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it articulates with the spine? Poll-evil, so generally supposed to originate from blows inflicted on A HIGHLY respectable and intelligent correspond- the part, is attributable alone to the gagging-rein. I ent from South Carolina, commenting on that part never saw a horse used entirely for the saddle of Mr. Parsons' article on the " Agriculture of attacked with this affection. In order to obtain Florida," page 118 of our April No., where he momentary relief from the torment inflicted by the speaks of the country around Lake Monroe, says: bearing-rein on the poll and mouth, the poor This is the one spot, where every invalid in the creature is compelled incessantly to toss up his United States, seeking a delightful winter resort, head. By thus strapping down the head you say, will come, if suitable accommodations can be pro- practically, "I expect you to draw a certain Ivided for him. The balmiest air; a lovely lake; weight, but I will take away part of your power of abundant game; orange groves; sulphur, chaly- doing so." Some have urged that the bearing-rein beate, and iodine springs-all in one neighborhood, contributes to the safety of the animal, who, withand of the highest virtues. I prefer the waters to out it, would be more liable to come down. Howthe Saratoga, Virginia, or any European springs I ever applicable such an argument may be to those have visited. If you know a thorough Boniface employed in quick draught-though even with who can command $25,000 capital, send him out them the utility of this instrument is not only exthere, and I will guarantee him a large fortune in a ceedingly doubtful, but fast giving way to a more few years. If I knew the right sort of man to put rational method of treatment-it assuredly does not there, I would not hesitate a moment to purchase apply to cart-horses, for little fear is ever entertainthe spot myself." ed of their falling; and broken knees, so common among the faster breeds, are rare amongst them.The Horse in Health and Disease.

It re

On showing the above to Mr. Parsons, who has recently returned from Lake Munroe, with improved health, he corroborates all that our correspond"HOW TO MAKE A HORSE CARRY A GOOD TAIL.-The ent says speaks very favorably of the mild and peculiar manner in which an Arab horse carries his equable temperature of the climate, and is of the opi- tail has for a long time excited admiration. nion that the medicinal springs are of the highest sults from the form of the croup, which may itself value. Living there would be cheap, and of the be an effect of art continued for a long series of best kind. Fish, deer, turkeys, and ducks equal ages. It is possible that this deviation in the posi to the best canvass-back, are in such abundance, tion and carriage of the tail may have been first inthat a single man with his rod and gun, would duced by the invariable Eastern custom of keeping easily keep a large family at all times liberally the tail shorn of its hair during the period of supplied with fresh meat of the most delicious growth. The colt is docked early in life, and from kinds. The pastures are green all winter, and that time the dock is kept constantly trimmed until cattle cost little to be kept. Mutton, beef, milk, the fourth or fifth year, or even later. This prac vegetables, eggs, and indeed all farm and garden tice, by removing the weight of hair which tended products are easily attainable. Besides these com- to press down the tail during the colt's growth, has forts, oranges, and several other tropical fruits are the effect of improving its permanent position, and plenty. giving rise, in the course of many generations, to a slight deviation from the usual construction of this part of the frame.-Ibid.

Lake Munroe is only one week's travel from New York, and the whole distance is easily accomplished by railroad and steamboat. The agricultural advantages of the country are considerable. Any one wishing further detaile on these matters, would obtain them by addressing Mr. S. B. Parsons, Flushing, Long Island.

BONE MILLS.-Scarce a week passes that we do not receive various letters upon the subject of the cost of bone mills and their construction. Bone is an exceedingly hard substance, and very difficult to grind. It requires a mill of great strength, and a steady power of at least fifteen horses. Water or steam is the best power to be applied, that of animals or wind is too unsteady. A good mill could not be constructed for less than $1,500 so far as we know. We have examined all the cheap concerns costing from $50 to $300 each, and candidly say, they are not worth a penny for grinding bones. They are not strong enough, nor can they be made so without costing a high price. After the castings are obtained it requires a mill-wright to set them up and construct the machinery for their operation.

THE CHECK OR BEARING REIN. I AM anxious, in this place, to add my anathema against that inhuman instrument of torture, the bearing-rein. It is no less detrimental to the utility of the animal than it is replete with agony to him. It must have been invented by a savage, and can only be employed by the insensate. Whence the benefit of unbearing a draught-horse when going up hill? Because the head can then be thrown into its natural position, and materially assist by its weight in drawing the load. If it is beneficial to loose the head at that time, it must also be so on other occasions. Look at the elongated mouths of JERUSALEM ARTICHOKES.-Last year I planted the unfortunate animals thus so wantonly abused-one peck, and raised nearly 25 bushels. This entorn by the bit in their unavailing efforts to over-couraged me to plant 15 bushels the past month, come this truly barbarous instrument! What pro-and if the result prove equal to that of last year, I duces that dreadful disease, poll-evil, but the action shall get 1,500 bushels. I planted them in rows of this cruel strap; constraining the head during 30 inches apart, dropping the cuttings one foot the violent exertions of the animal, producing in- apart in each row. The after culture will be the flammation and ulceration of the point upon which same as with potatoes. R. L. C.

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summer, and seven in winter. Habit will soon make this agreeable, and they will wonder at their reluctance to adopt the plan, and be agreeably surprised to find how much too short even the longest day is, for all they wish to accomplish.

My country friends have discovered long ago, or I have been strangely misunderstood, that I am In this country, I believe no lady delegates all the a utilitarian, and therefore they will not be sur- household cares to her domestics, however numeprised at receiving another lecture upon the advan-rous they may be; and in the rural districts, where tages of early rising, and household economy as trained servants are so hard to be obtained, and so connected with it. The subject can scarcely be difficult to keep, if she wishes to be spared the brought too frequently into the notice of young horrors of keeping house all day, she must devote an people; or borne too constantly in mind by those hour or two every morning, exclusively, to the inmore advanced in years, who value time as it spection of every department of her establishment should be valued, and the acquisition of industrious-dairy, poultry-yard, kitchen, and garden-all habits, with the wonderful effects which may be must be carefully reviewed-and errors reformed produced by the careful management of the hours before they become confirmed abuses. If she is not necessarily devoted to sleep. I would have regular and systematical her labor will be light; everybody, women and children not excepted, for, much trouble will be saved; and, what is of much to them indeed, I especially address myself, always more importance than at first sight it appears to be, employed. Their occupations might be as various no one need be put out of temper by being gently as their convenience should require, or their tastes reminded that they have broken a rule. dictate-from making a loaf of bread or a shirt, em- The whole family should be ready to take their broidering a purse, arranging a bouquet, or painting seats when the coffee is placed upon the breakfast a flower, up to studying a science or calculating the table; no laggard should be waited for, nor indulgreturn of a comet; but they must be at work upon ed in a lazy habit by having hot coffee and muffins something; even when the object may appear very ready whenever he thinks proper to make his aptrifling unless higher duties are neglected, it is not pearance. I have known a case where three or waste of time, and is better than doing nothing; four cold, comfortless breakfasts, operated wonder. above all, never be guilty of so sad a mistake, as to fully in curing a heavy sleeper of indulging in dignify idleness by calling it rest. If the hands are "the other nap." As soon as breakfast is over, tired, let the head work by reading and reflection; and while the servants are eating theirs, the lady if the whole frame has been overtasked, and the should wash the cups, glasses, &c., and arrange the mind sympathizes too much to be exerted to advan-pickle plates, castors, salt-cellars, and other matters, tage, I should recommend, as the best restorative, a for the dinner table-and even trim the lamps, short sleep, and a drive to visit some agreeable which seldom burn well when left to the care of neighbor,-nothing restores the exhausted powers subordinates. more effectually, than interchange of sentiments with a friend. Such extreme cases, however, can seldom happen, except to those who are compelled to labor for a livelihood, or the welfare of their families, and to them rest is a luxury too rarely enjoyed, and too dearly bought, to be denied or curtailed.

Each member of a family, daughters and sisters, should have a regular task to perform, which may be taken in rotation, that all may be familiar with every department of housekeeping-but no interference with each other's duties should be allowed, beyond a kind hint to help the ignorant and inexpert beginner. When the cook has put everything The celebrated Sir William Jones was a very in its proper place, the lady should go into the early riser, and when he was asked how he accom- kitchen to give her orders for dinner; review all plished so much more than other men, he alluded to that is left of cooked meats from the day before, this habit, and added, " 'I never do nothing"-a and direct clearly the manner in which the fresh maxim which ought to be written in letters of gold, provision is to be dressed; but this she will never and adopted by every one who aspires to excel- be able to do, unless she knows practically as well lence. Children love to rise early, and they should as theoretically, how to compound each dish she be allowed to continue to do so; they hate idleness, and they should be encouraged to employ their little fingers in stringing beads, making chains of dandelion stems, or any other attractive childish pastime, which would teach those habits of patient labor, which, though they may be laid aside for a time, are never entirely forgotten, and are resumed much more easily than they can be acquired, when thought begins to influence the actions of young


Let us now suppose that my fair country women think with me, that early rising is essential to the good government of a family-that a late breakfast not only deranges the business of the whole day, but by throwing a portion of it upon the next, will introduce confusion, not soon remedied-and then they will also agree with me that a farmer's family should never breakfast later than six o'clock in

orders and remembering that "spices are the invisible spirit of cookery, which should rather be suspected than tasted"—she should weigh and measure the seasoning for every new dish, until the cook is a complete mistress of her art.

The dinner table should be arranged every day with the same scrupulous regard to neatness, as if company was expected-it will not be more troublesome, nor more expensive, and the husband or father will never hesitate to carry an unexpected friend home to dine with him; nor feel afraid of finding a soiled table-cloth and unpolished knives; nor the mistress of the family fretting over, and apologizing for a badly-dressed dinner.

Neatness is only another word for taste and elegance, yet the absence of it involves all that is most unlovely in woman. The females of a family should never appear at the breakfast-table in soiled


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or tumbled dresses; no matter how coarse or plain Entirely willing to trust the candor and common the cotton gown; with a clean white kerchief, and sense of farmers once roused, let me ask you (for I the hair accurately brushed, it is all that is neces- cannot conceive) behind what shelter this wretched sary to a proper appearance. I cheerfully exone-limping habit of not giving boys good tools, can rate country ladies generally, from the charge of a hide itself to be safe. Because they have not want of due attention to cleanliness, but I must skill to use such; because the poorer serve as confess in sorrow, that, in a few instances, I have well to break, and spoil." Shame on such a been shocked to see fine stockings and embroidered reason; a mere spider-web. Long years of teachcollars worn in the morning, because they were not ing from the treasured knowledge of books, long clean enough to appear in during the latter part of years from the voice of a living teacher your boy is the day; and I have seen, may I never witness it to waste, is he? and spend, and learn the secrets again, a dress of expensive material and delicate and motions which are to govern plowing? It is texture, dragged out and soiled, put on at break-not long time alone which teaches this; for some fast, and worn to the dairy, because none but the old farmers, it is a pity, but a fact, are "old fools." family were present! A poor compliment to one's It is not practice alone, for some hard-working farfather or brothers to tell them virtually, if not lite-mers are slaving fools; but it is time, with practice rally, that their good opinion is of less consequence and with sharp attention, which beget skill in than that of a casual visitor, whom, perhaps, one farming. may never see again! E. S. Eutawah.

Boys' Department.

GOOD TOOLS FOR BOYS,-No. 1. LARGE as the whole body of farmers in our country plainly appears, when compared statistically with the rest of the community, consider but for a moment, and you will gain sight of this most interesting idea, that the whole body of farmerboys cannot certainly number less than many thousands, and further, that these, growing older with each passing season, are gradually initiated into the various branches of farm work, till, sooner or later, they master the whole.

Lately, if not long ago, it has been found that, comparing five men, whose strength is the same, whose skill the same, never mind the ages, but who handle tools of different quality, that hand furnished with the best tools can do the most work; that is, other things equal, the quantity of work is cellence of tools never fails to confer on the user a as the varying quality of the tool, and therefore excertain fragment of advantage. Such advantage, ness and love would lead us to give cheerfully into great or small, naturally and properly true kindthe hand of whoever has most need of it.

Now, boys are, as an obvious fact, least skilful, having but slight acquaintance of the new business which they could learn, and whose door of entrance had, till then, been locked with grumbling caution. Edward, for instance, will learn to mow this least strong, or mature, their young gristle not Boys are, beside the other workmen, surely the year, though, last year, he was not ripe for it; and hardened into bone; they are most sensitive, not George prides himself that he is now able to hold nerved to bear disappointing and failing with the plow, whereas, last year, he could only drive the team. Very likely, then, in fact it may be said, be for his years; there is no pleasure to them however manly the youngster may courage of men, necessarily, among these thousands, there will be lagging far behind, that those in advance are laughsome unfortunates who begin work too soon, some ing in the outflow of sociality; there is an ambition driven to it by boyish ambition, some by hard to do well, by a thorough use of his power, which masters. It is a hundred-fold better that they should be fanned, a proper love of praise worthy to should, one and all, begin late than too early, since be nourished; their habits of work, which will be learning late with health unbroken, and strength apt to last life-long, are now just cooling in the whole, far outweighs learning too soon, which mould where they were run; the whole characmost frequently crushes at once the spirit to work, ter of the lad is like a fused metal, so that you give and always the strength. it what cast you like these are the boy himself. Working, begin when you will, implies tools Who will doubt, then, that the boy most needs the now-a-days. Some farmers, apparently in the good tools, the good? aye, even the best, so that, belief that, give whatever kind of tool you choose indulgently hearing us so moderate, the only claim to a learner, he must use it,--that a good tool, is for good tools, ye who heartily love your sons, therefore, in the unpractised hand of the boy is no less misplaced than an elegant copy-book to hold foolish to say this, and fancy it! overlook the give them that help. Not fit to use such! How the first rude scrawl, and therefore equally foolish, plain truth, that whoever has the skill, the wit, the -conclude readily, too readily, that the boys must tact, so far to conquer the evils and troubles of a not have tools good as the best. Fancying it must bad tool, as to use it well, can use any other. be true in everything, that the first attempts should Ability to compass the former must, practically be made with the coarser means, partly led into this speaking, measure a quart, if that for the latter be by a stinting of cost, money being so precious, and a pint. Does not the quart include a pint? the ways to spend it so many, their habit is harshly to turn off the boy with an old scythe, clumsy, or the proper conclusion is either that your son is fit to Candidly confess, then, if the above be so, that ill hung, with the rough-handled hoe of rusty learn the use of good tools, or of none. Thus, far, blade; but let their own benevolence have full I have battled in behalf of good tools, for the boys' scope in that tool, which is newest and best-any-sake-next for the sake of the master, or the affecthing, in the view of such economists, anything tionate parent.

for boys, but for men the best.


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FOREIGN AGRICULTURAL NEWS. By the steamer Britannia we are in receipt of our foreign journals up to May 5th.

MARKETS. Ashes an improved demand. Cotton was firm, with an upward tendency. The stock on hand in Liverpool on the 1st of May, was 800,000 bales, against 860,000 same period last year. Flour no change, nor can there be till the corn bill is passed, of which there is a speedy prospect. Indian Meal selling freely. Cheese had slightly advanced. Beef and Pork dull. Naval Stores sales large. Tallow a trifling reduction. Tobacco little was doing. Wool an increased trade in foreign qualities.

Money was much easier and readily obtained at 31 to 4 per cent.

American Provisions of all kinds were arriving freely in the British ports, and a quick market was anticipated for them, although prices may rate low.

Early New Potatoes appeared in the Irish market on the 18th of April. They were of the early cruffely kind, planted in January, and were nearly full-sized and perfectly free from disease of any kind.

enviable gratification of having conferred a valuable boon on their fellow countrymen.-Farmers' Herald. Improved Method of Managing Farm-yard Manure.At a late meeting of the Council of the English Agricultural Society, M. Encoutre submitted his plan of managing farm-yard manure. He said that the greater number of farmers left their manure-heaps exposed to the rain, while the smaller number covered them with earth, but imperfectly, and without entirely preserving them from injury and loss; and he was led to conceive that this object would be most effectually attained by covering the whole of their surface with a layer of tar mixed with lime. This covering, he imagined, would not only be a complete protection against the rain, but would also tend to the attainment of the following ob jects: 1. The retention of those exhalations which have nitrogen for their chief element, and, in a manuring point of view, are of the greatest value. 2. The watering of the heap by different manuring liquids produced on the farm, or furnished from other sources, should a deficiency exist. 3. The acceleration of the fermentation and decay of the heaps by passing An Apple Tree with Blossom and Fruit.-We paid a through them different pipes heated by means of visit to an old and esteemed friend, Mr. T. B. Black- steam to a temperature ranging from 60 deg. to burne, at his residence in Cheshire, and, in walking 70 deg. F., and supplied by a boiler, of which the ori through his garden, saw an apple tree bearing bloom ginal price would not be more than £2 or £3. M. and fruit at the same time. The apples had remained Encoutre also stated that the grain, before being sown, on the tree all through the winter, and appeared likely was immersed in a solution of gelatine and starch dito continue there to welcome the succeeding year's luted with brine, and then sprinkled with the manure fruit. We brought one of the apples away, which we reduced to a dry and powdery state. Having given send to a mutual friend at New York, as one of the this account of his plan, he proceeded to detail the latest novelties from England. practical results which had been obtained in France Guano and the Potato Disease.-Professor Johnston by its adoption; from which it appeared:-1. That delivered a lecture on agricultural chemistry to a con- only one-sixth of manure thus prepared would be residerable number of farmers and others interested in quired in comparison with the quantity of common agricultural pursuits, in the town of Montrose. In farm-yard manure usually applied for the same extent the course of his observations the learned Professor of surface. 2. That the produce of grain was found to referred to the application of manure to the potato be one-sixth greater where his manure had been used. crop, with a view of stopping the progress of the dis-3. That after two years the same land was found to ease. He recommended various applications, such as require only one-half of the original manurings to keep guano, pounded kelp, and pearl ash, and condemned it in the same condition. 4. That the expense attend. the use of fermented dung. He stated, that where the ing the application of this manure was 8s. per acre. dung was the richest the disease was the worst; and M. Encoutre, in conclusion, requested the Council to that there was least disease where guano was em-appoint one or more farms in different parts of the ployed. country where his experiments might be repeated, and Introduction of South American Potatoes into England. the value of his plan brought to the test of practical -Potatoes from the Azores, New Granada, Oporto, trial, expressing his willingness to give his personal and Naples, have been received in the garden of the attendance to each of the places selected, and to inLondon Horticultural Society, and are about to be struct the parties appointed to make the trial in the planted for the purpose of ascertaining whether a crop mode of proceeding.-Ibid. of sound potatoes cannot be produced from them. Those from Oporto consist of a pink and white kind. The sample from New Granada was composed of small, but clean fine-looking tubers. All the abovementioned are apparently quite free from the peculiar disease of last season. Plants of the Yellow Peruvian potato, growing in pots, appeared to be healthy.

How to Use Ammoniacal Liquor.-It should be diluted with four or five times its bulk of water, or till it is nearly tasteless, and used as a top-dressing for grass or young corn, could it be conveniently applied to the latter; or, there may be added to it, in this diluted state, a sufficient quantity of gypsum, or, more directly, sulphuric acid, for the purpose of fixing the ammo. nia which it contains-Ibid.

To Effect Great Agricultural Improvements.-Mr. Mechi says, in considering how these improvements can be Value of Bone Dust.-A farmer recently instituted most readily effected-it is quite clear that individuals privately some comparative experiments, the results generally have seldom the means, the ability, or the of which proved that bone-dust acts in the cultivation inclination to carry out a perfect system of Agricultu- of ground as compared with the best stable manureral Improvement; it must be done by companies of 1. In respect to the quality of grain, as seven to five. associated capitalists, the same as our railways and 2. In respect to the quantity, as five to four.-3. In other great undertakings. I will venture to assert, respect to the durability of the energy of the soil, as from experience, that there is not, in agricultural unthree to two. It produces several collateral advanta dertakings, one-tithe of the difficulty or uncertainty that ges:-1. It destroys weeds. 2. It diminishes the neattended railway operations. If there had been such cessity of suffering the land to lie fallow. 3. This a company, I, for one, would have invested my spare concentrated manure, or substitute for manure, is capital in it; but there not being one, I have carried more easy of conveyance, less laborious to spread, out individually, at no small personal trouble and and can with facility be applied to the steepest vine thought, those improvements which I hope to see yards or other wet lands, either in mountainous some day effected, as a matter of course, by a well-re- countries or in wet meadow land. 4. It renders agrigulated charter, of associated capitalists, who will de- culture practicable with cattle breeding or grazing.— rive not only a good pecuniary benefit, but the more


Editor's Table.


THE BOOK OF ILLUSTRIOUS MECHANICS OF EUROPE AND AMERICA. Translated from the French of Edward Foucaud, by John Frost. D. Appleton & Co., 200 Broadway. Pp. 344, with numerous embellishments. Price $1. This is an exceedingly interesting and most valuable work, especially for the young mechanic. It shows him what has been done by eminent persons in the trades, thus teaching him by example what he himself is capable of arriving at, if he uses proper industry, economy, and perseverance.


the superiority of this work consists in the exceeding accuracy of its nomenclature. Mr. L. availed himself of the facilities afforded him by the gardens of the Horticultural Society of London, where fruits of all kinds and from all quarters are cultivated, their characters noted, and their merits or demerits fairly weighed. We need not inform our readers that this is a standard work, and by the valuable additions of Mr. Floy it is almost as necessary to the American as to the English cultivator of superior fruits.

COAL TAR NOT GOOD FOR FRUIT TREES.-A correspondent in the Ohio Cultivator states, that a neighbor of his had a large orchard of young apple trees, A TREATISE ON MILCH COWS. By M. Francis planted out one year, and a number of fine budded Guenon, with introductory observations, by John S. peach trees, some of which had been badly used the Skinner. Published by Greeley & McElrath, Nassau winter before by the rabbits; and to all of which he Street, N. Y. We have not had an opportunity of ex-applied last fall, coal tar, laid on with a painter's amining the living subjects to test the accuracy of the brush, to the height of two feet from the ground. He wonderful discovery herein claimed by M. Guenon; says that he found this " a fatal plaster," and they are but a friend of ours in the country, who took the work now all dead!-burnt up, as if aqua fortis had been in hand, and looked over three separate herds of cows rubbed round their trunks! This is bad enough; but comprising 153 head, embracing all kinds of milkers, my neighbor, in his unbounded admiration of Downfrom very good down to very poor, informs us, that ing, had purchased in Cincinnati a barrel of the black the "quirls" were far from proving infallible guides in drop, and insisted upon my using it on some of my beaudistinguishing their good or bad qualities at the pail. tiful and choice peach trees, which, the spring before, Observations are now making in various places which I bought of that excellent nurseryman, S. S. Jackson; will fully determine the truth of the criterion. If the and they, too, are all dead! book prove not true, still it is of value as a commencement of a new kind of observation on the subject. And yet we think those tests already well known to shrewd judges, of the size and shape of the bag; the texture of its skin; the setting of the teats and their number; and the development of the milky veins in a calf, are more certain evidences of good or indifferent milking qualities, than those here given by M. Guenon. A FIRST AND SECOND LATIN BOOK. Вy Thomas Kerchever Arnold. Carefully revised and corrected by Rev. J. A. Spencer. From the fifth London Edition. D. Appleton & Co., 200 Broadway. Pp. 333. Price $1. These volumes are the first of a series of classical school books on the basis of Ollendorf's much and justly admired system-imitation and frequent repetition-just as a child learns its own language.

A PRACTICAL INTRODUCTION TO LATIN PROSE COMPOSITION. By the same author and reviser as the above. Appleton & Co., 200 Broadway. Pp 340. Price $1. The principal advantages which this work has over those of a similar kind are, that it contains a copious, but concise illustration of Latin synonymes, and a careful and precise notation of the differences of idiom between the Latin and English languages. In addition to this the exercises are wholly in English. We know of none more valuable than the two works above, for the elementary scholar.

STATISTICS OF THE WOOLLEN MANUFACTURES IN THE U. S.; containing the number of woollen manu- | factories in operation in the U. S.; the location; with the names of the owner, firm, or company; the number of cards run by each; and the kind and quality of goods manufactured, &c. Wm. H. Graham, publisher, Pp. 190. Price 50 cents. This is a valuable statistical work, and is prepared with more accuracy and fulness of detail than we could suppose possible.

A GREAT LAYER.-A friend informs us, that he has a Dorking hen which laid 142 eggs last year, without sitting. She then sat and hatched out a brood of 14 chickens. Who can beat this?

AN EXTRAORDINARY POTATO.-A sweet potato, raised in this town from seed planted in June, was shown to us on Friday last. When first taken from the ground it weighed fourteen and three quarter pounds, and measured in circumference thirty-four inches. In shape it resembled a turnip more than a potato.Newport Rhode Islander.

A PROLIFIC Cow.-Mr. Benjamin Eaton, of Bowdoin, Lincoln County, Me., owns a cow, which, within a year, produced five calves-the last time, three heifer calves-which are all in a thriving condition. The owner intends raising these for his own dairy. Such instances are rare of fruitfulness in cows.

BEE FEEDER-Mr. Elam Bush, of Shoreham, Vt., has just proved a new feeder, constructed by himself. The bees feed actively and with perfect safety, when the sun shines, even in cold weather. It is a square tin box with a glass cover, having a hole through the back. This is to be fastened to the hive, so that the bees can pass out and into the box only.-N. Y. Mech.

SUGAR CROP.-Mr. P. A Champomier, of North Carolina, has published a pamphlet giving the detail of the sugar crop of Louisiana last year. The product was 136,650 hhds., weighing 207,337,000 lbs. The number of planters is 2,077. In 1844 the number of hhds. was 191,324, and of pounds 204,913,000. It should be remarked, however, that in the above estimate of the crop of 1844 the cistern sugar was excluded, while that of the past season is included.

The molasses crop of last year was estimated by Mr. C. at 9,000,000 gals.

CHERRY AND PEACH LEAVES POISONOUS TO SHEEP. A farmer lately turned his sheep into a lot A GUIDE TO THE ORCHARD AND FRUIT GARDEN; occupied by some cherry trees, which had sent up or an Account of the most valuable Fruits cultivated shoots from the roots; the consequence was, that the in Great Britain. By George Lindley. With addi- sheep partook of the leaves of these shoots, and were tions of all the most valuable Fruits cultivated in soon seen staggering about the lot and tumbling upon America. By Michael Floy, Gardener and Nursery- their heads. Many of them died, when their stomachs man, Harlem, N. Y. Published by J. C. Riker, 129 were found to contain large quantities of these leaves, Fulton Street. Pp. 420. Price $1.50 We are pleased which, all know, abound with prussic acid, fatal alike to hail a new and improved edition of this valuable to man and animals. It should be known, too, that work of Prof. Lindley, Americanized by so experienced the stones and twigs, as well as the leaves of the a pomologist as Mr. Floy, who says, very truly, that peach, also contain prussic acid, and are poisonous.

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