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tracting considerable notice, as the attention of
breeders has been, in a peculiar degree, directed to
the characters which indicate the property of pro-
ducing milk. They are a tough, hardy race, well
suited to light soils, and scant fare.
Albany, July, 1846.



I NOTICE your remarks in the July No. of the Agriculturist, on the subject of Foreign Cattle, and heartily coincide with the opinions advanced. The question has often occurred to me, "Do we gain much at the present time by continuing our importation of cattle from England?" It has for some time appeared to me that we have all the materials for improving our stock to any extent, among our- I HAVE for some time past been examining the selves; and that we have as fine, well-bred, and as American Agriculturist, and the interest manivaluable animals among our cattle, sheep, and fested by it in the South, and the many valuable swine, as could be found in England, with perhaps items of information it contains, induce me to bevery few exceptions. It appears to me, we are come a permanent subscriber. You will therefore, getting in this respect, as well as in many others, if you please, forward me the numbers for the preto place too much value on a thing merely because sent year, from its commencement. While I am it has been imported. I may be mistaken, but it writing, perhaps it may not be amiss or irrelevant seems to me the practical effect of this continued for me to make a few remarks. There is a gradual disposition to look abroad, is to lessen the prices change creeping over the minds of the Southern obtained by our enterprising breeders at home, planters in regard to the leading features of agriculwhen the home-bred animals are in every respect ture-they are more ready to catch at any im. equal, if not superior, to the commonly imported provement, and more eagerly take interest in any ones. Occasional importations will continue to be novelty in the profession-they do not dislike innecessary; the fundamental laws of good breeding, novation. This I can readily believe is brought and occasional infusion of blood from other races of the same family, demand this; but further than this I can scarcely conceive it necessary at present to go.

Acting upon this principle, I have always purchased my stock at home instead of sending abroad, although many of them were imported. I had the good fortune to obtain some of the Ayrshire cattle you saw standing in the Ayrshire quarter of the State Cattle Show at Poughkeepsie," in 1844. I purchased the imported bull and cow, together with their produce, and have now in my possession one male, and five females, all thorough-bred Ayrshires, abandoning all other varieties, although I must confess I am well pleased with the cross with the Durham and Ayrshire. For the dairy, I esteem them superior to my full-bred Durhams. It was from a heifer of this cross that one pound of butter was produced from eight quarts of her milk.

about by agricultural works becoming accessible to the mass, and from the interest which seems to be felt by the scientific in the analysis and synthesis of soils, the application of manure, rotation of crops, deep plowing, and in fact in all matters relating to the business. Feeling, as I do, an all-absorbing interest in the advancement of our profession, consider it the duty of every man, to add into the common stock every item of practical information, so as to repay, in part, for the advantages he has himself gained from the experience of others. My feeble efforts have always, and shall ever be, for the benefit of farming in the South.

In respect to our worn out lands, it is almost useless for any one to waste paper and ink to write to the Southern planter, telling him to manure. It is well enough for the Northern farmers to talk; they can well afford to fertilize their little spots of ten or a dozen acres; but a southern plantation of five The very laudable attempts which have been or six hundred acres in cultivation, would take all made to improve our farm stock by importations, the manure in the parish, and all the force to do it and, in some instances, by judicious crossing and justice. Our plantations are too extensive to magood keeping, cannot but prove highly beneficial to nure thoroughly, consequently it is half done, or our country. Our native cattle, it is true, originally not done at all. Again; we have no time to haul sprang from the same stock as those of Great Bri-large quantities of manure to the field; for it genetain; and, with the attention to improvement that rally takes until January to get out all our cotton, has been bestowed in England, they would, at this and we have to rush it then, to get time to make retime, probably have been inferior to none. But pairs, before we go to plowing for our next crop. from want of care in retaining the best individuals You might say, why not take part of the hands and as breeders, and from an almost total disregard to put them to making manure, while the others are purity of blood, and propriety of crossing, in our picking? Because we then would have to leave a stock of neat cattle, we are unable longer to identify great deal of cotton in the field, which would be a distinct breeds, and consequently we have been, till loss; and many other things would have to go within the past few years, retrograding rather than undone which we should have done. Only place a improving in this branch of our business. In Northern farmer in our places, and he would be Great Britain, the business of rearing, or, in other about as bad off as we are-what with waste, dewords, of improving the form and value of domestic predations, the buying of all we have. animals, has, on the contrary, formed a distinguished and lucrative branch of farming, for the last eighty or hundred years; and the success of the gentlemen engaged in this business has not only greatly increased the agricultural wealth of the nation, but procured for many large fortunes.

The Ayrshire breed of cattle are at present at

However, not to look all the time on the dark side of the picture, we will see what is the remedy which exists and has existed with us. Our lands have yielded nearly all the nutriment to exhausting crops, by the ruinous system of farming thus year after year the same crop is planted, until the land is totally worn out. I know fields now in

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of the surface, because the dust which rests on it is lighter. Alkalies dissolve most readily these stains, but there is great danger of injuring the more delicate colors; hence they should not be used except by the most experienced scourers.

Any good hard soap will answer to remove the stains from blacks, blues, browns, drab, invisible

cotton, where the same staple has been cultivated for fifteen years consecutively. What wonder, then, that our lands are worthless! Here a judicious rotation of crops, with a proper system of manuring (gradual), cleansing the ground with the cow-pea, soiling with this and other green crops, and if possible wood earth, if it can be hauled and thrown into the drill (it would require too much to lay it broad-green, &c., by means of hot water, and the soap cast); then small portions of lime, if necessary, to promote decomposition. And here let me say a word in relation to lime. Some of our northern friends recommend from 50 to 300 bushels of lime per acre. This might do among those who have the carbonate within 100 yards of their doors, and get it calcined there; but those who have to import it and have it re-shipped as we do, until a barrel of lime is worth as much as the land, would find it rather an uphill work. We have some cold clayey land to which lime would be beneficial, but not in the large quantities as recommended above.

There are many planters who could afford a few weeks hauling for one or two teams, between the 20th of December and 15th of January. To those I would most strongly advise to make their manure piles after the manner of Bommer; to clean out their stock yards, pens, stables, &c.; put the manure in a pen and add wood earth, ashes, soap suds, dirt, and all kinds of refuse and offal. This by the end of the year would become quite a pile, and thus gradually increasing without any apparent effort, will, in the following spring, greatly increase the fertility of the land. Now, by changing the water furrow and drill, every other year, or every third year, all the land will be gradually enriched. If corn or cotton is planted, I would drop peas between the rows. I think other crops may be made as profitable as cotton, and it is worth the attention of the Southern planter to experiment and publish statements. At this present writing I am trying several experiments with different manures. When arrived at maturity, if you wish it, I will take pleasure in forwarding you a statement. I am growing some Cuba tobacco after the manner of the West Indians. I derived my information from a suppressed pamphlet sent to me from Havana.

I find I am transcending my limits at present, but the subject is so full of interest to me that I must be pardoned. JAMES S. PEACOCKE Redwood, near Jackson, La., June 21, 1846.

and water may be removed by a sponge, rubbing the nap in the right direction. In any delicate colors, if soap be used, we should always first try a piece of the same kind of goods with the agent before using it on the article to be cleaned.

In all cases, where several colors are involved in the stain, as in carpets, it is preferable to use the white clay or French chalk. The latter is better, on account of being easier to remove, although either will answer the purpose, and in the absence of both, common chalk will do as a substitute. The mineral should be reduced to a fine powder, and made into a thin paste with water, and spread over the stain, and when dry removed by whipping with a rattan, and using a brush. The oil having greater affinity for the chalk than for the goods, is thus taken up and removed. If the stain be not entirely removed by the first trial, the process should be repeated.

It may happen that none of the above materials can be obtained on the farm or plantation, at the time when an accident happens, but ox-gall could always be had in such an emergency, and is both safe to use and certain in its efficacy to remove the stains. It requires some preparation, and should be kept on hand for that purpose. It dissolves all fatty or oily bodies, and has a tendency to make the colors brighter rather than more dim.

Preparation. Pour the galls of recently killed oxen into a jar or basin, and after settling 12 hours, pour off the clear liquid into a shallow basin of copper or earthenware such as would float on a like basin partly filled with water. Now apply the heat of a charcoal fire to the latter, and by means of this water-bath evaporate the gall to the consistence of molasses, or thin paste. Now remove it from the basin, and spread it out on a shallow plate before the fire, and there let it dry, until it becomes quite solid, not horn-like, but only so as to be yet somewhat flexible in the fingers. Put it by in earthen jars loosely covered, for future use. When it is required, dissolve a small portion, enough when dissolved to cover well the stain, in 12 to 15 times its bulk of hot water; spread it on NOTHING is more common than the soiling of the goods, and when it has remained long enough clothes by grease, oil or fat, acids, inks, sauces and to perfectly saturate them, add a little more, enough preserves, coffee, varnish, white lead, paint, &c. to make the stain thoroughly wet; remove it, by All of these, if taken in time, may be removed with-rubbing with a sponge, until the stain is removed. out much difficulty. As the whole subject is too It must be remembered that a recent stain is relengthy for a single article, I will treat them in moved very easily, while one of long standing requires more effort to remove. I will next point out the method of removing stains of acids, ink, and



1. Stains from Oils, Fats, or Grease.-Removed by soap, chalk, white clay, French chalk, or ox-gall. They most frequently occur on carpets and articles of dress. They give a deep shade to the ground color of the goods, and continue to spread for some time after the accident has happened. They hold fast whatever dust falls upon them. On a very dark ground the stain becomes lighter than the rest

iron rust.

New York, July, 1846.


CURE FOR THE YELLOWS IN PEACH TREES.On the first symptoms of the disease, grub up the trees, and commit them to the flames.




have any ventilation above the bottom of the hive, presuming that the bees would never take the pains THE bottom being hung three-eighths of an inch to so closely cement the upper structure of their from the body of the hive, affords ingress and hives, if it were necessary that they should have egress from all sides, which contributes greatly to ventilation in that quarter. Now, a few more the success of the bees, for the reason, that they are words regarding ventilation below. I have found enabled to perform much more labor than when re- that the more the fresh air is infused among the stricted to a single opening in front, on the ordinary bees at the bottom of the hive, both in summer and plan. When they are confined to an entrance of a in winter, the healthier are the bees-the greater few inches, the clusters of idle bees that almost their increase--the fewer die, and when spring constantly, in the heat of summer, hang about the opens, my hives are full, strong, vigorous, and entrance of every strong stock, prevents, in a great healthy; in fact, I am astonished at their appearmeasure, the entrance of the workers, or, at least, ance, being but a very few bees less in March than retards their operations, and after having gained there were in November preceding. These facts admission, they are then compelled to force their taken into consideration, satisfy me that my plan of way through a solid mass of bees, to such parts of hanging the bottom-board is absolutely necessary the hive as they wish to attain; whereas, if admis- to perfect success. I do not say that it is solely sion is afforded on all sides, they can enter on my plan. I believe it was first practised in the such side as they wish to deposit their honey, Eastern States. pollen, or farina, whatever it may be, with no ob- Having settled the matter of size of hives, &c., struction, and depart in the same easy manner. I the next point is the bee-house or bee-stand. Beelook upon this system of arranging the bottom houses I condemn in toto. If I had a dozen prosboard as the most important branch of the manage-perous hives of bees, and wished to get rid of ment of bees, and of sufficient importance to justify them in the course of a year or two, I could not me in dwelling upon it. Indeed, I am fully satis- more effectually do it, than by housing them up exfied that no system can ever fully succeed perma-posed to a hot sun, and the cool air excluded from nently, on any other plan. It appeals so forcibly the back and ends. The winter season would do to our reason, as a mere matter of ingress and the job for them, if placed in some very warm nook egress, that we cannot but admit its necessity; yet, or corner, where the rays of a mid-day winter sun as a means of ventilation, it is of no less conse- would raise the thermometer to about 50 or 60°, quence. That bees require the healthful influences when in the open fields it would stand, say at 30 of fresh air, in the greatest possible degree, does or 40°. This is the way many people do. They not admit of a doubt in my mind, yet it must come think if they but place their bees in some nice from the bottom of the hive; and to stop up every warm place in winter, where the bleak westerly avenue for the admission of air to hives, except a winds cannot reach them, they are safe enough. small aperture in front, and then place them on the This is the very best way to destroy bees that I south side of some close fence or building, exposed know of, except the brimstone method. All you to the burning rays of the sun, I consider down-have to do is to let them stand, and almost every right cruelty, yet this is the practice of many people.

clear still day, when the thermometer in the open fields would stand at about 35 or 40, hundreds will The subject of ventilation of hives has long be allured forth, by the false temperature immedioccupied the attention of bee-masters, the different ately around them, never to return. But the best modes of which are too tedious to mention; suffice sport of all is immediately after a heavy fall of it to say, that in my opinion, no air should be ad- snow, when the sun shines clear and warm, just mitted at any place except at the bottom. Let us around the hives. It is a most capital trap for look into the philosophy of this. Bees, while in them. The silly bees take it for granted that there the embryo state, require a heat of at least is no difference in the surrounding warmth, and seventy degrees, in order to arrive at maturity. they come out by thousands-fly a few rods-give This heat is artificially produced by the bees when a wheel or two, and drop down on the snow. the temperature is lower without the hive; now, if It is a beautiful sight to see one's bees all lie dead a ventilator is placed at the top, or side of a hive, upon the snow, or it would not be practised to so near the top, the only effect must be to operate to great an extent! Some people who dislike seeing the detriment of the larva in its natural state of them killed off that way, prefer closing the endevelopment, by causing a current of air to flow trances, and causing their death by partial suffocaamong the brood combs, rendering the natural heat tion, or artificial heat produced in the hive by the of the hive, in certain parts, below what is requi-rays of the sun, without any opposing coolness site to bring the young broods to maturity. This, from the rear, to counteract it. In this way as I view it, is placing a strong barrier to the natu- most of the bees may be taken out dead about the ral and successful operations of the bees, as nature first of March. For my part, I am not partial to intended them to be, in the matter of the re-produc- this amusing way of killing bees; I like to have tion of their species. Again, if we examine the my hives as full in February and March, as in the operations of the bees, we find them carefully fall previous, so I follow a different plan. I hang cementing every crack and corner of their domicil them up in the open air in the following way. above, and if any small aperture is made, though select a place as near my house as convenient, in the rains cannot possibly penetrate in any situation, which there can be no deception as regards the yet they close such openings with great care, when general temperature of the atmosphere. I do not not too large, which, to my mind, is conclusive shun a northerly or westerly exposure in the evidence that it is not necessary that they should least, nor do I want any board fence, shed, or any




other building, to be within some rods, if possible. | may be from six inches to one foot wide in the
I then take chestnut, or southern pine joists, twelve centre, and run to a point at each end. It will be
feet long, and cut them in two in the middle, giving perceived, that a hive can be hung on each end,
six feet to each. Two pieces, of six feet in length, which will bring them three feet six inches from
form the supports of two hives. I sink them the ground. They should never be nearer the
eighteen inches in the earth, at such a distance from ground than one yard, as the vapors arising from
each other, that when a strip of board is nailed the earth after rains in warm weather, are very in-
horizontally to the inner side of each joist, on a jurious. The strips of deal should be placed on the
level with the top, a hive with a strip of deal one
inch square nailed to two sides, where the division-
board is placed, say one foot from the bottom, will
fit in between the joists, and rests upon the upper
edges of the boards, as before named, nailed to the
sides of the joists. The pieces attached to the
joists should be at least 28 inches long, in order to
leave 12 inches projection on either side. They


used, by horses, and the hopper filled with seeds.
The small sheet-iron slides are then withdrawn,
and the whole set in motion. The seeds, in de-
scending through the holes in the board above de-
scribed, fall into the cups or holes in the cylinder,
b, and, after being carried partly round, drop on the
cylinder, a, which moves at a greater velocity
than the cylinder, b, and by means of the small
pins become scattered after the manner of sowing

THIS machine is mounted on two wheels, the machine is first drawn to the place where it is to be axle-tree of which carries two standards, supporting a long hopper, marked c, in the above figure. One wheel carries a gear-wheel, which works into another gear-wheel, inserted on a shaft set in the standards, and connected with a long cylinder, b, directly below the hopper, c. This cylinder has a number of cups formed by holes bored about 14 inches deep, which depth is regulated by largeheaded brass screws, with heads about the size of the calibre or bore of the cups. In the bottom of the hopper is a board made to fit close to the upper part of the cylinder, b, with holes in it, which are so arranged as to come directly over the cups. Each of these holes has a small sheet-iron slide to shut off the supply of seeds from the cylinder, b. The other carriage-wheel carries another wheel geared into a small pinion fixed to the cylinder, a, which is also set on the standards on the axle-tree, and is armed with numerous pegs or pins. The size of these several gear-wheels is so adjusted that the lowermost cylinder moves six times faster than the upper.

The operation of the parts is as follows:-The

For spreading lime, plaster, guano, &c., the
board in the bottom of the hopper is to be taken
out, and the iron slide on the back of the hopper is
to be so adjusted, vertically, by means of the
screws, as to allow a sufficient quantity of plaster
to escape from the hopper to the cylinders below,
and be scattered after the manner of the seeds. The
machine may be followed by a harrow, roller, or
any other implement used for covering seeds with
earth, or for raking in lime, plaster, or guano.
Price of six feet cylinders, $60. Ditto nine feet
cylinders, $70.

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vent flagging; for, with all care exercised in taking them up, a good many of the fibres will be broken. After the plants have established themThe best manure employed in the operation is a selves, remove the pot, and earth up occasionally, as long as the space between them will admit of it. mixture of fine turf and rotten horse-dung.

REMEDY FOR COLIC IN HORSES-NEW VARIETIES OF POTATOES FROM SEEDS. 277 from plant to plant, in the lines, must be eighteen ONE of your subscribers having been so unfortu-inches; and if the sun should be shining out strong nate as to lose several of his mules by the colic, at the time of planting, a flower-pot or any other desires, through your useful publication, to ob- convenient article may be placed over each, to pretain some information on the subject. I will inform him of my treatment in such cases, which has always proved successful. As soon as the soot tea, to which add half a pint of whisky; animal is attacked, prepare a strong decoction of pour down the throat with bottle or horn; and if relief is not obtained in a few minutes, give an injection of soap suds, with a gill of strong In plan's produced from the seeds of the same decoction of tobacco, and a little salt added-and if ball, no two stems will, in all respects, possess the this does not give relief, and an operation is not same qualities; yet, many of the tubers will have produced from the bowels, repeat the injection. so near a resemblance to each other, that, when My general practice is, to have placed in the they are mixed together, they cannot be distincutting and feed-house, a small box of lime, one of guished by the eye, though it may happen that one ashes, and one of salt, or a barrel of salt and water, variety will be four times as prolific as the other, which is much better; the oats and fodder are always or may be much better in other respects. The passed through the straw-cutter, and before fed to tubers raised from the seeds of the same ball, are the animal a small quantity of the pickle is poured also prodigiously diversified in regard to color, on, with the addition of a large spoonful of the ashes being black, red, white, green, yellow, pink, &c.; and lime. This is added once or twice a week to shape, as round, knobbed, and varied in all produring the spring and fall. As soon as I can pro- portions; to size, some of them being no larger the cure a mill for grinding the cob and corn, I shall first year than peas, while others exceed the size of apply the mixture to that feed which is more pre-a pullet's egg; to earliness, some of them completferable. I have pursued this course for the last six ing their growth in July, while others will not put or eight years, with success, and can recommend it forth their blossoms before October; to productiveto my brother farmers as practical, and not theoreti-ness, some yielding more than two hundred, while cal, as book-farming and knowledge are so often asserted to be by prejudiced and anti-improving farmers. Washington, N. C., June, 1846. J. B. M.


others will give only three or four; to spreading under ground, some running out to a great distance, others growing quite near to the stem, some descending deep into the earth, while others will rise to the surface; to quality, some being tough and watery, some dry and mealy, some very pleasing to the taste, and others will not be palatable at all; and as to stems, some will carry a single stalk, like a rod, others an immense profusion of them, some being very luxurious, while others will be extremely dwarfish. In short, what is very remarkable, no sort of connection will be found to exist between any two peculiarities. Few plants which may resemble each other above ground, will often be found extremely dissimilar below the surface; while two tubers that apparently resemble each other, will sometimes be so different in quality, when tried for eating, that one will perhaps be among the best, and the other among the worst of the parcel. Hence the benefit that may be derived by a cautious selection from seedlings is obvious, as well as the evil consequences that may accompany a careless procedure in this respect.


In autumn, soon after the appearance of the first heavy frosts, let the potato balls or apples be gathered, macerated in water, the seeds separated from the pulp, and placed in some convenient place in the shade, to dry; after which they may be packed up in an air-tight box or bottle, and kept until required for use. As few of the early sorts produce blossoms, in order to produce seeds from them, deprive the plant of its tubers as they appear, and keep the runners from which they proceed above ground, by not earthing up the plant, and blossoms and seeds will soon appear. About the first of March, let them be sown in a hot-bed, in lines six inches apart, a quarter of an inch deep, and very thin. When water is necessary, sprinkle it between the lines, but avoid wetting the plants, as that would injure them, taking care to give them a little fresh air before they are watered. As the plants increase in size, rich earth carefully put between the lines will add fresh vigor to them; but the tops of the plants must not be covered by the mouldings, which should occasionally be repeated until they are fit for transplanting. To prepare them for this, about the first of May, they must be plentifully refreshed with air; and, two hours before removing them, they must be copiously wa- Take 3 quarts of milk, a little sour, 7 eggs, tered all over, and the glasses covered with mats, to 2 ounces of butter, 1 teaspoonful of salæratus, and prevent the sun, if shining at the time, from mix with Indian meal, to the consistency of a thick scorching the plants. Let each plant be taken up batter, and bake with a strong heat. The pans carefully, with a ball of earth attached to it, and used for baking are of tin, 8 inches in diameter, 1 plant them in trenches, after the manner of culti-inches deep, and a little bevelled. The above is vating celery, only with this difference, the distance sufficient for seven loaves. A TRAVELLER

SUPERIOR CORN BREAD.-In stopping at Bement's American Hotel in Albany, a few weeks since, I do not know when I relished any food better than I did some excellent corn bread, which I found on his breakfast table. I was so well pleased with the article, as well as with the general character of his house, that I begged of him to furnish me with a recipe for making it, which is as follows:

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