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extended the good fellowship of the physicians of New York to the physicians of Connecticut. Colonel N. G. Osborn of the New Haven Register finished the speech making for the evening. Among the physicians present from out of the State were Dr. T. M. Fox, New York City; Dr. I. J. Prouty, Keene, New Hampshire; Dr. W. H. Aldrich, Marlborough, N. H., and Dr. E. B. Silvers, Rahway, N. J.

[blocks in formation]

THE WINDHAM COUNTY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION.-The 103d annual meeting of this Association was held at the Bugbee House, Putnam, April 14th, 1896, thirteen members being present. After remarks by the President the new members admitted were Geo. Wm. May, M.D., Willimantic; Henry R. Lowe, M.D., Woodstock Valley; F. W. Chapin, M.D., New York and Pomfret (re-admitted); Ezra B. Pike, M.D. (transferred from Litchfield Co. Society); Chas. Milo Knight Chaplin, M. D. The resolutions of the New Haven County Medical Association concerning boards and granting diplomas were concurred with. The officers elected for the year 1896-97 were: President, Dr. F. E. Guild; Vice-president, Dr. H. L. Hammond; Secretary and Treasurer, Dr. W. H. Judson; Censors, Drs. L. Holbrook, T. M. Hills, E. H. Davis; Reporter, T. M. Hills; Fellows, Drs. L. Holbrook, F. A. Morrell, H. L. Hammond, T. B. Overlook; Alternates, Drs. Edwin A. Hill, R. Robinson, A. E. Darling, Fred H. Rodger, E. B. Pike; Delegates to American Medical Association, Drs. T. R. Parker, A. Tanner, A. D. David; Essayist 1897, Dr. A. D. Davis; Alternate, Dr. Omer LaRue. Delegates to County Associations-Hartford, Dr. C. J. Fox; Litchfield, Drs. F. E. Guild; Tolland, Dr. C. M. Knight; Middlesex, Dr. T. M. Hills; Fairfield, Dr. E. H. Davis; New Haven, Dr. G. W. May; New London, Dr. T. R. Parker.

Dinner was then served. Afterwards Drs. Hills, Holbrook, and Morrell were appointed a committee to revise the fee tables and report next year.

A special meeting was appointed for September at the call of the President. Cases were then reported and discussions followed. The next annual meeting is to be in Willimantic at the call of the President. W. H. Judson, M.D., Clerk.

MIDDLESEX COUNTY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION.-The 104th annual meeting of this Association was held in the County Court House at Haddam on Tuesday, April 28th, 1896. Previous to

the call to order Dr. J. F. Calef exhibited under the microscope various throat cultures illustrating particularly the bacillus of diphtheria.

The Clerk called the meeting to order. Dr. Francis D. Edgerton of Middletown was elected President. Dr. Frank K. Hallock of Cromwell was elected Clerk. The minutes of the last annual meeting were read and approved. The committee on credentials reported favorably on the names proposed for membership and the following gentlemen were duly elected by ballot: Daniel A. Nolan, M. D., University of Pennsylvania 1895, of Middletown; James Murphy, M.D., Med. -Chirurg., Philadelphia 1895, of Portland; Lewis Maitland, M. D., University of Pennsylvania 1895, of Middletown; Wm. Hugh Wilson, M. D., College Physicians and Surgeons, New York, 1877, of Middletown.

Dr. Noyes, on behalf of the committee on Subject for discussion at the next semi-annual meeting, reported the subject as being "The Lancet, Its Uses, etc." Dr. Campbell was elected Dissertator on this subject.

Dr. Hallock, of the committee on revision of the by-laws, reported progress.

Dr. Kate C. Mead of Middletown read the following paper "Abdominal Massage in the Treatment of Certain Uterine Diseases." After brief discussion the paper was recommended for publication to the State Society.

Dr. J. Francis Calef of Middletown read a paper on "How Shall Testamentary Capacity and Criminal Responsibility be Determined by our Courts." After brief discussion it was recommended for publication to the State Society.

Dr. Frank K. Hallock of Cromwell read a paper entitled "Notes on Goitre and Thyroid Feeding." After brief discussion it was recommended for publication to the State Society.

Adjournment for dinner.

The election of Fellows resulted as follows:


J. F. Calef, M.C. Hazen, M. W. Plumstead, H.T. French, H. Field. Alternates--Drs. C. A. Sears, K. C. Mead, G. N. Lawson, F. S. Smith, F. E. Potter. Delegates to American Medical Association, Drs. F. K. Hallock, Albert Field, J. F. Calef. Delegates to County Associations-Hartford, Dr. F. S. Smith, Dr. H. T. French; New Haven, Dr. F. E. Condert, Dr. F. D. Edgerton; New London, Dr. M. C. Hazen, Dr. J. H. Grannis; Fairfield, Dr. M. W. Plumstead, Dr. C. A. Sears; Windham, Dr. R. C. Downey, Dr. W. H. Wilson; Lichfield, Dr. F. E. Potter, Dr. James Murphy; Tolland, Dr. S. W. Noyes, Dr. E. Bidwell.

Dr. M. C. Hazen was elected Censor in place of Dr. F. B. Look. Dr. M. W. Plumstead reported a case of lymphatic oedema secondary to cancer of the breast.

Dr. F. S. Smith reported a case and also brought up some points in medical ethics for discussion at some future time.

The following members were present: Drs. M. C. Hazen, F. D. Edgerton, S. W. Noyes, J. F. Calef, Kate C. Mead, F. E. Potter, C. A. Sears, Albert Field, G. N. Lawson, F. E. Condert, A. J. Campbell, E. Mathewson, H. T. French, F. S. Smith, M. W. Plumstead, R. C. Downey, W. H. Wilson, Lewis Maitland and F. K. Hallock. Frank Kirkwood Hallock, Clerk.

Total, 19.




LITCHFIELD COUNTY MEDICAL annual meeting of this Association was held at Litchfield, April 28. Besides the President and Clerk there were twelve members present, and the Health Officer of the County by special invitation. The death of Dr Harry M. Burtch of Salisbury, February 12th, was announced and a sketch of his life read by the Clerk.

Dr. L. Duncan Bulkley of Norfolk was appointed a delegate to the American Medical Association. Dr. MacLaren was appointed member of the nominating committee at the meeting of State Society, May 27th. Much interest was expressed in this meeting of the State Society. Drs. L. J. Pons and L. Y. Ketcham were honorably discharged, and Dr. W. W. Knight dropped from the roll. Dr. E. B. Pike had been transferred to Dr. Etta M. Hadley-Judd of Dr. Jerry Burwell was

the Windham County Association. Litchfield was admitted to membership. exempted from taxation.

Negligence in paying the annual dues received merited attention and condemnation.

The clerk read a historical sketch of the society from its earliest known date, 1767, showing from the records its development, the views and customs of the earlier membership in society matters, the succession innovations of the passing years. There is a lack of the discussion of professional matters up to 1870, at which date the society enjoyed its golden era for thirteen years. After a decline for ten years the society is showing gratifyingly new life. It numbers 49. Dr. Munger followed with personal reminiscences of some deceased members who were active thirty to sixty years ago.

The matters of professional interest brought before the meeting were very various and interesting. Dr. Munson gave an

account of his observations of the new treatment of tuberculosis by creosote and aseptolin. The effects are very speedy and rapid and full of encouragement; relief of symptoms and gain in weight marked his cases. Others ratified these observations.

Dr. Hulbert detailed a case of tubal pregnancy in which there were three attacks of pain with increasing severity at intervals of sixteen days. The third time escape of blood and decidual membranes, with profound internal hemorrhage. Operation was done. The tube had ruptured so near the uterus that it was difficult to ligate the stump. The woman succumbed in about a week from loss of blood.

Dr. Kendall rehearsed a case in which a woman fifteen and one-half years old after a pregnancy of six and one-half months discharged a hydatid mass with considerable hemorrhage. The pregnancy had been marked by hemorrhages for four and a half months, not sufficient to reduce the woman. Thirteen months before she discharged a similar mass after four months of pregnancy in which the hemorrhage was sufficient to impair her health. The discharge was preceded the day before by an exhausting flooding.

Dr. MacLaren referred to a child that day after day in the afternoon develops subcutaneous swellings in different parts of the body which subside in a few hours. The child seems well, only during the existence of the swellings he is disposed to keep quiet. There are no attending phenomena of heat, pain or itching.

Dr. Curtiss has had under observation for six weeks a child eleven years old whose only symptoms are paresis of arm and leg on same side, which is worse when she is tired. A presumptive diagnosis of anterior poliomyelitis was made by Dr. MacLaren.

Dr. Munger called attention to the occurrence of mastoid abscess with inner ear trouble and the carefulness requisite to relieve the abscess to prevent intercranial trouble.

Dr. Curtiss emphasized the teaching to do trephining at the earliest moment pus could be suspected, even if no pus were found the operation could not be regretted.

Dr. Hanmant illustrated the relief of elevated temperature (106.2°; P. 140) in a puerperal woman of two weeks with great prostration, by the douche and quinine. In this case there was reasonable doubt that the uterus was septic.

Dr. MacLaren observed that a solution of corrosive chloride of mercury strong enough to affect the placental site in a septic uterus could not be borne by the intact membrane. A normal

salt solution is all that would be required. The influence that excited nervous states and malarial infection might have in causing such elevation of temperature in puerperal women was remarked on.

The President, Dr. Pratt, illustrated the use of morphia to quell eclamptic convulsions. Patient was pregnant seven months. Pulse of 110 was brought down to 54 in five minutes. As there was tendency to repeated convulsions the uterus was emptied in a few hours. Albumin in the boiled urine stood to one-half the height of the urine in the test tube. The hot pack was used. Dr. Johnson exhibited photographs of a malformed


Dr. Kendall gave his observations of sequences to the use of protonuclein in the height of scarlatina. Patient had mild temperature for eight days. The ninth day came in with raging fever, very rapid pulse, embarrassed respiration. The next morning temperature was found to be 104 1-4°. It was immediately reduced by cold applications to 102°, and the protonuclein introduced. The temperature was controlled, rose for a very short time once to 102 3-4°, morning 100°, evening 101°. In five days was normal. There was no albuminuria, rheumatism was slight in the fourth and again in the fifth week. Milk was used as far as possible after the recommendation of Jaccoud to prevent the liability of nephritis.

Dr. Kendall narrated the case of a woman very fat but not indolent, who for a dozen or more years though living with her husband had never conceived. Menstruation had been anomalous. She suffered a protracted diarrhoea which reduced her flesh immensely. She noticed a favorable modification of the menstrual function, and wholly to her surprise after a few months she conceived and bore a mature child.

The next meeting will be held at Thomaston, July 14.

J. C. Kendall, Clerk Litchfield Co. Med. Association.

NEW HAVEN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION.-This society held its monthly meeting Wednesday evening, May 7, at the house of Dr. Sanford, President Mailhouse presiding.

Dr. Carmalt reported a case of appendicitis interesting in its rapidity. A young man had been in his usual health Friday but awoke early Saturday morning with pain in the abdomen. By Sunday morning the symptoms showed it to be a case of appendicitis. Sunday night at 11 o'clock it was deemed best to

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