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Bank fhall advance and pay into the Exchequer a further

Sum of 500,000l. for Service of 1808.

Whenever Balance remaining in the Bank for

Unclaimed Dividends or Lottery

Prizes, (exclufive of the faid Sums advanced by the Bank,)

fhall be lefs than

100,000l. fuch deficiency fhall

be made up to the Bank by a Payment from the Exchequer.

ther Sum of Five hundred thousand Pounds fhould be advanced for the Service of the Publick out of fuch Balances, without any Intereft for the fame, on condition that if at any Time the Balances remaining in the Hands of the Cafhier of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, of Sums iffued to him for the Payment of Dividends on account of the National Debt, which shall have been due and not demanded, and of Sums iffued to the faid • Governor and Company for the Payment of fuch Lottery Prizes or Benefits not claimed as aforefaid, fhall be reduced to a lefs Sum than One hundred thousand Pounds, exclufively of the faid Sums of Three hundred and feventy-fix thoufand feven hundred and thirty-nine Pounds, and Five hundred thousand Pounds as aforefaid, then and in fuch Cafe fo much of the Monies, advanced in purfuance of this Act, as fhall be equal to the Sum by which the faid Balances, exclufive of the faid Sums of Three hundred and feventy• fix thousand seven hundred and thirty-nine Pounds, and Five hundred thousand Pounds, fhall be lefs than the Sum of One hundred thousand Pounds, fhall be repaid to the faid Governor and Company; We therefore Your Majefty's moft dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland in Parliament affembled, do moft humbly befeech Your Majefty, That it may be enacted;' and be it enacted by the King's most Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the faid Governor and Company fhall on or before the Fifth Day of April One thoufand eight hundred and eight, pay or caufe to be paid into the Receipt of His Majefty's Exchequer, out of the Balances in their Hands of Sums iffued for the Payment of Dividends due and not demanded, and of fuch unclaimed Lottery Prizes or Benefits as aforefaid, the Sum of Five hundred thousand Pounds; which faid Sum of Five hundred thoufand Pounds fhall be applicable to the Services of the Year One thoufand eight hundred and eight, and to be at the Difpofition of Parliament.

II. And be it further enacted, That if at any Time hereafter the Monies remaining in the Hands of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, or their Cafhier or Cashiers, which have been iffued to him or them for the Payment of all or any Annuities or Dividends to the Creditors of the Publick, in purfuance of the feveral Acts of Parliament in that Behalf, due and not demanded, and for the Payment of fuch Unclaimed Lottery Prizes or Benefits as aforefaid, fhall be reduced to a lefs Sum than One hundred thoufand Pounds, exclufive of fuch Sums of Three hundred and feventy-fix thousand feven hundred and thirty-nine Pounds, and Five hundred thousand Pounds as aforefaid, the faid Governor and Company or their Cahier or Cahiers fhall forthwith tranfmit a Certificate of the fame to the Commiffioners of the Treafury or the Lord High Treasurer for the Time being, and alfo to the Auditor of the Exchequer for the Time being, containing a true Statement of the Amount to which the faid Monies fhall then be reduced; and that forthwith on the fame Day on which any fuch Certificate containing fuch Statement as aforefaid fhall be prefented to the faid Auditor at the Receipt of the Exchequer, the faid Auditor fhall make out a proper Debenture, directing the Payment of fuch Sum of Money


as it fhall appear by fuch Certificate the faid Balances fhall be reduced under One hundred thousand Pounds, which faid fum of Money fhall be forthwith on the fame Day iffued and paid out of any Money in the Receipt of the Exchequer of the Aids or Supplies granted to His Majefty for the Service of the current Year or of any preceding Year, or out of any Monies arifing from the Surplus of the Confolidated Fund, which may remain at the End of any Quarter for the Difpofition of Parliament; and every fuch Debenture being carried to the Clerk of the Pells fhall be forthwith recorded in the ufual Method in which Debentures are by him recorded; and thereupon the Teller or Tellers on whom any fuch Debenture fhall be charged, fhall, upon the fame being prefented to him or them, immediately pay or caufe to be paid to the faid Cafhier or Cafhiers the Sum contained in fuch Debenture accordingly; and in cafe after the Repayment of any Part of the Monies which fhall have been advanced under the faid recited Act and this Act, the faid Balances fhall at any Time be again further reduced, in fuch Cafe, as often as the fame shall happen, fuch a further Sum fhall in like Manner be repaid to the faid Governor and Company as fhall keep Balances in the Hands of the faid Cafhier for the Payment of any Annuities or Dividends due and not demanded as aforefaid, and of fuch Unclaimed Lottery Prizes or Benefits as aforefaid, of One hundred thoufand Pounds.

III. Provided always, and be it further enacted, That in cafe after the Repayment of any Part of the faid Sum of Five hundred thoufand Pounds to the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, under the Provifions of this Act, there fhall be any Excefs of the Balances arifing as aforefaid in the Hands of the Cafhier of the faid Governor and Company, above the faid Sum of One hundred thousand Pounds, and fuch Excefs fhall have continued for the Space of Six Months, then and in every fuch Cafe a Sum, equal to fuch Excefs, fhall from Time to Time be again advanced by the faid Governor and Company, under the like Conditions as are herein-before prescribed for the Original Payment of the faid Sum of Five hundred thoufand Pounds into His Majefty's Exchequer, until the whole Sum due on Account of Advances made by the faid Governor and Company under the Provifions of this Act, fhall have again amounted to the Sum of Five hundred thousand Pounds, exclufive of the faid Sum of Three hundred and feventy-fix thoufand feven hundred and thirty-nine Pounds.

IV. And be it further enacted, That the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England, fhall, within Thirty Days after the Meeting of Parliament in every Year, cause an Account to be laid before Parliament, of the Amount of the Balances of Sums iffued for the Payment of Dividends due and not demanded, and for the Payment of Iottery Prizes or Benefits which fhall not have been claimed, and which thall be and remain in their Hands on the Days refpectively, next before the Iflue from the Exchequer of Money for the Payment of Dividends upon Account of the National Debt for each of the Four preceding Quarters refpectively. V. And whereas by the faid recited Act it was enacted, That 'there fhould continue to be iffued and paid to the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, a Sum for Charges of Management of the Publick Debt, at the Rate of Four hundred and fifty

D 2

• Pounds

On future Ex-
cefs of Balance
above 100,000l.

Advance fhall
be again made
by the Bank, fo
as to keep up
the Amount to

500,000l. under
this Act.

Bank fhall yearly lay before Parlia ment Account

of Unclaimed Dividends.

Rate of Allow

ance to the Bank, for Management under 1 G..

c. 33. § 3.


Future Rates
payable to the
Bank for
Charges of Ma-

nagement of the
Publick Debt,

Allowances for Managem.ent fhall be calculated yearly.

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Pounds per Annum for each Million of the Capital, and at the fame Rate for all the Annuities for Terms of Years, valuing the Annuities at Twenty-five Years Purchase, as ufual, to make a nominal Capital: And whereas the Amount of the Publick Debt hath, fince the paffing of the faid Act, been very much increased; and it is therefore reasonable that new Provifions fhould be made for fixing the Rate of the Allowance for the Management of the fame, according to the Amount thereof;' Be it therefore enacted, That the faid laft-recited Provifion fhall, from and after the Fifth Day of April One thoufand eight hundred and eight, be repealed.

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VI. And be it further enacted, That from and after the Fifth Day of April One thoufand eight hundred and eight, there fhall be iffued and paid to the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England, for the Charges of Management of the faid Unredeemed Publick Debt, the Sums of Money following; that is to say; when the Whole of fuch Unredeemed Debt fhall exceed Three hundred Millions, and fhall not amount to Four hundred Millions, a Sum at the Rate of Four hundred and fifty Pounds per Annum for each Million of the Capital; and when the Whole of fuch Unredeemed Debt fhall amount to Four hundred Millions, and fhall not exceed Six hundred Millions, a Sum at the Rate of Three hundred and Forty Pounds per Annum for each Million of the Capital; and when fuch Debt fhall exceed Six hundred Millions, a Sun at the Rate of Three hundred Pounds per Annum for each Million of fuch Excefs of the Capital, the remaining Six hundred Millions continuing in fuch laftmentioned Cafe to be managed at the aforefaid Rate of Three hundred and forty Pounds per Annum for each Million: Provided always, that in eftimating as well the Whole Amount of fuch Unredeemed Debt as the Sums refpectively to be paid for the Management thereof, Annuities for Terms of Years fhall be taken into the Ac. count, and shall be valued at Twenty-five Years Purchase, as ufual, to make a nominal Capital.

"Charges due fhall be paid up to April 5, 1808. § 7.”

VIII. And be it further enacted, That as foon after the Fifth Day of April One thousand eight hundred and eight; as conveniently may be, there fhall be made out at the Exchequer, an Account of the Total Capital of Unredeemed Debt, as it fhall ftand on the faid Fifth Day of April One thousand eight hundred and eight; and the Allowance for the Management of the Unredeemed Publick Debt for the Year ending the Fifth Day of April One thoufand eight hundred and nine, fhall be computed on the faid Capital, as it flood on the faid Fifth Day of April One thousand eight hundred and eight, and fhall be paid to the faid Governor and Company in one Sum before the Fifth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and nine; and the Allowance for Management fhall be computed and paid in like manner in every fucceeding Year.


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An Act for repealing an Act made in the Forty-feventh Year
of His prefent Majefty, intituled, An Act for fufpending the
Operation of an Act of the Thirty-fixth Year of His prefent
Majefly, for the further Support and Maintenance of Curates
within the Church of England, and for other Purpofes in
the faid Act mentioned, fo far as relates to the Avoidance of
Benefices by the Incumbents thereof having accepted augmented
[27th February 1808.]


HEREAS by an act passed in the Forty-feventh Year of the 47 G. 3. Rt. 2. Reign of His prefent Majefty, intituled, An A&t for suspending c.75. the Operation of an A of the Thirty-fixth Year of His prefent Majefty, for the further Support and Maintenance of Curates within the Church of England, and for other Purposes in the faid Aa mentioned fo far as relates to the Avoidance of Benefices by the Incumbents thereof having accepted augmented Curacies; it was ' enacted, that all Perfons who upon or at any Time after the First 'Day of the then present Seffion of Parliament, were or had been the lawful Incumbents of any Benefices, fhould, notwithstanding they had accepted fuch augmented Cures, but without Prejudice to the 'Avoidance or Right of Prefentation arifen from any other Caufe, ' remain and be the Incumbents of fuch Benefices until the Fortieth Day of the then next Seffion of Parliament, or until the Death or Ceffion of fuch Incumbent refpectively, or other lawful Caufe of Avoidance of fuch Benefices refpectively, other than the Acceptance of fuch augmented Cures refpectively: And whereas it is expedient that the faid Act fhould be repealed;' Be it therefore enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the faid Act, made in the Forty-feventh Year of His Recited At prefent Majefty, fhall be and the fame is hereby wholly repealed; repealed. and that all Prefentations, Inftitutions, and Inductions to Benefices that were made or had taken place at any Time during the last Seffion of Parliament, under the faid Act of the Thirty-fixth of His prefent Majefty, fhall be good and effectual in Law to all Intents and Purposes, in the fame Manner as if the faid Act of the Forty-feventh of His prefent Majefty had never been paffed, any Thing therein contained to the contrary notwithstanding: Provided always, that the Time during which any Sufpenfion fhall by virtue of the faid laft mentioned Act have taken place of any Prefentation or Inftitution, or of the Effect of any Prefentation or Inftitution, shall not be reckoned as Part of the Time during which there hath been a Vacancy in any Question of Lapfe,


An Act to continue until the End of this Seffion of Parliament, several Acts for carrying into Execution the Treaty of 37 G.3. c. 9% Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, between His Majesty and the United States of America. [27th February 1808.]

[blocks in formation]


25 G. 3. e. 31. [And fee 47 G.3. ftat. 1. c. 56.]

Mode of applying for Money from the Treafury for the Department of

Commiffioners of the Navy.


An Act for raifing the Sum of Ten Millions five hundred
thoufand Pounds, by Exchequer Bills, for the Service of
Great Britain for the Year One thousand eight hundred and
[11th March 1808.]
"Treafury empowered to raise 10,500,000l. by Exchequer Bills,
"as prescribed by 48 G. 3. c. 1.—§ 1, 2. The Principal of faid Bills
"charged on the firft Supplies for the next Seffion. § 3. Interest
"thereon 3d. per Cent. per Diem. § 4. Said Bills fhall be current at
"the Exchequer, &c. after April 5, 1809. § 5. Bank of England
"empowered to advance 6,500,000l. on Credit of this Act. § 6.
"Act may be altered or repealed this Seffion. § 7."



An Act to amend an Act of the Twenty-fifth Year of His
prefent Majefty, for better regulating the Office of the
Treasurer of His Majefty's Navy. [11th March 1808.]
HEREAS by an Act paffed in the Twenty-fifth Year of
His Majefty's Reign, for regulating the Office of Treasurer
of His Majefty's Navy, it is provided that the faid Treasurer, in all
Memorials to be by him prefented to the Treasury for Naval
Services, fhall tranfmit with each Memorial a Copy of the Letter
from each of the Naval Boards refpectively, directing him to apply
for the Sums wanted, in which Letters the faid Commiffioners are
required to fpecify for what particular Services the faid Sums are
wanted, and fhall alfo ftate the Balances then in the Hands of the
• Treasurer, under each Head of Service refpectively; And whereas
the good Effects intended thereby will be equally well obtained in
the Department of the Commiffioners of the Navy, by the Requests
being made and the Balances ftated on two Heads of Service only,
• as recommended by the Commiffioners for Naval Enquiry, in their
Tenth Report, in which cafe the Money granted for the Ufe of
His Majefty's Navy would be applied with greater Readiness and
Facility when wanted;' Be it therefore enacted by the King's most
Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords
Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament
affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after
the First Day of March One thoufand eight hundred and eight, as
often as Money fhall be wanted for Services in the Department of the
Commiffioners of the Navy, the faid Commiffioners fhall by Letter
direct the Treasurer of the Navy to apply to the Treafury for such
Sum or Sums as fhall be wanted under the Head of "Wages" or of
"General Services" refpectively, and no other; in which Letter the
faid Commiffioners fhall, and they are hereby required and directed to
fpecify the Balances in the Hands of the Treafurer of the Navy, in
each of thefe Services refpectively, in the Manner following; that
is to fay, the Balance on the Head of General Services shall be
fpecified as it fhall ftand on the Day when the Letter fhall be fo
written as aforefaid by the faid Commiffioners to the Treasurer of the
Navy, and the Balance on the Head of Wages fhall be specified as
it fhall have flood on the Saturday preceding the Date of the faid
Letter; a Copy of which Letter shall be tranfmitted by the Treasurer

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