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from investigating the subject for himself. My op- of excellence by any sheep I have as yet seen. I portunities may have been too limited for an im- refer to the flock of V. Gilbert, who resides in the partial judgment; and a more thorough and exten- Department of Oise and Seine, par Maule, some sive search by a more experienced person, might thirty miles from Paris. This flock was commenced find something worthy of being brought to this by the father of M. Gilbert, about 40 years ago, and country, to improve our fine flocks. I heard of a few has been improved by judicious selections and ocisolated individual sheep in other provinces, as be- casional drafts from the Rambouillets and other ing very large, strong and fine. But if these could flocks of equal celebrity. The great points of exbe had at all, it would be at very high prices. Icellence, so peculiar to his flock, consist in their had quite forgotten to observe, that the price of unsurpassed beauty and symmetry of form, with wool, of the better grades, ranged this year, from 80 large size, and wonderful production of wool. I to 100 rials per arroba, or about 20 cents per lb., in saw bucks here which produced the past year its unwashed state. 18 lbs. of wool, and of a very fair quality. Their

I cannot omit in my notes on the Spanish sheep, age was two years old past. I selected, with the some allusion to the dogs which I saw in charge intention of importation, a yearling buck, which I of them. These noble animals are a very necessa- considered the finest specimen of the sheep kind I ry appendage in this country, for the protection of have ever seen. This animal had taken the first the flocks against the ravages of wolves, which in-premium the past year at the great Sheep Fair of fest in large numbers almost every portion of Spain. France, at St. Germaine. He was of large size, They resemble the mastiff more than any other and unequalled in form, being then seventeen race of dogs with which I am familiar, exceeding months old, and weighing 215 French pounds the huge and far-famed St. Bernard in size, and (about 230 lbs. English). His fleece weighed 16 blending unusual ferocity, with all the docility and lbs. in the grease, and was of a quality that I feel sagacity which characterizes that breed. The price assured, would command in this country 40 cents of these dogs varies from $30 to $50. They are per lb. at this present moment, or perhaps more, clean mostly a brown or tawny color; have fine muz- washed. The price of this animal may be regarded zles, large heads and jowls; ear standing erect from as exorbitantly high-$400; but when it is considthe head nearly its whole length, but dropping over at the end; full in the throat and neck; stout and muscular in the whole body; about two feet six to two feet nine inches high; hair long and wavy, and the legs and tail feathered. They are the largest dogs I have ever seen. One is more than a match for any wolf-those of Spain being large, savage, and courageous-and two will kill one directly. They would prove of great value for certain portions of America, and should be imported for the purpose of guarding our flocks.

ered that he was much the best animal produced by this gentleman during the last ten years, and doubtless possessing qualities so much superior to most of his race in France, the terms cannot be regarded as unreasonable. Unforeseen circumstances causing my return in July instead of September, as I had anticipated, alone prevented my bringing so valuable an acquisition with me for the improvement of our race of Merinos in this country; and to my great regret, no pecuniary consideration could induce M. Gilbert to part with the animal before the As regards the sheep of France, which came close of the tupping season, which in his flocks is next in order under my observation, I feel enabled during the month of August. The annual sale of to speak with more confidence, having more time the produce of this flock takes place during the at my disposal when I visited them, and an oppor- month of May, and the price they then bring varies tunity of subjecting them to a more minute examin- according to their excellence, from 250 to 1000 ation. The Rambouillets I take up first as in the order francs; the ewes are very beautiful, and command visited. They struck me as being infinitely supe-about 100 francs each. The risk, and various rior to any I had seen in Spain. They are of great items of expense in importing these fine animals size, and are very fine and even in their fleeces. into the United States is considerable, much more A prominent defect in the flock, is rather too than one unacquainted with the business can form great a length of leg. This, however, can be easily any idea. T. H. N. remedied by directing attention to this point of their breeding. Their bucks shear on an average from 12 to 16 lbs. per head, and occasionally go as high We are under great obligations to our corresponas 17 or 18 lbs. ; the ewes average from 8 to 10 dent for the above interesting article on French and lbs. The wool, though unwashed, is quite neat Spanish Sheep, and will add, that his account of and free from tag-locks. The history and manage-them is corroborated by several gentlemen from ment of this flock is so well known, and the fine these countries with whom we have recently conspecimens from it recently brought into this coun- versed. Two of our friends, after viewing the try, have rendered their superior qualities so familiar, French and Saxon Sheep, are now in Spain looking as to supersede the necessity of any further notice of them. A public sale takes place every year in May. They are in great demand at present and bring high prices.

New York, Dec. 17, 1845.

over the flocks there. They are excellent judges of sheep and wool, and will undoubtedly import a few choice animals the present year. On their return to the United States we shall be furnished with I will now direct your attention to another flock full particulars of what they may have seen while derived directly from the Rambouillets, which, not abroad. We are persuaded that all we want now, only in the opinion of intelligent French agricul- is a slight dash of the best foreign blood among our turists, ranks at least as high as these; but in my noble native flocks, to make them equal to anything own humble opinion, is unsurpassed in most points in the world as individuals, and far superior as a mass.

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half an hour or an hour, once a week, this length Committee of the Agricultural Chemical Association. of time being that recommended by the Education

Mr. Norton's Letters.-No. 15. Agricultural School of Templemoyle, Ireland. After my visit to Islay, described in my last letter, I made, in company with Prof. Johnston, a short Mr. Davidson, Rector of the Normal School, EdinAs a preliminary step they were examined by excursion to Ireland. The immediate object of our going thither at this time, was to be present at an parish schools, to show that these had not been burgh, on the usual branches of education in the examination of the Templemoyle Agricultural neglected. In conclusion, Mr. Davidson declared School, near Londonderry. This school has now that in these branches they seemed equal to the been established a number of years, and is in a children of other schools. Prof. Johnston then most flourishing condition. This success, however, commenced the part allotted to him, and purposely would never have been achieved, had it not been striking away from the beaten track of the Catefor the indefatigable exertions, and liberal contribu- chism, made his questions unlike in form to any tions, of many gentlemen interested in the cause; they had before heard. The readiness and the thochief among whom must be ranked Sir Robert Fer- rough acquaintance with first principles which guson. Living only a few miles from the school, they showed, astonished every one present. Some he has enthusiastically endeavored to forward its prizes had been offered by the Agricultural Cominterests, and now has the pleasure of seeing it in a mittee to the boys who acquitted themselves best, condition to fulfil his expectations. and the eagerness which they all manifested, was Templemoyle is about nine miles from Londonmost amusing. The different masters also became derry, situated on a beautiful green hill, with a highly excited each for his own boys, and I felt most lovely prospect from its front. The buildings myself, when the competition waxed keen, becomare plain, substantial, and convenient; the dormito-ing almost as much interested as if I were one of ries for the boys scrupulously clean, and everything the parties concerned. Some eight or ten of the in the highest order. There is the commencement boys were so equally matched that it was almost of a good agricultural museum, containing seeds, roots, tools, models, &c.


impossible to decide which was best, and premiums were accordingly given to each of them. I never The farm attached to the institution is worked saw anything more entirely and triumphantly satisentirely by the boys, and is in beautiful order; we factory than this examination. No person present saw, I think, but a single weed. The land was could have remained unconvinced that young boys originally light and thin in some places, but mostly could not only remember, but understand, the prin poor thin clay. By thorough draining, deep ciples of scientific agriculture, as laid down in plowing, liberal manuring, and judicious cropping, Prof. Johnston's Catechism. One of the boys who it has now been brought into capital condition for took a premium was a little fellow of eleven years, the most part; all of the crops were good except and the pertinency of his answers frequently elicited grass in the pasture field. bursts of applause. Eight schools were represented The boys are maintained for the very low sum at this time; but this instruction has as yet been of £10, or about $50, per annum, including tuition; introduced into but a small portion of the parish of course they live in the most economical manner. schools of Scotland. What has been done there Examinations first took place in Geography, and in Ireland is most encouraging, it shows that Arithmetic, Reading, and all the ordinary branches. the movement is on safe ground. They were then brought out upon the green in front of the house, in order that all of the great crowd of spectators might have an opportunity to hear the Agricultural examination. They were first required to answer a long list of written questions; this they did very well, but it was not perfectly satisfactory, as they might be supposed to be beforehand pre- was present at the Cayuga County Cattle Show last pared upon them. Prof. Johnston then took up the October, I saw a very superior yoke of working examination, and subjected them to a very severe cattle. The owner informed me that he had put in cross-questioning, which they bore admirably. 50 acres of spring and fall crops of grain with them Their answers showed that they had not merely the past season; some of the land for which had learned a certain number of answers by rote; but been ploughed three times, and that this yoke of that they had thought, and had in some degree ap- cattle had done the whole, besides hauling his hay plied the principles taught them, to the circum- and grain from the field to the barn during harvest stances in practical experience which each day time. Will not this demonstrate that ox-labor is presented. The result was very satisfactory to all cheaper than that of the horse? friends of the institution; and, I believe, satisfied every one present that the boys were prepared for future usefulness.

I trust that in America, by the universality and completeness of our instruction, we shall be able to show the old country an example in this respect.

Durham, Nov. 12, 1845. JOHN P. NORTON.



CURIOSITY-GRAFTING.-In the spring of 1844, I put two grafts of an early apple, into an old bearSince the Templemoyle examination, I have at- ing tree. In July or August (the exact time not retended the Annual Show of the Highland Society membered) following, I cut off one of the sprouts, at Dumfries, and while there, I saw an examination and put two buds in other limbs. This suminer the of about 25 boys, in Agricultural Chemistry, who had buds bore apples; one of them had four apples on been brought together for the purpose from various it, which came to maturity; the grafts also bore parts of Scotland. I was at a preliminary and a apples. The fruit partook of the nature of the public examination. These boys, in their different tree in which it was grafted to some extent. schools, had attended to Agricultural Chemistry for Jersey Shore, Pa.





Q. Why do old dairy pastures especially require bones?

A. Because milk and cheese contain bone-earth, and if these be carried away and sold off the farm, the land is robbed by degrees of this bone-earth, more than of any other substance. Only those grasses can then grow which require little boneearth.

Every ten gallons of milk contain about half a pound of bone-earth. A cow, therefore, which

Q. What is nitrate of soda?

A. Nitrate of soda is a white salt-like (saline) substance, which is found in the earth in some parts of Peru, and is often applied with great advantage as a top-dressing to grass lands and to young grain.

Q. What does nitrate of soda consist of?

A. It consists of nitric acid and soda.

54 lbs. of nitric acid, and 31 lbs. of soda, form 85 lbs. of nitrate of soda.

Q. What is nitric acid?

A. Nitric acid is a very sour corrosive liquid, gives twenty quarts a day, takes about two pounds called also aqua-fortis. It consists of the two gases, of bone-earth from the soil every week. To re-nitrogen and oxygen.] turn these two pounds to the soil three pounds of bone-dust are required.

Q. Is hair much used as a manure ?

A. No, hair is generally too expensive to be ased as a manure. But, in China, where the people's heads are all shaved, the shavings are collected for manure, and the sweepings of our hair-cutters' rooms might be also employed with profit.

Q. In what form is wool used as a manure? A. In the form of woollen rags. Mixed with earth, woollen rags make an excellent compost.

Q. What kinds of animal dung are most commonly employed as manures?

A. Night-soil, horse dung, cow dung, sheep's dung, pigs' dung, and birds' dung.

Q. Which of these is the most valuable? A. In general, night-soil and birds' dung are the most valuable; next, horse dung; after that, pigs' lung, and lastly, cow dung.

Q. Why is night-soil so valuable?

A. Because men generally live upon a mixture of animal and vegetable food, which renders the dung richer.

Q. Why is the solid part of horse dung richer or hotter than cow dung?

A. Because the horse voids little urine compared with the cow.

Q. What is the principal objection to using pigs' dung?

The disagreeable smell and taste it is said to give to the crops raised from it..

Q. What is the best way of using pigs' dung? A. The best way is to make it into a compost, or to mix it with the dung of other animals.

Q. Why is cow dung colder and less liable to ferment than most other kinds of dung.

A. Because the large quantity of urine voided by the cow, carries off a great proportion of that which would otherwise cause it to ferment.

Q. How would you collect the liquid manure of your farm-yard?

A. I would make a large tank or cistern in or close by my farm-yard, in which I would collect it. Q. How would you use this liquid manure? A. I would pump it back occasionally upon my durg heaps, so as to promote their fermentation; or I would pour it upon my compost heaps.

Q. Does birds' dung form a very valuable

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14 lbs. of nitrogen and 40 lbs. of oxygen, form 54 lbs. of nitric acid.-Prof. Johnston.


I HAVE recently seen in your journal some notice and review of Mr. Morrel's work on Sheep husbandry; and as I intend from time to time to make a few communications on the various diseases of sheep and other animals, it has brought to my mind one very singular, and perhaps to others, unobserved disease, which I will give some history of, by way of introduction to my future numbers.

On riding out to my farm one pleasant morning, some time in January last, my tenant informed me that one of my ewes, which came in the night previous with a pair of twin lambs, had just died. She being a fine young ewe of an uncommon breed for thrift and quality, I felt on that account a particular interest in ascertaining the cause of her death. My tenant told me that for a few days, just previous to her yeaning, she had been dull, would not eat with the flock, and would stand out in the field. went out to the field where was the body, found it still quite warm, examined its external appearance very critically, could not discover any marks of violence or injury, and consequently proceeded to have a personal examination, which is always my practice when any of my stock dies from disease, or any unknown cause, which I hope will give additional worth to the cases I shall report, as every examination has been made by myself.


On first exposing the abdominal viscera and the contents of the thorax, every part appeared to be in so healthy a condition, I imagined I should be baffled to account for the cause of its death; but on opening the womb, I readily discovered extensive disease; the whole internal surface was studded with a kind of tumor, called in human medicine the cauliflower excrescence. This is a tumor which resembles the cauliflower in appearance, and which has been sometimes noticed in the human subject, as a disease of females, a drawing of which, together with hydatids, another tumorous disease, may be seen in Dr. Dewees' excellent work on the Diseases of Females. These tumors in the ewe spoken of, were of a flesh color; the texture appeared to be extremely delicate, and a fluid of a bloody watery nature seemed to be discharging from the hurt or wound, occasioned, in all probability, from parturition.

This case is interesting in many respects; for such tumors or diseases are very seldom met with in the human female, and for the few cases which are on record, no adequate cause could be assigned.



Again, as the ewe was but little more than a year | stock of others, becomes a regular business, and is old, came in with her first lambs, had not appeared prosecuted with an energy worthy of a better cause. to be diseased until within a few days of yeaning, I have been sickened and pained at the exhibition all taken into consideration will serve, I hope, to cause of utter selfishness and want of heart, which I have additional attention to be paid to the diseases of ani- often seen manifested, so unworthy of a highmals, and search for causes of death in every animal minded farmer. We want nothing of this cliqueism that dies in any mysterious or uncertain manner. and partyism in American husbandry. We want There are so many diseases in animals that assi-honorable competition, not this mean and miserable milate to those of the human species, and the treat-spirit. And for, one, I think it high time that it ment of such appears so well adapted to each was rebuked. I blame the agricultural press, when other, that medical men generally are turning their it lends itself even unwittingly, or otherwise, to attention to animal medicine and to agriculture, as promote the views of such a class of men. It sciences intimately connected with their own pro- ought to know better. And I blame more than all fession. In fact, the nature and diseases of ani- a venal agricultural press, that will be flattered, or mals, especially those of sheep, have been too long cajoled, or bribed, or bought up, to serve the inte neglected, and the remedies that are generally pre-rests of any clique or party in husbandry or the me scribed, are by those who know not the why nor the chanic arts. We have a great country, and we wherefore who are entirely unacquainted with the should have hearts large as our country. We need true nature of anatomy, physiology and pathology honorable competition, and we should do all in our of animal medicine, and, under such circumstances, power to encourage it. Let us feel that we can are as much liable to do injury as good. Humanity, talk with each as friends, not as foes, through your therefore, justly prompts a more special attention to columns, and those of every similar paper in the animals to ameliorate their diseases and suffer-land. Let us be improvers, not calumniators. ings, and render more scientific and systematic attention to their history. We may justly consider, that a malpractice in regard to brutes, that shall occasion an undue suffering and sacrifice of life, is attended with a degree of moral responsibility at least proportionate to human life itself. The way, then, must be opened by medical men; they alone, at present, as a general thing, can give system, Order, and science to the study, and I am happy to see that animal medicine and agriculture are no longer beneath their notice, and begin to assume a standing and attention that they so justly deserve. I shall devote some of my future numbers for especial consideration of medical men to the subject of husbandry. ANDREW STONE, M.D.

Lake Court House, Ind., Nov. 22, 1845.


What say you, Mr. Editor? Am I right or am I wrong? Is there no venality and corruption of the public press in your department, to be feared? I bring no accusations against you. I believe you have endeavored to breast this influence with be coming energy. Let our farmers be a noble band of brothers, each doing well himself, and rejoicing in the prosperity of others too high-minded not to despise the spirit of which I have spoken, and too honest not to bestow upon it a justly merited frown and rebuke. I hope I shall despise myself when I become so selfish and so mean that I cannot rejoice in the improvements of others, and when I cannot admit the merit of anything which they possess, which has merit in itself. I will give my approbation to whatever is meritorious, let it be where it may, and however it may interfere with my individual interests. If another man has what is really better than anything I possess, let my tongue be palsied when it refuses to say it. AGRICOLA

I HAVE looked with sadness and sorrow upon the tendency of partyism as it shows itself in various departments of husbandry in this country. As a FINE CHINA CLAY IN GEORGIA.. people, we are such worshippers of Mammon, we SOME time in the early part of last summer, a Mr. are in such haste to be rich, that many, very many, Hardy, from Georgia, left at our office, 27 Cliff attach a fictitious fancy-value to everything they street, a small sample of white clay, which he suppossess; and in their minds, there is a correspond- posed might be fuller's-earth. I tested it for that ing disposition to depreciate everything of equal earth, but found it totally different. On presenting value belonging to another. A stock-breeder, for the sample before the Brooklyn Natural History example, may have a very valuable breed of horses Society, it was referred to Mr. J. T. Bailey, a gencattle, sheep, or swine. In his estimation, it is the tleman well acquainted with the various materials best the whole country affords. He wishes all used in the china manufactory of England, who others to have the same good opinion of his ani- immediately pronounced it to be a fine quality mals as himself. His expectations are raised of china clay, bought by their potters at $15 per ton; realizing large profits from sales of his unrivalled at least double the price of fuller's-earth. The follow stock. The public must be dragooned into a kind ing is the report made by Mr. Bailey to the Institute: of mania, to possess what he possesses, and every "The specimen of clay, brought by Mr. Hardy, one who buys becomes at once a partner in the from Georgia, I immediately saw was good china concern. The press is laid under contribution in a clay, not inferior to the Devonshire clay used in thousand forms, to puff his wares. Some favorite making the best china ware in the Staffordshire agricultural paper is made the constant medium of potteries. I divided it into two pieces, and subcommunication with the common minds; and the mitted it to a strong heat, sufficient to calcine or system of subsidizing editors to insert sham or co-bake it into (what the potters term) the biscuit vert advertizing, is prosecuted with all the ingenuity state, as it appears in the unglazed piece, which is of which the man is capable. The business of the state in which the pattern is always put upon writing up his own stock, and writing down the china. I then took the other piece (which was in

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the biscuit state) and dipped in into potter's glaze, By this analysis we see that out of these ingre and submitted it to a sufficient heat to vitrify it, as dients, which are contained in grain, are formed a it appears in the piece that is glazed. I was under variety of compounds, either in the grains themthe necessity of using the common yellow glaze selves, or in the course of the processes of digesemployed by the manufacturers of stone ware here, tion and secretion, and among the rest are three but if I had used the fine white china glaze, it kinds of alkaline salts, viz.: chloride of sodium, or would have been a beautiful white instead of yel-common salt, and the sulphates of potash and soda low. I consider the discovery of this china clay to in nearly equal proportions; and they are carried be very important, for it has hitherto been thought that a fine description of china could not be made in the United States for want of proper clay; but this proves that clay sufficiently good can be found, if potteries were established for making it into china-ware."

The Georgia papers are requested to copy the above, that it may be brought to the notice of Mr. Hardy, who did not leave his address when at the office of WM. PARTRIDGE.

New York, Dec. 8, 1845.


off in urine, in order to give place to an additional supply which is continually furnished in food. These three kinds of salts, then, are natural to the animal system of man, and are necessary to it, and are the only kinds of salts which can with certain propriety be used for curing meat. Other salts, such as alum, or borax, may preserve meat, but they would be injurious in the system, not being natural to it.

The purgative and antiseptic properties of these three kinds of salt, common salt, and the sulphates of potash and soda, are somewhat similar; but the FARMERS have a mutual interest in the commu- municates its antiseptic properties to the sulphate sulphuric acid is remarkably antiseptic, and it comnication of everything which is beneficial in rela- of potash and soda in a high degree. A much tion to their common concerns in Agriculture, and less quantity of sulphate of potash will cure and domestic economy. With this view, I would save meat than of common salt or saltpetre. The thank you to insert in the Agriculturist the follow-sulphate of soda I have not tried in curing meat, ing observations, relative to condiments for curing and therefore cannot say what flavor it would commeat. Having for 35 years avoided as far as pos- municate to meat. But the pure sulphate of potash sible the use of meat which had been cured with I saltpetre, on account of its injurious effects, I shall endeavor to show why that article should be disused, and what may be used in place of it; being at the same time fully aware of the influence of prejudice and habit in the perpetuation of injurious


It is contended by some persons that man was not intended to be a carnivorous animal, and that meat should not be used for diet; but all admit that he is, and ought to be, a granivorous animal, and that such grains as wheat, rye, oats, barley, &c., are healthy articles of food, which were designed for his use. In these articles are contained the following ingredients, viz.: potash, soda, lime, magnesia, alumina, silica, iron, sulphuric acid, phosphoric acid, and chlorine or muriatic acid, &c. These articles are supposed to be united together in grain according to their affinity. And it is not doubted that they were placed in grain for the purposes of digestion, nutrition, and secretion. Those parts of them which actually enter into and are used in the system, are principally carried off through the kidneys in the urine; as may be seen by the analysis of urine, by Berzelius, which is as follows, viz.: Urea

Free lactic acid, lactate of ammonia and animal matter not separable from them..

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have used in curing hams and shoulders of pork, and dried beef, and barreled beef pickled; and it communicates to meat an admirable flavor, entirely superior to that which it has when cured by saltpetre. I used nearly the same quantity in curing meat as is generally used of saltpetre, or about one ounce to 25 lbs. of meat. I have known the sul

phate of potash applied to the curing of meat in another manner, ever since I can remember anything about the curing of meat, for at least 40 years. The sulphate of potash abounds in wood ashes, and is known to potash-makers by the name of nitre. The manner in which I have known it used was as follows:-Put one peck of wood ashes into 20 gallons of water, stir it up thoroughly, then let them stand and settle. After the water is settled, and is clear, pour off the clear white ley which is thus made, into another cask, and dissolve in it half a bushel of common salt, stirring it well. Let this settle, then pour off the clear brine, and put it upon as many hams and shoulders as it will cover, and let them lie in it three weeks; then hang and smoke them, If they have been anointed with sugar or molasses, and lain a few days before the brine is put upon them, their flavor will be improved by it. Meat has a stronger affinity for the sulphate of potash than it has for common salt, and therefore the common salt which is present in the brine will in no wise lessen the effect of the 0.32 sulphate of potash.




3.71 By reference to the Cultivator, vol. 8, page 114, 3.16 it will be seen that Mr. John Lewis, of Llangol4.45 lan, Kentucky, has for 35 years used another mode 2.44 of applying the sulphate of potash which is con1.65 tained in wood ashes, to the curing of hams and 1.50 shoulders; which I doubt not is equally effectual with the modes which I have suggested, but not quite so convenient as to mix the pure sulphate of potash, with brine of common salt. But I doubt 1000.00 not it is equally effectual His mode of curing is to


0.02 933.00

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