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every Perfons or Perfon who fhall be defirous of purchafing a Life Annuity on the Continuance of the Lives of Two Perfons, and of the Life of the longer Liver of them, shall be at Liberty to name any Two Perfons to be the Nominees, on the Continuance of whofe, Lives and of the Life of the longer Liver of them, the faid Annuity is to depend: Provided always, that nothing herein contained fhall' be conftrued to prevent Perfons purchafing Life Annuities under this, Act, from naming themselves refpectively to be the Perfons on the Continuance of whofe Lives fuch Life Annuities respectively are to depend.

Age of


III. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That it fhall not be lawful to name any Perfon to be a Nominee, either for an Annuity on the Continuance of a fingle Life, or for an Annuity on the Continuance of Two Lives, and the Life of the longer Liver of them, who fhall be under the Age of Thirty-five Years at the Time of fuch Nomination: Provided alfo, that no Person who shall not be a Native Their Refidence. of, and relident in, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, shall be capable of being the Nominee in refpect of any Life Annuity which fhall be purchased by or on the Behalf of any other Perfon or Perfons.

Previously to
Transfer, Parties
Declaration in
Schedule (A),
and produce

fhall make

Certificates of

Age of

Nominees, &c.

to au Officer appointed for that Purpose.

IV. And be it further enacted, That before any fuch Bank Annuities fhall be permitted to be transferred to the faid Commiflioners for the Reduction of the National Debt, for the Purchase of any Life Annuity under the Provifions of this Act, a Declaration in the Form fpecified in the Schedule to this Act annexed marked (A.) shall be figned by the Perfon or One of the Perfons defirous of purchafing fuch Annuity, or by fome Perfon on his, her, or their Behalf, and be delivered to the Officer to be appointed for that Purpofe by the faid Commiffioners; and in cafe the Nominee or Nominees on whofe Life or Lives fuch Annuity is intended to be purchased, fhall have been born in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, there fhall alfo be produced to the faid Officer a true Copy of the Regifter of the Birth or Baptifm of fuch Nominee (or of each of fuch Nominees in cafe there fhall be Two) and also a Certificate of the fame under the Hand of the Minifter of the Parith or Place where fuch Regifter fhall be kept, or in the Abfence of the Minifter then a Certificate (wherein fuch Abfence fhall be fpecified) under the Hands of the Churchwardens and Overfeers of fuch Parish or Place, or any Two of them, to be attested in both Cafes by Two or more credible Witnelles, certifying that fuch Copy of the Regifter is a true Copy; to which Certificate fhall alfo be annexed an Affidavit of the faid Witneffes who attefted the Execution thereof, or One of them, or their, his, or her folema Affirmation (in cafe they or either of them shall be of the Perfuafion called Quakers) to be made before any Juftice of the Peace or Magiftrate of the County, City, Riding, Town, or Place wherein the Place of the Birth or Baptifm of any fuch Nominee fhall be fituate, if in England or Scotland, or if in Ireland, then before One of the Barons of the Exchequer there, that fuch Witness or Witneffes did examine and compare the faid Copy of the Regiler of Birth or Baptifm with the Regiiter thereof, and did fee fuch Minifter, or Churchwardens and Overfeers (as the Cafe may be) fign the faid Certificate, and that the Names of fuch Witneffes are of their own proper Hand Writing; and to the faid Certificate fhall alfo be annexed Affidavit of an Affidavit or folemn Afrination made by the Purchafer of the faid Identity. Annuity

When Certi

ficates cannot e produced, Proof may be admitted

by Affidavits.

Average Prices of

Stocks fhall be daily made out and tranfmitted

to the Oficer of the Company.

Annuity (or by One of the Purchafers in cafe there fhall be Two or more) or by fome Perfon on his, her, or their Behalf, before any Juftice of the Peace or Magiftrate, if in England or Scotland, or if in Ireland then before any One of the Barons of the Exchequer there, that the Perfon named and defcribed in the Copy or Certificate of the Register of Birth or Baptifm produced to the faid Officer, is the fame Perfon who is appointed to be fuch Nominee: Provided always, that in all Cafes where the Copy or Certificate fo produced, fhall purport to be a Copy or Certificate of the Regifter of the Baptifm only, and not of the Birth of the Nominee, the Age of fuch Nominee fhall, for the Purposes of this Act, be calculated from the Date of such Baptifm, and the Amount of the Annuity to be purchafed on his or her Life fhall be eftimated and afcertained in like Manner, in all Refpects, as if fuch Nominee had been born on the Day expreffed in the faid Copy or Certificate to be the Day of his or her Baptifm.

V. Provided alfo, and be it further enacted, That in cafe any Nomine (being alfo the Perfon by whom or on whofe Behalf an Anity thall be purchafed) fhall not be a Native of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, or in cafe the Birth or Baptifm of any Nominee (being a Native of the United Kingdom) fhall not appear in the Register of the Parish where fuch Nominee fhall have been born or baptifed, then and in every fuch Cafe there fhall be produced to the faid Officer (in lieu of fuch Certificates and Affidavits as aforefaid) an Affidavit or folemn Affirmation in Writing of the Age of fuch Nominee, together with his or her Name, Surname, Addition, and Employment, or Occupation (if any) and Place of Abode; and alfo the Place of his or her Birth, and the Names of his or her Parents, or reputed Parents, and alfo that the Perfon named and defcribed in fuch Affidavit is the fame Perfon who is appointed to be fuch Nominee, which Affidavit or folemn Affirmation fhall be made by fuch Nominee, or by the Perfon or by one of the Perfons by whom or on whofe Behalf fuch Anruity fhall be purchased, or by fome other Perfon having Knowledge of the feveral Circumstances before-mentioned, in which latter Cafe the faid Affidavit fhall alfo be accompanied by an Affidavit, to be made by the Perfon or one of the Perfons by whom or on whofe Behalf fuch Annuity fhall be purchased, that the Contents of fuch laft-mentioned Affidavit are, to the beft of his or her Knowledge and Belief true; which faid Affidavits refpectively fhall be taken before One or more of the Judges of any of His Majefty's Courts of Record at Weftminfler, if ia England; or if in Sestland or Ireland, then before One or more of the Barons of the Exchequer in Scotland or Ireland respectively; and if fuch Nominee fhall be a Native of Great Britain or Ireland, then in fuch Affidavit fhall alfo be ftated the Caufe why a Certificate of the Copy of the Register of his or her Birth or Baptifm cannot be produced.

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VI. And, for afcertaining the average Price of Bank Annuities according to which the Amount of Life Annuities purchased under the Provifions of this Act is to be regulated;' be it further enacted, That the Cafhier or Cahiers of the Governor and Company of the. Bank of England fhall and they are hereby required, on every Day on which any Three Pounds per Centum Confolidated or Reduced Bank Annuities fhall have been bought at the Bank of England, to caufe an Account to be made out of the average Price at which Three Pounds per Centum Confolidated and Three Pounds per Centum



Reduced Bank Annuities refpectively fhall have been bought on fuch
Day (or in cafe only One of fuch Stocks fhall have been bought,
then the average Price of fuch of the faid Stocks as fhall have been
bought on that Day) which Account fhall be tranfmitted to the Officer
to be appointed as aforefaid, for the Purpofe of enabling him to afcer-
tain and certify in the Manner herein-after directed, the refpective
Amounts of the Life Annuities which may be purchased under the
Provifions of this Act, and fhall be put up in fome confpicuous Place
of his Office, in order that the fame may be feen by all Perfons de-
firous of afcertaining the Price at which Stock may
be transferred
for the Purchase of Life Annuities.
VII. And be it further enacted, That in cafe it fhall appear to
the faid Officer, that the Certificates and Affidavits fo produced to
him as aforefaid are conformable to the Directions of this Act, he
fhall thereupon afcertain the Amount of the Life Annuity to be
able in refpect of the Bank Annuities propofed to be transferred for
the Purchase thereof, and grant his Certificate in the Form expreffed
in the Schedule to this Act annexed marked (B.), and fhall tranfmit
to the Governor and Company of the Bank of England a Duplicate
of fuch Certificate; and upon the Production and Delivery at the
Bank of England of the faid Certificate granted to the Party by the
faid Officer, and upon the Transfer to the Commiffioners for the Re-
duction of the National Debt, of the Bank Annuities to be tranf-
ferred as the Contideration for the Purchase of the Life Annuity,
the Purchaser or Purchafers thereof, or the Perfon producing the
faid Certificate on his, her, or their Behalf, fhall be entitled to have
a Certificate or Receipt from one of the Cafhiers of the Governor
and Company of the Bank of England acknowledging fuch Transfer,
which Certificate or Receipt one of fuch Cafhiers is hereby required
to give in the Form prefcribed in the Schedule to this A&t annexed
marked (C.), and which fhall be an Acquittance or Difcharge for
the Stock fo transferred: Provided always, that no Certificate granted
by the faid Officer, fhall be valid and effectual to enable the Transfer
any Bank Annuities under the Provifions of this Act, after the
Expiration of Five Days from the Date of fuch Certificate,

VIII. And be it further enacted, That in every Cafe where any fuch Bank Annuities fhall be transferred as the Confideration for the Purchase of an Annuity on the Continuance of a tingle Life, the Perfon or Perfons purchafing fuch Life Annuity fhall, on the Transfer of the faid Bank Annuities to the faid Commillioners, be entitled, according to the Age of his, her, or their Nominee, and the average Price (to be afcertained as herein-before is directed) of fuch Three Pounds per Centum Confolidated Bank Annuities (if the Transfer fhall be made in that Stock, or if the Transfer fhall be made in Three Pounds per Centum Reduced Bank Annuities, then according to the average Price of that Stock) on the Day next preceding the Day of the Date of the Certificate to be granted by fuch Officer as aforefaid (in cafe there fhall have been any Sale or Purchase at the Bank of England of Stock of the like Defcription as that transferred for the Purchase of the Annuity on fuch next preceding Day, or otherwife on the nearest preceding Day on which there fhall have been any Sale or Purchase at the Bank of England of Stock of the like Defcription) to receive, during the Continuance of the Life of fuch Nominee (whether the Perfon or one of the Perfons purchafing fuch


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Purchafers of Life Annuities on the Con

tinuance of Two Lives fhall be entitled to the Annuities fpecified in Schedule (E.)

Annuities fhall be accepted in the Bank Books.


Annuitants may make further Purchases on Lives of original Nominees, without fresh Certificates.

Annuity fhall be the Nominee or not) for every One hundred Pounds of fuch Bank Annuities, and fo in proportion for any greater Sum than One hundred Pounds transferred to the faid Commiffioners, a Life Annuity of fuch annual Amount as is specified in the Table in the Schedule to this Act annexed marked (D.)

IX. And be it further enacted, That in every Cafe where any fuch Bank Annuities fhall be transferred as the Confideration for the Purchafe of an Annuity on the Continuance of Two Lives, and the Life of the longer Liver of them, the Perfon or Perfons purchafing fuch Life Annuity, fhall, on the Transfer of the faid Bank Annuities to the faid Commiffioners, be entitled, according to the Ages of his, her, or their refpective Nominees, and the average Price (to be afcertained as herein-before is directed) of fuch Three Pounds per Centum Confolidated Bank Annuities (if the Transfer fhall be made in that Stock, or if the Transfer fhall be made in Three Pounds per Centum Reduced Bank Annuities, then according to the average Price of that Stock) on the Day next preceding the Day of the Date of the Certificate to be granted by fuch Officer as aforefaid (in cafe there fhall have been any Sale or Purchafe at the Bank of England of Stock of the like Defcription as that transferred for the Purchase of the Annuity on fuch next preceding Day, or otherwife on the neareft preceding Day on which there fhall have been any Sale or Purchafe at the Bank of England of Stock of the like Defcription) to receive during the Continuance of the Lives of fuch Two Nominees, and of the Life of the longer Liver of them, (whether the Perfons or Perfon, or one of the Perfons purchafing fuch Annuity, fhall be the Nominees or one of the Nominees or not) for every One hundred Pounds of fuch Bank Annuities, and fo in proportion for any greater Sum than One hundred Pounds transferred to the faid Commiffioners, a Life Annuity of fuch annual Amount as is fpecified in the Tables in the Schedule to this Act annexed marked (E.)

X. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That every Life Annuity fo purchafed as aforefaid, fhall be accepted at the Bank of England by the Perfon or Perfous purchafing the fame, or by fome other Perfon or Perfons duly authorized on his, her, or their Behalf, before he, fhe, or they fhall be entitled to receive the fame.

XI. Provided alfo, and be it further enacted, That it fhall not be lawful for any Perfon or Perfons to transfer for the Purchase of a Life Annuity any lefs Sum than One hundred Pounds, nor any fractional Part lefs than One Pound of fuch Bank Annuities: Provided alfo, that in every Cafe where the Calculation of the Amount of any Life Annuity, according to the Provifions of this Act, fhall produce a Fraction less than Sixpence, the fractional Part of the faid Annuity lefs than Sixpence fhall be taken from the Amount thereof, and fhall not be inferted in the Certificate to be granted by the faid Officer, or be payable at the Bank of England.

XII. Provided alfo, and be it further enacted, That whenever any Perfon or Perfons who fhall have purchafed an Annuity for the Life or Lives of any Nominee or Nominees, fhall be afterwards defirous of purchafing any further Annuity or Annuities on the Life or Lives of the fame Nominece or Nominees, the original Certificates and Affi. davits produced at the Time of the Purchafe of the first Annuity, fhall be deemed fufficient to authorize the Officer to be appointed as aforefaid, and he is hereby required from Time to Time to grant to


the Perfon or Perfons applying to him in this Behalf fuch Certificates as by this Act are directed, for the Purpose of enabling fuch Perfon or Perfons to transfer any Bank Annuities for the Purchase of fuch further Life Annuity or Annuities, without his, her, or their being required to produce any fresh Certificates or Affidavits in regard to the Birth or Baptifm, or other Particulars aforefaid, refpecting fuch Nominee or Nominees; and the Certificates fo to be granted by the said Officer, shall be valid and effectual to enable fuch Perfon or Perfons to transfer any Bank Annuities for the Purchase of such further Life Annuity or Annuities, and to entitle him, her, or them to fuch Certificates and Receipts from the Cashier of the Bank of England in like Manner as if the fame had been granted upon the Production of the original Certificates and Affidavits.

XIII. Provided also, and be it further enacted, That the total Amount of any Annuity or Annuities to be granted upon the Continuance of the Life of any one Nominee, whether fuch Nominee shall have any beneficial Intereft therein or not, fhall in no Cafe (except as herein-after excepted) exceed the annual Sum of One thousand Pounds, and that the total Amount of any Annuity or Annuities to be granted upon the Continuance of the Lives of any Two Nominees, and of the Life of the longer Liver of them, shall in no Cafe, except as aforefaid, exceed the annual Sum of One thousand five hundred Pounds: Provided nevertheless, that if any fuch Annuity or Annuities fhall have been purchased in the Name or Names of any Perfon or Perfons who fhall have no beneficial Intereft, prefent, future, or contingent, direct or indirect therein, and any fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall thereafter become defirous of purchafing any Annuity or Annuities boná fide for his, her, or their own Ufe and Benefit, and for his, her, or their own Lives refpectively, it fhall be lawful for fuch. Perfon or Perfons to prove the aforefaid Circumftances by good and legal Proof upon Affidavit, Affirmation, or otherwise, before any fuch Magistrate or Juftice of the Peace as aforefaid, and fuch Affidavit or, Affirmation duly certified by fuch Magiftrate or Juftice, fhall be produced to the Officer appointed as aforefaid, and he fhall thereupon proceed to grant his Certificate, and such Perfon or Perfons fhall be entitled to purchase any Annuity or Annuities, not exceeding the Sums aforefaid, in each Cafe refpectively over and above, and notwithstanding any fuch former Annuity or Annuities before purchased in the Name or Names of fuch Perfon or Perfons.

XIV. And be it further enacted, That fuch Perfon or Perfons as is or are, or fhall from Time to Time be nominated and appointed by the faid Commiffioners to accept Transfers of Stock made to them under the Provifions of the faid recited Acts, or any of them, is and are hereby authorized and enabled to accept the Transfer of any Bank Annuities which shall be transferred to the faid Commiffioners, for the Purchase of Life Annuities under the Provifions of this Act; and that the Dividends payable from Time to Time in refpect of the Bank Annuities which shall be so transferred, fhall be received by the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, and be placed to the Account of the faid Commiffioners, and fhall conftitute Part of the Funds which fhall from Time to Time be applicable by the faid Commiffioners to the Reduction of the National Debt, by virtue of the faid recited A&t of the Forty-fecond Year of His prefent Majefty's Reign; and the Life Annuities fo purchased, shall be charged and chargeable upon the faid Funds, and shall be paid and payable at the 48 Geo. III.

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