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WE send this number of our paper to all subscribers to the last volume, hoping that they may find it agreeable to renew their subscriptions, and continue with us another year. Such as do not wish the Agriculturist continued, will please return this number immediately, and unmutilated, with the name and Post-office address on the wrapper (not on the paper), when it will be stopped. Recollect that the subscription is cash in advance, and we wish expressly that none be forwarded by Postoffice drafts, it is so troublesome to collect them. The money may, in all cases, be enclosed in a letter, and sent direct to the publishers, at their risk. The terms remain unaltered. Single copies, One Dollar; three copies for Two Dollars; eight copies for Five Dollars. Agricultural Societies, Clubs, and agents, supplied on the most liberal terms. The work being stereotyped, back volumes, handsomely and uniformly bound, can at all times be had. These now form one of the best Encyclopædias on American agriculture to be found, and ought to be in every library. No money can be better spent than in devoting it to the purchase of this excellent work. The farmer who does not possess it is without his best friend. Many refuse to take an agricultural paper on the ground that they cannot afford it, when, at the same time, they annually spend dollars in the most useless or worthless things imaginable. We have often heard at said, that a single article in our paper has saved the reader five or ten times its subscription price. How beneficial, then, must it be in the aggregate to the farmers of the country! England and other foreign countries are making rapid strides in the arts of the husbandman, and they owe the advantages of their progress mainly to their agricultural periodicals

NO. I. SAXTON & MILES, Publishers, 205 Broadway.

TO EXCHANGE PAPERS. OUR exchanges will please do us the favor of noticing the commencement of a new volume, with its character and terms; and also, if convenient, copy these as they appear on the last page. We shall be obliged if editors and post-masters generally, will act as agents, or get some responsible person to do so. Our paper does not conflict at all with theirs, and by exerting their influence in our behalf, they may greatly subserve the best interests of the country, and assist in ameliorating the condition of the farmer. By lightening his toil, and teaching him how to grow a larger product per acre, with the same capital and labor bestowed, millions are added to the productive wealth of the country, society is advanced, and comfort and happiness frequently produced, where none now exist. We trust that none will be found slack in their efforts, and that renewed exertions will be made by the friends of agriculture to carry this journal to every farmer's door in the land.

TO THE LEGISLATURE. Ar the last session of the Legislature, a bill was introduced and attempted to be passed in the House, directing every County Superintendent of Common Schools in the State, to subscribe for as many copies of the Albany Cultivator as there were School Districts in their counties-the subscription and postage to be paid by the State, out of the School fund. This bill would have given upwards of $12,000 to a single agricultural paper! at the same time that there were FOUR others in the State equally meritorious--equally valuable to the farming community-and equally deserving public patronage. We are of opinion that the Legislature could not pass a wiser and more beneficial act than such as should disseminate agricultural journals



among the Common Schools of the State; but we hope if anything of the kind is attempted at the present Session, for ONE particular journal, it may meet with the marked rebuff of last year. We are opposed to exclusive privileges-they are contrary to the genius of our Republic. We advocate the principle that all who are deserving shall share equally the bounty of the State; and we trust that this principle will be kept in view by the highly intelligent and honorable body composing the Legislature this Session.


ready a company is on the tapis to bring over ten thousand of those animals for the national good. As the race is nearly extinct in Peru, it is desirable to bring them to our isles; their wool approaching silk, and their flesh being improved by English air and pasture. Our Sovereign and Prince Albert are now wearing royal robes manufactured from the wool of these animals, bred in the Royal Park, at Windsor. In ten years these animals will add £20,000,000 per annum to the national wealth ""


MANY farmers might conveniently, and with We wish we possessed one-tenth the wealth of great advantage, furnish themselves economically many a man we could name in this country, for one with an extensive and permanent supply of water, of the first things we would do with a very small por- when otherwise deficient, by constructing cisterns. tion of it, would be to import a few Alpacas, and Where they have compact clay land, no further naturalize them here for the benefit of the agricul- preparation is necessary for ordinary use for stock, tural community. We wrote a little article on this than to excavate to a sufficient size; and to keep up subject in our April number, last year, and we in- the banks on every side, place two frames of single tend to continue inserting others till we can influ-joice around it near the top and bottom, between ence some one, who has sufficient patriotism, to which and the banks, heavy boards or plank may make an importation of these most beautiful and be set in an upright position, reaching from top to valuable animals. It pains us, absolutely, to look bottom. The earth keeps them in place on one around and see the worthless objects on which so side, and the joice prevents them falling in. They much money is spent in every quarter of the United require to be only tight enough to prevent the clay States; and yet one might solicit for years, and it from washing in. No appreciable quantity of wais doubtful whether so small a sum as one thousand ter wili escape from the sides or bottom. We have dollars could be raised for the worthy purpose of had such an one for years without repairs or any importing what might ultimately benefit the country material wasting of water. This should be made untold millions. This does not arise from a want near the buildings; and the rains, carefully conof liberality on the part of our citizens, but unfor- ducted by the eaves-troughs and pipes from an extunately from improper education. Yes; we mean tensive range, will afford an ample supply. For education in its enlarged sense-an education which household purposes, one should be made with more teaches people to do with their abundant means care and expense, and so constructed as to afford what is for the advantage of their fellow citizens-pure filtered water at all times. These may be aye, and for the world, instead of spending them formed in various ways, and of different materials, so exclusively for the gratification of their own im- stone, brick, or even wood; though the two former mediate vanity, pride, and luxury. Is there not a are preferable. They should be permanently merchant among the millionaires of this great city, divided into two apartments, one to receive the who will stand up as Mr. W. Dawson did-hon-water, and another to be used as a reservoir to conored be his name at the late meeting of the British tain such as is ready for use. Alternate layers of Association for the advancement of science, and say: gravel, sand, and charcoal at the bottom of the first, "It is now six years since I first joined this society and sand and gravel in the last, are sufficient; the for a little recreation or relaxation from the trials of water being allowed to escape from the bottom of 30 years close application to commercial life; and the former into the latter, through the several layers at Birmingham I brought a subject before its notice, mentioned, will be rendered perfectly free from all which received its countenance in a special manner. impurities, and furnishes the purest water in the I there declared the object of that paper, which was world. Some who are particularly choice in preto induce our various manufacturers to exercise paring their water, make use of filtering stones, but their ingenuity in discovering means to consume a this is not essential to securing a choice article. wool of a silken texture (as can be seen retailing)| Occasional cleaning may be necessary, and the in a manufactured state, and also to prepare our substitution of new materials will at all times landed gentry and farmers to naturalize the animal keep them sweet. called the "Alpaca"-a species of sheep that eat what the cow, the horse, the common sheep, &c., CLEARING SWAMPS AND MARSHES.-The winter reject. The manufactures have succeeded beyond is decidedly the best time to clear the brush and my most sanguine expectation, and the naturaliza- timber from the swamps and marshes, in order to tion also: the former has created a national wealth let the sun in to dry up the water, and prepare the of £3,000,000 to £5,000,000 per annum; the latter way for ditching, much of which may also be done is progressing rapidly. I have proved these moun- now to advantage. Labor is cheap and plenty at tain-rangers can be domiciled in our own country, this season of the year, and it is the duty of every though brought from beyond the Andes Mountains one, who is able, to give employment to the needy, in Peru. [How much more easily then would they and get rid of those unsightly rookeries which are do this in the United States-a climate similar to of no other use than to harbor the black birds that their own!] I have tried the experiment in my pull up the corn. These swamps are usually the own lands, on the west coast of Ireland, in the richest land on the farm, and will pay the greatest wildest districts of the county of Kerry; and al-interest of any when drained and cropped.

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