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THE meetings of this Club were respectively held on the first and third Tuesdays of June, and the principal subject discussed was Indian Corn, its uses, modes of cooking, planting, &c.

Gurneyism.-Mr. Meigs read a paper from the Revue D'Horticulture de Paris, on the effects of light and shade upon vegetation, by M. Poiteau, from which we extract the following:

become heated and musty, so as to render it unfit either for man or beast. One of the writers, Dr. James W. Thompson, states that as "corn is becoming an article of export to other countries, inquiry was naturally awakened to know the best modes of preparing it for transportation. Experience teaches, so far as yet ascertained, that corn intended for exportation must be kiln-dried, if not manufactured, in the country which produces it. "Shade is necessary for all plants in their in- This process was attempted in Connecticut at the fancy, or when they are diseased, or when they close of the Revolution. The Connecticut millers have suffered violence by removal. Seeds germi- used the white corn, and produced an inferior nate best in obscurity, and are best when shaded article of meal, owing to want of skill in preparing for a few days after. The clouds furnish such it. The Brandywine millers perfected their kiln shade often, but art uses means to give shade to and adopted the yellow corn, by way of distinction. them. Seeds that must be sown on the surface, or From greater proficiency in kiln-drying and manuwith little earth over them, grow best if shaded for facturing meal, they soon engrossed the West Ina time. Shade is necessary for such flowering dian markets for their yellow meal, and this inducplants as are desired to prolong their flowering and ed our farmers to grow so extensively here the freshness. Shade is important to all plants in yellow corn. At the several mills on the Brandyslips, and is almost indispensable in order that they wine, there are annually thus dried and ground, may root well. Plants in light purify the air by some half million bushels of corn. It keeps perabsorbing carbonic acid and disengaging the oxy-fectly good for a long period, and does not appear gen, and they corrupt the air at night by suffering to be deprived of any of its nutritive qualities by carbonic acid to escape without being decomposed." being subject to heat." It is upon this principle that the new and particular

Kiln-dried Corn.--Mr. John S. Skinner read exTHIS implement, with a horse, man, and a boy, tracts from letters from Maryland and Delaware, relating to kiln-drying corn, with the view of show-will rake from fifteen to twenty-five acres per day. ing the necessity of preparing corn for exportation It can be used to good advantage even on quite by this process, without which, it is very liable to rough ground. Price $7.50 to $9.00.



it, but such has been the demand upon our columns, that we have not been able to find a place for them till now. This importation, together with a subseshows that the good old Bay State is alive to the quent one by Mr. Webster, of Massachusetts,

interest pervades this as well as many other sections of the country. We trust that while these imported bulls are judiciously bred to native cows, the imported cows may be bred to none but these bulls, or others of pure breed fully equal to them, with a view of improving that of the country at so that the stock will be kept pure and perpetuated

CULTURE OF STRAWBERRIES. WHEN We consider how easily strawberries are cultivated, the delicacy and healthfulness of the fruit, that it is the earliest in the season, and appears without a rival, we are astonished to find how few of the farmers have them in their gardens-improvement of its neat stock, and that a reviving they usually doing without them, or depending upon the capricious, wild growth of a small and inferior kind in the fields. To say nothing of the luxury of having an abundance of strawberries during the season, in our own families, it is one of the most profitable fruits cultivated; and many a farmer in this vicinity has made a snug fortune by growing them for the city market. Particular at-large, for generations yet to come, and not be negtention is given to this business in New Jersey, lected and suffered to run out, as has been the case where patches will be found in abundance, varying admire the liberality of the Massachusetts Agriculwith pretty much all, heretofore imported. We tural Society; $3,000 for ten animals-$300 each→→→ times for neat cattle; and we hope, before any more is a pretty high price though to send abroad these importations are made, that the Societies and people of this country will cast about a little, and see if home, and at a much cheaper rate; for we hold it they cannot supply themselves equally well at the duty of every good citizen to expend his money in his own country, when it is possible to get anything like the value for it, rather than send abroad. Upwards of four years ago we came to the conclusion, after a pretty thorough personal inspection of the different breeds of neat cattle in England, that we only wanted now and then a very superior bull or so, to give fresh blood to our stock, and that we

from one to fifteen acres.

They are usually brought to market in small baskets holding one-third of a quart, and the price varies from 3 to 10 cents, according to the season and the time of marketing them. Twenty thousand baskets have been picked from a single acre, and sold at an average price of 5 cents per basket, making a product of $1,000. This is an uncommon case, however, and we presume it might be fairer to assume that eight thousand baskets would be a good average yield per acre, sold at 4 cents, producing $320. The expenses of culture and marketing are heavy; but admitting that they net the grower only one-and-a-half cents per basket, in the field, and that he gets only six thousand baskets, it would leave a profit of $90 per acre. Suppose that only half this sum, $45 per acre, is realized, it would still be a good business to farmers in the neighborhood of cities.

already have about as good materials for all necessary improvement as Great Britain can furnish us; and to this opinion we still adhere.


The best months to set out strawberry plants in Let us now look about a little, and name a few this climate are August, September, March, and enterprising persons who have imported and are April; at the South, we should say, October, No- breeding Devons and Ayrshires, saying nothing of vember, February, and March. But as it is gene-choice breeds of Herefords scattered over the the numerous and wide-spread Durhams, and the rally impossible to get plants from the North before March, to send South, they should be ordered for Mr. Patterson, of Maryland, has a herd of pure that quarter as early as September, and then they would be certain to arrive there in season. The Devons, the originals of which were imported upvines produce few berries the first year, but very ward of thirty years ago, from the best herds in abundantly the second and third. After this the England. These he has continued to breed with fruit rapidly deteriorates in size and quality, and great success ever since, improving their blood with new plantings should be brought into bearing, and be of the least advantage for him to do so. His continued fresh importations whenever it could the old ones dug up. We expect soon to be favored with a series of herd numbers more than one hundred, all thorough articles, with illustrations, on the culture of straw-bred, and we believe as good animals as England berries, from a gentleman in this vicinity, who has devoted much time and attention to them, we there fore forbear any further remarks upon the subject for the present.


ABOUT eight months since, we noticed the following paragraph in the New England Farmer: "The Massachusetts Agricultural Society have recently imported from England and Scotland, one bull and four cows of the North Devon, and a bull and four cows of the Ayrshire breeds; all said to be good of their several kinds, at a cost of $3,000." It was with great pleasure and satisfaction that we read the above paragraph, and it was our intention at the time to have made some remarks upon

can produce. He raises many steers annually of
the purest blood, and most faultless forms, for the
is far short of the increase.
simple reason that the demand for his young bulls
So fastidious has he
been in his breeding, that for several years after he
commenced, he steadily refused to part with a
single animal to breed, until he had got his herd to
suit him in their general excellence, and he had
made his third trial of imported bulls from England,
the last one, from Bloomfield's herd, the same from
which the Massachusetts bull was taken. At
length, when he opened his herd for sale, he placed
the choicest of them, except the selections for his
own immediate breeding, at the moderate price of
$100; and neither more did he demand, nor less
did he ask. Would it not have been quite as well
for the Massachusetts Society to have purchased of


Mr. Patterson at $100 each, rather than in England at $300?

Mr. Colt, of New Jersey, has some beautiful Devons; the Messrs. Hurlbut, of Connecticut; Mr. Washburn, of Otsego County, this State, has a fine herd imported by Mr. Rotch, and crossed in with Mr. Patterson's stock; Mr. Allen, of Black Rock, has a choice herd, made up from Mr. Patterson's stock and recent importations from England. Messrs. Garbutt & Breck, of Genesee County, have been breeding superior Devon cattle for years, and last October advertised a public sale of 40 to 50 head. With all their efforts, they could only sell 14 head, at an average price of $60 each. The Massachusetts importation cost $300 each, as before remarked; and those who have seen both, say, they are in no respects superior to Messrs. Garbutt & Breck's, when for the same money they could have got five for one!


Let us be understood. We have no wish, in the slightest degree, to discourage the promotion of the highest excellence in all that appertains to our agricultural advancement. We advocate improvement in its greatest extent, and in nothing more than in our domestic animals, Numerous individuals in our country, with a spirit and liberality nowhere surpassed, have invested thousands of dollars in the importation of foreign cattle of the most approved quality, and from them have bred herds equal in value, and in all desirable points, to their originals. But how have they been rewarded? In nine cases out of ten, they have suffered the deep mortification of finding their efforts and their enterprise unappreciated, by those who, approving their value, are about to adapt them to their own uses; and of seeing them, like this instance of the Massachusetts Society, " pass by on the other side," telling them in effect, that this A few years since, a young Englishman imported stock, though of acknowledged excellence, has deinto the western part of this State, a very superior teriorated in their hands, and that they have no young bull and two heifers, pure North Devons, confidence in American-bred cattle? Is this fair? from the herd of Mr. Davy, of North Moulton, Is it just? Devonshire, one of the best breeders of this sort of We insist upon it, that there are as good and as stock in England-his animals generally taking the careful breeders in America as in England, for all first prizes wherever exhibited. These he found it practical purposes. We know several cases where difficult to dispose of at $100 each. They fell into imported stock have actually become improved in hands that appreciated them, and are now highly their progeny by American breeders; although we valued. A majority of the cows composing the consider that those extraordinary instances of inabove herds, are good milkers, giving from 16 to 22 dividual skill in occasionally producing uncomquarts per day, making rather more than an monly fine animals, have not been developed here as average proportion of butter, thus showing the su-frequently as in England. But let it be remembered, perior quality of the milk.

that such animals as astonish Englishmen or Scotchmen at home, do not come to America. We cannot afford to pay for them yet. But we have got the blood of these superior animals, and will soon be in the way of producing it equal to themselves.

Now, as to Ayrshires. Mr. John P. Cushing, of Watertown, near Boston, some ten years since, or more, imported eight or ten cows, and one or two bulls, which he ordered to be selected from the very best breeds, without regard to cost, in Scotland. These he has bred ever since, and, with his Let us now sustain each other—at least, until our accustomed munificence, has given away, as we un-domestic demand shall carry prices up to something derstand, several young animals every year, both like a compensating amount for the heavy capital to Agricultural Societies, and to individuals, for the already invested in our improved stock; or until benefit of the public. Of this liberality, the Massa- the reduced cheapness on the other side the Atlanchusetts Society have, very unwisely, as we think, tic shall be a sufficient reason for passing by anideclined to avail themselves. mals and herds of equal excellence on this.


Capt. George Randall, of New Bedford, some years ago, imported several Ayrshires of great excellence, from which he has bred many young animals of equal pretensions, and sold at moderate prices. Mr. Griswold, of Connecticut, and Mr. NEWLY-MADE lime, according to Dundonald, from Patten, of New York, have also imported the best its power of destroying, or as it were burning animals that money could procure; several other vegetable and animal bodies, is termed caustic. individuals in different parts of the country have When applied to organic bodies, containing moistdone the same. In September, 1844, we saw ure, it rapidly destroys their adhesion, or continuity standing in the Ayrshire quarter of the State Cattle of parts, and disengages from them hydrogen and Show, at Poughkeepsie, an excellent bull, imported nitrogen, forming volatile alkali. The residuuminto Montreal two years previously, and sent there will be found to consist of charcoal, and of a comfor sale, with full pedigree, and approved descent, bination of lime with the phosphoric and other for which the owner could not obtain $100! acids, forming saline matters, which are nearly inTwo or three recently imported cows were soluble. The above effects are produced by the there also, which could have been bought for that application of lime to peat, or to soils containing sum each. And yet, with all these fine animals much vegetable matter; part of which is dissipated before the public, from several different herds of in a gaseous state, and part combines with the unquestioned excellence, the Massachusetts Society lime, forming insoluble compounds, which cannot sends to Scotland, at an expense of $1,500, to buy five Ayrshires, in no way superior to what they could at any time obtain at home for one-third the money.

promote vegetation, until brought into action by other saline substances, either on the principle of superior affinity, or on that of the double elective attractions.




Hence, when hot, or newly-calcined lime is DISSOLVING BONES IN SULPHURIC ACID. broken into pieces of a small size, and mixed with THE discovery of Dr. Liebig of dissolving bones peat, moderately humid, heat is disengaged, and in sulphuric acid for the purposes of manure, has that heat, by the slacking of the lime, when it is been so clearly established by the experiments of applied in too great a proportion, is so increased, the Duke of Richmond and other agriculturists in as completely to reduce the peat to charcoal, and to Britain, that nothing seems now to be wanted but dissipate, in a gaseous state, all its component some economical plan of introducing it into the parts, excepting the ashes, part of the carbonaceous ordinary routine of farming. Mr. Pusey, in a matter, and such a portion of the carbonic acid gas paper on this subject, in a late number of the generated in the process, as is absorbed by the lime, Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of Engby which that substance is made to return to the land, points out, in a popular way, what Liebig's state of a carbonate. No benefit can, therefore, theory is, and in what the peculiar active principle arise by this method of preparing peat with lime, of bones consists. the object not being to destroy and dissipate in a Bones, it is well known," he says, "have been gaseous state the component parts of the peat, but long used in England for the turnip crop, still, to make such a combination with the lime, and the though their success on some soils was certain, the gas generated in the process, as will, on the appli- cause of that success was by no means so clear; for cation of the mixture to ground, promote the fresh bones are made up of oil, of jelly or gelatine, growth of plants. and of phosphorus united with lime. But when the This object is best attained by mixing newly-oil was boiled out of the bones they stil! acted, and made, and completely slacked lime, with about five when the jelly was burnt out of them, they still or six times its weight of peat, which should be acted even more rapidly-so that without at all moderately humid, and not in too dry a state. In saying that either the oil did nothing, or the jelly this case, the heat generated will be moderate, and did nothing, it became clear that the peculiar active never sufficient to convert the peat into carbona-principle of bones is the phosphorus combined with ceous matter, or to throw off, in the state of a gas, the lime; and, as the quantity of the lime is insig the acids therein contained. The gases thus gene-nificant, that it is the phosphorus-a pale substance rated will be converted into volatile alkali, which like wax, which has the singular property of giv will combine, as it is formed, with the oxygenated ing a faint blue light when in the dark. This part of the peat that remains unacted upon by the curious substance, it appears, which may be bought lime applied for this special purpose, in a small for a few pence, at any chemist's, is one of the proportion. By this mode of conducting the pro-main elements with which nature works in comcess, a soluble saline matter will be procured, con-pounding seeds and roots serving for the food of sisting, in part, of phosphate of ammonia, the man and of beast. beneficial effects of which on vegetation will be too apparent to need further comment.

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In bones, however, the phosphorus, in an acid state, is compounded with lime in such a propor Inattention, or ignorance of these important facts, tion as to form a salt called phosphate of lime, has probably, in many cases, defeated the wishes which water does not dissolve, and which thereof the farmer in the application of this preparation, fore acts slowly upon the roots of crops to which it which is particularly recommended as a top-dress-is applied as manure. Dr. Liebig knew that oil of ing to grounds under pasture. The proportion of vitriol (sulphuric acid), if mixed with bones, would the lime to the peat here given, should be carefully take to itself a part of this lime, leaving behind a attended to, and the mixing of the two substances new salt containing at least a double portion of together should be performed under cover, in a phosphorus, and therefore called superphosphate of shed or outhouse constructed for that purpose, as lime, which salt being dissolved by water, he too much rain, or a too great exposure to air, will hoped would afford a more digestible food for the prevent a due action of the lime upon the peat. young turnip, and the result has answered his exThe success of most operations, but more espe-pectations. Such is the simple history of this cially of those of a chemical nature, greatly depends great discovery." upon a regular and due observance of circumstances apparently trivial.

Mr. Pusey then proceeds to describe his mode of making a compost of dissolved bones for drilling, and details an experiment in which raw bones, Fothergill's superphosphate of lime, and the compost of dissolved bones were pitted against each other, as follows:

CANADA GYPSUM.-Mr. Moyle, of Canada West, recently addressed a communication to the Council of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, on the subject of the results obtained by him with the "I formed a flat heap of dry mould about ten cretaceous gypsum, to which he had referred in a feet across, the surface of which was scooped into former letter; with an opinion, that, to the use of a hollow basin, capable of holding twenty bushels this cheap dressing, he attributed the great fertility of ground fresh bones. A little water was poured of Canada, and a statement that on one of his own on, but I have since omitted the water. Sulphuric 50-acre fields, chiefly wheat, he had, last summer, acid, to the amount of about half the weight of the grown 40 bushels to the acre; the land of his farm bones, was gradually poured into this basin. They having been through the usual rotation of crops for soon begin to heat, seething violently, and sending the nine years previous, and the portion on which out a great deal of steam, with a peculiarly offenthis wheat was grown never having had any dress-sive stench; presently the whole mixture wears the ing whatever, excepting one bushel per acre annu- appearance of boiling blood, and sweils so much ally of the plaster (gypsum) in question. from the escape of gas, that the workmen, stirring



it with their hoes, must take great care to prevent of preparation is slight, and of its application next it from bursting over the sides of the earthen to nothing; for Mr. Hornsby informs me that his basin. In a short time, however, the cauldron be-turnip-drill will distribute equally as small a quancomes quiet, and the bones disappear altogether, tity as 15 bushels over an acre; as then the 4 except a few fragments; so that the heap may be bushels of dissolved bones do not require to be shovelled together, and might be drilled on the mixed with more than ten or fifteen bushels of same day, but this would not be advisable, as some earth, and his drill holds 25 bushels, the use of this small lumps, still half liquid, remain in the com- compost would not require more than one stoppage post. On the first occasion, the earth and dissolved for drill on each acre. bones were left mixed together, and though per- "Mr. Fothergill's preparation, if the quay fectly cool when so left, I learned, on returning, assumed be correct, was still more successful, and, after six weeks' absence, that a second heating had having tried it elsewhere, I am enabled to speak soon taken place, and found that the heap was hot more highly of it. A neighbor, to whom I supstill. The offensive smell was gone, and was re-plied some, found that 2 cwt. of this superphos placed by the musky odor of rotten dung. I men- phate, costing then 14s., answered better on his tion this circumstance because I am anxious to land for turnips than 2 cwt. of the best Peruvian draw to it the attention of chemists. This second guano, for which he had paid 32s. fermentation may be that of the animal matter con- "Having tried the method described above, I tained in the bones, and may bring out its ammo- venture to recommend it to farmers; but I consider nia; if so, it will be a question whether it be de- it by no means a perfect prescription. It is not sirable thus to give time for the formation of am-clear whether the second fermentation should be monia before the manure is applied; or whether it allowed to take place or not. It is by no means be better to drill the compost at once, allowing the clear that the proportion of acid (one-half the weight ammonia to be produced under ground, and so be of the bones) might not be diminished. It is supplied to the young plant more gradually. doubtful whether the amount of bones, 4 bushels, "The compost thus made was tried in July on be the right dose per acre. It is very likely that some light land, very much exhausted, and natu- phosphorus should not be administered singly, but rally unkind for the growth of turnips. The trial should be combined with potash, as Dr. Liebig adground was about two acres. On one part the vises. These are points which I beg to recomcompost of bones and acid was drilled at the rate mend to our members for future inquiry. of 4 bushels of bones to the acre; on another part, bones at the rate of 20 bushels to an acre; and I added, on a third part, a manure (purchased from Mr. Fothergill) under the name of superphosphate of lime, at the rate of 2 cwt.

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corn crops. But further, a direct experiment, too, has proved its success. This was made by Mr. Pemberton Leigh, upon wheat, the product of which was as follows :—

"Such are the assured advantages to be derived to the turnip crop by the solution of bones, but we may further hope to see the use of superphosphate extended even to corn crops. Theory certainly requires it; for, according to Boussingault, a crop of The bones and acid took the lead of the bones, four quarters of wheat to the acre draws from that and kept it throughout. I am bound to add that acre of ground at least 30 lbs. of phosphoric acid. the superphosphate prepared by Mr. Fothergill not Experience countenances it, for though bone maonly surpassed the bones, but also that which I had nure is usually applied to the turnip crop, its manufactured myself. Possibly the quantity of effects, as is well known, are seen in the following Mr. Fothergill's may have been too large for comparison; but though I think my own method of preparing superphosphate a convenient one, when the bones are at hand, it appears also that if we can ensure the delivery of a genuine article, it will be still better to buy this manure ready made. In this trial there could be no doubt that all the three forms of bones acted strongly, for the crop grew vigorously where they were used, while on spots where they were purposely omitted, it could scarcely be said to grow at all; and though, from late sowing, and from being left too thick, the turnips had not time to come to maturity, the result was quite decisive for our present comparison. About a fifth of an acre was weighed on each piece, with the following results:

[blocks in formation]

One acre.
No manure.......
Rape-dust, 5 cwt.
Urate, 6 cwt..
Dung, 30 loads.

Guano, 3 cwt.


Bushels. £0 00s. Od....29 1 12s. 6d....38 12s. 6d....38 4 10s. Od....40 2 4s. Od....40 Superphosphate, 6 cwt. 2 4s. 9d....53 "The increase of 24 bushels, that is, three quarters of wheat per acre, by the use of superphosphate, is enormous, equal in fact to the whole average yield of many farms, and could hardly be expected again; but though we must not hope for so large a return in money as eight pounds for two, this manure is so cheap that a much smaller increase in the wheat crop would pay for its use."

As the statements herein quoted from Mr. Pusey appear to be well founded, we think the experiments are worthy of a trial in this country. The expenses attending them would be comparatively trifling, considering the benefits that might be likely to result therefrom. The cost of ground bones in the neighborhood of our cities and large towns, would not exceed $1 per hundred pounds, and that of sulphuric acid (oil of vitriol), 3 cents per lb.

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