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ing their round blue caps, short jackets, and bagging pants, with navy carbines, were the advance guard. Then came the President and Admiral Porter, flanked by the officers that accompanied him; then six more sailors with carbines, - twenty of us all told, — amid a surging mass of men, women, and children, running, shouting, dancing, swinging their caps, bonnets, and handkerchiefs.

6. The soldiers saw him, and swelled the crowd, cheering in wild enthusiasm. All could see him, he was so tall, so conspicuous. One colored woman, standing in a doorway, as the President passed along the sidewalk, shouted, "Thank you, dear Jesus, for this: thank you, Jesus!" Another standing by her side was clapping her hands and shouting, "Bless the Lord!"

7. President Lincoln walked in silence, acknowledging the salutes of officers and soldiers, and of the citizens, black and white. It was the man of the people among the people. It was the great deliverer meeting the delivered. Yesterday morning the majority of the thousands who crowded the streets, and hindered our advance, were slaves. Now they were free, and beheld him who had given them their liberty.

desolation, ruin.
contain, to hold.
ascertain, to find out.
gaze, to look eagerly.
universal, including all.
indescribable, that can not
be described.

carbine, a short gun.
spectacle, sight.

surging, moving like waves.
enthusiasm, great excitement.
conspicuous, easily seen.
majority, greater part.

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calm-ly mid-night





T was the Sabbath, and the little girl was riding home from church. As they passed through the still pine woods, she began to sing the beautiful hymn commencing,

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Jesus, lover of my soul,
Let me to thy bosom fly."


2. Her mother joined her, and they sung all the On Patie's face rested an expression of perfect peace, and the rich color glowed in her cheek, and a bright light shone in her eyes.

3. "Sing 'When I can read my title clear,'" said her father. "I don't think I can sing any more

now," Patie replied; "I think I have taken cold. My throat is beginning to be very sore."

4. When they reached home the throat was examined by the mother, and she was 'alarmed. The thought of a terribly fatal disease which had but recently made its appearance in the region caused a thrill of horror to run through her frame. The physician was immediately sent for; but before his arrival the disease had made fearful progress.

5. The mother felt in her heart that there was no hope. Her darling, only daughter was struggling against a disease which was yet but little understood by physicians, and from which few who were seriously attacked had recovered. She would die.

6. But she forced down the agony that was nearly choking her, and ministered to her suffering child through the livelong night, while she was gasping for every breath, and none of those who stood by with aching hearts could give the slightest relief.

7. About midnight she opened her eyes and looked around calmly on all. It was very difficult for her to speak, but slowly and painfully she said, "Jesus! I am going to him. I am not afraid. You will all come;" and she pressed the hand of her mother. She then added, with the greatest difficulty, "You, Willie, come too!


8. She spoke no more. An interval of drowsiness succeeded; and then she woke to an hour of such suffering that the mother thanked God when the last gasping, sighing breath had passed away, and the spirit was with God who gave it.




SLOW to smite, and swift to spare,
Gentle and merciful and just!
Who, in the fear of God, didst bear

The sword of power, a nation's trust,


2. In sorrow by thy bier we stand,

Amid the awe that hushes all,
And speak the anguish of a land
That shook with horror at thy fall.

3. Thy task is done; the bond are free; We bear thee to an honored grave, Whose noble monument shall be

The broken fetters of the slave.




4. Pure was thy life; its bloody close

Hath placed thee with the sons of light,
Among the noble host of those

Who perished in the cause of right.





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FRICA includes nearly one-fourth of all the land on the earth. It is separated from America by the Atlantic Ocean; the nearest part is about three

thousand miles from New York or Boston. It is separated from Europe by the Mediterranean Sea, and from Asia by the Red Sea. It is, however, attached to Asia by a narrow neck of land, called the Isthmus of Suez.

2. Africa is less known than any other portion of the globe. Many parts of the interior have never been visited by Europeans. The greater part of the inhabitants are either in a savage or a barbarous state.

3. The climate being warm, they need little shelter or clothing. Their houses are therefore poor mud huts, or slight tenements made of leaves or branches of trees. Their dress is often but a single piece of cloth tied around the waist. They are, however, a cheerful race, and spend much of their time 'in various amusements.

4. The immense desert of Sahara, with all the adjacent regions, appears to be occupied by wandering tribes of Arabs, who move from place to place with their horses and camels, like the people of Arabia, for pasturage or plunder.

5. The central parts of Africa abound in wild animals, such as lions, panthers, leopards, and elephants. The woods are filled with chattering monkeys, the thickets are infested with monstrous serpents, ostriches roam over the deserts, various kinds of antelopes and deer, in vast herds, graze upon the plains, hippopotami are seen in the lakes and rivers, and crocodiles abound in the stagnant waters. Wild birds of every hue meet the eye of the traveler in nearly all parts of the country.

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