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molasses. All these contain sugar or alcohol. The sugar is resolved into alcohol and carbonic acid. The alcohol, however, does not continue as such, if the liquid be exposed to the action of the air, but goes into vinegar or acetic acid.

portion in a flask, connected through the medium adds wine, or whiskey, or cider, or maple sap, or of a chloride of calcium tube, with a Liebig's potash apparatus; having previously thoroughly mixed with the clover a small quantity of fresh, carefully-washed beer yeast, and covered the whole with water. Fermentation went briskly forward for several days.

On the 1st of July, when the heads were fully developed, I cut another portion, and having finely chopped, weighed and mixed with it yeast and water, connected all with another potash apparatus, as in the other case.

Without or beyond both the potash tubes, were tubes of hydrate of lime, to prevent the absorption of carbonic acid from the air.

On the 30th of July, the fermentation being quite done, the potash apparatus of the last mentioned [quantity of clover] had increased in weight by 1.15 per cent. of the whole weight of clover subjected to fermentation. The first mentioned had increased only by 0.80 per cent. Thus the amount of carbonic acid, evolved from the mass last cut, was almost half as much again as that from the quantity first cut.


may be well, since I have introduced so many expressions betraying the laboratory, that I endeavor to explain the mode by which I hoped to ascertain the amounts of sugar in the two kinds of hay.

Most persons are familiar with the fact that disvillers ferment large quantities of grain to obtain alcohol. The process to which the grain is subjected, effects a decomposition of the sugar of the grain, into carbonic acid and alcohol.

The sugar susceptible of this decomposition is grape-sugar-that to which the sweetness of apples is due, and which is manufactured in enormous quantities on the continent of Europe from the starch of potatoes. Its composition, when dried at 212° from analysis, is Carbon, 12 atoms; Hydrogen, 12 atoms; Oxygen, 12 atoms; or, in the language of chemistry, C12 H12 012. If we take from this 4 atoms of carbon, and 8 atoms of oxygen, there will remain C8 H12 04 thus:

C12 H.12 012

[blocks in formation]

Decompositions have been so much and closely studied, that the results are perfectly understood. The causes of the decomposition are still matters of discussion.

The carbonic acid, to whose addition the increase in weight of the potash apparatus is to be attributed, indicates a certain amount of sugar from which it was derived. The larger per cent. of carbonic acid in one case corresponds to a larger per cent. of sugar in the clover.

I add the analysis of the ashes of the clover. From it may be seen one of the parts sulphate of lime (plaster of Paris) plays in the developement of clover.

Franklin, anxious to convince our countrymen of the efficiency of plaster (sulphate of lime) manure, strewed a few handfuls of it in the form of large letters upon a clover field. In a few weeks the plants that had received it had so far out-grown, and had taken on a color so much deeper and richer than the others around, that the wonder of passersby was naturally excited.

Of the whole plant, in its green state, the earthy ingredients or inorganic constituents Equal

[blocks in formation]

1.83 per cent 66 1.75 Of the stems, 1.40." The water in the green clover, determined by two experiments, was 83.55, and 83.58 per cent. Of the dry plant altogether, the ashes Were

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

11.18 per cent. 10.69 66


[merged small][ocr errors]

Ingredients of the Ashes.


[blocks in formation]



[blocks in formation]

Na O


[blocks in formation]



[blocks in formation]

MgO (magnesia)

[blocks in formation]

PO8, 2Fe203,

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
[blocks in formation]


(phosphoric acid) 2,957



(sulphuric acid)

[blocks in formation]



(carbonic acid)

[blocks in formation]

Sand and coal,

[blocks in formation]

the composition of alcohol being C4H6O2.
The alcohol becomes the high wines; the carbonic
acid floats over the fermenting-tubs and escapes.

Thenard has shown, by distilling and collecting the alcohol, and weighing the carbonic acid arising from the decomposition of a given weight of sugar, that the weight of the sugar and the sum of the weights of the alcohol and carbonic acid equal each other.

The alcohol may be permitted to go directly into acetic acid, as takes place with fruit, when exposed to air, or continued as alcohol by excluding the air.

Loss or waste,

The sand was probably spattered upon the stalks by rain, and some coal remained after the most careful and long-continued burning.

The first column of figures contains the direct results of the analysis in per cent. The second column the results deducting the carbonic acid, and coal, and sand.

Vinegar has the following composition: C4 H303. In order to its formation from alcohol, three atoms of hydrogen must be taken away, and one atom of oxygen added. This takes place By the analysis we see how large a part is made quietly and slowly in cider and beer casks, as well up of potash, soda, and lime. Sulphuric acid is as vinegar barrels, with which all are familiar. there; without its presence in the soil it could The housewife, to keep the vinegar on the increase, never have been among the tissues of the clover.

[blocks in formation]

If it be an essential irreplaceable ingredient, as phos- There are pots of wheat in different stages of their phoric acid is in the seeds of wheat and corn, it is growth, that have been fed variously-some upon readily seen how Franklin's selection of clover the inorganic matters they require, according to may have been peculiarly happy. I do not pretend analysis of their ashes-others have had merely to say that it is indispensable. A series of experi- the food which is furnished by the soil. The rements only could settle such a question. sults in numbers are not yet known, but from apThe large proportion of carbonic acid is particu-pearance we may readily judge what may be larly worthy of attention. Comparing it with the expected. sum of all the other acids-the phosphoric, sulphu- may mention in this connection, that I gave to ric, silic, and hydrochloric (of which the chlorine Prof. Liebig five varieties of American corn, all of is given) we see how far it exceeds them. Again, which were planted, but not one of which came to looking at the per cent. of bases, we see how very maturity, though the first frost in Giessen was large the proportion when compared with the sum about the 20th of October. The climate is essenof the inorganic acids. This surplus of base was tially different from ours. The heat of our summer most of it united to organic acids. These, in the is more intense. burning of the plant, have been destroyed. Their The experiments of Prof. Liebig, mentioned piace has been wholly, or for the most part, taken above, are full of interest, not alone as sustaining by carbonic acid. Here is nearly 23 per cent. of the views he has advanced, but also as showing carbonic acid. In an analysis of the ashes of that the treasures in the shape of inorganic masugar cane made at Giessen last summer, there was nures, heaped up in some quarters of the globe, not a trace of carbonic acid. Such is the differ-may be made to equalize the fruits of labor in other ence. In the sugar cane the per centage of silica regions. E. N. HORSFORD. was large. Timothy grass ashes gave also no carbonic acid, but a large per cent. of silica.

The moisture of green clover amounts to 83.55 per cent., and the clover contained sugar, a body capable of fermentation. What hints do these facts furnish to the farmer! If the clover be taken to the mow with this quantity of water, the water will furnish the means of that intestine motion among the constituents of the plant held in solution in the fibres of the stems and leaves, which is necessary to fermentation; and not only will the sugar be lost, but vinegar will be formed, souring the whole mass, and rendering it unpalatable to stock. If it be properly dried, the sugar as such will remain in the vegetable fibre, and go to nourish the stock, furnishing to horses, cattle, and sheep, an element whose combustion serves to keep them warm and furnish fat. (a)

But again


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(a) The discussion between Dumas and Liebig, relative to the formation of fat from sugar, has been settled in favor of the latter, by a repetition on the part of Dumas, of experiments made several years since by Liebig.


I AM a wool-grower in the State of Ohio, and being a great admirer of sheep, I have been very desirous of ascertaining whether there are not modifications of the American Argali, or the Rocky Mountain sheep, to be found among the native tribes of Indians, inhabiting the country bordering on that range. Capt. De Bonneville, and other travellers, speak of the Argali as being found in great abundance from the 50th degree of north latitude, down to California; and though their meat is said to be very tender and good, as they mostly The leaves contain 10.69 per cent. of ashes. frequent the lofty summits, inaccessible to man, The stems contain they in a great measure escape the vigilance of the Now as the inorganic matters are more or less ser-hunters, and must be very numerous. In this effort viceable in the animal economy, the leaves, contain-I have been unable to discover any sheep among ing most of them, should be carefully preserved; the tribes, which were not originally taken from and as the ashes of the whole plant, including the east of the Mississippi river, except in one case, head, have 11.18 per cent. of ashes, it is clear that and that a very interesting one. This tribe is the preservation of the heads and leaves is deci-called the Navahoe, and live about 300 miles north dedly more important than the stems. Hence the by west from Santa Fé. They inhabit what is farmer cuts the clover, and instead of drying it in called a gorge, in the Rocky Mountains, into the sun, cocks it for a few hours, so that the vapor which there is but one narrow winding passage, evolved from within, in the process of drying, shall which they defend from intrusion with the utmost keep the stalks and leaves without from becoming bravery; and having been really independent, they too suddenly dried and unnecessarily brittle. appear to have made more effort to add to their

In closing, I will state one of the results to which comforts than the other tribes around them. No the experiments of Prof. Liebig are daily leading. white man has ever visited their residence, and In the spring preceding my arrival at Giessen, it is said no Indians, except fur traders of the DelaLiebig planted some grape scions under the win-ware tribe, who are a very daring and enterprising dows of the laboratory. He fed them with the race of people. These traders describe their ashes of grape vines, or the proper inorganic food houses-that they raise a great many sheep and of the grape, as shown by analysis of its ashes. The growth has been enormous, and several of the vines bore large clusters of grapes in the course of the season, and all may have, as I did not particularly observe them until the grapes were gathered. The soil is little better than a pavement a kind of fine gravel, in which scarcely anything takes root.

cattle-have a large quantity of arable land, and cultivate it-have some knowledge of the arts, which they discover by the blankets which they make and sell in the market of Santa Fé.

These blankets are made from a very superior kind of wool, which they raise. It is said by those who have seen them, to be very fine, soft, and

[blocks in formation]

silky to the touch, and sell in that market from dress in buckskin breeches and shirts, which are $25 to $100. I have not been able to get any idea beautifully ornamented and fringed. The blankets of the form of the sheep, their domestic habits, or they make are worn constantly thrown over the the quantity of wool which they produce. But as shoulders. For a more particular description see these Delaware traders say they have a great many account I have given of them in Farnham's Caliof them, and as they probably are dependent on fornia, part 4th, pages 372-3-4. their fleeces for their clothing, it may be pretty certain that they are well domesticated.

I have seen one man who has conversed with one of those traders upon the subject.

Is not this race of sheep worth an effort of the wool-growers of the United States to possess? I have been long thinking that we have been very remiss in our efforts to introduce the Alpaca; but I am much gratified in reading to-day in a newspaper, that the American Agricultural Association are now determined on importing 300 of that valuable animal. Success to the enterprise. It will be a great individual and national benefit. Cincinnati, Feb. 20, 1846.


The sample of wool you sent me looks very much like the New Mexican lamb's wool [from Mr. Watson, see current volume, page 110.-ED.] --or like the under fleece of the sheep, which lies close to the skin, and is covered by the long part of the fleece. The fleece of the New Mexican sheep is long, coarse, and heavy, like mohair. The Nabajo sheep of course is the same, being the same kind of animal. What this fleece was when first imported by the conquerors of Mexico, I do not know, but probably much finer than now.

You call the above sample "Rocky Mountain wool;" it is so, inasmuch as the "Rocky Mountains" run into New Mexico, where the sheep which produce it are found; but you leave me to We sent the above letter for an answer, to Dr. infer that it is the product of the "Rocky MounLyman, who has travelled extensively in New tain sheep," or American Argali, which is entirely Mexico, among the Rocky Mountains, and in Cali-destitute of wool. Its covering is of precisely the fornia. The following is his reply: same character with that of the elk, deer, and anteNorthampton, Mass., March 6, 1846. lope of this country. It has coarse hair, like brisI will endeavor to answer, in as brief a manner astles; any one who has seen a deer will understand possible, the interrogatories of your correspond- me. The only close resemblance of the animal to


There are no modifications of the Argali, or a sheep is in the flavor of its meat, which is pre"Rocky Mountain sheep," among any of the Indian cisely like that of Southdown mutton-juicy, tentribes of the mountains, nor are there any kind of der, and luscious. In shape, it has some resemsheep among them, with the single exception of the blance to a Merino ram, but is much larger, say Nabajo Indians, living due west of Santa Fé, and about three feet high, and four feet long. Their about 100 miles from that place. horns are remarkable for size and weight, averag

The Nabajos raise very large flocks of sheep, ing some 40 to 50 lbs. ; five inches in diameter but they are of the genuine Spanish breed intro- where they leave the head, and about three feet duced by the early conquerors. It is not fifty long, gradually tapering to the end, they curl like years since these Indians were entirely destitute of a ram's horns, but make three or more entire revoevery description of stock, excepting a few wild horses which they caught out of the wild droves of the country as they needed them. In the time of the Viceroys, they were nomadic in character, like the other Indians of the mountains at present; but since this the character of the New Mexi

lutions. The only difference between its skin and that of a deer is, that it is rather finer and softer; but it is used by the trappers and Indians for the same purpose of dress.


Mr. Sawyer will find an engraving and descripcans has so much deteriorated in every respect, that tion of a male and female Argall, or Argali, at the Nabajos, naturally enterprising, have discovered page 128, Vol. 2, of Godman's American Natural their own superiority, and consequently have made History, third edition, published by Messrs. Uriah free with the property of the Mexicans. The Hunt & Son, Philadelphia. These figures closely stock they now have is derived from what they the head and other points, and their horns are like resemble deer, except they are greatly coarser in obtained in their frequent marauding expeditions those of Merino sheep, saving that they are very into the valley of the Rio del Norte. In fact they much larger. One might almost think that the have so thoroughly drained the Mexicans, that they Argeli was a cross between a huge, coarse Merino have left them almost entirely destitute of every

kind of stock, except vermin and mongrel dogs-aram, and a female elk. Stuffed specimens of the few noble shepherd dogs still remain; while the Argali can be seen in our Museums.

Nabajos have become enterprising and energetic farmers, and capital stock-breeders-rich in sheep, CULTURE OF LATE POTATOES mules, horses, and horned cattle. Some of the horses THERE being a desire among farmers to obtain they breed are not surpassed by any on the conti-information on the different modes of cultivating nent. Their farming implements consist of a plow the potato, with a view to escape the rot, I have made of two sticks, tied together where they cross. concluded to throw my mite into the collection of These are drawn by oxen. A hoe of wood--a fork experiments. A great yield was no part of the of wood also. The ground they cultivate is a object. Having been unable to obtain potatoes of light alluvial soil, easily broken, and annually a good quality, I determined last spring to make an flooded by the swollen streams of spring. They effort, not only to grow them free from the rot, but raise maize, beans, peas, onions, and pumpkins. to get an excellent quality.

They have an abundance of poultry also. They Early in April I chose a small piece of ground,


one-third of an acre only, rather a strong loam,



with an easterly slope, from a field that had carried Two years ago I was unacquainted with the a corn crop two years in succession, and was more- practical part of cheese-making, and in order to over pretty well worn down by previous hard crop-hold on to the knowledge gained by experience, I ping, with but scanty manuring.

commenced entering in a book the heat of the milk, When the corn stumps were harrowed down, and the heat of the air at the time the runnet was three bushels of bone-dust were sown over it, then put in; each cheese was numbered, and any other plowed and harrowed again. Early in June, two remarks made which might be called forth by cirwaggon loads of dirt from the wood-pile ground cumstances during the process, or until cheese was were spread on it, and the piece was divided into safely deposited on the shelf. On referring to my three equal parts, each, of course, one-third of an book for the past season, I find that all the cheeses acre. On the first division was spread unleached from No. 76 to 106 (at which number we quit wood ashes, at the rate of 50 bushels to the acre. making), were of an excellent and pretty uniform On the second, lime rubbish (old house wall) at the quality. The variation of the atmosphere was rate of 250 bushels to the acre; on the third, coal from 60 to 90 degrees--the heat of the milk from ashes at the rate of 60 bushels to the acre. A 83 to 90, when the runnet was added, but mostly short time after, it was plowed and harrowed 85 or 86. I also find by referring to my book, that smooth, and planted with mercer potatoes (from the cheeses from No. 1 to 75 were made from down east), cut rather small, on the 18th of June, milk coagulated at a greater degree of heat, somein rows three and a half feet asunder, and eighteen times even as high as 96. The weather was inches apart in the rows. mostly hot during the time these cheeses were The weather continuing very dry, after the mid-made. They were not, however, of uniform good dle of July, the first and only hoeing, a thorough one was given without plowing between the rows. The vines did not grow large, but during the dryest weather looked green and healthy.

Before digging (which was on the 17th Oct.) I took up half a peck from each division, that I might be able to test the different qualities, if any, produced by the three last applications. The result was, the coal ashes gave one per cent, more than the lime rubbish, and the wood ashes two per cent. above the coal ashes. The quantity was only at the rate of 120 bushels per acre. No difference in quality could be discovered; but they were altogether the best of the kind I have ever grown. Not a potato was affected by the rot, and not one was found hollow in the centre-a consequence unexpected, as heretofore my large mercers have very generally been unsound.

Setauket, March 2, 1846.


quality, some heaved up and became like loaves of bread in shape, others cracked, making excellent harbor for flies and other insects, and one or two landed in the hog-trough, not, however, from poverty, for richness seemed to be rather a fault of my cheese.

The only material difference between the cheeses made aiter No. 76, and those made before it, is, the different heat of the milk when the runnet was added. During the time our cheeses were good, our process was as follows: The milk 85 degrees -a small handful of salt to be added to every 10 or 12 gallons of milk. Let the runnet be strong enough to do its office in one hour, then cut the curd into squares with a long knife reaching to the bottom of the tub-spread a clean strainer over it, through which in ten minutes begin carefully to dip off the whey, by gently forcing down a bowl or tin pan-heat some of the whey first dipped off, when the curd has become somewhat compact, pour

We should be pleased to learn from our corres-in some whey at such heat as will make the mass pondent what kind of soil it was on which he planted his potatoes, as coal ashes have been applied by several of our friends to the light gravelly and sandy soils of Long Island without effect. But on clayey soils, as detailed pages 55 and 107 of our current Vol., it seems that they were productive of considerable benefit.

in the tub 90 degrees, after the curd has been coarsely broken by the hand to allow the warm whey to mix with it. At this stage of the process, wait five to ten minutes, then commence dipping off the whey, and get the curd pretty dry as soon as possible-take it out in handfuls and put it in a strainer and vat, and put it under a screw-press for about fifteen minutes, pressing very gently at first, STEEPING SEEDS.-The agricultural papers, from but with considerable force before the expiration time to time, recommend the steeping seeds before of the fifteen minutes, when it should be taken out planting, to facilitate their germination. This is and broken up till there are no pieces of curd always well when the ground in which they are larger than a kernel of corn. This should be done planted is sufficiently moist. But when the ground as quickly as possible, and in a warm place if the is so dry (as is sometimes the case) as to extract the day is cool; if this is not attended to, the particles moisture from the steeped seed, it delays germina-of curd may not unite well, and the cheese might tion, if, indeed, it does not kill the seed. During be unsound. the drought of last year, dry seeds generally sprouted While the curd is in the fine state, a portion of sooner than soaked ones, and in some cases the latter dried and died in the ground. Hence the above caution (a). T.

Ohio, March, 1846.


(a) When it is very dry seeds should be planted deeper than ordinary; they will thus be in the region of moisture, and pretty sure to generate.

salt, to the taste of the maker or his customers, may be added and mixed well with it; or the salting may be done after the cheese is finished pressing, by keeping it twenty-four hours or longer in a tub, rubbing it frequently with salt, and turning it over, taking care to pour off the brine daily. We have practised both these methods of salting with success (our cheeses are about 12 lbs.), but I prefer



the latter method, though the first mentioned does has pretty much done dropping, turn it and put it not give one-tenth of the trouble. Gentle pressure in a dry cloth, and repeat this once or twice, or only should be applied when the cheese is first put more if you choose, before the expiration of twento press, and here I think the advantage of the ty-four hours, when the cheese may be taken out screw-press is apparent. With it, a pressure of of the press wholly to make room for its succesfrom 1 to 1,000 lbs., as the state of the cheese may sor. require, in an hour or two, or when the cheese A SUBSCRIBER.

Auburn, February, 1846.


Description.-a, driving brush pulley; b, slide; c, c, end boards; d, cylinder pulley; e, top board; f, saws; g, grate fall; h, seed board, with a section of the patent grate below it; i, idler pulley.

After carefully unpacking the different parts of the Gin, put the front pieces into the posts and fasten them securely with the joint-bolts.

The Saw Cylinder should be first placed in the frame, then the piece having the false grates upon it, and then the brush. The top timbers may then be put on and fastened. See that all parts of the frame are square. The grate fall should then be hung in its place, and the top boards and slides fitted in, so that the marks on their ends will correspond with those on the


FIG. 43

clean cotton, as well as to adjust the seed-board, so that the seeds will be discharged as fast as ginned; and it is essential that the speed of the brush should be very rapid, and that all the axes should be kept oiled and prevented from heating.

timbers. Then adjust the saw cylinder and false | in a proper position to separate the motes from the grates with the tempering screws at the ends, so that the saws and grates will exactly correspond, taking care not to turn the screws any farther than is sufficient to keep them steady and in their places. See that all joints of the frame are screwed up tight place the Gin in the position in which it is to stand, and fasten it securely to the floor or platform, so that it will stand perfectly level. See that the shafts turn freely on their axes, and that the saws run freely in the centre of the spaces between the grates.

The oil cups at the axes of the shafts should be nearly filled with oil when the Gin is started, and the wick which conveys the oil to the axes should be enlarged or diminished, until the proper quantity is supplied to prevent friction. The tube containing the wick should be withdrawn when the Gin is stopped, and dropped into the cup to prevent wasting the oil, and replaced when the Gin is again put in operation.

The saw cylinder and the piece having the false grates upon it, may be moved endwise and adjusted by the screws at their ends.

Place the mote-board 3 to 5 inches below the brush, slanting down toward the front part of the Gin, and extend another board from beneath it down to the floor; it must then be moved either forward or back, and the slant of it varied until the motes and false seeds are separated from the seed cotton and fall under the saw cylinder.

The seed-board may be raised or lowered by means of the small bolts on which it rests at the ends, and it may be varied so as to enlarge or diminish the space containing the seed cotton.

A 10 inch saw cylinder should run about 180 revolutions per minute. A 12 inch do. should run about 160 do. A 13 inch do, should run about 150 do.

Great care should be taken to fix the mote-board

$50 00 to $60 00. Power Gins, with 30 to 100 Price of Hand Gins, with 14 to 18 saws each, saws each, $3 40 to $3 70 per saw.


As it may be for the public utility to hear something on the score of Peruvian guano, I will give you my experience on the subject.

it in various ways, during the spring and summer, Last year I used about three and a half tons of and must say I think it the cheapest and most effective manure I have ever tried, particularly as a the guano for use is this: I plow a knoll of loamy top-dressing for grass lands. The way I prepare the ground to make it fine, then spread a layer of soil, remove all the sods to the barn-yard, harrow guano half an inch thick, then shovel on fine dirt then five inches of dirt again in alternate layers, till five inches thick, then a layer of guano as before, get the quantity desired. This must lie a week or ten days in compost, to incorporate the guano with the soil; it must then be shovelled over, and all the lumps broken and well mixed; you can then put it in your cart and spread it from the tail of the cart the rate of 500 lbs. Peruvian guano to an acre, about as thick as you would ashes. I put on at which started my grass right ahead, yielding two tons per acre, where I should not have had over 500 lbs. of hay without it.


guano, turning out astonishingly- the observed of all observers ;" and I believe it to be a cure for My potatoes benefited greatly by the use of was applied. Applied to corn I found it equally the potato disease, as we had no rot where guano

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