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brought from the Dominions of the Crown of Portugal in Veffels owned and navigated according to Law, and have been admitted to Entry or warehoufed in the fame Manner, and fubject to the fame Duties only, as if the fame had been imported in Britishbuilt Veffels, owned and navigated according to Law: And whereas fuch Goods have been fo entered and warehoufed, in obe'dience to Orders of Council and Warrants of the Commiffioners of His Majesty's Treafury, which it has been deemed expedient under the Circumstances to iffue for fuch Purpofes; which Orders and Warrants, and the Proceedings thereupon, were not authorized by Law; but it is expedient, under the Circumftances, that the fame hould be authorized by Act of Parliament; and it is alfo expedient that the Importation of Goods from Countries from which the British Flag is excluded, fhould be allowed for a limited Time any Veffels; be it therefore enacted,' &c.

"All Importations, Admiflions to Entry, and warehoufing, &c. of "Goods made previous to this Act under Orders in Council or "Warrants of Treafury declared lawful, and the Perfons concerned "therein indemnified. § 1. Goods which have been or fhall be brought "into Port in confequence of fuch Orders in Council may be landed, "and the Ships fhall not be liable to Forfeiture, &c. § 2."

III. And be it further enacted, That it fhall be lawful for His Majefty, by Order in Council or Licence, and in Ireland for the Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors, and the Privy Council of Ireland, by Order in Council or Licence, when and as often as the fame fhall be judged expedient, to permit during the Continuance of Hoftilities, and until Two Months after the Commencement of the next Seffion of Parliament, any fuch Goods, Wares, or Merchandize as fhall be specified in fuch Order in Council or Licence, to be imported, into any Port of Great Britain or Ireland refpectively, from any Port or Place from which the British Flag is excluded, in any Ship or Veffel belonging to ary Country, whether in Amity with His Majefty or not; any Law in force in the United Kingdom, or in Great Britain or Ireland respectively, to the contrary in anywife notwithstanding.

IV. Provided always, That nothing herein contained fhall extend, or be conftrued to extend, to exempt from Seizure any Goods or Commodities which fhall be unfhipped, or attempted to be unfhipped for the Purpose of being illegally conveyed on Shore, or before due Entry fhall have been made thereof.

"A&t may be altered or repealed this Seffion. § 5."


An Act for granting Annuities to fatisfy certain Exchequer [14th April 1808.]

Bills. "The Intereft on Exchequer Bills under 47 G. 3. f. 1. c. 2. 47 G. 3. "f. 2. c. 28. and c. 73. which fhall be carried to Exchequer “Office before March 18th, 1808, fhall be paid; and the Holders "fhall receive Certificates to the Bank entitling them at their Option "for every 100/. either to 105/. in the Five per Cent. Annuities from 5th January 1808; or to 631. 55. in the faid 5 per Cent. together "with 50% in the 4 per Cent. from 5th April 1808; provided the "Amount of Exchequer Bills exchanged fhall not exceed Four 48 Geo. III.




His Majefty, &c. empowered during Hoftilitics &c. to permit

Goods to be Veffels from any imported in any Port from which the British Flag is excluded.

Goods fraudulently conveyed on Shore shall be feized.

Penalty on
Certificates, &c.
Felony without

"Millions. §1. Exchequer Office fhall receive and cancel fuch Ex-
"chequer Bills, on granting fuch Certificates. § 2. Certificates fhall
"entitle Parties to the Annuities accordingly. §3. Payable out of
"the Confolidated Fund. §4. Certificates may be affignable before
"Auguft 1, 1808. 5. Bank, on receiving Certificates, fhall give
"Credit in their Books for the Capital Stock therein mentioned;
"which Stock may be transferred, &c. § 6. Exchequer fhall from
"Time to Time iffue Money to the Bank for Payment of the
"Annuities. § 7. Accountant General fhall examine Cashiers Ac-
"counts. § 8. Money converted into Five per Cent. Annuities fhall
"be added to the Joint Stock of Five per Cents. already eftablished.
And Money converted into Four per Cent. Annuities fhall be
"added to the Joint Stock of Four per Cents. § 10.
Mode of trans-
"ferring Stock. § 11."

XII. And be it further enacted, That if any Perfon or Perfons fhall forge or counterfeit, or caufe or procure to be forged or counterfeited, or fhall willingly act or aflift in the forging or counterfeiting any Certificate or Certificates directed to be made out by this Act, or any Affignment thereof, or Indorsement thereon, or fhall alter any Number, Figure, or Word, in any fuch Certificate, or in any Alignment thereof, or Indorfement thereon, or utter or publish as true any fuch falfe, forged, counterfeited, or altered Certificate or Certificates, or Affignment or Affignments thereof, or Indorsement or Indorsements thereon, with Intent to defraud His Majefty or the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, or any Body Politick or Corporate, or any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, every fuch Perfon or Perfons fo forging or counterfeiting, or caufing or procuring to be forged or counterfeited, or willingly acting or aflifting in the forging or counterfeiting, or altering, uttering, or publishing as aforefaid, being thereof convicted in due form of Law, fhall be adjudged guilty of Felony, and fhall fuffer Death as a Felon, without Benefit of Clergy.

"Bank fhall continue a Corporation for the purposes of this Act, "until Redemption of faid Annuities. § 13. No Fee for Transfers, "Penalty 201. § 14. Bank, &c. fhall receive a Compenfation from Treafury for their Services. § 15. General Iffue. Treble Cofts. “j 16."

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An Act for increafing the Rates of Subfiftence to be paid to
Innkeepers and others on quartering Soldiers.

[14th April 1808.] "The Rates are the fame as in 41 G. 3. (U. K.) c. 35.-Continu "ance of Act from 24th March 1808 until 25th March 1809."


An Act to indemnify fuch Perfons in the United Kingdom as
have omitted to qualify themselves for Offices and Employ
、ments; and for extending the Times limited for those pur-
pofes refpectively, until the Twenty-fifth Day of March
One thoufand eight hundred and nine, and to permit fuch
Perfons in Great Britain as have omitted to make and file


Affidavits of the Execution of Indentures of Clerks to At-
tornies and Solicitors, to make and file the fame on or
before the First Day of Hilary Term One thoufand eight
hundred and nine.
[14th April 18c8.]
[See 44 Geo. 3. c. 7. and References there.].


An Act to repeal certain Duties of Excife in Ireland, and to
grant certain Stamp Duties in lieu thereof; and also cer-
tain other Stamp Duties; and to amend the Laws relating
to the Stamp Duties in Ireland.
[27th May 1808.]

Moft Gracious Sovereign,

WHEREAS it is expedient to repeal certain Excife Duties

heretofore granted to His Majefty, His Heirs and Succeffors, to be paid and payable in Ireland: And whereas in lieu of the faid Duties and towards raifing the Supplies granted to Your Majefty, and neceffary for the Support of Your Majefty's Government, 'the Commons of Great Britain and Ireland in Parliament affembled, 'have refolved to grant to Your Majefty certain new and other Du'ties on Stamped Vellum and Parchment and Paper; and do most humbly befeech Your Majefty that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the King's most Excellen Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the Expiration of One Calendar Month after the paffing of this Act, there fhall be raifed, levied, collected, and paid, in Ireland, unto His Majefty, His Heirs and Succeffors, the feveral Sums of Money and Duties of Stamps mentioned, enumerated, and defcribed, and fet forth in Words and Figures in the Schedule to this Act annexed: which faid Schedule and every Matter and Thing therein contained, fhall be deemed and taken as Part of this Act, to all Intents and Purposes whatsoever.

II. And be it further enacted, That from and after the Expiration of One Calendar Month after the palling of this Act, the Duties of Excife made payable in Ireland, by virtue of an Act made in the Forty-feventh Year of His prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Ad to grant to His Majefly certain Inland Duties of Excife and Taxes in Ireland, and to allow certain Drawbacks in refpet thereof in lieu of former Duties of Excife, Taxes, and Drawbacks, for and in refpect of any and every of the Licences mentioned, specified, and fet forth in the Schedule to this prefent Act annexed, together with the Sum of One Shilling in the Pound on the Amount of the faid Duties, fhall be and the fame are hereby repealed; and the Duties of Stamps in the faid Schedule fpecified, mentioned, and contained fhall from and after the faid Time be paid and payable in lieu and in ftead of any Duties on fuch Licences under or by virtue of the faid recited Act. III. And be it further enacted, That from and after the Expiration of One Calendar Month after the paffing of this Act fo much and fuch Parts of an Act, made in the Forty-feventh Year of His fent Majefty's Riegn, intituled, An Ad to fecure the Payment of the Duties on Licences granted to Perfons in Ireland dealing in Excifeable Commodities, as authorizes, requires, or empowers any Collector of H2

[ocr errors]

Stamp Duties in Schedule annexed to this Act granted to His Majesty.

Excife Duties

on Licences

under 47 G. 3. Seff. 1. c. 18. repealed,

as to

47 G. 3. Seff. 1. c. 35. § 3, 4. repealed preReceipt of Duty by Excife Collectors.


Licences fhall be
granted by
&c. on the

proper Stamp.

Duty on Permits under 47 G. 3. Seff. 2. c. 14. repealed.

So much of

46 G. 3. c. 64.

47 G. 3. Seff. 1. c. 50. as relates to ftamping Deeds according to their Length, repealed. [See 46 G. 3. c. 64. § 13 to 19. and

47 G. 3. Seff. 1. c. 50. § 11. and the Schedule.]

Duties of 105. & 55. on Indentures, &c.

Excife and Taxes to receive any Duty payable on fuch Licences, or to receive the Sum of One Shilling in the Pound on the Amount of fuch Duty, shall be and the fame is and are hereby repealed: and the Commiffioners of Inland Excife and Taxes in Ireland, or any one of them, or any Perfon or Perfons appointed by the faid Commiffioners, or any Three of them, fhall and may and they are hereby authorized, empowered, and required to grant fuch Licences on Vellum, Parchment, or Paper, duly ftamped with the Duty by this Act required, for any fuch Licence or Licences refpectively, to any Perfon or Perfons who fhall refpectively require the fame, without Fee or Reward; in fuch Manner and under fuch Regulations as the faid Commiffioners of Inland Excife and Taxes fhall from Time to Time order and direct, under or by virtue of the faid recited Act, or any Act or Acts in force in Ireland at the Time of granting fuch Licences refpectively.

IV. And be it further enacted, That fo much of an Act, made in the Forty-feventh Year of His prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Ad to repeal certain Duties of Excife, and alfo certain Stamp Duties, in Ireland; and to grant certain new Stamp Duties in lieu thereof; and to amend the Laws relating to the Stamp Duties in Ireland; as impofes any Duty on any Permit relative to any Excifeable or other Goods, or any Certificate of any fuch Permit, fhall, from and after the Expiration of One Calendar Month after the paffing of this A&t, be and the fame is hereby repealed.

V. And be it further enacted, That from and after the expiration of One Calendar Month after the paffing of this A&t, so much and fuch Parts of an Act, made in the Forty-fixth Year of His prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Act to repeal the feveral Duties under the Care of the Commiffioners for managing the Duties upon Stamped Vellum, Parchment, and Paper in Ireland, and to grant new and additional Duties in lieu thereof; and to amend the Laws relating to the Stamp Duties in Ireland; and alfo fo much of an Act, made in the Forty-feventh Year of His prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Ad to repeal the feveral Duties under the Care of the Commiffioners for managing the Stamp Duties in Ireland, and to grant new and additional Duties in lieu thereof; and to amend the Laws relating to the Stamp Duties in Ireland; as relates to the Number of Stamps to be impofed on any Indenture, Bond, Leafe, or other Deed, Înftrument, or Writing, according to the Quantity of Words, or according to the Number of computed Sheets, or computed Skins, of which fuch Indenture, Leafe, Bond, or other Deed, Inftrument, or Writing fhall confift fhall be and the fame is and are hereby repealed and made void; and that from and after the Expiration of fuch Calendar Month no Action or Suit fhall be commenced or brought for any Penalty incurred under the faid recited Acts, or either of them, for any Offence against fuch Parts of the faid Acts or either of them, as relates to the ftamping of any Indenture, Leafe, Bond, or other Deed, Inftrument, or Writing, according to the Quantity of Words, or according to the Number of computed Sheets, or Skins, of which the fame thall confift; any Thing in the faid recited Acts or either of them to the contrary thereof in anywife notwithstanding. VI. And be it further enacted, That the Duties of Ten Shillings and Five Shillings, in the Schedule to this A&t annexed, impofed in refpect of any Indenture, Leafe, Bond, or other Deed, Inftru


former Duties Length of the Deeds.

according to the

ment, or Writing, not otherwife charged, fhall be in lieu and in ftead in Schedule to of all Duties payable under the faid recited Acts of the Forty-fixth this Act, fhall and Forty-feventh Years of His Majefty's Reign, upon any Inden- be in lieu of ture, Leafe, Bond, or other Deed, Inftrument, or Writing, according to the Quantity of Words, or the Number of computed Sheets, of which fuch Indenture, Leafe, Bond, or other Deed, Inftrument, or Writing fhall confift: Provided always, that where by the faid recited Acts, or any other Act or Acts in force in Ireland, a Stamp Duty is impofed on any Indenture, Leafe, Bond, or other Deed, Inftrument, or Writing, in Proportion to the Amount of Rent referved, or Fine or Confideration paid, or of Money lent or paid, fuch Stamp Duty fhall be paid and payable in lieu of the Stamp Duty of Ten Shillings aforefaid; and that in refpect of each and every Skin or Piece of Vellum or Parchment or Sheet or Piece of Paper, more than One, on which fuch Indenture, Leafe, Bond, or other Deed, Inftrument, or Writing fhall be ingroffed, written, or printed, the Stamp Duty of Five Shillings fhall be paid as in cafe of an Indenture, Leafe, Bond, or other Deed, Inftrument, or Writing not chargeable according to the Amount of Rent referved, or Fine or Confideration paid, or Money lent or paid.

Duty ad

Valorem fhall be in lieu of 10s.

Duty; and Deeds paying fume fhall be chargeable with 5s. per Skin above the first Skin.



VII. Provided always, and be it enacted, That nothing herein contained fhall extend to any Exception to any Anfwer or Report Declarations, filed in any Court of Equity or any Ecclefiaftical Court in Ireland, &c. fhall nor to any Declaration, Bill, Anfwer, Plea, Replication, Rejoinder, remain Demurrer, Interrogatory, Depofition, or other Plea or Pleading, chargeable as filed in any Court in Ireland, but that every fuch Exception, Declaration, Bill, Answer, Plea, Replication, Rejoinder, Demurrer, Interrogatory, Depofition, and other Plea or Pleading, fhall be and remain chargeable with the Duties of Stamps impofed in refpect of the fame, by the faid recited Act of the Forty-feventh Year, and the Schedule thereto annexed.

VIII. And be it further enacted, That from and after the Expiration of One Calendar Month after the paffing of this Act, fo much of the faid recited Act of the Forty-feventh Year, and the faid Schedule thereto annexed, as impofes a Duty of Five Shillings for every entire Quantity of Fifteen computed Sheets contained in any Probate of any Will, or in any Letters of Adminiftration, fhall be and the fame is hereby repealed; and that no Probate of a Will nor Letters of Administration, except Adminiftrations Pendente lite, fhall be fubject and liable to any Stamp Duties other than the Duties in the Schedule in the faid Act fpecified in refpect of the Value of the Eltate to which fuch Probate or Administration fhall relate; and that no Letter of Administration De bonis non fhall be liable to any Duty under the faid recited Act or this Act; and that any Administration Pendente lite fhall be liable only to the Duty of Ten Pounds in the Schedule to the faid Act specified; any Thing in the faid recited Act to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithstanding.

Duties on

Probates and

de bon is non, &
Pendente lite.


&c. in Schedule to 47 G. 3.

Seff. 1. c. 50. & § 15. repealed.

IX. And be it further enacted, That from and after the Expira- Duty on tion of One Calendar Month after paffing this Act, so much of the faid recited Act of the Forty-feventh Year and the Schedules thereto annexed, as impofes any Duty in refpect to any Certificate to be taken out by any Special Pleader, Draftfman in any Court of Equity, Conveyancer, Scrivener, or any other Perfon who, for or in Expectation any Fee, Gain, or Reward, fhall draw or prepare any ConveyH 3



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