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tors: essays and versions. Cambridge, 1897.

ZAPATA, LUIS. Carlo famoso. Valencia, 1566.

Miscelánea. (in Memorial hist.

esp., XI)

des osmanischen Reiches in Europa.
Hamburg, etc., 1840-63. 7 v.
Castro, Curiosidades, etc., pp. 9-54,
B. A. E., XXXVI)

Epistolario. (in id. pp. 55-62)

Zurita, GerÓNIMO. Anales de la corona de Aragón. Zaragoza, 1669-71. 7 V.


2,1 Lettera seconda, and Viaggio in

Ispagna (in Opera omnia, pp. 268, 315.)

3,1. Vida, 12.

3,2. Obras de Garcilasso, 16.

3,3. Id., 14-15.

3,4. See pp. 64-67.

4,1. Archivo histórico nacional. Ordenes militares. Santiago. Pruebas de nobleza. Garcilaso de la Vega y de Guzmán.

N°. 8613. Cf. Appendix A.


4,2. Id., Garcilaso de la Vega y Zúñiga. 1543. No. 8634.

4,3. See Note 78,2.


If the phrase used by Garcilaso, "en mi perfeta edad" (Son. XXVIII, 9), is a reference to the generally accepted theory that the crowning point of life is reached at the age of thirty-five, then his birth cannot have been later than 1501. It is possible that he has in mind the expression of Dante. "E io credo che nelli perfettamente naturati esso [il punto sommo dell'Arco della vita] ne sia nel trentacinquesimo anno" (Convivio, IV, 23.)

5,2. The principal accounts of Garcilaso's family are those of Gonzalo Fernández de Oviedo and Argote de Molina. Oviedo's account is found in his Ms. Batallas y quincuagenas (in the Academia de la Historia of Madrid, 12-21-5, N°. 96, ff. 417 r°-422 v°) under the title, "El muy magnifico señor Garcilaso de la Vega". The Ms., which is intitled "Libro que trata del blason de todas las armas e diferencias dellas," is described by Clemencín (Elogio, 220-235). There is a copy in the Boston Public Library (3090.8). On the relations of this work to the Quinquagenas of the same author, see the introduction of Vicente de la Fuente to the edition of the Quinquagenas, Madrid, 1880. Vol. I. Argote de Molina in his Nobleza del Andaluzia, Sevilla, 1588, f. 335 r°-v°, traces the family down to the Marquis of Santillana. He mentions four generations prior to the first Garci-Lasso de la Vega: Diego Gómez de la Vega, Ruy Díaz de la Vega, Gonzalo Ruiz de la Vega (cf. Zurita, I, 169 v°), and Pero Lasso de la Vega, Almirante de Castilla. On the doubtful nature of this last title, see Angel de los Ríos y Ríos, Ensayo histórico

sobre los apellidos castellanos, Madrid,

1871, p. 189. For the possible origin of the name Lasso, see Ríos. y Ríos, op. cit. and Rodrigo Amador de los Ríos, Santander. Barcelona, 1891, p. 638. Navarrete (Vida, 10-12, 137-140, 275) and Piferrer (Nobiliario, II, 242-244) give a summary of the matter.

5,3. On this first Garcilaso, cf. Fernández de Oviedo, Batallas, ms. cit., 418 v°-419 r°; Crónica de Alfonso XI (in B. A. E. LXVI), pp. 185-86, 188, 193-96, 198-99, 210-11; Zurita, II, 68; Mariana, IV, 91, 99, 101-2, 106-7.

6,1. On the second Garcilaso, cf. Fernández de Oviedo, ms. cit., f. 419; Crónica de Alfonso XI, pp. 251-52, 326, 345, 352, 369, 378, 384; Crónica de Pedro I (in B. A. E. LXVI), 406, 409, 413-15; Zurita, II, 105 ro, 143 r°; Poema de Alfonso Onceno (ed. F. Janer, Madrid, 1863) copla 1662; Mariana, IV, 157, 202.

7,1. The Marquis of Santillana mentions his grandmother, Doña Mencía Cisneros, in |his Prohemio (Obras, ed. Amador de los Ríos, Madrid, 1852, p. 12.) On her daughter, Doña Leonor de la Vega, see Amador de los Ríos in his introduction to this edition, pp. x-lviii.

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