of rain descending upon the deck over our heads, surely we were favoured with the showers of grace from the Holy Spirit.

[JULY, "June 8.-On board the S-, fourteen sailors pre


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Mr. Edwards writes concerning a part of the Fifth Station, "This is a large field of labour, a great number of vessels in each tier; yet the largest number present at one meeting during this month, when your agent was present, was not more than sixteen, while at one there were only nine. May the Lord pour out his Holy Spirit upon sailors in this part of the river."

Sixth Thames Station.-Captain Prynn reports, "This past month I have held ten public services on board of vessels, and have, on those occasions, addressed about three hundred sailors, on the things relative to their eternal interest. Some of those meetings have been reviving and refreshing seasons, not only to my own soul, but to those of seamen by whom I have been surrounded. Many wept, and in tears poured out their souls before God in such a manner as to leave no doubt of their sincerity-truly this is the Lord's work, and it is wonderful in our eyes. Never did I witness such scenes as on board the At and the M- -y. Two sailors on board the one, and three sailors on board the other, uttered such earnest prayers for the salvation of their souls as I have seldom heard; I trust they wrestled not in vain. An evident change has taken place in them. The work of the Lord appears to be breaking out on every side; the number of inquirers for the good old way are increasing, and many of our brother sailors are turning in with the overtures of salvation. I have this past month held the most pleasing and profitable conversation with my brother captains, mates, and sailors, that I have in any month within my recollection hitherto. The religious experience of some of those men has really astonished me; they seem to have held much close communion with the God of all grace. There are many of those men well qualified to become teachers of others, if they could but be persuaded to buckle on the armour, and enter the list. May the Lord whom they serve, and who has the hearts of all men in his hands, encourage them to go forward.

Greenwich Fair.-On Whit Monday a ship was ob tained, lying close to the General Steam Packet Wharf, on board of which two Bethel Flags were hoisted, one at the fore, the other at the main top gallant mast heads, the signal for a general Bethel meeting. A suitable place

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also was found on shore, opposite the helpless ward of Greenwich Hospital, and near the Woolwich road, where the Bethel Flag was displayed, and I had the happiness of commencing the open air preaching to the teeming multitudes that were just then rushing into this awful scene of iniquitous dissipation and crime. Many listened for a while and passed on, while some stopped and heard attentively, and dropped the tear of contrition. In this service my brother and fellow-labourer, Mr. Welch, with his accustomed zeal, took an active part in speaking to the gazing throng. Many other ministers who attended, shared, after the example of our blessed Master, in the honours of this day, by advocating the cause of Christ, and pointing sinners to the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world.' After our engagements on shore, which continued until three P. M., we went on board the Lds (where the Bethel Flags had been hoisted from the morning), accompanied by three ministerial friends, and held a very profitable meeting on the quarter deck. This service was especially blessed to one person present. The meeting closing about a quarter past six, I came to London just in time to meet the seamen at the Sailors' Chapel, and hold our prayer meeting, with an address, and then our sailors' fellowship meeting immediately afterwards. This meeting was well attended, and five sailors spoke of their Christian experience with hearts apparently fixed on things above.

Visitation of Shipping.-Close attention has been paid to this important duty, of daily converse with captains, mates, sailors, and bargemen, lightermen, watermen, and others, on the things of salvation. Experience proves these visits are not in vain. The gratitude that is manifested by sailors and others on these occassions, is a sufficient proof how fully they appreciate these labours of love; and in addition, we find new ground to work on, and meet many more pious, earnest, heaven-turned sailors than we knew before. I have visited Blackwall twice a week, together with Greenwich and Deptford, and the Lower Pool; boarded 317 vessels, distributed about 2,500 tracts. Means have also been taken to engage some earnest pious friends to advocate the sailors' cause at Greenwich, and hold meetings twice in the week, entering the ships lying off that place occasionally; this I trust will soon be effected.

Loan Libraries.-Three Loan Libraries have this month

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