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The president was empowered to appoint delegates to the American Medical and various County Associations.

Dr. Loomis showed some photographs as a result of some work he had done with the X-rays using only the incandescent lamp of his office. He spoke of its practical application.

A vote of thanks was given to the gentlemen who read papers and that the papers be requested for publication.

It was found to be the largest meeting since the organization of the society. Meeting then adjourned.

A. M.

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FAIRFIELD COUNTY MEDICAL ASSOCIATION.-The one hundred and fourth annual meeting of the Fairfield County Medical Association was held at the Barnum Institute, Bridgeport, April 14th. The President, F. B. Baker, called the meeting to order at 11 There were more than fifty members present during the session. After the minutes of the last meeting, the clerk's report was read, showing the total number of members to be one hundred and nineteen. The following officers were chosen for the ensuing year: President, J. W. Wright, Bridgeport; VicePresident, W. H. Donaldson, Fairfield; County Reporter, W. B. Coggswell, Stratford; Clerk, L. T. Day, Westport; Censors, Doctors Dunham, Watson and Baker; Dissertators, Doctors F. Schavoir and B. W. White; Fellows, Doctors A. E. Barber, J. G. Stevens, G. W. Osborn, J. F. Smith and L. T. Day; Delegates to American Medical Association, Doctors Baker, Wordin, Gray, Garlick, Geib, Day, Wright, Smith, Coggswell, Dunham, Lauder and Stevens. Doctors Toppin and Downs were appointed delegates to the New Haven County meeting. The delegates to the Hartford County meeting were Doctors Wilson and Lauder.

The following were elected to membership in the Society: Charles F. Craig, M.D., Yale '94, Danbury; John A. Wade, M.D., Bellevue '93., Danbury; Andrew M. Ewing, M.D., C. M. Trinity University '86, M. R. C. S. '88, Fairfield; Ernest H. Smith, M.D., P. and S. '89, Redding; Henry C. Sherer, M.D., University of New York '92, Norwalk; John T. Kennedy, University of New York '94, South Norwalk.

A communication from the New Haven Medical Society, in regard to the revision of the "Practice Act," was read by the clerk. Dr. J. W. Wright was heartily in favor of adopting a system of examinations like those in vogue in New York State. The action of the New Haven Medical Society was indorsed and the Legislative Committee requested to revise the Medical Practice Act.

Motion was made and passed that a tax be imposed on all members of the Society to defray the expenses of the annual banquet and incidentals.

An excellent lunch was served in the Bridgeport Medical Society room.

The afternoon session was called to order at two o'clock, with Vice-President J. W. Wright in the chair. The February and April issues of the YALE MEDICAL JOURNAL, containing an article by N. E. Wordin, M. D., entitled "A Porro-Cæsarean Operation for Pregnancy Complicated with Fibroid of the Uterus," and an article by R. Lauder, M. D., entitled "Extra-Uterine Pregnancy," were distributed to all those present.

A. L. House, M.D., Yale '95, Nichols, and J. Adams, M.D., Bellevue '95, Bridgeport, were proposed for membership. Motion was made and carried instructing the President to select a subject for the next annual meeting and that different members be assigned various portions of the subject. "Tuberculosis" was the subject selected.

The County Reporter read an appropriate memorial of the late Dr. Weeks. He also cited three cases; the first was a ruptured spleen followed by recovery; another a fractured clavicle in his own child. The child was present and Dr. Hexamer demonstrated his method of applying the bandage. The two points to which he wished to call attention were, first, that the child's hand be free; second, that the adhesive plasters should not be applied to the skin; the third case was the digital removal of a medium sized safety pin from the pharynx of a child fourteen months old.

Doctors Bennett, Burke, Wordin and Lynch were unable to be present and their papers were not read.

Dr. George Henry Fox of New York, was then introduced. His subject was "Practical Hints in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Skin Diseases." He said he should speak chiefly of Syphilis, the signs of which are written on the skin as plainly as it would be if each illustration was marked "Syphilis." He divided the signs of syphilis into two groups—the early and the late. The former were usually disseminated while the later were unsymmetrical and localized. He then displayed about one hundred well selected views in order that all might read. There were many clear pictures of the early lesions as chancres, macular-syphilides, maculo-papules and papular syphilides which could be readily diagnosed by their fleshy feel. Other slides showed the frequency of the pustular syphilides in persons of low vitality.

In nearly all cases the syphilides were arranged in a circinate form. Several slides showed the characteristic scaling papules on the palms and soles. Among the slides showing the late lesions of syphilis were some vegetating growths, ulcers of the skin, scaly pustules of hands and feet, all of which displayed the characteristic circinate arrangement or the scolloped borders. He predicted that in a few years many of the severe lesions would not be seen as the profession is recognizing the early signs of syphilis and is using more care in the administration of mercury. No disease is so amenable to treatment but we are inclined to rely entirely on mercury and the iodides. But in many cases the constitution is so weak it cannot respond to the drugs, so they should be stopped for two weeks and the patient should be sent into the fresh air and fed on milk, eggs, beef, etc. Dr. Fox closed his remarks by relating an obstinate case and emphasizing the fact that the care of the general health is of the utmost importance from the beginning. A vote of thanks was extended to Dr. Fox and the society adjourned to the auditorium to listen to an interesting paper on "Parasites in Carcinoma," by Charles F. Craig, M.D., of Danbury. Meeting then adjourned.

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NEW HAVEN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION.-The regular meeting of this association was held on Wednesday evening, April 1st, at Stewart's cafè, Dr. W. G. Daggett presiding, President Mailhouse and Vice-Presidents O'Connor and Ferris being absent. The meeting was very interesting and instructive, the members present taking active part in the discussions.

In the reporting of noteworthy cases Dr. Foote spoke of several cases of parotitis which he had attended, and which were marked by extreme weakness and a temperature as high as 103°.

Dr. Hawkes presented an example of unusual drug tolerance. He had been recently called to attend a young lady who had taken by mistake sixty drops of a mixture of equal parts of the tinctures of belladona and iodine, three different times during the course of the day, the last dose at seven o'clock.

She had thus taken in all ninety drops of both the belladonna and iodine.

When Dr. Hawkes arrived at 7:30 o'clock she showed slight signs of belladonna poisoning, dry throat and dilated pupils, but none of iodine. The stomach was washed out with coffee. No harm came from the mistake.

Dr. Gilbert reported a case where a severe eruption had occurred on the body of a patient who had received absolutely nothing except five grains of tannic acid for hemorrhoids.

Dr. Osborne spoke of a curious accident to a dry goods clerk, who came to his office for treatment. The clerk, while pulling violently on some tackling, felt something in his back give way, attended with much pain. When Dr. Osborne saw him, his arms were dropped straight at the side and any attempt to raise them caused him a great deal of pain. There was every indication that each latissimus dorsi had been pulled from the contiguous surface of the inferior angle of the scapula over which it glides. The man recovered the complete use of his arms in four or five days.

Dr. Osborne then read a paper on the "Use and Abuse of Quinine," in which he presented the proper field of this drug in medicine as shown by rational and clinical evidence. He also spoke upon the extent of its abuse.

In the discussion following, Dr. Foote, following out suggestions in the paper, showed the inefficacy of quinine in every case of chronic malaria, by citing cases from the Hospital, in which four grains of quinine had been given every four hours, with no effect, but when put on arsenic and quinine the same. cases improved rapidly.

Dr. Gilbert had seen a child with chills and fever grow no better on quinine but improve rapidly when put on Fowler's Solution. He also mentioned the case of a man who had taken thirty grains of quinine a day for twenty-one days, without cessation of the chills per diem which he was accustomed to have. Dr. Gilbert agreed with Dr. Osborne in thinking that the alkaloid was used too freely and used Huxham's tincture for a tonic. favored using the alkaloid in true malarial cases only.



Dr. Fleischner endorsed Dr. Gilbert's remarks heartily. believed in pushing quinine in malarial troubles to the point of cinchonism and then if this treatment is found fruitless he believed in trying something else. Dr. Wilson had often seen quinine work badly in pernicious malaria. When this happened he believed in giving lobelia.

The members of the Association had never heard of any permanent ill effects from single large doses of quinine except in one case. Dr. Gilbert knew of one lady becoming deaf. The growing prevalence of the indiscriminate and reckless use of the quinine among the laity was deprecated by the members of the Association.

The following were elected members of the Association: Doctors Howland, Wurtenberg, Brennan, Lamb, Moore, Monahan, Arnold, Pirritte, and E. S. Thomson.


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We quote from the report of the President of Yale University, for the year ending Dec. 31, 1895: "The record for the year has been a very encouraging one, with reference to the Medical Department. The number of students in attendance has increased, and their enthusiasm in the pursuit of their science, as well as their success in their work, has been especially noticeable." "The new regulations demand that, in order to the attainment of a degree, the student must have pursued medical studies for four years, and have been a student at this school at least two years. "Graduates of the academical department and the Sheffield Scientific school who have successfully pursued certain prescribed biological studies before graduation will be allowed to enter the second year class." "As an evidence of the interest of the students in their profession, and of their activity in work, the establishment and carrying forward of the YALE MEDICAL JOURNAL may be mentioned; it has proved to be quite successful and is very creditable to the young men who are pursuing their courses of study."

The Committee of Retrenchment and Reform, of New Haven, Conn., have recommended to the City authorities the issue of bonds to the amount of $50,000 for the establishment and maintenance of a hospital for contagious diseases.

Owing to the carrying out of an anti-vaccination craze to its limits, the city of Gloucester, England, is now suffering from one of the worst epidemics of small-pox occurring in recent times.

The report of the Pennsylvania Society for the Prevention of Tuberculosis shows that where there were 342 deaths per 100,000 in 1880, now there are 220 per 100,000.

Medical examinations under the new law were in force in New York April 17. It is now required that a candidate besides being twenty-one years old, of approved moral character and having the general education required as preliminary to receiving a medical degree in New York, shall be a Bachelor or Doctor of Medicine. This last is a new requirement, and its full force will be realized on January 1, 1898, when, by the same law, the course of required study in the medical schools will be increased to four years. Seventy-two candidates presented themselves last week, among whom were Germans, Italians, Cubans, one Russian, one Turk and four women. The candidates were required

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