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Old English map of Mississippi.
I. Seals of the British province of West Florida.
Old French copper coins. Figs. 2 and 3.
II. Fac-similes of Spanish governors and seals.

III. The cotton plant. 1st view.

IV. The cotton plant. 2d view.

V. Caterpillar, chrysalis, and moth on cotton.
VI. Rot in cotton bolls.
VII. Primitive roller gin. Fig. 1.

Roller gin with treadle and balance wheel. Fig. 2.
Whitney's gin of 180T. Fig. 3.
Section of cylinder with flattened wire teeth. Fig. <
Section of same with pointed wire teeth. Fig. 5.
VIII. Cotton plantation in the West Indies, in 1764.
IX. Geological strata.

X. Illustration of stratification. Figs. 1 and 2.
XI. Artesian well at Columbus. Fig. 1.
Principles of artesian wells. Fig. 2.
XII. Sections on Brandon Railroad.

XIII. Boring artesian wells.

XIV. Fossil shells from the Eocene marl-beds at Jackson. XV. Fossil shells from the Eocene marl-beds at Jackson.

XVI. Fossil shells from the Eocene marl-beds at Jackson. XVII. Fossil shells from the Eocene marl-beds at Jackson.

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