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Refp. Just fa, my dearest Lord, we serve Thee ftill: we cannot match one hour, but our eyes grow beavy: we cannot fay a few short prayers, but our heads will ake. Lord, as Thy charity fought an excuse for them, O may Thy mercy find a pardon for us. Leave not our dromfy nature to it felf, for then immediately we fall a fleep: but vifit us with Thy holy grace, and quicken us with Thy bleffed Spirit, and keep us making with Thy conftant prefence. Lord, as

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Leffon 269.

And again He went away and prayed, and fpake the fame words; O My Father! if this Cup may not pafs away from Me, except I drink it, Thy will be done. And He came again and found them a fleep; for their eyes were heavy and they knew not what to anfwer Him. And He left them, and went away again, and prayed the third time, faying the fame words. Then comes He to His Difciples the third time, and faid to them, Sleep on now and take your reft; 'tis enough the hour is come: behold, the Son of Man fhall be betrayed into the hands of finners. Rife, let us go: behold, he is at hand that will betray Me.. Refp

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Refp. O glorious pattern of perfect refig nation! thrice the beloved Son implores the compassion of His Father, and thrice He is denyed, yet ftill He bumbly prays, ftill constantly renews this free fubmiffion, * Thy will be done. O generous charity! if to redeem poor man this Cup must be drunk, how deep, bom bitter, how deadFly Soever, at any rate it shall be undertaken, Thy will fad de But — {

Leffon 270

And, while He was yet fpeaking, be hold Judas Iscariot, one of the Twelve, having received a Band of Men and Of ficers from the Chief Priefts and Pharifees, comes thither; and with him a great multitude with lanterns and torches, with fwords and ftaves and weapons, fent by the Chief Priests, and the Scribes, and the Elders. And he that betrayed Him had given them a token, faying, Whomever I fhall kifs, He it is, take Him and lead Him away warily. And he went before them and coming Araight way to JESUS, he faid, Hail Mafteriil and kiffed Him. And JESUS faid to him, Friend, for what art thou come? Judas betrayeft thou the Son of Man with a kiss?

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Refp. Wounder, O my Soul, and hate the base hypocrify of this cursed wretch: ~"and, when thy lips dran nigh thy Lord never let thy heart be a far off * Betray the Son of God with a kiß. Wonder, O my Soul; and love the incomparable meekness of thy dear Redeemer, and, when fome fair pretence tempts thee to offend Him, remember the horrid fact thou hast fo often detefted. * Betray the N ! Lesson 2 il clim 1-A JESUS, therefore, knowing all things that should come upon Him, went forth, and faid to them, Whom feek you? they answered Him, JEsus of Nazareth. JESUS fays to them, I am He. And Judas alfo, who betrayed Him, food with them. Affoon then as He had faid to them, I am He; they went backward and fell to the ground. Then askt He them again, Whom feek-you? And they faid, JESUS of Nazareth. JESUS an fwered, I have told you that I am He: if therefore you feek Me, let these go their way. That the word which He fpake might be fulfilled Of them whom Thou gavest Me, I have left none, Thea CALL MONY come

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ame they and layd their hands on JEus, and held Him.

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Refp. So refolute and fearlefs is true loves and fuch, O B. JESU! was Thine to us: Thou knewest the danger, and yet wouldst freely meet ity Thou knewest for what they fought Thee, and jet eamest forth to be found. All the care Thou takeft is to provide for us; all the conditions Thou requireft is that we fhould be fafe. Lord, if Thou meet'st Thine enemies, go not from Thy fervants if Thou easily wert: found roben they fought to crucify Thee, bide not Thy Jelf when we come to adore Thee. *All the care of pool da proda quod

2. Lesson 272., anda seď v

When they who were about Him faw what wou'd follow, they faid to Him Lord, fhall we fmite with the fword? And Simon Peter, one of them that were with JESUS, ftretching forth his hand, drew out his fword, and fmote a fervant of the High Prieft, and cut off his right ear. The fervants name was Malshus. But JESUS, anfwering, faid, Suffer your thus far: and when He had toucht his car, He heald it. Then faid JESUS

JESUS to Peter, Put up again thy fwer into the fheath: for, all that take the fword fhall perish with the fword. The Cup which My Father has given Me, fhall I not drink it? Thinkeft thou I cannot now pray to My Father, and H will presently give Me more then twelve Legions of Angels? But, how then fhall the Scripture be fulfilled that thus it muft be?

Refp. No mighty Lord! Thon needek not

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our weak, aid to bring about Thy Ends: He that with a word of His mouth could beat them back and throw them Alat on the grounds can He not meafly keep them down,that they never rift gain. * But then, bow fhould the Scriptures be fulfilled? how should poor Mankind be faved? Only one thing can conquer Almighty, His own invincible Goodnes and that was it which gave ptive into the hands of His enemies elfe all the Powers both of Heaven and Earth are at his command, and able to - crush every finner into duft. *But— Leẞon 274.

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Then faid JÉSUS to them that were come to Him, the Chief Pries and

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