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why alfo of your felves do you not judge that which is juft? And He figh'd deeply in Spirit, and fays. Why does this Ge neration feek after a fign? A wicked and adulterous Generation feeks after a figni and there shall no fign be given it, but the fign of the Prophet Jonas. And He, leaving them, went away, and entring into the Ship again, departed to the other


Refp. So wife we often are in what imports us leaft, and utterly ignorant of our greatest concern: we can industriously argue what Weather it will be, but Strive not to difcern the seasons of Grace.

Forgive, O merciful Lord, the perverf nefs of our Nature; and leave us not to our felves, left we perish welhout hope. Omake us deeply figh in compassion for the fins of Others; and yet more deeply fill in forrow for our own. * ForgiveLeẞon 128.

And, when His Difciples were come to the other fide, they had forgotten to take Bread; nor had they in the Ship with them more then one Loaf. Then JESUS charged them, faying, Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees and of


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the Sadduces, and of the Leaven of Herod. And they reafoned among themelves, faying, It is because we have taen no Bread. Which when JESUS perceived, He faid to them, Oyou of little Faith! why reafon you among your felves, because you have no Bread? Do you not yet know nor underftand? ftill is your heart blinded? having eyes, see you not? and having ears, hear you not? Do you not remember? when I brake the five Loaves among five Thousand, how many Baskets full of Fragments


you up? They fay, to Him Twelve. And, when the feven Loaves among four Thoufand, how many Baskets full of Fragments took you up? And they faid, Seven. Then faid He to them, How is it that you do not yet underftand, it was not of Bread I fpake to you, Beware of the Leaven of the Pharifees and Sadduces? Then they understood that Hefaid not, beware of the Leaven Bread, but of the Doctrine of the Pharifees and Sadduces.

Refp. No; 'tis not of meat that perishes that our Lord difcourfes to His Auditors; 'tis not of Bread and Leaven that His Charity

Charity feeks to inftruct them. The Letter kills, but the Spirit makes alive. Trouble not your felves with the necef ties of this life, You whom the Almighty Providence has engaged to care for only take heed to your Souls, and beware of the Corruptions of Hypocrites, and Li bertines, and Unbelievers. * The


Leffon 129.

And they come to Bethsaida; and they bring to Him a blind Man, and be fought Him to touch him. And He took the blind Man by the hand. and led him out of the Town: and when He had Spit in his eyes, and put His hands upon him, He askt him if he faw any thing. And he looked up and faid, I fee men as trees walking. After that He put hands again upon his eyes; and he began to fee, and was reftored to that he faw all things clearly. And He fent him away, faying, Go to thy houfe; and if thou enter into a Town, tell this to no body.


Refp. Lead me, O Lord, from the noise of this world, and place me with Thee in Thy boly folitude: there do Thou open


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my eyes, that I may clearly fee the way that leads to my Eternal home. And, wherever I go, I will fing Thy Praifes; and publish o're the World Thy miraculous mercies. Great 1 confefs is the blindness of my heart, and my vicious cuftoms not fuddenly to be cured: O, put Thy Hands again upon me, dearest JESU! that all my infirmities may be thorowly healed. And_

Lesson 130.

And JESUS went out, and His Difciples, into the Towns of Cefarea Philippi. And by the way He askt them, Whom do the people fay the Son of Man is? And they answered, Some fay John the Baptift, fome Elias, fome Jeremy; and others, That one of the Old Prophets is rifen again. He faid to them, But whom fay you that I am? Simon Peter anfwering, faid, Thou art Chrift the Son of the Living God. And JESUS anfwering, faid to him, Bleffed art thou Simon Bar-jena: for flesh and blood has not revealed this to thee, but My Father who is in Heaven. And I fay to thee, Thou art Peter, and upon this Rock will I build My Church: and the Gates of Hell shall not prevail

prevail against it. And I will give the

the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven: and whatever thou shalt bind on Earth fhall be bound alfo in Heaven; and what ever thou shalt loofe on Earth fhall be loofed alfo in Heaven. Then comman ded He His Disciples, and threatningly charged them to tell no man, that He was Chrift.

Refp. Hearken with joy, 0 you batty Soules who justly glory in the Name of Catholick, and live in Communion with the Chair of Peter; comfort your felves with the promises of the Son of God, and regard not the threatnings of the Enemies of your Faith. Peter isthe Rock on which our Lord has built His Church, and the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against It. Hearken with fear, you unhappy Souls, who refuse Obedi ence to the Seat of Peter, and have cut your felves off from the Catholick Com munion; Convince your manifeft error by this plain Text, and build longer on the unsteady Sand. *Pe

ter is the

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