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was ever imported here from Spain. If this be cor- soil in which it often grows, it being impoverished rect, are not the improvers entitled to some credit? by its creeping roots.-Browne's Trees of America. Į I saw a communication in the April No. of your


matter is contained in each No.

I shall now

only notice such articles as I think can be reviewed with advantage to them; as cavilling is not my object. As you have given me permission to criticise your articles, I shall begin with that upon the

paper, signed Thomas Affleck, of Mississippi, con- A REVIEW OF THE APRIL NO. OF THE taining some observations on the different flocks of sheep which he examined during a trip to the I CONTINUE my comments upon your publication; north. He seems to be impartial in his remarks, but in future I intend to be less prolix. My object and is disposed to give credit where credit is due. in part in my Review of the March No. was, to I noticed also another communication signed John show your readers what a vast amount of useful Brown, of Ohio, which seems to be written in a very different spirit. This gentleman speaks very disparagingly of those that have given a description of their own stock in agricultural papers, in answer to inquiries. I think it is a proper course. The public have a just right to demand a pedigree of their stock, and also certificates to prove what Value of the Grasses.-In my former article I they have stated, and it is their duty to give them. The gentleman says he has lately given to the complained of the want of definiteness in writers upon scientific subjects--this will apply to this editor of the Albany Cultivator the names of seve-article. Perhaps it is the fault of the language, ral wool-growers, who have not puffed up their that we have no definite term to express our meansheep in agricultural papers, as entitled to more credit. That is perfectly well understood. Per-ing when speaking of "the grasses," a term that means a family of some 300 members. Perhaps haps they do not puff their own up, unless through some of your readers are not aware that maize their agent, but they are very active in puffing their neighbors down. It is one thing for a man to raise (Indian corn), sugar cane, rice, and grain, are part his credit by travelling through the country, and and parcel of the grasses," as much as timothy and clover. When speaking of the latter and their collecting a flock of sheep by selecting here and there one from the finest flocks; it is another for immediate kindred, then, it would be better to adopt Suppose we say some definite term. a man to be at home attentive to his business, and breeding a flock of fine sheep. It is yet another grass," or " hay or pasture grass," to be more defiand still a more difficult thing to improve a fine nite in our meaning. I agree with you as to the flock of sheep by the art of good breeding. The value of the crop of hay and pasture grass, in some former does nothing but transfer one man's im- parts of the Union, but in others there are thouprovement to another; while the latter not only sands of persons who are called farmers, who live, adds to his own private interest, but is able to fur-year after year, without cultivating a single acre of such grass. Therefore, anything that you can say nish male and female animals for the improvement to induce an extension of culture of such a valuof others, and thereby adds to the interest of the able crop, will be well said. world. JACOB N. BLAKESLEE.

Watertown, Ct., June 2, 1846.

EFFECTS OF SLANDER.-The calumniator injures three persons at a time-the person calumniated, the one who listens, and most of all himself Spanish Proverb.


Agricultural Colleges and Schools are in advance of the age-you might as well appropriate that space for other matters. It is idle to attempt to procure legislative action upon so important and beneficial an object, until we are farther advanced in the scale of civilisation. Witness our national councils, and the Smithsonian bequest.

Coal Ashes for Grass Lands.-Valuable without doubt. But instead of rolling in the cinders, which cannot be done so as to keep them entirely out of the way of the scythe, let them be put into a cart or wagon bed made on purpose to sift ashes, and geared to the wheels, so as to give a shaking motion, and then burn the cinders.

Sowing Corn for Fodder.-Among your recommendations, why not tell those tens of thousands of Southerners who never save any other kind of


BLIGHT IN GRAIN NOT PRODUCED BY THE BERBERRY BUSH.-The Berberis vulgaris is subject to a disease called mildew (Ecidium berberidis) which, when magnified, is found to consist of a number of small orange-cups, with a fine film over each. When ripe, these films burst, and the tops of the a ragged, uneven appearance, in cups assume which state they look like white fungi. The cups are filled with innumerable little cases, containing roughness," how much better than "corn blades" seeds or sporules, and these constitute the brightorange powder that is seen on the leaves and would be a crop of broadcast sown corn, and how flowers of the berberry, and was long supposed to much easier to provide a supply of fodder where be the blight on corn both in Europe and America. they won't try to raise hay grass, than their present This opinion, though totally unfounded, is of un-system of stripping the leaves from the growing known antiquity. The error has been ably and corn-stalks? If the ground is plowed, and weeds scientifically refuted by Messrs. Du Hamel, Brous-well turned under about the 1st of July, there will sonet, and Drs. Grenville and Lindley. The be a good crop, without the necessity of drilling or blight on corn is generally a species of uredo, and after culture. does not correspond in botanical characters with the acidium. One of the principal reasons why corn will not thrive in the immediate vicinity of the berberry is, on account of the meagreness of the

Fish for Manure.-Try spent bark from the tanyard. It will absorb the ammonia.

Descriptive Catalogue.-This is the best advertisement that I have ever seen, as the extract expla

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natory of the three plows will in part show, and the Necessity of a Knowledge of Chemical Principles hundred other cuts and explanations, together with to a Farmer.-Convince him of this fact, my a mass of other information, makes not only a use-worthy friend, and then will the country be ready ful, but a very interesting, readable book. for agricultural schools. This is one of the best Mustard as a Field Crop.-If it will yield "tenwriters that appear in your paper, and this is a most or fifteen bushels to the acre," and bring the half of the price you say, it is a more profitable crop than wheat. Give us more upon the subject. The western bottom-lands and rich prairies can carry the crop without danger of exhausting the soil.

American Agricultural Association.-I have but little to say of this excellent association. But I will report for Mr. Clark upon " the expediency of establishing a silk manufactory," against the measure. I have great faith in the growing of silk in all this country, but it must be done as a domestic business. Every family in the county or villages could keep a few worms, and the product would be all profit. Silk cocoons should be produced just as honey is now, or rather as it should be, in every family.

A Leaf from a Farmer's Ledger.-I like to see this kind of accounts, but I pray that some of your readers be not misled in the "root crops." I have asked, " will it answer when oats and corn are not worth more than ten or twelve cents a bushel," and hay from $1 to $2 per ton, to cultivate roots for economical feeding? Such we are told is the fact out West. Then, too, $100 will pay for 25 or 30 acres of land under good tillage. "Circumstances alter cases,"

The Row Culture of Wheat.-This, and hoeing out the weeds, will do very well for "a patch," but for a western prairie field of 300 to 800 acres, where land is very cheap as well as team labor, and where manual labor is very dear, will it answer a good purpose? As for a drilling machine for wheat, when one is wanted, I would recommend Pennock's of Westchester (or in that vicinity), Penn. I am greatly in favor of drilling all hoed crops, and perhaps it would be profitable to drill all grain.

Rambouillet Merinos.-Too much controversy upon this subject to be profitable to your readers. If Mr. Bingham's flock do average 5 lbs. per head of real Merino wool, then it is a good flock. If Mr. Randall's average more, and better wool, then his flock is better; to prove which, send the whole to Mr. Lawrence, of Lowell, and publish his certificate as to the relative value of their fleeces, and let us have no more of this uninteresting dispute of which is best.

Scripture's Carriage Wheel.-Unless I am greatly mistaken, this is one of the most valuable improvements of this age of inventions. Capt. De Bonville, about ten years ago, undertook to cross the Rocky Mountains with about sixty wagons, before the road through the South pass was known, and his wagons literally tumbled to pieces, in consequence of the dryness of the atmosphere at the great elevation that he reached; and the same difficulty in a lesser degree occurs to every Oregon emigrant. How invaluable would be a set of these wheels, if they prove to work well! I pray you, Mr. Editor, to personally examine some that have been longest in use, and tell us what the owners say of them. What is the amount of extra expense ?

capital article, the title of which will be looked at and passed over by many a one it was intended to benefit, as something to them uninteresting; as you may often hear a farmer say, that he don't want to know anything about chemistry. And yet here, in this single article, upon the subject of white to preserve his buildings, he might learn enough of chemistry to be worth fifty times the price of the Agriculturist, every year. For the reasons stated, is not white an excellent color for horses and cattle? Let us hear further from R. L. A., upon this interesting subject.

Sheep at the South.-I have no more doubt than Mr. Affleck, that fine wool can be grown in Mississippi; but that wool will ever be produced there in great abundance and profitably, I have some very strong doubts. Mr. A. says he commenced handling our flocks at Utiea. At the same place I commenced getting acquainted with this southern planter, who, for aught I know, may be a very good one. But will he prove a good shepherd? I hope he will not lie in bed and leave his sheep to the care of his careless negroes. This is the reason why flocks do not prosper better at the South. Mr. A. is out of humor with us because we charge too high for sheep. When they are unprofitable, we will charge less.


Agriculture and Lands of Florida.-This is an interesting article, from an interesting writer. None of your articles are read with more general interest, than descriptions of those portions of our new lands that are but little known in the "old settlements." It is not a matter of surprise to me, nor need it be to friend Parsons, that no one has attempted to cultivate and prepare the dried fruits. Mr. Affleck gives the reason in the No. under review. Here it is:-" The cotton crop affords no time for attending to others. From New Year's day till Christmas, it keeps every hand incessantly employed." And still they gain nothing ahead. Debts and cotton. Cotton, and debts, and slavery. And with all, the only freeman is the slave. master is so great a slave that he has no time to cultivate fruit. I can demonstrate, in ten lines, that cotton is a curse to the South. "One of the most profitable employments, &c., in Florida, is the raising of cattle." And pray where is it not? If it is profitable in Florida, I venture the assertion that it is equally, or more so, in Wisconsin; for there the beef is worth twice or thrice as much, and can be packed 6 or 8 months of the year, sweet, sound, fat, and good, from the wild prairie grass, by means of one of the new kind of "salting machines." In the North, cattle have a value. In the South, particularly Central America, their value is at most but small. Commend me to the North for cattleraising for profit.

Sheep Husbandry, by John Brown. -Now, whether Mr. Brown had lately got himself a pair of cowhide boots with thick soles, well nailed, or not, I am sure I cannot tell; but he does hurt some of our Down East toes most confoundedly; and he

don't seem to care much whose they are.


REVIEW OF THE APRIL NO. OF THE AGRICULTURIST. And as Gardening, No. 2.-Should have been entitled I don't mean to let him know who owns mine that "History of Ancient Gardens," &c. It is an inhe is trampling upon, I shall advise him to keep on teresting historical article. It never struck my mind trampling; and I will risk my toes just for the fun so forcibly, before I read it in this article, that of seeing some of my neighbors kick and scold." JESUS CHRIST was buried in a garden." And I There is too much humbug peddling among stock thought how much more like heathens than raisers, and an editor of an agricultural paper that Christians, do the most of his followers bury their will accept of pay for puffing off a spurious breed dead, in the byways and highways of this land, of "sperm oil Merinos," is no cultivator of moral instead of in gardens, and a field bordered with honesty. It is time some swindling tricks that I trees."


know of, were exposed. I caution buyers at the Fat Heifers.-I am sorry to be obliged to "guess" South and West not to send orders here, unless that Mr. Clift was not well paid for those very fat they do it through some agent who has a reputa-heifers sent to our market. I should be pleased to tion that cannot be greased over with so contempt- see his "bill of items" of the cost of putting so ible a covering as artificial gum on a sheep's wool. much fat on two set of ribs. Is it profitable? I hope, that after all, Mr. Brown is not advertising [Yes; undoubtedly.] That is a question of most his own flock. Pray let us hear from him again. importance. Importing Beet Seeds is an absolute disgrace to Experiments with Guano.-If you will never this country. But I cannot think it would be, if it publish another article upon this subject, I am willwas known that it would meet with a ready sale at ing to concede that guano (huano is the proper a fair price, if raised at home. Please tell us what name) is the very best manure on earth, or under is the price, and where the market? [We usually the earth, or in the air, fire, or water of the earth; sell at 75 cents per lb. See our Catalogue, p. 60.] but I never will concede that it is good economy to The crop must be a large one in bushels, per acre; import manure, and waste it, when we might use but only about one-half should ever be put up for home-made. I have done with this subject. [My seed by an honest man, except a sort of a whale-oil dear Reviewer, don't be so savage over the produce Merino-buck honesty. What would the small of innocent sea-fowls.]

To keep Land in Grass.-The soil that "a young farmer" speaks of, is probably a sandy one. In that case, it is better not to try to keep the land in grass; but sow seed with all small grain, and then break up the meadows whenever it fails-this is my experience.

refuse seed be good for? [Nothing at all that we Polled Cattle. I always did like them, and don't know of, except for manure.] know what we grow horns for, now the farmers' A Massachusetts Barn.-Just what we might ex-girls are all too proud to wear " horn combs ;" and pect from a State where they put timber into a ma- "horn spoons" are entirely out of fashion. The chine that turns out finished plows. I like this only use I know for cattle horns, is, to hook sheep barn, and if Mr. Knox can make them for $600 to death, or occasionally kill a fine horse, or themeach, I would like to take a couple, and allow him selves. As for your assertion that farmers don't 10 per cent. profit. I would recommend an addi-regard "any point at all" in breeding cattle, it is tion, and that is a ventilation in the centre of the just no such thing; for, with a few exceptions, roof, made with slats, like Venetian blinds. They like your correspondent, they almost universally are but seldom added to barns, yet I am persuaded regard two very pointed and useless horns. that they would be of great service in carrying off the gases that arise from the hay and grain, and which always make it so oppressive to the laborer, when" mowing away" near the roof. The slats can be made to open and shut, by cords coming down to the floor, if that should be preferred to having them stationary. I hope no one who sees Hood's Balance Gate.-Something new, and I this plan will ever build a barn 60 feet long, with a should think would suit a southern latitude, where, floor running crosswise. I wish, Mr. Editor, that if a man should, "Yankee fashion," build his you would procure and publish the plan of an old- house almost into the road, he would be set down fashioned Massachusetts farm-house. [Thank as "no gentleman;" and where every house has at you for the hint. It shall be done hereafter. We least one, frequently three or four gates to pass, in had the honor, for so we consider it, of being born the approach to it; "I reckon," such a gate would and partly reared in one.] Such an one, I mean, be "right smart convenient." But the dimensions as you and I-oh, I forget, you don't know who should be given, and the cost also would be useful. "I" am-but such a one as used to be common a They won't suit all latitudes. hundred years ago, having two "square rooms" The Garden, No. 2.-This title is too nearly and a kitchen, with such a fire-place! All the synonymous with "Gardening, No. 2," and should plans since contrived are not " improvements." have borne the title of that. But no matter for Blight in Pear Trees. More indefiniteness. titles. But few will read the article, and less pracWhat is blight? First describe the disease, so tise its recommendations. Our American ladies are that everybody can tell what it is, and then I don't entirely too effeminate and dyspeptic; and ridicu care what 'you call it, or how you cure it. Will lously full of affectation of delicacy, to engage in somebody tell me if a pear tree ever blighted that so healthy and happy an employment as cultivating had a supply of wood ashes around the roots every the garden. Unpalatable truths these, but truths year? The same of plums? There are better nevertheless. I wholly despair of inducing the uses for ashes than throwing them in the street, or present race of farmers' daughters to return to a selling them to the ash gatherers for "a pound of life of usefulness, and the time and talent employed Soap per bushel," in providing such articles as this for their use, is

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labor lost. I am more disposed to handle this answer to your call upon your readers "anent this great error in female education " without gloves." matter," as to whether I shall continue the work Catch a farmer's daughter in this age of piano of a REVIEWER. thumping, trundling that wheelbarrow, and I will believe in miracles in all time to come. Have patience, I am near a stopping place. A word on HAVING glanced at the Vegetable Kingdom, conCountry Schools.-This article is too discursive; sidered geographically and historically, let us treat a fault of nearly all writers, using too many words upon the objects of vegetable culture as connected to make a point. I acknowledge my own fault in with the subject now before us, which is as this particular, but I larnt it in these same "country follows:-1. To multiply plants. 2. To increase schools," and I learned but very little at them of their number and retain or improve their qualities. any real benefit to me in the ordinary pursuits of 3. To increase their magnitude. 4. To form new life, and I never saw one conducted upon the prin- varieties for the furtherance of all or any of the ciple of teaching children things and meaning of above objects. 5. To propagate, and preserve from words, instead of mere sounds. I would advise degenerating, approved varieties. 6. To preserve "E. S." that some Southern mothers as well as vegetables for future use. The first step for all Northern ones, would make but poor "maternal these objects in common, is to procure the desired inspectors of the education of their own girls" plant, either by removing it in an entire state from and " good governesses" are not so plenty as its native situation, and planting it in an approblackberries at the North, or black babies at priate one; or by gathering and sowing its seeds; or by propagating from a part of the plant itself. The Farmer's Dictionary.-One of the best evi- Hence the general origin both of agriculture and dences of an improved state of feeling in the public gardening, and of all the different modes of propamind is, that such works by such men are under-gation, transplanting, and collecting seeds. The taken to be written and published, sold, and read; next step is to secure the plants to be cultivated and when ten years ago we could not find a half from the depredations of animals, or unsuitable dozen volumes, upon any agricultural subject, of weather. Hence the origin of fences and encloAmerican printed books, we can now form a hand-sures, and plant-habitations. A third step, common some library.

the South.

Observations on the Potato Disease, &c.-I have no objection to see every one light his taper to illumine this subject, but the cure is yet in darkness. No more is yet known of this disease, as to its cause or cure, than is known of the Asiatic cholera. The theories upon both cases are about equally numerous and contradictory.

to all the above objects of culture, is to remove from the vicinity of the plant to be cultivated, or . from the plant itself, all other plants, or animals, or objects likely to impede its progress. Hence the origin of weeding, thinning, destroying insects, and curing diseases.

To increase the number and retain the native qualities of vegetables, it is necessary to imitate, as The Naturalist.-If I was reviewing that work, exactly as circumstances will admit, their native I should say that some of its articles were a little habitation, in respect to soil, climate, mode of watoo prosy, to suit the taste of Southwestern agricul-tering, light, &c. If the habitation is in any way tural readers. As I am really anxious for its ameliorated, the qualities of the plant will be success, I am sure friend Fanning would take it in altered, and its parts enlarged, which is not desired. kindness if he knew from whence the hint came, All that is necessary, therefore, for effecting this when I tell him that he must make the "Natural-branch of culture, is to imitate the habitation, and ist" more interesting than the " Agriculturist" was, to propagate. This ought to be the case wherever or it will never be supported in his latitude. I plants are grown for medical or scientific purposes, speak knowingly, and advise for good. as in herb and botanic gardens.

Treatise on Domestic Economy.-I wish I had this work before me, I should like to review it. That American ladies need improving "mentally and physically," I have just said, and therefore agree with you that "there is great need."

I did intend to review the "Premium List for 1845," but I find I am getting prolix, and will therefore only say that 25 premiums of Coleman's Tour certainly show a very strong partiality for a work essentially English, over some others that I think none the worse of for being American. Without any disparagement to Coleman's Tour, I do say that one volume of the American Agriculturist would be worth more, and would be more read by nine-tenths of the recipients of those premiums than all the numbers of this much-puffed "Tour" and unless the later numbers show a vast improvement over those that I have seen-and I can find ten thousand backers to this opinion. I have said my say.

I shall continue my comments upon one more No., and by that time we shall probably get some

To increase the magnitude of vegetables, without reference to their quality, it is necessary to afford them an increased supply of all the ingredients of food, distributed in such a body of well pulverized soil as the roots can reach; and of heat and moisture. They should also be partially excluded from the direct rays of the sun, so as to moderate perspiration; and from the wind, so as to prevent sudden dryness. Nature gives the hint in the occasional luxuriance of plants, accidentally placed in favorable circumstances; man adopts it, and, improving upon it, produces cabbages and turnips of twenty-five pounds weight, and apples of one or two pounds; productions which may, in some respects, be considered as diseased.

To increase the number, improve the quality, and increase the magnitude of particular parts of vege tables, it is necessary to remove those parts which are not wanted, such as the blossoms of bulbous or tuberous-rooted plants, when the bulbs are to be increased; the over-luxuriant wood-shoots and leafbuds of fruit trees; the flower-stems of some, and



the male flowers and runners of others. Hence the fruit; a good bearer, of fair quality; and what important operations of pruning, ringing, cutting forms its chief quality, and gives it a preference off large roots, and other practices, for improving over all other staminates as an impregnator, is, fruits, and throwing trees into a bearing state. At that it can, by its leaf and growth, be at all times first sight, these practices do not appear to be distinguished from Hovey's seedling, and other copied from nature; but man, though an improving valuable pistillate plants. It has this peculiarity animal, is still in a state of nature, and all his prac-of blossom, whilst a large portion of them are pertices, in every stage of civilisation, are as natural to him, as those of the other animals are to them. Cottages and palaces are as much natural objects as the nests of birds, or the burrows of quadrupeds; and all the laws and institutions by which social man is guided in his morals and politics, are no more artificial than the instinct which congregates sheep and cattle into flocks and herds, and guides them in their choice of pasturage and shelter.

fect in both organs, some will be found on the same stem wholly defective in the male organs, and depending on their neighbors for impregnation. There are many famous English staminates, and Hovey's Pine and Buist's seedling among them, valuable as impregnators; but in my opinion, as impregnators only. The objection to them is, that they will not average one-third of a crop, and are not so distinct in appearance as the Duke of Kent's.

To form new varieties of vegetables, as well as The Roses Phoenix is one of the best bearers of flowers, and of useful plants of every description, among them, but I have never yet seen it bear oneit is necessary to take advantage of their sexual third of a crop of perfect fruit. I this season gave differences, and to operate in a manner analogous to the famous English varieties, the Swainstone, crossing the breed in animals. This practice is but Downton, Emperor, Myatt's Pine, and some others, an imitation of what takes place in nature by the a fair trial; not one-half of their blossoms bore agency of bees and other insects, and of the wind; perfect fruit. Even our scientific English gardeners all the difference is, that man operates with a par-how distinguish the difference between the stamiticular end in view, and selects individuals possess-nate and pistillate blossom, and the barren character ing the particular properties which he wishes to of the former, and their indispensable necessity for perpetuate or improve. impregnating Hovey's, and other pistillates; but The preservation of vegetables for future use is gravely assure us all blossoms were perfect in effected by destroying or rendering dormant the both organs in England - that it is a change principle of life, and by warding off, as far as prac-effected by our climate, and that they would at once ticable, the progress of chemical decomposition. Hence the herbs or roots, or fruits of some vegetables, are dried; others are placed beyond the reach of the active principles of vegetation, as seeds, cuttings, scions, roots, and fruits; and some are, in addition, excluded from the air, or placed in very low temperatures.

change their character if sent back to England. I trust Mr. Hovey will, by experiments, this season, ascertain the character of his old seedling, and that his experiments will be sanctioned by the report of the committee of the Boston Horticultural Society, and other cities in future be supplied with this delicious fruit, as abundantly and as cheap as we are in Cincinnati, and a theory heretofore denounced by the learned, because it was first practised by an illiterate market woman, received with favor. My

The whole of gardening, as an art of culture, is but a varied development of one or more of the fore-named practices, all founded in nature, and for the most part rationally and satisfactorily explain-only fear is, that the poor woman may have her ed on chemical and physiological principles. Hence the great necessity of the study of botany to the cultivator. L. T. TALBOT. VINDICATION OF THE DUKE OF KENT'S STRAWBERRY.

merit detracted from, by their showing, that although Linnæus scouted at it, the doctrine was fully tested and believed in by some of his disciples; that even Kean discovered it, in one variety, and made it known to the London Horticultural Society. Cincinnati, June 19, 1846. N. LONGWORTH.

IN the Boston Magazine of Horticulture, the editor censures Mr. Thomas for recommending the TO MAKE WATER COOL FOR SUMMER.-The fo!Duke of Kent Strawberry for cultivation, pronounc-lowing is a simple mode of rendering water almost as ing it quite worthless," and seals its fate by cold as ice :-Let the jar, pitcher, or vessel, used for saying the London Horticultural Society deem it of water, be surrounded with one or more folds of no value. When that learned body, and the Eng- coarse cotton, and be kept constantly wet. The fish gardeners shall have progressed so far as to evaporation of the water will carry off the heat have discovered that there are two separate and from the inside, and reduce it to a freezing point. distinct plants in the strawberry, the one defec-In India, and other tropical regions, where ice cantive in the male, and the other in the female organs, not be procured, this is common. to a greater or less extent, and the difference in their size and appearance so great that a blind man can distinguish the blossoms at the distance of WHAT IS BLIGHT?--It is a sun-stroke, or a twenty feet, I shall pay proper respect to their frost-bite, a plague of insects, or of fungi, a opinions. I have cultivated the Duke of Kent's paralysis of the root, or a gust of bad air; it is wetseveral years, to impregnate Mr. Hovey's seedling, ness, it is dryness, it is heat, it is cold, it is plethora, and deem it next in value to that valuable straw-it is starvation; in short, it is anything that destroys berry. It is the only plant I have ever met with or disfigures foliage. Can a definition be more that comes near meeting Mr. Downing's fancy of a perfect? We should expunge the word as a subperfect plant. (I here, of course, except the alpines.) stantive term from our language, and only use it in It has four merits to recommend it. It is an early its adjective sense.—Dr. Lindley.

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