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I HAVE pleasure in offering my testimony to the virtue of Cactina, (in pillet form), in cases of inordinate cardiac action, and I consider it a valuable adjunct to the Materia Medica.

DANIEL WILSON GWYNNE M.D., etc. Member of bht Coupil University of St. Andrew mouth, Eng.

-ial referring to Peacockis bionia I mayléayoitis wenýl nearly, if Inøt Iquïtél a specific remedy for constipatión,яak-have, prescribed it in obstiimate bases lofs confirmed 'constipation, and in each case the remedy has proved successful. One lady whḍsbad been afflicted for years with the .most obstinate constipation, took one eight-ounce bottle at ma: suggestion, this occurred four months ago, and since that time she has been filee filom any symptoms of her former malady, and is to-day in the best of health andypirits.99879992 od of bine od dope, M. Deidu odT -ei Port SarniaOntem Inte299902 odú 99niz Ju9miteɔU. St Consulate. aidT .noitenimirozib tqmorq eti noqu eba9qab ylin622999a 9269 of bisq won noinotte b9z8949ai 9d3°ui bot99891 zi tost zboizdo LISTOT is a new chemical compound of thymol and jodine; a perfect #91219919 substitute for iodoform, with the advantage of being free from dis greeable bdor! It is a non-tole, non-irritating compound of thymolHodides of marked antiseptic properties; useful as a dressing for, weuhds, ulcerations and{all erosions) of the cutaneous or mucous surfaces.>> It}is far superior to jodoform and less expensive Samples, and literature mailed free on application to Listol Chemical Co., 34 Orchard St., Chifago, In:

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dod 99979qz9 doira'rodtun ouT 99nly tomto в 9de lliw -ISCOTTI BAULSON af Coll Later Dikwith Hypophosphites is employed with gratifying success when, plain qilis out(gf, the arrestion. It is cgmRosed of fifty per co of the purest and finest Norwe cod liver oil; six grains hypophosphites of lime; three grains hypophosphites of 'to the fitdotince bus betuzulli di 2 do 911 19719813

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99097797 CONTINUED USE and repeated trial of Febriline only confirms my former High option of its merits as a substitute for the inchona Kandids. It is as efficacious as any of them besides being platable and to great extent devoid of, the unpleasant bead sympwms. For children it has been most valuable in my practice. angiz 10 susmonody ovitɔojdo odd to ybute not boyolque abod♬ɔm 4 bus amorqury to Buromonodq ovit99į do SANDER & Sons Eucalypt Extract (EucalyptolytabApply to Dr. Sander! Dillony Iqwa, for gratis-supplied samples of Eucalyptol and reports of dures effected at the clinics of the Univer gities of Boish and Griefswald! Meyer Bros. Drug Co., St. Louis and Kansas City, Mo., Dallas, Texas, and New York, sole agents


Beviews and Book Notices.

A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS, for Students and Physicians. By JOHN H. MUSSER, M.D., Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine in the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia; President of the Pathological Society of Philadelphia, etc., etc. Octavo, 873 pages, 162 engravings and two colored plates. Cloth, $5.00; leather, $6.00. LEA BROTHERS & Co., Philadelphia. 1894.

The subject of diagnosis can be said to be scarcely second in importance to treatment, since the successful management of a disease necessarily depends upon its prompt discrimination. This obvious fact is reflected in the increased attention now paid to diagnosis in the c-llege curricula. Modern instruments, new methods of thought and new collateral sciences, such as bacteriology, have placed the determination of disease upon a basis of scientific certainty, have secured for it an honored place among the medical sciences, and have created a rich and growing literature. Among the many works in the field, Musser's will take a foremost place. The author's rich experience, both as a physician and teacher, has enabled him to select such knowledge as is essential to a thorough medical education and to subsequent successful practice, and to present it clearly and attractively. The work is richly illustrated and is assured of a most favorable reception, both as a text-book and as a work of reference.

It will prove a valuable aid to the student, and at the same time furnish the practitioner with a reliable guide to diagnosis for use in his daily work. We find contained in the work a study of the objective phenomena or signs of disease, the subjective phenomena or symptoms, and the methods employed for their determination. Special attention has been paid to research for objective phenomena appearing in physical, chemical and biological changes in the tissues and secretions. The Symptomatology of Morbid Processes and Bacteriological Diagnosis are prominent features.



MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE, FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY, prepared by experts of acknowledged authority, both medical and legal, under the supervision and editorship of R. A. WITTHAUS, M.D., of New York, Professor of Chemistry, Physics and Hygiene in the University of fhe City of New York, etc., etc., and TRACY C. BECKER, Esq., of Buffalo, N. Y., Counsellor at Law; Professor of Criminal Law and Medical Jurisprudence in the University of Buffalo, etc. Vol. I., 8 vo.cloth, pp. 845. Price in cloth, $5.00, leather, $6.00. Sold by subscription only. Wм. WOOD & Co., Publishers, New York, N. Y. 1894.

This very important publication will consist of four large octavo volumes (of from 700 to 800 pages each), the first volume. having been issued, the remaining three will be published as rapidly as they can be issued from the press. In paper, presswork and binding they will be examples of the very best workmanship of the day, and will be illustrated wherever necessary by line and half-tone engravings. We herewith submit a brief synopsis of tho contents of Vol. I., with the names of the various authors:

1. The legal relations of physicians and surgeons, including their acquirements of the right to practice medicine and surgery; their legal duties and obligations; the right to compensation; their privileges and duties when summoned as witnesses in courts of justice, and their liability for mal-practice, by Tracy C. Becker, A.B., L.L.B.

2. The law of evidence concerning confidential communications between physician and patient, by Charles A. Boston, Esq.

3. A synopsis of the laws of the several States and Territories of the United States of America, and of Great Britian and Ireland, and of the North American Provinces of Great Britain, relating to the practice of medicine and surgery, from the latest statutes, by Wm. A. Poste, late First Deputy Attorney-General of the State of New York, and Chas. A Boston, Esq., of the New York City bar.

4. The Legal Status of the Dead Body, by Tracy C. Becker. 5. The Power and Duties of Coroners and Medical Examiners, by August Becker, Esq.

6. Autopsies, by H. P. Loomis, M.D.

7. Personal Identity, including the methods used for its determination in the dead and the living, by Irving C. Rosse, M.D.

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-98. Medico-Legal Determination of the Time of Death by HP. Loomis M.Dod inodtus bogbelwondos to atroqzo yd bereq

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consideration of wounds, including

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punctured and incised wounds, and wounds made by blunt instruments; other than gunshot wounds, by Geo. Woolsey, M.D. 11.1V The medico-legalieonsideration of gunshot woundsbaby Roswell Park, M Dodinol 00.62,tolo ni 99 .6 .qq,dols.ov 8


Death by heat and cold, including insolation, in its med ico legal aspects by Enoch B. Stoddard, MDyoqmi y197 zidT 9118!0v The medico-legal-relations of electricity by William NJ Ballardildng od lliw it gainismo oft bonesi nood gaived -14 The medico-legal relations of death by mechanicalsbians gulation, by DS? Lainb, MD79 od lliw yout quibuid bus drow 7115,99 Thé médiév-légal relations dfi death by drowning i by Fu CiRosse MD.diworod W .zgaiver9a9 9mot-Hed bas 9uil yd -B169d Death from startition in its medieo legal aspect, iE B. Stoddard, M.D.


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A biographical sketch of the contributors to the workTis also embraced in Vohim Antroduétion comprising nearly twenty pages is the work of Dr Rugite Wilehkus, which embraces a veryosatisfactory definition of the terms Forensic Medicine, BeJ gal Medicine, and Medical Jurisprudence, and a brief but dom prehensive historical sketch. ...I.8.A 1998 -The entire work will constitute w most invaluable repertory for Jatisfactory/reference.yd tusituq bas asioizydq 1997ted anoit -oti19T bas odet2 I9v92 ort to eval odt to sieqoya A · & DISEASES DO WOMEN. BY HENRY JUGARRIGUES, CAMJ, M.D]} ProfejTM profæbstetrics in the New York Post Graduate Medical School, and 1.Hospital; Gynecologist, to St. Mark's Hospital, New York City Gre cologist to the German Dispensary in the City of New York; Consulting Obstetrican to the New York Infant Asylum; Obstetric Surgeon to the pay New York Maternity Hospital, Fellow of the American Gycological Society; Fellow of the New York Academy of Medicine President the German Medical Society of New York etg. ete. In ghe very handsome getay yolume, of about 700 pages, profusely illustrated by wood cuts and colored plates. Price, cloth, $4.00; sheep, $5 $5.00. WB SAUNDERS, 925 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Publisher. 1894.



..Meimoo I .9 .H vdeoizqotuA .

A practical work at Gy nec glogy for the use bfestadefts and practitioners written ingariteises and concise manner.Theifirm portance of a thorough knowledge of the anatomy of the female




pelvic organs has been fully recognized by the author, and considerable space has been devoted to the subject. The chapters on operations and treatment will be thoroughly modern, and are based upon the large hospital and private practice of the author. The text is elucidated by a large number of illustrations and colored plates, many of them being original.

The articles on operations and treatment are thoroughly modern, and are based upon the large hospital and private practice of the author, who ranks with the ablest and most progressive men of the day. It is eminently a practical work, reference to the historical development of gynecology has been omitted, as well as a multiplicity of methods of treatment, the author limiting himself to a clear and succint description of the best modes of treatment. The anatomical features are full and most excellent, and the illustrations form a complete atlas of the embryology and anatomy of the female genitalia, and the numerous operations thereon, together with pathological conditions. AN AMERICAN TEXT-BOOK OF THE DISEASES OF CHILDREN, Including Special Chapters on Essential Surgical Subjects; Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; Diseases of the Skin; and on the Diet, Hygiene, and General Management of Children. By American Teachers. Edited by LOUIS STARR, M.D., Physician to the Children's Hospital, and Consulting President to the Maternity Hospital; late Clinical Professor of Diseases of Children in the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. etc., etc. Assisted by THOMAS S. WESCOTT, M.D., Attending Physician to the Dispensary for Diseases of Children, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania; Physician to Out-Patient Department, Episcopal Hospital; Fellow of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, etc., etc. In one handsome royal 8vo. volume of 1180 pages, profusely illustrated with wood-cuts, half-tone and colored plates. Price, Cloth, $7.00; Sheep, $8.00; Half-Russia, $9.00. Sold by Subscription only. W. B. SAUNDERS, 925 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Publisher, 1894. The American Text-book of the Diseases of Children, is a handsome imperial octavo volume of 1190 pages, uniform with the American Text-book of Surgery, contains numerous woodcuts, half-tone plates, and colored illustrations. The plan embraces a series of original articles written by some sixty wellknown pædiatrists, representing collectively the teachings of the most prominent medical schools and colleges of America. The work is intended to be a practical book, suitable for constant and handy reference by the practitioner and the advanced student.

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