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we do hereby commit & grant unto you the aforesaid William Shirley Esq Our Power & Authority in & throughout Our Province of Massachusetts Bay aforementioned & Territories thereof & maritime parts whatsoever adjacent thereto, & also throughout all & every the Sea Shores, publick Streams, Ports, fresh Waters, Rivers, Creeks & Arms, as well of the Sea, as of the Rivers, & Coasts whatsoever, of our said Province of Massachusetts Bay & Territories dependent thereon, & maritime Parts whatsoever, of the same & thereto adjacent, as well within Liberties, & Franchises, as without, to take Cognizance of, & proceed in all Causes, Civil & Maritime, & in Complaints, Contracts, Offences or suspected Offences, Crimes, Pleas, Debts, Exchanges, Accompts, Charter Parties, Agreements, Suits, Trespasses, Injuries, Extortions & Demands & Businesses Civil & Maritime whatsoever, commenced or to be commenced between Merchants or between Owners & Proprietors of Ships & other Vessels, & Merchants or others whomsoever, with such Owners & Proprietors of Ships & all other Vessels whatsoever employed, or used within the Maritime Jurisdiction of Our Vice Admiralty of Our said Province of Massachusetts Bay & Territories depending on the same, or between any other Persons whomsoever, had, made, began or contracted for any matter Thing, Cause or Business whatsoever done or to be done within Our Maritime Jurisdiction aforesaid, Together with all & singular their Incidents, Emergencies, Dependancies annexed & connexed Causes whatsoever, wheresoever or howsoeuer, & such Causes, Complaints Contracts & other the Premisses abovesaid, or any of them, which may happen to arise, be contracted, had or done, to hear & determine, according to the Rights, Statutes, Laws, Ordinances & Customs anciently observed, & moreover in all & singular Complaints, Contracts, Agreements, Causes & Businesses Civil & Maritime, to be performed beyond the Sea, or contracted there, howsoever arising or happening, & also in all & singu

lar other Causes & Matters, which in any Manner whatsoever touch or any ways concern, or anciently have & do or ought to belong unto the Maritime Jurisdiction of Our aforesaid Vice-Admiralty in Our said Province of Massachusetts Bay & Territories thereon depending, & maritime Parts thereof & to the same adjoining whatsoever, & generally in all & singular other Causes, Suits, Crimes, Offences, Excessees, Injuries, Complaints, Misdemeanors or suspected Misdemeanors, Trespasses, Regratings, Forestallings & maritime Busi nesses whatsoever throughout the Places aforesaid, within' the Maritime Jurisdiction of Our Vice-Admiralty of Our Province of Massachusetts Bay aforesaid & Territories thereon depending, by Sea or water, on the Banks or Shores of the Same, howsoever done, committed, perpetrated or happening, And also to inquire by the Oath of honest & lawful Men of Our said Province of Massachusetts Bay & Territories dependent thereon, & maritime Parts of the Same & adjoining to them, whatsoever; dwelling both within Liberties and Franchises & without, as well of all & singular such Matters & Things which of right & by the Statutes, Laws, Ordinances & Customs anciently observed, were wont & ought to be inquired after, as of Wreck of the Sea, & of all & singular the Goods & Chattels of whatsoever Traitors, Pyrates, Man Slayers & Felons howsoever, offending within the Maritime Jurisdiction of Our Vice-Admiralty of Our Province of Massachusetts Bay aforementioned & Territories thereunto belonging & of the Goods, Chattels & Debts of all & singular their Maintainors, Accessories, Councellors, Abettors or Assistants whomsoever, & also of the Goods, Debts & Chattels of whatsoever Person or Persons, Felons of themselves, by what means or howsoever coming to their Death within Our aforesaid Maritime Jurisdiction, wheresoever any such Goods, Debts & Chattles or any Parcel thereof by Sea, Water or Land in our said Province of Massachusetts Bay & Territories thereon dependent, & maritime Parts of

the same & thereto adjacent, whatsoever, as well within Liberties & Franchises as without, have been or shall be found forfeited, or to be forfeited, or in being, & Moreover as well of the Goods, Debts & Chattels of whatsoever other Traitors, Felons & Manslayers wheresoever offending, & of the Goods, Debts & Chattels of their Maintainors, Accessories, Councellors, Abettors or Assistants, as of the Goods, Debts & Chattels of all Fugitives, Persons convicted, attainted, condemned, Outlawed or howsoever put or to be put in exigent for Treason, Felony, Manslaughter or Murder, or any other Offence or Crime whatsoever, & also Concerning Goods waving, Flotson, Jetson, Lagon, Shares & Treasure found, or to be found deodands & of the Goods of all others whatsoever taken or to be taken, as derelict or by chance found, or to be found, or howsoever due or to be due, & of all other Casualties as well in, upon or by the Sea, & Shores, Creeks or Coasts of the Sea, or Maritime Parts, as in, upon or by all fresh Waters, Ports, publick Streams, Rivers or Creeks or Places overflown whatsoever, within the Ebbing & Flowing of the Sea, or high Water, or upon the Shores or Banks of any of the same within Our Maritime Jurisdiction aforesaid howsoever, whensoever, or by what Means soever arising, happening or proceeding, or wheresoever such Goods, Debts & Chattels or other the Premisses or any Parcel thereof, may or shall happen to be met with, or found within Our Maritime Jurisdiction aforesaid, And also Concerning Anchorage, Lastage & Ballast of Ships & of Fishes Royal, namely, Sturgeons, Whales, Porpoises, Dolphins, Riggs & Grampuses, & generally of all other Fishes whatsoever which are of a great or very large Bulk, or Fatness, anciently by right or Custom, or any way appertaining or belonging to Us, & to Ask, require, levy, take, collect, receive & obtain, & to the Use of Us & the Office of Our High Admiral of Great Britain aforesaid for the Time being, to keep & preserve the sa wreck of the Sea, & the Goods,

Debts & Chattels & all & singular, other the Premisses together with all & all manner of Fines, Mulcts, Issues, Forfeitures, Amerciaments, Ransomes, & Recognizances whatsoever forfeited or to be forfeited, & pecuniary Punishments for Trespasses, Crimes, Injuries, Extortions, Contempts & other Misdemeanours whatsoever, howsoever imposed or inflicted or to be imposed or inflicted for any Matter, Cause or Thing whatsoever, in our said Province of Massachusetts Bay & Territories thereunto belonging, & Maritime Parts of the same, & thereto adjoining, in any Court of Our Admiralty there held or to be held, presented or to be presented, assessed, brought, forfeited or adjudged & also all Amerciaments, Issues, Fines, Perquisites, Mulcts & pecuniary 'Punishments whatsoever, & Forfietures of all manner of Recognizances, before you, or your Lieutenant, Deputy or Deputies in Our said Province of Massachusetts Bay & Territories thereunto belonging & Maritime Parts of the same & thereto adjacent, whatsoever, happening or imposed or to be imposed or inflicted, or by any Means assessed, presented, forfeited or adjudged, or howsoever by reason of the Premisses due or to be due in that behalf, to Us or Our heirs or Successors, & further to take all manner of Recognizances, Cautions, Obligations & Stipulations, as well to our Use, as at the Instance of any Parties for Agreements or Debts, & other Causes whatsoever, & to put the same in Execution, & to cause & command them to be executed, & also to arrest & cause & command to be Arrested, According to the several Maritime Laws & ancient Customs of Our said Court, all Ships, Persons, Things, Goods, Wares & Merchandizes for the Premisses & every of them, & for other Causes whatsoever, concerning the same, wheresoever they shall be met with, or found throughout our said Province of Massachusetts Bay & Territories thereunto belonging, & Maritime parts thereof & thereto adjoining within Liberties & Franchises, or without, & likewise for all other Agree

20. Coloniarum nostrarum de New Hampshire et Massachusets Bay in America et Territoriorum eisdem dependentium.

21. Jonathanem Belcher Armigerum Gubernatorem nostrum predictum.

22. Coloniis nostris de New Hampshire et Massachusets Bay in America et Territoriis eisdem dependentibus.

23. Dictis Coloniis nostris de New Hampshire et Massachusets Bay in America et Territoriis eisdem dependentibus. 24. Jonathan Belcher armiger Gubernator noster antedictus.

25. Jonathani Belcher armigero Gubernatori nostro Coloniarum nostrarum de New Hampshire et Massachusets Bay in America predicta.

26. Coloniis nostris de New Hampshire et Massachusets Bay in America predicta et Territoriis eisdem dependentibus. 27. Secundo Martii 172900

28. Tertio.

- Royal Courts of Justice, Admiralty Registry, Muniment Books, Vol. 8, p. 23.

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