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competent apiarians that would watch their habits


and wants; and if our climate should at first prove I WAS for a long time troubled about having too severe for them, they should be placed in a calves altered. My family have bred cattle for green-house to winter, where they would be an in-sixty years, and yet always employed a man to teresting and harmless appendage to any gentle- castrate all the males that were made steers. I subman's collection of green-house plants. Their in-mitted to this inconvenience myself for a long time. troduction would be only second in interest to the At length I was forced by chance into the performintroduction of the Alpaca, which I am glad to see ance of the operation myself. I soon found there you so much engaged about. HENRY WATSON. was no mystery about it. East Windsor, Jan., 1846.


A calf that is to be altered, should undergo the operation as early as possible after being dropped. Throw him down and let one person hold him; he THE growing of wool is one of the most interest-need not be tied. Have a sharp knife-a pen-knife ing, pleasant, and profitable employments. Our re-is the best. Press the testicle down into the bag. sources and natural advantages for wool-growing Cut through the skin on the back or front side, to are not surpassed, if equalled, by those of any other the testicle; pull the testicle out of its sheath and nation. With us, as a nation, the business is yet draw it out, until the cord which attaches it to the in its infancy, as well as the manufacturing of the body is some way out of the body. At about two article. The quantity raised is annually increasing, inches above the testicle in the calf, the cord is and expensive establishments are continually spring-quite small, and enlarges as it goes up. Cut the ing up in various sections of the land; and it is cord at the small part; it will at once draw back reasonable to suppose that the time is not far distant into the sheath. Do the same to the other testicle, when the skill, enterprise, and perseverance of our and let the calf go. people, will enable them to compete with the world in the manufacturing, as well as growing, of this important staple. Our wool and woollen goods will ere long find their way into the various markets of the world, as our cotton and cotton goods have at the present time.

The sale of wool depends much upon the manner in which it is prepared for market. It should be thoroughly washed, and no dirt of any kind tied up in the йeece.

If it be a bull that is to be altered, the best way with him is to put him in a narrow stall and tie his head fast and close to the manger; put a rope round his neck and pass it down, and make a noose about each hind leg between the forelegs, and draw his hind legs well under him, and fasten the knots. So fixed he cannot move. His testicles will hang down, back of his legs. Take the knife and make an incision on the front or back of the testicles; cut through to the testicle; draw it out until the small part of the cord appears; cut off the cord at the small part. This done to both testicles, the ope ration is over. Put nothing in the wound.

into the wound cause all the trouble. It is cruel to
cord them, and frequently they are lost by it. Rams
may and should be altered in the same way, Never
cord them for mere humanity.
New York, Feb., 1846

A. S.

For washing I prefer a clear stream, with a gravelly bottom, it being free from either sand or mud. Each sheep should be thoroughly soaked in the water, and then suffered to return to the land; then Let it be done in good weather, or if bad weather, they should be thrown in again and the washing house the animal and there is no danger, and in a completed. I have never known this practice to in-few days he will be well. In general the things put jure the sheep, and the washers are more apt to get the wool clean than when they are thrown into the water but once. After washing they should not be driven on a dusty road, while the wool is wet. They should be kept in a clean pasture until shearing, which should take place in from four to eight days after the washing. If they run beyond this length of time, the wool will get dirty, and the prospects of making a good sale are thereby lessened. The fleeces should be tied up in a compact, regular form, and packed away in as neat and orderly a manner as possible. The wool should be kept in the dark, as its exposure to the light will in a few days give it a yellow color.

Salem, Jan. 20, 1846.


BUCKWHEAT CAKES.-You gave a method of making with soda and acid. These are not in every farm house. Here is my method. If you wish to have them made in five minutes, take some salæratus or pearl ash; dissolve it and put it into the batter, when mixed; stir well, and then pour in some vinegar; effervescence will at once commence, and directly the batter will be light, and may be baked. The cakes will not be as good as if raised with yeast, but will be good. When the batter has been put to rise with yeast, and does not, put in some salæratus or pearl ash and vinegar, and soon the cakes will be light.



THE Annual Meeting of the Oneida County Agricultural Society was held at Trenton, on the 8th of January, and considering the day, which was stormy, was fully attended. The following gentlemen were elected officers of the Society for the ensuing year.

For President, Dolphus Skinner, Deerfield; Vice Presidents, Squire M. Mason, New Hartford; Henry Rhodes, Trenton; David Uttly, Western; Calvary Wetmore, Vernon'; Horatio Seymour, Utica; David Gray, Marcy; Eli B. Lucas, Kirkland; John J. Knox, Augusta; Henry B. Bartlet, Paris; Pliment Mattoon, Vienna; Corresponding Secretary, John P. Burgett, Utica; Recording Secretary, Benjamin N. Huntington, Rome; Treasurer, William Bristol, Utica; Managers, Israel Denio, Jr., Rome; Lucius Warner, Vernon; Chauncey C. Cook, Kirkland; Lewis Benedict, Verona, Lewis Eames, Lee.

Some of the premiums awarded were-On winter wheat 66 bushels, 56 bush. 54 lbs., and 41 bush. T. 19 lbs., per acre. On spring wheat, 34 bush., and

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28 bush. 40 lbs. per acre. On Indian corn, 89 bush. I dergoing acclimation. My opinion is, that Novem5 lbs., 79 bush. 48 lbs., and 75 bush. 12 lbs. perber would be the most favorable month for the introacre. On barley, 63 bush. 27 lbs., and 63 bush. duction of blooded stock, and that they should be 9 lbs., per acre.

Rome, January 10, 1846.

B. N. H.

fed on hay or corn-stalk fodder, with very little grain during the winter, and be kept sheltered. If this course were pursued, I am satisfied that there would not be more than one failure in twenty experiments.

The above is one of the most flourishing County Societies in the State, and is composed of a very active, intelligent, and enterprising set of men. We The present stock of cattle in Texas is generally a knew that Oneida was famous as a dairy county, mixture of Mexican, and cattle from the United but we were not aware that she was in the habit of States. They each show a distinctness of characturning out such heavy grain crops. It shows, ter. The Mexican (or Spanish) cattle are not so however, that the Mohawk Flats and the fertile up-heavy or compactly built, but are taller and more lands are still good for large crops, when judiciously active; nor do they weigh as well in proportion to called upon to yield them. The Society has our appearance when slaughtered as the American best wishes for its success, and we are much cattle. They are more active than our cattle, with obliged to our correspondent for his details.


THE following letter of President Houston was addressed to a gentleman in this city, and kindly handed us for publication. It is the best description of Texas Cattle we have yet seen, and we trust its publication may serve to call the attention of stock breeders to this interesting section of our country.

Galveston, Texas, Dec. 1st, 1845.

remarkably long, slim, and sharp horns: they are not so good for milk as ours. A cross of the breeds I consider an improvement, and for oxen decidedly so, for it blends the power of the American with the sprightliness and activity of the Mexican cattle. There is a fact in the natural history of Texas, which has heretofore claimed but little notice, and which seems to me not unimportant.

and are now above the Falls of the Brassos, and principally upon Little River. They are of a brindle or reddish color, and are represented by those best acquainted with them as more wild, and, when wounded, much more dangerous than the buffalo. The males have occasionally attached themselves to herds of tame cattle, and become very

When the first colonists, under Mr. Stephen F. Austin, arrived in Texas, they found herds of wild No present to me at this time could have been cattle on the Brassos and its tributary streams. more acceptable than a fine Durham, as it is my inten-There was no tradition of their origin, nor has anytion to carry out the object which first induced my thing satisfactory on the subject yet been ascertainlocation in this country that of stock breeding. ed. They have receded as the settlements advanced, The present condition of our country, in consequence of annexation to the United States, will leave men free to pursue the more pleasing and profitable business of agriculture and herdsmen, than has been allowed for many years to our citizens, while under the various influences of excitement and uncertainty. Fortunately for us, we shall soon be at rest, when our natural facilities will be inquir-gentle. Calves have been caught by our pioneer ed into, and our resources developed, by those who have capital and possess enterprise. Doubtless no country on earth possesses equal advantages to Texas as a stock-rearing community. Stock here requires no feeding either in summer or winter, and costs no trouble nor expense save marking and branding. Salting is not necessary, as salines or licks are in every part of the country; so that in fact, an ox weighing one thousand weight, or the most valuable cow, would not cost a farmer one cent in its rearing.

settlers, and reared. The cross is said to be an improvement upon our common stock, imparting to their offspring an appearance, in color and proportion, of the wild cattle. The males I have been assured by hunters and other persons, are as large as the finest Durhams. I have seen work oxen, said to be half breeds, much larger than any others which have fallen under my observation in the United States or Texas.

creased interest, and I hope it will be in my power to produce a cross of the Durhams with the original Texas cow. Should I be fortunate in my efforts, I shall be happy to apprise you of the result.


For years past I have endeavored to procure the full bloods; but in consequence of other duties I Our prairies are clothed with the most nutritious could not use the attention necessary to ensure grasses, sufficient for countless herds. Heretofore, success. I will now renew my exertions with inthe Durhams have not prospered in this country; but this, to my mind, is readily accounted for. They have generally come by water, and remained on the seaboard, where the insects are more numerous than in the interior; and where, too, the climate is not so congenial to the constitution as the rolling country, not only of cattle, but likewise of horses. Some Durhams have been introduced from Missouri, and remained in the interior, about one hundred miles from the seaboard, and they have done well. There is no good reason why blooded cattle or blooded horses should not do well in Texas, if proper care be taken of them the first year. The change of climate, from a northern to a southern latitude, will have an influence upon all animals, as experience has shown; this fact being known, should not be disregarded, while the animal is un

INDIAN CAKES. -Boil some corn meal, as mush, for five or six hours; then mix it as a batter, and add some wheat flour to make the cakes hold together and turn easily; and two or three eggs, with salt to season; bake on the griddle till brown.

MUSH. It is very common to make mush by boiling only a few minutes. This is all wrong. It should be boiled one or two hours, and if longer it will do no harm. It will be necessary to occasionally add some water to keep the mass thin and prevent burning.




acts as a sponge, and under the influence of frost, becomes mixed with ice so as to bear a resemblance to a honey-comb. Hence, as soon as the fibrous roots of the trees (which, while they remain, prevent heaving) have decayed, winter wheat is actually lifted out.

Ir we draw lines from the outlet of Lake Erie to the northeast corner of Wyoming county, and thence to Pennsylvania, the tract of country south and west is not generally favorable to the production of winter wheat. It is of the kind called grass land. What may be the effect of the subsoil plow by At its first settlement, however, winter wheat and producing mixture of the hardpan with the upper all other crops of the Middle States were eminently soil we shall hereafter state from the result of exsuccessful, and the region was valuable for abun- perience. It is a common idea that the hardpan dant production, and numerous springs and streams contains lime, and would thus correct the supposed of excellent water, and the peculiar salubrity of its deficiency in the upper soil. Some specimens havclimate; exempt mainly, as it ever has been, from ing been subjected to severe chemical tests, with a the ordinary diseases of a country recently settled. view to giving the result, it was found that they At the first settlement of a thickly wooded coun-yielded scarcely a trace of lime. Yet as the deeper try, grain must necessarily be the chief production, hardpan is not so impervious to water as that near for domestic animals cannot be kept in large num- the surface, and as it crumbles upon exposure to the bers. Of all cereal crops, wheat is the most valu-air, there is room to hope that its effects would be able, and receives the greatest share of attention. highly beneficial; and particularly so to the growth But that which necessity reasonably originates, be- of winter wheat. comes, in the course of time, habit, and frequently Spring wheat nowhere yields better grain or in continues in full force long after the cause has greater abundance. Nor is it easy to find any ceased. Thus it was, for many years, a part of the region where, with the same amount of cultivation, farming system in this region to sow winter wheat, can be raised better crops of barley, oats, flax, where experience annually demonstrated that it buckwheat, beans, turnips, carrots, parsnips, and could not succeed under the ordinary mode of culti-potatoes; while as to grass and clover it is provation. The farmers were discouraged. Expe-bably excelled by no portion of the Union. Two dients might have been attempted, but in the new tons of hay to the acre are far from being an unland of the west they could do as they had done usual crop; it is the quantity commonly obtained before. Custom had taught them to like the axe from land well seeded down and occasionally mabetter than the plow, and emigration became the nured. The quality of the hay is excellent. The order of the day. Yet the soil was not exhausted. Spring wheat and a proper system of plowing the earth into beds so as to drain the soil, were scarcely known, and yet more rarely practised.

same retention of moisture which prevents the growth of winter wheat is admirably favorable to grass. It is long before a summer drought is felt, and the grass, suffering little from this cause, grows luxuriantly in the fall, and sprouts up in the spring as early as in any part of the State.

Strange whims and conceits existed here. Many people believed that not only would cattle and horses refuse to eat clover hay, but that if eaten it From causes already mentioned, the price of this was poisonous. Others thought that the land must land has greatly decreased. Discouraged by the be seeded down after clearing, and that in the end bad success of bad farming, many are anxious to the good grass would die out, and that it must be let sell at low prices. There are instances where alone, for if once plowed up it would be destroyed half-cleared farms have been sold for $4 to $5 per for ever. And so it would have been. Under the acre, and good grazing farms, with the common operation of a retentive soil, an impervious subsoil, buildings of the country, can very easily be bought and a surface abounding in the inequalities called for $8 per acre, even within twenty or thirty miles cradle-knolls, sufficient plowing to raise the land of Buffalo. Assuming the average price of wheat into ridges, so that the water might escape, was land in this State to be about $40 per acre, five nowhere more necessary; and abundant examples acres of the former can be bought for one acre of now illustrate that it has been followed by effects wheat land. If four sheep can be kept on one acre the most beneficial. It may be added, that the first of the grass land of this region (and most farmers crop raised in doing this, will at least repay the ex- say this is below the average capability), it is easy pense incurred. for any practical farmer to determine how the profit from twenty good sheep, after deducting the necessary expense, compares with the profit, after similar deduction, from the average annual produce of one acre of wheat land.

There has been much speculation as to the causes why winter wheat cannot now be produced. It is generally supposed, even among chemists, that they result from a deficiency of lime in the soil. But if so, would not the production of spring As neat cattle thrive here, it is found that the wheat be also affected? In fact we must not look butter and cheese of this district, when properly exclusively to chemical causes for an answer to the made, cannot be surpassed. Access to railroads, question. The soil is for the most part light loam, Lake Erie, and the canals, renders transportation to friable, often abounding in vegetable matter, and the seaboard cheap, safe, and rapid, whilst the convery retentive of moisture. The subsoil generally sumption of provisions in the cities of Rochester approaches the surface, and is composed of sand, and Buffalo furnishes a ready market for any surpebbles, and clay, forming an exceedingly compact plus of such productions as are of a perishable mass, or hardpan, scarcely to be broken at all by nature, or too bulky for distant transportation. the common plow, and through which water cannot Probably no great length of time will elapse, before penetrate, except in small quantities. The rain is well-fed beef, mutton, and pork, will be sent hence therefore retained on the surface. The upper soil to Albany, Boston, and New York, and a larger

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profit realized than by selling the animals in poor I prefer liquid manure to any other for potatoes, condition to be driven some hundreds of miles to the and in fact for every vegetable. My opinion is the neighborhood of those cities, and then fattened result of several successful experiments with this where the materials for doing so are highly expen- essence, but before giving them to you, I will desive. Such, at all events, has been the result of scribe the pit in which I collect all juices and offal. railroads in Great Britain. Here is one great ad- It is 6 feet deep, 60 feet long, and 20 feet broad, vantage over the western States. This, and the with a good tight clay bottom, and stoned up on all present low price of the land, as well as the salu-sides. My cow shed is on the north side, and the brity of the climate, may well be subjects of consi-floors of the stalls and passages incline sufficiently deration to those who are about to emigrate.

to allow the fluid excrements to reach the pit withIt is common to think everything without value, out resistance, and the solids are thrown in at each which, if not cash, has not some approximation or cleaning of the stable. The inclination of my yard convertibility into cash; and yet simple-minded is also towards this receptacle, and the wash from folks have sometimes thought that cash itself is it I consider important. By means of a pump I only profitable so far as it can procure happiness draw off the liquid when wanted, and with a hogsfor ourselves or those whom nature or friendship head placed on a roller, roll and irrigate my meahas attached to us. Some, too, who have travelled dows simultaneously. Last season I tried the fluid in many countries, have at least fancied that cheer- for potatoes. I plowed half an acre of ground, and ful scenery has a strong tendency to make cheerful after harrowing it well, passed the roller over with those who live surrounded by it. Such people, the sprinkling apparatus attached; put on about 8 though they may wish more frequently to find here tons of the liquid manure, together with 2 bushels those tokens of human well-being-neat farm- of salt, then followed again with the plow, previous houses and thriving sheep and cattle of the most to planting the seed. Notwithstanding the drought, useful kinds, will yet see that the hand of intelligent improvement has in many places been at work, and must be delighted with the fertile valleys and the beautiful hills, everywhere capable of high cultivation, which characterize the grass lands of Western New York. R. H. Buffalo, Feb., 1846,



the crop harvested from the half acre was 170 bushels of a very large size, many of them 41 inches in diameter, and very few under 3 inches. I never saw a more even crop in my life. gooseberries, raspberries, &c., there can be nothing better than manure in a fluid state, and vines thrive better and produce much finer fruit when it is used. In fact, no plant is more benefited by this application than the grape. I believe even in this country it is SOME time ago I promised to give you an account quite a common thing to see a gardener dipping the of my seedling potatoes. If they possess no other roots of plants intended for transplanting, into a recommendation, they are entirely free from the dis-paste made of urine and clay, or any earthy subease so prevalent all over the world. I have lately stance. When this is done all flourish, and no gone through my bins containing nearly two hun- sheltering from the sun is necessary. dred bushels, and after carefully inspecting them, The use of liquid manure, as a fertilizer, is not a found every one perfectly sound. My neighbors novelty. On the contrary, the Chinese, Germans, have not been so fortunate for the last two or three and Italians, have for ages paid great attention to years, and I attribute my success to my method of the collection of urine, and to the manufacture of preparing the seed, and subsequent culture. I cut substitutes, and many artificial mixtures have been two eyes to a set; after which they are spread over made with great success. In England, scarcely a a barn floor to dry for six or seven days before put-farm is without its cistern to hold the juices and ting them into the earth, and during this time, each wash of the barn yard, the farmer being obliged to set is carefully examined by handling, to ascertain husband everything in the shape of food for the the fact of its drying and shrinking properly. Oc- land. And when chemistry steps in and tells us the casionally one or two soft ones are found, which are discarded as worthless; the good sets will always dry up, and yield but little to the pressure of the finger, and these alone are planted. As soon as the vines show themselves above ground, I top dress them with slaked lime, 40 bushels to the acre, hoeing only twice, but using the plow as often as necessary, to keep down the weeds.

valuable properties of these fluid excrements, that man must be obstinate indeed who will not save all and pay some of his dues to the earth with this valuable liquid. It is an admitted fact, that all composts, bones, lime, magnesia, &c., are dissolved by some means before vegetables will notice them; hence, in presenting a fluid manure to them, as the salts of the urine have a forcing power, vegetation For the last three years I have gone through the immediately commences. The improvements that same operation with other potatoes, not seedlings, are constantly being made in the agricultural world, and have invariably lost one-half of my seed by and the wonderful facts brought to light by the aid their not standing the drying test; but it is better to of science, show clearly the growing interest evinced lose half the seed than half the crop. In cutting in making the earth bring forth its full fruits. carefully a potato that is in part affected, you can Common sense tells us the earth must be fed, or it remove the diseased portion, and by submitting the will become exhausted; and to avoid the fate of seed to be dried, ascertain its fitness for propagation. one of our Southern States, let us collect and preI have found the disease showing itself in a spot serve everything containing the necessary elements no larger than the head of a pin, and then gradu-of vegetation. WM. B. ODdie.

ally spreading over the whole potato; is not this The Meadows, Rockland Co., Jan., 1846. a sufficient objection to the planting of whole roots?

Ladies' Department.


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Both ends of the sack are open, and it walks with equal ease, backwards or forwards.

The mice, too, are now to be carefully looked after; they are making nests in band-boxes, in my From the Diary of an Old Lady-March 1st, summer bonnet, and other inconvenient places, half past four o'clock. A fine bright morning, pro-where they imagined they might bring up their mising a spell of weather that should put house- little families in peace and prosperity; but they did keepers in motion. not know me, they are new comers.

The first day of spring brings with it a train of 14th. Betsy tells me that the cockroaches are thoughts of anticipated pleasures-and a crowd of beginning to show themselves in the kitchenbusiness. My household all in motion, and I only nasty things! and should never be allowed to rest wait for breakfast and daylight to begin a strict, in peace in a well ordered country-house! therefore, though quiet investigation of closets, cellars, and I will send for plenty of spirits of turpentine this other unexplored corners that have rested in peace very day, and this evening will pour it into every since the cold weather set in. To-day I must pre- crack and hole about the kitchen, which will drive pare the trunks and closets that are to receive them out; and, on their appearance, a stream of blankets, furs, and carpets, for the summer; not that boiling water from the kettle shall prevent their rewe can yet dispense with them, but the moths are turn. It is not true that if you kill one, ten will beginning to take wing, and they must be looked to. come to the funeral; the person who first said that 2d.-Visited the flannel closet, and found moths was either ignorant of their history, or she was too suspended from the ceiling and on the walls-a few lazy to take measures to kill them. The cockroach had already taken wing; but the largest portion are which infests our houses (Blatta orientalis) was still in their little sacks, waiting the next warm originally taken from Asia to Europe, and from weather to change into the fly, and deposit their thence to America. It deposits its eggs in warm eggs on the first woollen garment that they meet places, near ovens and under hearths, where it dewith out of use, or carelessly left in their way. It lights to pass the remainder of its life. It lives is a common error that moths love dirt-it is not so; three years, and undergoes no other changes than but they do love to live with a careless house- frequently casting off its skin, like the crab, whenkeeper, where they can feed unmolested on the ever it has grown too large to be comfortable in the woollen cloths that are suffered to remain in dusty old one, and on the third year gains a pair of closets or garrets that are seldom visited by the wings; it has then arrived at maturity, and deposits brush. Moths, in common with all insects, deposit a number of eggs enclosed in a dark brown case of their eggs on or near the food best suited to the a bean-like appearance. They increase with great young grubs; the eggs soon hatch if the weather be rapidity, but may soon be destroyed if diligently favorable, and the worms feed for five or six weeks, looked after and killed. Turpentine poured into when they leave their food, and suspend themselves in their sacks on the walls, or in corners of closets, drawers, and where they must be searched for and destroyed. There are many species; some feed on fur, some on wool, and some on skin; thus an old neglected hair trunk may supply moths enough of various kinds, to ruin half the valuable clothes in the house; for in the absence of their proper food, they devour all woollens indiscriminately. Must give strict orders to have the hair trunk well examined troublesome things-determined never to have another. Visited the meat room, found moths in their sacks hanging on the wall-wondered what could take them there, when, on a strict search, found to my astonishment that they were feeding on the skins of the hams-a new species to me, and therefore to be carefully preserved in my cabinet, and their pictures taken.

Explanation.-1, Ham moth; 2, worm partly projecting from the sack.

12th.- The moths I found feeding on the hams have taken wing. They

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their haunts will instantly drive them out, when boiling water thrown on them will effectually destroy them. Red lead, Indian meal and molasses, mixed in equal proportions, and placed in their way, will be devoured greedily by them, and proves certain poison. Nothing appears to come amiss to their appetites, either animal or vegetable; but wet, dirty dish-cloths appear to be their peculiar delight; and should you visit the kitchen an hour after the family are gone to bed, you will find such articles blackened by their numbers. A pan of boiling wa ter placed under such articles, and the cloths dropped in, will prove an excellent trap. A week's diligent search will clear a house, unless they have been suffered to increase for years. Their vile habits. and disgusting odor make them dreaded by every one; yet they are suffered to remain in most houses without molestation.

Having made these discoveries, it is my determi nation that all the pleasant weather of this month shall be devoted to a careful cleaning of all the cellars, closets, store rooms, and neglected crannies, and that neither water nor white-wash shall be spared; but it shall be done quietly and in order, and with as little inconvenience to the family as the HAM MOTHS.-FIG. 28. nature of the case will admit. I do not wonder that are of a small size; pale yellowish brown with a men and the seamstresses of the household comslight golden lustre; the under wings of the same plain of bustling housekeepers-I shudder when I color, but much paler. The worm never entirely think of them. A bustling housekeeper is seldom leaves the sack; but when feeding or in motion, an economical one; for while her peculiar occupa projects its head and four front feet out, clinging tion is attended to, everybody else must stop theirs, with the hind feet to the inside of the sack, thus thus only half the household machine is effectually prepared to retire under cover on the slightest danger. employed, while all is in motion and wearing out.

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