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the highest.

quantity of wormy fruit, which contained the first If "E. S." will visit the noble institution now in generation, that had been suffered to remain on the successful operation in this city exclusively deground or tree. The grubs of the second genera-voted to this object, I am very sure she would not tion, which do not leave the fruit until September, desire to restrict the benefits which this class of either perish, or remain in the chrysalis state under the teachers are competent to bestow on a few families bark, until spring recalls them to life and mischief. only. I venture to assure her that the time is not But though thus beautifully and curiously far distant when it will be in the power of every guarded from observation in their helpless state, school district in the State, to avail itself of the they have hosts of enemies, whose prying eyes dis- services of teachers thoroughly impressed with the cover them through their dark and close disguise. responsible duties of their station-intellectually The woodpecker and his troop of feathered friends and morally prepared for their discharge-and capathe sparrows, sapsuckers and wrens, with their ble of training the expanding minds of our youth restless wings and hungry beaks prying into every in every department of science, from the lowest to dark cranny, learn early from their unerring teacher, Instinct, that good and wholesome food is to be There is one more consideration to which I deem found beneath the uninviting dirt-colored mantle that it proper to advert in this connection, and that is the poor worm had vainly thought to shelter itself this: Neither the States of Massachusetts nor under. Then a little wasp-shaped insect, called New York would probably feel disposed to incur ichneuman, knows right well from the same teach- the heavy expense of supporting institutions of this er, that there lies the best food for her young ones kind, so beneficial in their tendency, and useful in so with a long horsehair-like appendage which their results, if those for whose education they she carries, she penetrates the tough silk cover, and have thus liberally provided, were to limit their deposits her eggs in the body of the worm so inge- field of labor in the cause of education to some two niously, that the life of the worm is not endangered or three families in each district, who could best until the ichneuman-grub has gained maturity, afford to compensate them for their superior attainwhen the apple worm dies, and the ichneuman ments. The irresistible effect of such a measure commences its life of useful destruction. Nor are would be effectually to destroy the district school, these all; the little despised and grim-looking not only by withdrawing from its support those crab-like spider, found under the bark of trees and most able to encourage and sustain it, but by prein little dark crannies, is always on the watch for the venting the employment of teachers who alone are apple moth as soon as it makes its appearance in capable of doing adequate justice to their high prothe spring and many hundreds fall victims to fession. these much-abused, but most useful little creatures. OLD LADY.


If, in addition to the State Normal School, at Albany, a similar one could be located in the western portion of the State, embracing within its design a practical course of instruction in agriculI RESPECTFULLY request the favor of a corner in tural science, the results could not fail, in my judgyour Ladies' Department, for the purpose of point- ment, to prove beneficial. But I fear I am exceeding out what seems to me to be a very erroneous ing the proper province of a lady, in suggesting conclusion of your correspondent, E. S., in the such an extension of our system of public educaDecember No. of your last volume, in reference to tion, and I therefore leave this point to the "lords the education of farmers' children. After advert- paramount," contenting myself with an earnest ing to the "melancholy fact, that most of our protest against the plan of monopolizing the best country schools are miserably deficient in teachers teachers in a few wealthy families, at the hazard capable of imparting a knowledge of anything of perpetuating ignorance in the residue. "E. S.” above what the children of the poorest day-laborer will, I am confident, on more mature deliberation, should be familiar with," she recommends as the coincide in this view of the subject. best substitute for maternal instruction, the union Albany, N. Y. of two or more neighboring families in the employment of a governess of suitable qualifications— TO PROTECT TENDER PLANTS AND EVER BLOOMintellectual and moral-and proceeds to intimate ING ROSES IN WINTER.-Bury well rotted old mathat young ladies possessed of these qualifications, nure over the roots, but not in contact with the stem : and "likely to be dependent on their own exer- cover the ground about the plant with stones, to tions, are at the present time educated with the ex-keep in the heat, and stick cedar bushes about them, press view of their becoming teachers," and that to protect the tender stems. This is a much better consequently, there will be less difficulty in pro- method than tying them up with straw, or boxing curing persons competent to the task assigned with leaves, as in either case they are often injured them." Now permit me to ask "E. S." whether by damp and heat.

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the object she has in view-the proper education

S. H. R.

of the children of farmers and others residing in TO WASH FLANNELS.-Make two tubs of strong our rural districts, would not be much better and soapsuds, and wash the pieces while it is as hot as more permanently promoted, by increasing the the hands can bear it. Rinse in hot, soft water, number both of young gentlemen and ladies now wring lightly and shake well, and hang where they obtaining in the Normal schools in our own and will dry quickly. Do one piece at a time; for if the eastern States, those qualifications which shall fit them to become competent teachers, and when thus qualified placing them with an adequate compensation in charge of the district schools?

allowed to become cold while wet, and then again hot, the flannel will inevitably shrink and become harsh. When nearly dry, fold them very smooth, and press with a hot iron.

Boys' Department.



OUR young readers will recollect that we gave them a cut (fig. 7) of one of these fountains in our last No., and promised them a description of it.

Here it is:


around, which conducts the grain to the edge, where, as the fowls pick the grain away, more will fall, and keep a constant supply as long as any is left in the hopper. The slats on the sides prevent the fowls from getting in or crowding one another. This fountain will hold two bushels or more of grain, and protects it from wet and in a measure from rats. It occupies but little room, and from sixteen to twenty fowls can feed at the same time.

It can be made to contain any quantity of grain required, and none wasted. When once filled it requires no more trouble, as the grain falls into the To protect the grain more effectually from rats receiver below as the fowls pick it away; and the and mice, we would suggest that the posts be made covers on that which are opened by the perches some two feet longer, and a platform of boards (the principles of which we do not understand), and about one foot wide, placed round and fitted close the cover on the top, protect the grain from rain, up to the bottom, so that mice cannot climb up the so that the fowls always get it quite dry; and as posts and get in. This platform will be necessary nothing less than the weight of a hen on the perch for them to stand on when eating.-Amer. Poult. can lift the cover on the lower receiver, rats and Companion. mice (which are very troublesome when grain is fed in the ordinary way) are excluded. It is astonishing, too, with what facility the fowls learn to leap upon the perches, and so open the cover of the receiver, which presents the grain to their view and within their reach. On their leaving the porch or platform, the door, either by a spring or weight, closes at once.

From that figure Mr. Bement says he had one constructed, of which the following cuts are a fair epresentation.

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FIG. 15.


THE head has been often compared to a storeA storehouse house, and a very fit emblem it is. when first built is empty, and ready to receive all kinds of goods, some precious, and some totally worthless; and very often it stands without much of anything in it, in which case it is worth little or nothing to the owner; at other times it may be so lumbered up with different kinds of goods as to render it difficult to get at what you want-there is no order or arrangement within the walls. Some there are whose heads seem to be like an old garret, full of everything but what is useful; how important then for a boy when young to store his head with that which is useful, by disciplining his thoughts, and let nothing rest in his brain but what is calculated to be of future use. Some boys have a habit of forgetting everything they are told to do, and when asked, will say--" Oh, I forgot it." If you send them to turn out the horses, they will put them into the cow pasture; if the cows are to be turned out, they will surely be turned into the horse pasture; the pigs they will put into the poultry yard, to eat up all the chickens, ducklings, and goslings; and the sheep they will turn into the street to be killed by travelling dogs. I once knew a boy sent to yoke up a pair of cattle, put the yoke on under instead of over the necks of the cattle, and then wondered they could not draw well; sent to harrow a field of grain, and he was found going over it with the teeth up instead of down, and thus was the day's work of himself and team totally lost, and the harrow greatly injured. All this was owing to carelessness and forgetfulness entirelyhabits which are extremely injurious to the characters of too many boys whom I know in my neighborhood.


This feeding hopper, as may be seen in fig. 15, is four square, two feet each way-posts eighteen inches long and two inches square. The upper section of the box Do one thing at a time, and do that properly and is six inches deep, and the well. Be quick, but never in a hurry. Always sides are morticed into or pay the strictest attention to orders, and execute nailed to the posts. From them to the letter, unless something unforeseen the bottom of this square the should arise, making it improper to do so, and slanting part or tunnel reach- which can be satisfactorily explained to your emes to within half an inch of the floor, which should ployer. Be kind and obliging in all your actions, be six inches from the ground; the tunnel tapers and strictly adhere to the truth in all your converfrom two to one foot; and in order to bring the sation, and you will be beloved and respected by all. grain within reach of the fowls, a cone (fig. 16, A, is This I Lave known from long experience, and am a section) is placed in the centre, as much smaller therefore anxious you should also know it. than the hopper as to leave half an inch space all A FATHER.

FIG. 16.

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by weight of each sort were taken, and the husk and kernel carefully separated. The following table

By the steam-ship Hibernia, we are in receipt of shows the result: our foreign journals to January 4th.


MARKETS.-Ashes a slight improvement. has advanced d. per lb. The stock at Liverpool, on the 1st of January, was 1,055,270 bales, against 903.107, same time last year. Flour no change in prices. Provisions remain the same as per our last, and meet with a ready sale. Guano is quite firm, and a large trade anticipated in it the coming year. Naval Stores little doing. Rice dull. Tallow the same. Tobacco firm. Wool in fair request, and an increased market anticipated for it.

Money. The rate of interest for first-rate paper was from 3 to 5 per cent., which is an advance.

The Potato Crop-The alarm respecting the deficiency in this crop is on the decrease; there seems to be no great distress for provisions in Ireland.

The Corn Laws.-The Peel ministry being reinstated in power, there is little prospect of the corn laws being abolished at present. It is supposed that a fixed duty of about ten shillings per quarter will finally be settled upon.

Smithfield Show of Fat Cattle.-This came off in December, and was well attended. A Hereford ox took the first prize of the gold medal.

The Income of the English Agricultural Society the past year reached the large amount of £9,291, over $46,000! It has 6,733 members, and is adding to them and its funds every year; thus doing an incalculable amount of good to the farming interest.

In 100 parts by weight.

Sandy Oat.


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It is curious that the oat at the head of the first

There table should be at the bottom of the second, wheats in regard to their nutritive qualities, and until may be as great difference among oats as among shall not know the real comparative values. In the this shall have been ascertained by the chemist, we meantime, there need be no hesitation in preferring the sandy oat over all others, as it is very early and very productive in grain and straw.-Ibid.

Fortune, dated Shanghae, August 16, mention that he Horticultural Expedition to China.-Advices from Mr. had returned from the river Min, and was busily en left at Ningpo, Chusan, and other places, preparatory gaged in gathering together his collections of plants to his return to England, where he is expected in April or May next. His plants are described by him as being extremely valuable; and he had decided upon To Sweeten Butter.-By adding 21 drachms of carbon-perintendence. He had been in the black tea country, bringing the whole of them home under his own suate of soda to 3 lbs. of either fresh or salt butter, pos- and had witnessed the process of preparing the leaves; sessing a disagreeable flavor, renders it perfectly sweet. he had been seriously ill with fever, from which he Soda produces the same results when added to other was recovered; and on his passage from the Min to culinary greases, as dripping, lard, &c.-Far. Herald. Chusan, he had been twice attacked by pirates, who, however, were on each occasion driven off by himself, unassisted by his cowardly Chinese crew.-Ib.

Vines in Dwelling-houses.-A singular instance of the growth of a vine may be seen at the Angel Inn, Halesworth, Suffolk; a large portion is trained in the front of the house and stables, but a branch 23 feet in length is conveyed through the windows of a sitting room, crossing the ceiling to the centre of the house, where it is trained to a lofty skylight, producing fruit in abundance. Might not some of our mechanics and others enjoy this delicious fruit, by introducing the vine in their work-shops in a similar manner?-Gar.


On the Choice of a Variety of Oat for Cultivation.Strongly suspecting that the real value of different varieties of oat was unknown, and that weight by bushel was even less applicable to this grain than to wheat, I procured samples of nine sorts, carefully selected by Messrs. Lawson, of Edinburgh. I have not had them compared chemically; I leave that to those great and wealthy bodies, associated for the ostensible purpose of conferring benefits on the farmer. I have followed a simple mechanical process, which any one may follow. The weight of each sort per bushel having been ascertained, the following table was constructed according to the results:

Weight per bushel of
Siberian Oat.

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The useful part of the oat being the kernel, and it being probable that the proportion of the weight of the husk to that of the kernel might vary so much as to render the weight per bushel a deception, 100 parts

How to Preserve Rhubarb.-My method is to take a quart bottle with a wide neck, and to cut the stalks small enough to go into the bottle; I add brayed loaf sugar and tie a piece of bladder tight round the neck, the bottles, get the water to boil just over the bladder, I put as much water into the copper as will immerse then rake out the fire, and let the bottles remain in till cooled; I then take them out, place them on a dry shelf, and use the bottle at once.—Ib.

Soap as a Manure.-Having seen in some late number of your excellent Paper some discussion on the value of soap as a manure, I am inclined to give you my experience in this matter. I am a silk dyer, and use about 15 cwt. of soap weekly to discharge the gurn and oily matter from the silk before dyeing. I also use about 1 cwt. of soda to 3 cwt. of soap, which I presume unites with the oily matter of the silk, forming a species of soap. The result is, that I produce from 4000 to 6000 gallons of strong soap suds per week; and having a small farm, I have latterly applied the whole of this to my land, and its effect is most extraordinary, My experience in its use has been only one season, and I cannot, therefore, give any comparative results; but I consider it more powerful than any manure that I am acquainted with. If any of your readers will do me the honor to come and see my land next spring, when vegetation begins to move, they will have ample evidence of the value of soap as a manure; and if farmers were allowed the drawback of the duty on soap used as a manure, in the same way that we manufacturers are allowed it by the government, there is no doubt in my mind that soap would soon supersede the use of guano.-Ag. Gaz.

Large Cabbages-Six cabbages of the flat-pole kind were recently raised by Mr. Toms, of Saltash, weighing 61, 59, 57, 56, 54, 50=337 lbs.

Editor's Table.


CULTURIST. We are favored with the first No. of a new agricultural paper under the above title, published by Wm. J. A. Bradford, Baltimore, Md., at one dollar a year. It is 16 pages quarto, and very neatly got up. Mr. B. has our best wishes for his success; but why not carry his patronage to the old established American Farmer? There are no publications so poorly paid as the agricultural, and instead of starting new ones, would it not be better to get a stronger support to those already in existence? Independent of collateral business, we do not believe there is a purely agricultural paper in America that is more than paying expenses-and seven-eighths of them are not even doing that. We have placed the Culturist on our exchange list.

THE MECHANICS' MIRROR.-This is a beautiful octavo monthly of 28 pages, edited by Robert Mc Farland, Esq, and published by John Tanner, Albany, N. Y., at one dollar a year. The matter in the first No. at hand, is highly valuable, not only for the mechanic, but for the general reading of families. The work is well arranged for popular favor, of which we hope it may find much, for its appearance certainly promises it to be highly deserving.


all this machinery, and of the office or function performed by each organ, there will be minute dissections of all domestic animals. A museum, illustrative of the anatomy and physiology of all the living things which the farmer labors to produce, and keep in a healthy condition, will also be formed. Lectures will be given in these departments of natural science, and no pains will be spared to render their study both interesting and truly useful. Work in a chemical laboratory for the analysis of soils, manures, fertilizers, and all vegetable and animal substances, will form an important department in the school. Lectures will be given in this branch of science with the view to prepare teachers of academies, and common schools, to introduce the study of agricultural chemistry into these, seminaries of learning. A suitable text book, and a cheap apparatus for the use of school teachers and pri vate gentlemen, have long been in a course of preparation. Agricultural geology will also be taught. A full course of study and practice will occupy four years; during which, the pupil will be required to keep in his own handwriting a journal of his studies and progress, and an accurate debit and credit of all farm operations. He will be charged for his board and tuition, washing, &c., and credited at a fair price for whatever service he may render on the farm. But we cannot promise work and pay for all that may offer. The object of the proprietors of this school will be to turn the labor of young men to the best possible account, and to give them the full benefit of their skill and industry.

"The price of board, washing, lodging, lights, and fire wood, will be from $1.50 to $2.00 per week. Tuition from $8 to $12 per quarter. This will include instructions by Gen. H., as well as the editor's lecture fees."

PERUVIAN CORN.-Edwin Bartlett, Esq., of this city, has kindly given us five barrels of Peruvian Corn, recently sent him from that country. It has the largest sized grains of any we ever saw before, and is quite a curiosity. There are two kinds one called by the Peruvians, maiz blanco (white corn). This is the Chancay corn used for fattening pigs. It is a coarse, inferior article, but grows very rank and strong. The other kind, maiz amarillo (yellow corn), from Huacho, is large and fine, and is said to make the From the well known characters of Gen. Harmon sweetest kind of bread. Mr. Bartlett informs us it is and Dr. Lee, we have no doubt that they will keep an a great yielder. Any one wishing a quart or two of this excellent Agricultural School, and one highly deserv corn for experiment, can have the same gratis, by calling the patronage of the public. The pages of this ing at our warehouse, No. 187 Water Street. We are of opinion, it will do best south of the Potomac, as it is a southern corn.

SOLON ROBINSON, ESQ.-We regret to say, that just before this eminent friend of agriculture was ready to start on his agency for this paper, and our agricultural establishment, he was seized with a violent fever, which reduced him very low for a time. When he last wrote us he was convalescent, and our readers will see that he has made some happy efforts for their amusement and instruction in this No. of our paper. We trust he is on his way to New Orleans, by this time, via the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. Thence, if his health grows better, he will find his way through lower Alabama to Florida, and so north, as the spring advances, through Georgia, the Carolinas, &c. We are much obliged to our southern friends who have offered him so kindly a welcome, and shall request him to call upon them on his route hither.

WESTERN NEW YORK AGRICULTURAL SCHOOLDr. Daniel Lee, of Buffalo, editor of the Genesee Farmer, has made arrangements with Gen. Rawson Harmon, to open an Agricultural School at the residence of the latter in Wheatland, Monroe County, N. Y., on the 1st of May next, to teach the science and practice of agriculture. The farm of Gen. Harmon contains 200 acres of improved land, which is under excellent cultivation in the various kinds of crops suitable to the climate. Dr. Lee thus speaks of their undertaking in his prospectus.

"Great pains will be taken to ascertain what animals furnish the most profitable living machinery for changing grass, grain, roots, straw, &c., into milk, butter, cheese, beef, pork, mutton, fat, and wool. To impart a thorough knowledge of the organic structure of

periodical will bear witness to the zeal with which we have continually advocated them, and we are rejoiced to be able to announce that one is at length to be established in this State. We hope it may meet the patronage that it is sure to merit, and that it may be followed by others throughout the country. It is high time that farmers' sons were taught their business scientifically as well as practically. We are of opinion that, ten years hence, people will look back with perfect wonder that agricultural schools were not established at the first settlement of the country.


THE PRESENT NO. OF THE AGRICULTURIST.-It is not often that we praise our own paper, but we think the present No. contains several very able articles. We would especially point to that on Hereford Cattle," and the one containing "Mr. Pell's Essay," read before the American Ag. Association the past month. Let no one be deterred from perusing them by their length; for they have been prepared after much study and thought on the subjects of which they treat. We do not intend to make our periodical a light ephemeral, but a work of instruction to be read and studied as a book.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.-We are indebted for the Transactions of the Hampshire, Hampden, and Franklin Agricultural Society for 1845; for the Address before the Hartford County Agricultural Society by Hon. I. W. Stuart, together with the Transactions of the same for the past year; for the Brockville Recorder, C. W., containing an account of the Johnstown District Agricultural Show, in October last, which must have been a highly spirited affair.

To CORRESPONDENTS.-J. D. Williamson, L, Per. sicus, A Subscriber, Solon Robinson, E. S., Benj. N. Huntington, and Henry Watson, are received.



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NEW YORK CATTLE MARKET-Jan. 26. At Market, 1100 Beef Cattle (250 from Pennsylvania), 50 Cows and Calves, and 2000 Sheep and Lambs.

PRICES.-Beef Cattle-Last week the market exhibited consi

derable spirit, and buyers operated very freely. At the close of the week's business (Monday evening) not more than 200 remained unsold. We quote inferior to middling qualities, $4.50a$5.00; superior and prime ditto, $5.50a$6.00; sales of a few extra are reported at $7.

COWS AND CALVES.-The offerings for the last week were rather limited, but all at market were taken at prices ranging, according to quality, from $15 to $30a32.

SHEEP AND LAMBS.-$1 50a$3.50 may be quoted as the extremes of prices. A small number left over.


HAY-In consequence of the recent snow storm preventing supplies reaching the city, the stock on hand is very small. good article readily commands $1.12 per cwt.

REMARKS. Ashes firm. Cotton is steady, and no change in prices since the late news. Export since 1st September last, 457,930 bales; same time last year, 558,506; saine time year before, 307,918. Flour is inactive. Stock on hand in this city about 235,000 barrels. Grain of all kind in moderate demand. Provisions firin, but little doing in them. Of other articles we have nothing worthy of record, this being the dullest month of the year for all kinds of business.

Money is tight, although there is no great distress for it.
Stucks slightly on the advance.

The Weather has been quite mild this month, with the exception of one heavy fall of snow, giving us a single week's sleighing.

TRANSACTIONS OF THE N. Y. STATE AG. SOCIETY.-Just as I was ready to issue the Extra spoken of page 38 of the last No. of this periodical, for reasons which will be stated hereafter, the publication of it was suspended for the present. Whether it will be issued or suppressed will depend entirely on circumistances. I am deeply obliged to my numerous friends for the interest they have taken in this matter, and can assure them one and all, that their kind expressions and encouragements are gratefully remembered. If it be found necessary to issue the Extra hereafter, they shall have due notice of it, and be supplied in any quantity for distribution. I promise them if it ever does see the light, with the additions I can now make to it, they will find it as rich and spicy an expose as ever appeared in the annals of agricultural literature. Still it is my wish that I may not be forced to say anything more. All now rests with the adverse party. The developments of the last ten days fully content me. A. B. ALLEN.

To AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES.-With a view of aiding these Societies, and more extensively benefiting the farming community, it will be seen by reference to our advertised terms on the last page, that the publishers offer the Agriculturist at the very low price of FIFTY CENTS a year for the monthly numbers, and SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS per copy for bound volumes, when ordered for premiums or distribution among the members. With these liberal terms we hope henceforth to see our periodical in the hands of every farmer and planter in the country. We earnestly call upon our friends to exert themselves and spread the Agriculturist in every quarter. Agents will also be supplied on the most liberal terms. Address Saxton & Miles, 205 Broadway, New York.

CASTS OF THE PRIZE SHORT-HORN HEIFER.We have ordered a few more of these superb casts fur our friends, and will supply such as apply soon. The price will be $4 each, delivered at our warehouse, or $5, boxed and shipped.

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His farm is large, and his herd and flocks numerous, which enables him to give an excellent choice. He is paying particular attention to the milking qualities of his cattle, both among Durhams and Devons. His sheep also are not only bred for fine forms and strong constitution, but heavy, thick fleeces of a good quality of wool. His residence is two-and-a-half miles from Buffalo, and is reached in ten minutes by railroad. LEWIS F. ALLEN. Black Rock, Erie County, N. Y.


The house, garden, and outbuildings of the late Mr. William Cleveland, are offered for sale at a great bargain. The situation is a most desirable one for a person having children to educate, being within a few rods of an excellent high school, in the First Society of the town of Norwich, Conn. The house will accommodate a large family, or two small ones, having two kitchens, two gardens, &c.,!&c. The water is excellent both for drinking and washing. For particulars inquire of Henry Strong, Esq., or George D. Fuller, of Norwich, Conn., or

A. B. ALLEN, 187 Water Street, New York

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