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in plaintiff; and soon after the death of Thomas Edsell, defendant took possession, and had remained in possession ever since &c. The defendant demurred, shewing for cause, that, upon the face of the bill, it appeared that from the year 1770, which is upwards of twenty years before the filing of the bill, defendant had been in possession, and, therefore, the right of redemption was gone. The Lord Chancellor said he could not infer from the language of the bill-which was that the defendant took possession soon after 1770-that he took possession in 1770; so that it did not appear upon the face of the bill, but by the averment in the demurrer. Here the fact averred by the demurrer was the material fact on which the want of equity of the plaintiff rested. But if the demurrer uses argument in the form of an allegation of a fact, or avers facts not alleged by the bill, yet, if the apparent averments are, in reality, no more than arguments, or if the facts averred are immaterial, that is, if the equity or want of equity of the plaintiff does not depend upon the truth of those facts, the demurrer, though inartificial, is not vicious.

of England, not reported,-and a case of Jones v. The Earl of Charlemont, before the same learned judge, 28th June, 1848, also not reported *. In the first of these ing place out of the jurisdiction, that an application had cases the bill alleged, in reference to a transaction takbeen made by the plaintiff at A., for relief, against the defendant, to a local tribunal of competent jurisdiction, but that the Court had refused to make any order, and had remitted the plaintiff to the proper tribunal of appeal at B. The defendant demurred, on the ground, among others, that it appeared by the bill, that the plaintiff's application had been conclusively determined by a tribunal of competent jurisdiction. The plaintiff's counsel urged, that the bill did not allege that the application had been conclusively determined, and that the demurrer, therefore, was a speaking demurrer, averring as a fact, that which was not averred by the bill. But the Vice-Chancellor held, that the demurrer merely put a construction on the language of the bill, and did not aver a distinct fact, and was not, therefore, a speaking demurrer. So, in Jones v. Charlemont the bill, which was by certain members of a company against Cawthorn v. Chalie (2 S. & S. 127) is an instance of others, charged, that the defendants alleged that fifteen the first species of case. There the bill was by the as- persons were allottees of shares, and had paid their designee of one of two surviving partners of a partnership posits, and ought to be made parties, and then charged, composed originally of three, for an account and dissolu- that such persons had brought actions for, and recovered, tion. It alleged that there was no personal representative their deposits, and had no interest &c. The demurrer of the deceased partner; that the defendant was his only stated, that it appeared by the bill, that fifteen sharesurviving next of kin, and was entitled to administra-holders had paid their deposits, and yet such persons tion, but refused to take it out, or to permit the plain- were not made parties. Now, the bill not only, it will tiff to do so, so that plaintiff could not bring the repre. be observed, did not allege that the fifteen persons were sentative of such deceased partner before the Court. shareholders, but did not even allege that they were The defendant demurred, and said, that, by the bill, it allottees, merely charging, that the defendants alleged appeared that a representative of the deceased partner certain persons to have been allottees, and charging that was a necessary party; and then it went on to aver, such persons, without saying what character they filled, that no sufficient reason was alleged by the bill why had brought actions &c.; yet it was held, by the letters of administration had not been taken out. Yet Vice-Chancellor, on the objection that the demurrer the plaintiff did not aver that letters of administration was a speaking demurrer, that the demurrer did not had been taken out, and had not made such personal re- aver as a fact, that the fifteen persons were shareholders, presentatives parties. Now, here, the matter alleged as but put that construction on the language of the bill; fact by the demurrer, was the absence of sufficient alle- and that, though it might be an argumentative degation in the bill to shew why letters of administration murrer, it was not, as a speaking demurrer, bad. to the deceased partner had not been taken out. This was, in truth, no more than importing into the demurrer an argument upon the effect of the bill; not an averment of a fact dehors the bill, on the truth of which the equity of the bill depended. And the ViceChancellor, Sir J. Leach, said, "A speaking demurrer was, where, by way of argument or inference, the denurrer suggested a material fact which was not to be ound in the bill: that here there was much surplusage, ut no suggestion of any new material fact."

In Davies v. Williams, (1 Sim. 5), the plaintiff filed bill of revivor, stating a supplemental bill and its

The result of the authorities seems to be, that, in reality, on the question whether a demurrer is speaking or not, that which is to be looked at, is not the language of the demurrer itself, but the language of the bill referred to by the demurrer. If, on the true construction of the language of the bill, the effect of it is that which the demurrer imputes to it, though in different language, the demurrer will be merely argumentative, but not speaking. To be speaking, it must aver some fact, on the truth of which the equity turns, and which is not averred directly or by implication by the bill. Unquestionably, however, a demurrer artificially drawn,

Bill and certain proceedings under the supplemental will confine itself to a repetition of the very words of

the death of the plaintiff in the supplemental bill; he appointment of the present plaintiff and two others s his executors; and that plaintiff had alone proved, with power reserved to his co-executors. The defendrant demurred for want of sufficient equity in the bill of evivor against the defendant, and went on to say, that he supplemental bill was improper; that the plaintiff n it ought to have applied by petition; that the suplemental suit was the only one sought to be revived; nd then stated the absence of any allegation in the ill that the plaintiff's co-executors had renounced, nd objected for want of their being parties. The Court, o an argument that the demurrer was speaking, said, hat the argumentative part of it ought not to have been introduced, but that it was mere surplusage, and lid not render the demurrer a speaking demurrer. To hese cases may be added two very recent ones, in which, n another form, the same sort of point arose. The to which we allude are Lemmi v. Molander,-a ase Seard in October, 1847, before the Vice-Chancellor


the bill, leaving the construction of those words for argument at the bar.


TRINITY TERM.-11 VICTORIA.-June 29. This Court will, on Saturday, the 8th day of July next, and Monday, the 10th day of the same month, hold Sittings, and will proceed in disposing of the Motions and Applications which have been made and partly heard in the same Court, and in giving Judgment in the Cases now standing for Judgment. BY THE COURT.

*The writer was present at the argument of both these cases, but states the substance of them only from memory, not having preserved any note. He believes, however, that the statement made is substantially correct.





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Sir, Though I cannot unreservedly agree with Lord Coke, that "the common law is nothing but reason,' yet I think, with him, that some of its most "amiable and admirable secrets are to be reached only by deep diving, and I fear that you have rather hastily concluded, from an incomplete exploration of its depths, our old constitutional maxim, that the Crown can do no wrong, (not confined to the criminal law, but extending to every branch of the executive), ought to be altered in the manner you have proposed. I say that I fear this, because the suggestion recommends itself at once to our common notions of justice and humanity. The existing rule is intended to discourage negligence and to shut out fraud, which would otherwise occasion mischief far more serious than the accidental and very rarely occurring destruction of a man's character, and life or happiness, by the defective working of the social machinery, lamentable and lamented as such accidents must ever be. I am not sure even, that the alterations you suggest would not increase the amount of unredressed hardships of the kind to which you refer. At present, where a man is tried once for all, every exertion is made that the importance and finality of the occasion demand. No hesitating juror, no careless counsel, can comfort himself with the reflection, that the prisoner, if innocent, may appeal, (for your proposal cannot be carried into full effect without giving the right of appeal); no witness can hold back in the belief that his testimony, if it be important, may be brought forward at a new trial. Under the proposed system, we may expect to hear from the criminal bench, or in the jury box, expressions like those which too often proceed from the lips of a Vice-Chancellor : "I make the decree with hesitation, but I have the satisfaction of knowing, that, if I am wrong, I shall be set right in another place." How often will a carelessly convicted person, penniless, in bonds, removed from the scene of action, be able to procure funds or friends for a successful appeal?

Look now at the effect of such a change in the protection from crime and fraud of the innocent public-a much larger and more important class of innocents than that which finds its way to the docks, though too often overlooked by the advocates of humanity. Prosecutors and witnesses in posse are not easily induced to face the annoyance of a single trial. Will the prospect of a second encourage them? Above all, by what statute of frauds and perjuries will you protect the revenue from the gainful trade of fraudulent prosecutions which will spring up when the Crown is made liable in damages? A voyage to Australia at the public expense, and an honourable acquittal with 100. damages on arriving there, would be a rational object of ambition to every enterprising scoundrel. These, Sir, are some of the grounds upon which I think it probable that the severe but salutary rule in question was founded. Let us endeavour to prevent as far as possible the recurrence of those deplorable cases in which its hardship is felt, by improving the administration of the law; but let us not lose sight of prudence in striving after an unattainable perfection of humanity. DRACO.

MASTERS IN CHANCERY.-The Lord Chancellor has appointed the following gentlemen Masters Extraordinary in the high Court of Chancery:- John James Borlase, of Helston, Cornwall; Woolnough Gross, of Alderton, Suffolk; John Bullen Shepherd, of Stourge, Worcestershire.

Court Papers.


*The following abbreviations have been adopted to abridge the space the Cause Papers would otherwise have occu Appeal-C. D. Cause Day-C. Costs-D. Demurrer-E. Expied:-A. Abated-Adj. Adjourned-A. T. After Term-4p. ceptions-F. D. Further Directions-M. Motion-P. C. Pro Confesso-Pl. Plea-Ptn. Petition-R. Re-hearing-S. 0. Stand Over-Sh. Short. Court of Chancery.


Birch v. Joy (4 causes, Ap)
Att.-Gen. v. Monro

Hodgkinson v. Hodg-1 (Ap) Same v. Bannerman


Same v. Jackson


Allfrey v. Allfrey (Ap) After
Mich. Term
Wilson v. Wilson
Same v. Same
Same v. Foster

(Ap) S O Watts v. Hyde (Cause by order) Sturgis v. Same Joy v. Birch



Same v. Makant
Robinson v. Robinson (Ap)
Skipper v. King (Ap)
Moore v. Cleghorn (5 causes,
Dawes v. Betts (Ap)

Duke of Beaufort v. Morris

(Ap) SO

Christ's Hospital v. Grainger (Ap) S 0


Before the VICE-CHANCELLOR OF ENGLAND. PLEAS, Demurrers, CauseS, EXCEPTIONS, AND PURther Smith v. Hoare (D) Jones v. Earl of Charlemont Hickson v. Mainwaring (2 (D) Ladbrooke v. Smith causes) SO Browne v. Same Earl Balcarras v. Johnson (E, part heard) Battershall v. Bishop of Winchester (F D, C) Jenkins v. Briant (F D, Ptn) Adey v. Arnold (F D, C)

Roberts v. Roberts


Green v. Norton (5 causes, F
Rackham v. Siddall (Cause)
D, C)
Palmer v. White
Jones v. Evans
Salomons v. Connop
Sturges v. Arrowsmith
Jones v. Walker
Pemberton v. Wilcocks
Dobson v. Lyall (F D, C)
Greenwood v. Groom
Westbrook v. Knight
Johnson v. Tucker

Pocock v. Johnson (FD, C)
Vulliamy v. Vulliamy
Pawsey v. Hale (E)
Jowett v. Board (FD, 2 Ptns)
Rodney v. Rodney (3 causes)
Skarf v. Soulby
Wood v. Smith (FD, Ptn)
Askew v. Davidson (F D, C)
Gray v. Webb
Robinson v. Sollory
Law v. Urlwins (E)

Harrison v. Same
Knight v. Morrall
Walker v. Marquis Camden
Knight v. Nugent)
(FD, Ptn)
Walker v. Stephens (2 causes)
Cesarini v. Cesarini (Sup. b)
Bryan v. Twigg (E, I D, 4
Cook v.
Fynney (Re-hearing)
Wilkinson v. Hartley
Ashburner v. Wilson (FD,C)
Johnson v. Bates
Bruin v. Knott (3 causes, FD.
Freeman v. Roberts (4 causes
F D) Sh

Cookson v. Lee
Brown v. Smart
Hodgkinson v. Gilbert
Grisewood v. Justice
Horrod v. Taylor
Ward v. Shepherd (FD, C)
Smith v. Meyrick (3 causes)
Harris v. Colling (F D, C)
Colpas v.
Westbrook (FD, C)
Burley v. Evelyn
Pinnell v. Simpson
Brooke v. Brooke Sh
Wilde v. Spencer
Dunston v. Dunston (FD, C
Read v. Palmer (F D, C) S
Foster v. Foster
Watson v. Hanbury

Priestly v. Jewer (F D, CS
Angerstein v. Martin Sk
Dighton v. Bank of England

[blocks in formation]

Att.-Gen. v. Mosley July 15

Heseltine v. Edgar
Shaw v. Cox

Sterry v. Clifton (etecon)
Kidwell v. Smith

Helps v. Rhodes June 29
Garbett v. Whitehead (F D,

Careless v. Edwards June 30 Lockhart v. Reilly June 30 Gray. Earl of Limerick July1 Baldwin v. Baldwin Soden v. Payne July 3 Wallis &. H. R. Sarel July 3 Tayler v. Tayler July 3 Norbury v. Gooley July 3 Smith v. Manning July 5 Cannon v. Cooper July 5 Egremont v. Lee July 8 Cox v. Taylor July 8 Norton v. Hinxman July 8 Watts v. Jefferyes S O Lee v. Egremont July 10 Coombes v. Brooks (E)

Gibson v. Guthrie
Whitfield ". Parfitt July 15

Joad v. Ripley (F D, C) Sh
Spooner v. Payne July 17
Tichener v. Tichener
Coleman v. Mister
Hosking v. Russell Sh
Att.-Gen. v. Johnson Sh
Mayor of Rochester v. Lee
(F D, C)

Brown v. Milne
Lott v. Howard Sh
Anderson v. Strather (2 caus.)
July 21

Jackson v. Courtier (F D, C)
M'Cormack v. Lamb Sh
Morgan v. M'Collum
Dresden v. Bessy Sh
Morrison v. Walton Sh
Millbank v. Stevens (F D, C)
Warden v. Ashburner (F D,
Lodwick v. Same


Eyre v. Green (E, 2 sets, F D) Jones v. Constantine July 22
Sanderson v. Brewer
Smith v. Sutcliffe July 22

The following Causes from the Vice-Chancellor of England's
List to be transferred on the 27th June (by order).

[blocks in formation]

Before the Vice-Chancellor WIGRAM.


Johnson v. Addams (D)
Ellis e. Cowne (part heard)
Hudson v. Barry June 24
Fry v. Fry (F D, C) June 24
Waller v. Urquhart (F D, C)
Gowing v. Burge
Same v. Sullivan
Letts v. London and Blackwall

Railway Co. (etecon, E)
North v. Morley
Saunders v. Scott

Perks v. Painter

Same v. Same


} s }

Cole v. Coles
Clarke v. Clarke
Same v. Same
Bracey v. Earl of Scarborough
Savery. Savery
Same v. Wise
Harrison v. Round (F D, C)
Attorney-Gen. v. Lucas (E)

Hunter v. Daniel

Phillips v. Sarjeant (F D, C) | Hepworth v. Heslop (E, FD, C)

Mainwaring v. Beevor

Rees v. Gwynne July 10 Johns v. Dickenson July 10 Salisbury v. Salisbury (F D, C) Sh

Hedges v. Jefferies (F D, C)
Willetts v. Willetts (F D, C)
Woodroffe v. Woodroffe (F

Same v. Same (F D)
Same v. Same (Cause)
Pearsall v. Lewis July 12
Moore v. Darton (3 causes)
July 19

Horton v. Pickin Sh
Garlick v. Llewellyn July 15
Lawrence v. Kent July 17
Garth v. Bell
Same v. Maclean
Morgan v. Davies (F D, C)
Royal Exchange Assurance Co.
v. Natusch July 19
Hulton v. Hepworth
Clay v. Rufford July 21
Smith v. Tebbitt

Ginks v. Hair July 22

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

June 24.—Parke, B., delivered the judgment of the Court inDouglas v. The Queen.-Judgment affirmed.

London Gazettes.



BENJAMIN PEACH, Gravesend, Kent, discount broker, commission agent, dealer and chapman, July 5 at 1, and Aug. 9 at 11, Court of Bankruptcy, London: Off. Ass. Stansfeld; Sols. Lawrance & Plews, Old Jewry-chambers. -Fiat dated June 23.

JAMES SABBERTON, Sutton-st., York-road, Lambeth, Surrey, tailor, July 5 at 1, and Aug. 9 at 12, Court of Bankruptcy, London: Off. Ass. Pennell; Sol. Haynes, 6, Symond's-inn, Chancery-lane. -Fiat dated June 26. SAMUEL GAWAN, Holland-street, Christchurch, Surrey, victualler, dealer and chapman, July 3 at 2, and Aug. 14 at half-past 11, Court of Bankruptcy, London; Off. Ass. Graham; Sol. Crafter, 168, Blackfriars-road.-Fiat dated June 26.

JOHN EVERY the elder, Lewes, Sussex, iron founder, dealer and chapman, July 6 at half-past 12, and Aug. 14 at 11, Court of Bankruptcy, London: Off. Ass. Turquand; Sols. Lindsay & Co., Gresham-st.-Fiat dated June 21. CHARLES BROWN, New Sarum, Wiltshire, stone and marble mason, dealer and chapman, July 4 at 3, and Aug. 7 at half-past 1, Court of Bankruptcy, London: Off. Ass. Graham; Sols. Kelsey, Salisbury; Smith & Atkins, Serjeant's-inn.-Fiat dated June 23.

RICHARD HENRY MORGAN, Mansfield-place, Kentish Town, Middlesex, licensed victualler, dealer and chapman, July 15 at 12, and Aug. 5 at 1, Court of Bankruptcy, London: Off. Ass. Green; Sol. Dale, Furnival's-inn.-Fiat dated June 26. WILLIAM CLAY, Cheapside, London, warehouseman, July 15 at half-past 11, and Aug. 5 at half-past 12, Court of Bankruptcy, London: Off. Ass. Follett; Sol. Fisher, 19, Doughty-st.-Fiat dated June 24.

JAMES NEWMAN, Ventnor, Isle of Wight, Southampton, builder, dealer and chapman, July 8 and Aug. 5 at 11, Court of Bankruptcy, London: Off. Ass. Green; Sols. Stokes, Cowes; Whitaker, Lincoln's-inn-fields.-Fiat dated June 24.

THOMAS HILL, Tremadoc, and HENRY STOCK, Portmadoc, Carnarvonshire, manufacturers of slate goods, (trading together under the style or firm of the Fronoleu Quarry Company), July 19 and Aug. 4 at 12, District Court of Bankruptcy, Liverpool: Off. Ass. Turner; Sols. Curry & Statham, Liverpool; Bircham, 12, Furnival's-inn, London. -Fiat dated June 1.

JOHN LOVESY, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, librarian,
bookseller and stationer, dealer and chapman, July 11 and
Aug. 8 at 12, District Court of Bankruptcy, Bristol: Off.
Ass. Miller; Sols. Bubb & Co., Cheltenham; Walton,
Bucklersbury, London.-Fiat dated June 21.
GEORGE WEST MITCHELL, Westbury-upon-Trym,
Bristol, lodging-house keeper and fly proprietor, July 14
and Aug. 17 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Bristol:
Off. Ass. Hutton; Sols. Williams, Bristol; Rogerson, 50,
Lincoln's-inn-fields, London.-Fiat dated June 21.
EDWARD PARRY, Hay, Breconshire, corn merchant,
seedsman, and maltster, dealer and chapman, July 11 and
Aug. 8 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Bristol: Off.
Ass. Acraman; Sols. Prideaux & Son, Bristol; Holme &
Co., London.-Fiat dated June 24.
GEORGE SLATER, Doncaster, Yorkshire, ironmonger,
July 8 and Aug. 5 at 10, District Court of Bankruptcy,
Sheffield: Off. Ass. Freeman; Sols. Collinson, Doncaster;
Bond & Barwick, Leeds; Lamont, John-street, Adelphi,
London.-Fiat dated June 20.

JOHN RHODES, Clegg-hall, near Rochdale, Lancashire,
cotton spinner, (partner with James Rhodes, late of Clegg-
hall, but now of Rochdale, trading under the firm of John
Rhodes and Brothers), July 13 and Aug. 3 at 11, District
Court of Bankruptcy, Manchester: Off. Ass. Hobson;
Sols. Heaton, Rochdale; Bell, 36, Bedford-row, London.
-Fiat dated June 22.
WILLIAM EMMERSON, North Shields, Northumberland,
banker, July 7 at 12, and Aug. 18 at 1, District Court of
Bankruptcy, Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Off. Ass. Baker; Sols.
Harle, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; Chisholme & Co., 64, Lin-
coln's-inn-fields, London.-Fiat dated June 12.


James R. Baskett, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, corn merchant, July 3 at 1, District Court of Bankruptcy, Newcastle-uponTyne, last ex.-Charles Crudgington and Thomas Southall, Tipton, Staffordshire, iron masters, July 6 at half-past 10, District Court of Bankruptcy, Birmingham, last ex.-Aug. Alex. Lackersteen and William H. Crake, Moorgate-street, London, merchants, July 18 at half-past 11, Court of Bankruptcy, London, aud. ac.-Geo. W. Atwood, America-sq., London, merchant, July 19 at half-past 1, Court of Bankruptcy, London, aud. ac.-Thomas Raven, Colchester, Essex, grocer, July 19 at 2, Court of Bankruptcy, London, aud. ac. -Jos. W. Cole, Great Winchester-st., London, merchant, July 19 at 11, Court of Bankruptcy, London, aud. ac.-Thos. C. Knight, Fort-street, Spital-square, Middlesex, undertaker, July 19 at 2, Court of Bankruptcy, London, aud. ac.-John Wing, Cambridge, innkeeper, July 19 at 2, Court of Bankruptcy, London, aud. ac.-Jas. C. Whittenbury, Blackheathhill, Greenwich, Kent, builder, July 19 at 1, Court of Bankruptcy, London, aud. ac.-Wm. C. Streathfield, Cornhill, London, underwriter, July 18 at 12, Court of Bankruptcy, London, aud. ac.-J. Fenton, Ockbrook, Derbyshire, hosier, July 21 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Nottingham, and. ac.-Hen. Carey, Nottingham, and George Dan. Carey, Basford, Nottinghamshire, hat manufacturers, July 21 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Nottingham, aud. ac.-John D. Dunnicliff, Nottingham, lace manufacturer, July 21 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Nottingham, aud. ac.-John Dickins and J. Warrick, Plymouth, Devonshire, earthenware dealers, July 19 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Exeter, aud. ac.-W. Skemp, Bideford, Devonshire, draper, July 19 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Exeter, aud. ac.; July 20 at 1, div.-W. Stevens, Taunton, Somersetshire, saddler, July 19 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Exeter, aud. ac.; July 20 at 1, div.-Edmund Hender, Bodmin, Cornwall, ironmonger, July 19 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Exeter, aud. ac.; July 20 at 1, div.-John Pidgeon, Honiton, Devonshire, wine merchant, July 19 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Exeter, aud. ac.; July 20 at 1, div.-Jas. Bannister and Dinah Simpson, Liverpool, shipwrights, July 18 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Liverpool, aud. ac.-Geo. Blake and James Blake, Liverpool, and Dublin, soap manufacturers, July 18 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Liverpool, aud. ac.-Ellen Owen and Griffith Owen, Holyhead,

Anglesey, drapers, July 18 at 12, District Court of Bankruptcy, Liverpool, aud. ac.-Edw. Hughes, Liverpool, grocer, July 18 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Liverpool, aud. ac.-H. Horsley, Liverpool, warehouse keeper, July 18 at 11,

District Court of Bankruptcy, Liverpool, aud. ac.—William Grosvenor, Shelton, and Hanley, Stoke-upon-Trent, Staffordshire, ironfounder, July 20 at half-past 10, District Court of Bankruptcy, Birmingham, aud. ac.; July 20 at half-past 10, fin. div.-Charles Westbrook, Stafford, and Shiffnal, Shrop shire, shoe manufacturer, July 20 at half-past 10, District Court of Bankruptcy, Birmingham, aud. ac.-Wm. Henry Damsell, Bisley, Gloucestershire, grocer, July 20 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Bristol, aud. ac.—John Baker, Bristol, grocer, July 20 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Bristol, aud. ac.— -Andrew Ball, Wells, Somersetshire, innkeeper, July 20 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Bristol, aud. ac.-1 -Wm. Yates, Adlington, near Chorley, Lancashire, calico printer, July 20 at 12, District Court of Bankruptcy, Manchester, aud. ac.; July 21 at 12, div.-Robert Webster, Preston, Lancashire, linen draper, July 20 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Manchester, aud. ac.-Richard Smith, Baxenden, and Milton Smith, Manchester, calico printers, July 20 at 12, District Court of Bankruptcy, Manchester, aud. -Edw. Benton, Tottenham-court-road, Middlesex, pawubroker, July 18 at 11, Court of Bankruptcy, London, div.— John Sheppard, Shirley, near Southampton, common brewer, July 19 at 11, Court of Bankruptcy, London, div.-Chas. D. Smith, Bridge-road, Battersea, Surrey, florist, July 18 at 11, Court of Bankruptcy, London, div.-Alex. MacNaughton Paterson, James Boydell and Charles B. T. Roper, Kings winford, Staffordshire, ironfounders, July 27 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Birmingham, aud. ac.; Aug. 1 at 11, div.-John Phillips, Brynmawr, Llanelly, Breconshire, grocer, July 21 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Bristol, div.Edward Williams, Northop, Flintshire, draper, July 18 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Liverpool, div.



To be allowed, unless Cause be shewn to the contrary on or before the Day of Meeting.

Edward Evans, Dorking, Surrey, stonemason, July 18 at 11, Court of Bankruptcy, London.-W. P. Micklam, Fleetstreet, London, tobacconist, July 18 at half-past 11, Court of Bankruptcy, London.-Wm. Maunder, Peel-place, Kensing ton Gravel-pits, Middlesex, baker, July 19 at 11, Court of Bankruptcy, London.-John Wesley Hooper, Holmes-terrace, Kentish-town, and White-cottage, Holloway-road, Islington, Middlesex, statuary, July 19 at 12, Court of Bankruptcy, London.-Geo. W. Atwood, America-square, London, merchant, July 19 at half-past 1, Court of Bankruptcy, London. -Thomas Raven, Colchester, Essex, grocer, July 19 at 2 Court of Bankruptcy, London.-Wm. Belton, Friday-street, Cheapside, London, wine merchant, July 18 at 11, Court of Bankruptcy, London.-Chas. C. Wilson, Daventry, Northamptonshire, scrivener, July 20 at 1, Court of Bankruptcy London.-John Capel, Bouverie-street, Fleet-street, London, coal merchant, July 20 at 11, Court of Bankruptcy, London -Emil Pauli, Laurence Pountney-hill, London, merchant, July 20 at 12, Court of Bankruptcy, London.-W. Ashbet, Tonbridge, Kent, grocer, July 20 at 1, Court of Bankrupte London.-John Piper, Bath, Somersetshire, coal merchant, July 21 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Bristol.-H. W. Damsell, Bisley, Gloucestershire, grocer, July 20 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Bristol.-Thos. Williams and The. Williams the younger, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, an tioneers, July 28 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Bristol.

John Wiles, Wotton-under-Edge, Gloucestershire, builder, July 27 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Bristol.-Andrew Ball, Wells, Somersetshire, innkeeper, July 21 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Bristol.-Wm. Price, Clifton, Bristal, engraver, July 18 at 11, District Court of Bankruptcy, Bris tol.-Wm. Stevens, Taunton, Somersetshire, saddler, July 27 at 1, District Court of Bankruptcy, Exeter.-R. Wm. Bligh, Plymouth, Devonshire, hosier, July 27 at 1, District Court of Bankruptcy, Exeter.-George Bate, Dudley, Worcestershire. chain manufacturer, July 25 at 11, District Court of Bank ruptcy, Birmingham.-Geo. Umphray, Parrsborough, Cumberland, merchant, July 19 at 11, District Court of Bank ruptcy, Liverpool.-John Cotton, Manchester, spindle maker, July 20 at 12, District Court of Bankruptcy, Manchester. To be allowed by the Court of Review in Bankruptcy, les

Cause be shewn to the contrary on or before July 18. Wm. H. Hitchcoek, Wm. Connor, and John E. Hitchcock, Broadwall, Stamford-street, Blackfriars-road, Surrey, saw-mill

proprietors.-George Lloyd, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, general ironmonger.-Gidley Howden, Pump-row, Old-street-road, Middlesex, patent stove manufacturer.-Chas. J. Challenger, Bristol, dealer in salt.-Reverend Andrew Keir, North Cave, Yorkshire, clerk.-W. Beckitt, Doncaster, Yorkshire, money scrivener.-Saml. Kershaw, Charlestown, Glossop, Derbyshire, cotton spinner.-Thomas Clent, Leamington Priors, Warwickshire, tea dealer. Thomas Stother, Manchester, joiner.-Wm. Bagnall, Burslem, Staffordshire, grocer.-W. C. Brown and Stephen Fisher, Newark-upon-Trent, Nottinghamshire, builders.-Thomas Wyles, Gloucester, grocer.-J. Hobson, Leicester, builder.-Saml. Handscomb, Woburn, Bedfordshire, dealer in watches.


Joseph Hirst, New-bank, Halifax, Yorkshire, wire drawer. PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED.

John Galsworthy and John Nicholls, Cook's-court, Lincoln's-inn, attornies and solicitors.


Ashford-st., Hoxton, Middlesex, clerk to an attorney.-Wm. H. Silvester, Northampton-square, Goswell-road, Middlesex, jeweller.-Wm. J. Grinyer, Narrow-st., Limehouse, Middlesex, mast maker.

July 12 at 10, before Mr. Commissioner PHILLIPS.

Geo. Willoughby, Forest-row, Dalston, Middlesex, drover. Henry Francom, Holy well-lane, Middlesex, warehouseman at the London Zinc Mills.

July 13 at 11, before the CHIEF COMMISSIONER. Jos. Bird, Hayward's-place, Woodbridge-street, Middlesex, engraver.-Sam. Richardson, Chapel-st., Somer's-town, Middlesex, earthenware dealer.-John Bride, Chingford, Essex, out of business.

Saturday, June 24.

The following Assignees have been appointed. Further particulars may be learned at the Office, in Portugal-st., Lincoln's-inn-fields, on giving the Number of the Case. Jas. Turner, Bulwer-place, Notting-hill, Middlesex, builder, No. 59,082 T.; George Hodkins, assignee.-Geo. Stevenson, Ledbury-terrace, Pembridge-villas, Westbourne-grove, Mid

Jas. Struthers, Glasgow, clerk.-John Thomson, Glasgow, wright.—Robert Bisset, Laurencekirk, merchant.-Wyllie &dlesex, builder, No. 59,839 T.; Henry George Ashton, as

Johnston, Dundee, merchants.


Who have filed their Petitions in the Court of Bankruptcy, and have obtained an Interim Order for Protection from Process.

Samuel Dunn, Charmouth, Dorsetshire, builder, July 10 at 10, County Court of Devonshire, at Axminster.-Joel Parris, Chardstock, Dorsetshire, out of business, July 10 at 10, County Court of Devonshire, at Axminster.-Richard Cary, Pontypool, Monmouthshire, bookbinder, July 25 at 10, County Court of Monmouthshire, at Pontypool.-John Blight, Plymouth, Devonshire, baker, July 25 at 11, County Court of Devonshire, at Plymouth.-Alfred Green, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, cabinet maker, July 11 at 10, County Court of Norfolk, at Great Yarmouth.-James Eccles, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, carver and gilder, July 19 at 10, County Court of Gloucestershire, at Cheltenham.-Wm. F. Hopkinson, East Retford, Nottinghamshire, watch maker, July 12 at 11, County Court of Nottinghamshire, at East Retford.-Priscilla Philip Molyneux, Liverpool, professor of music, July 3 at 10, Liverpool District County Court, at Liverpool.-Joseph Lloyd, Liverpool, saddler, July 3 at 10, Liverpool District County Court, at Liverpool.-Edward L. Cox, Liverpool, bookkeeper, July 3 at 10, Liverpool District County Court, at Liverpool.Wm. Thompson, Birkenhead, Cheshire, confectioner, July 7 at 10, County Court of Cheshire, at Birkenhead.-William Gutsole the younger, Canterbury, Kent, victualler, June 29 at 10, County Court of Kent, at Canterbury.-Robert Gooding, High Bickington, Devonshire, mason, July 7 at 10, County Court of Devonshire, at Torrington.-John Bigford, Greenhithe, Kent, gentleman's servant, July 11 at 10, County Court of Kent, at Dartford.-Luke C. Heslop, St. Martin, Haverfordwest, surgeon, July 21 at 10, County Court of Pembroke shire, at Haverfordwest.-Chas. Wheeler, Stroud, Gloucestershire, saddler, July 11 at 10, County Court of Gloucestershire, at Stroud.-John Millard, Langport, Somersetshire, licensed victualler, July 14 at 10, County Court of Somersetshire, at Bridgwater.-Matthew Marsh, Gloucester, coach proprietor, July 10 at 10, County Court of Gloucestershire, at Gloucester. -Wm. Frost, Lakenham, Norwich, pig jobber, July 26 at 10, County Court of Norfolk, at Norwich.-Joseph Chapman, Oaken Gates, Wombridge, Shropshire, grocer, July 14 at 10, County Court of Shropshire, at Wellington.

The following Persons, who, on their several Petitions filed in the Court, have obtained Interim Orders for Protection from Process, are required to appear in Court as hereinafter mentioned, at the Court-house, in Portugal-street, Lincoln's Inn, as follows, to be examined and dealt with according to the Statute:

signee. Joseph Brace, Richardson-st., Bermondsey, Surrey, tanner, No. 59,865 T.; William Collins, assignee.- William Preston, Salford, Lancashire, retail dealer in ale, No. 68,915 C.; John Neven Dathan and Benjamin Blyth Powell, assignees.Chas. M. Browne, Ramsgate, Kent, in no trade, No. 69,132 C.; John Wildred Smith, assignee.-Sam. Kirk, Bredbury, near Stockport, Cheshire, licensed victualler, No. 69,322 C.; John Davies Wilkington, assignee.-Jos. Scott, Helton, near Lowther, Westmoreland, carpenter, No. 69,367 C.; Robert Ferguson, assignee.-John Thompson the younger, West Hartlepool, Durham, builder, No. 69,555 C.; George Richardson, assignee.-Timothy Arnet, Preston, Lancashire, brewer, No. 69,561 C.; John Noble, assignee.-John Marshall, Deptford, Kent, out of business, No. 69,590 C.; John Strachan, assignee. —Wm. O'Neill, Liverpool, commission agent, No. 69,600 C.; Adam Creighton, assignee.-Wm. Walker, Liverpool, grocer, No. 69,608 C.; Lee Dyson, assignee.-Wm. Corless, Preston, Lancashire, licensed victualler, No. 69,631 C.; Jas. Robinson, assignee.

Saturday, June 24.

Orders have been made, vesting in the Provisional Assignee the Estates and Effects of the following Persons:— (On their own Petitions).

James Henry Walker, Bromley-st., Stepney, Middlesex, master mariner: in the Debtors Prison for London and Middlesex.-Sadok Schneiders, Artillery-passage, Widegate-st., Bishopsgate-st., Middlesex, confectioner: in the Debtors Prison for London and Middlesex.-Elijah Croucher, Highst., St. Giles-in-the-fields, Middlesex, baker: in the Debtors Prison for London and Middlesex. Jas. Henry Horrex, Castle Hedingham, Essex, tinman: in the Debtors Prison for London and Middlesex.-Corbett Wm. Cooke, Willowcottage, Muswell-hill, Middlesex, dealer in coals: in the Debtors Prison for London and Middlesex.-M. Kennett the younger, Queen Elizabeth's-row, Greenwich, Kent, in no trade: in the Debtors Prison for London and Middlesex.George Putney, Globe-road, Mile-end, Middlesex, packing case maker: in the Debtors Prison for London and Middlesex.-Chas. W. Mate, Upper Cross-st., Islington, Middlesex, watch maker: in the Debtors Prison for London and Middlesex.-Henry Smith, Downham-road, Kingsland-road, Middlesex, builder: in the Debtors Prison for London and Middlesex.-John Watts the younger, Albion-place, Thornhillroad, Islington, Middlesex, registrar of births, deaths, and marriages: in the Debtors Prison for London and Middlesex.-A. H. Pulbrook, sen., Water-st., Bridge-st., Blacfriars, London, out of business in the Gaol of Surrey.—Jas. Searle, Anne-st., Grundy-st., Poplar New-town, Middlesex, in no business: in the Debtors Prison for London and Middlesex.-Chas. Hilton, Norfolk-st., Norfolk-terrace, Lower.

July 11 at 11, before Mr. Commissioner HARRIS. Thos. Merser the younger, Thames Ditton, Surrey, tailor.-road, Islington, carpenter: in the Gaol of Whitecross.-Geo. Barnard Wigg, Great Cambridge-st., Hackney-road, Shoreditch, Middlesex, plumber.-Jane Hughes, King-st., Holborn, Middlesex, woollen factor.

July 12 at 10, before Mr. Commissioner LAW. John Maxted, Pinner, Middlesex, grocer.—John A. Austin,

Smith Strawson, Cardiff, Glamorganshire, land surveyor: in the Gaol of Cardiff.-John Winspear, Hartlepool, Durham, joiner in the Gaol of Durham.-John Parsons, Nottingham, manager to a purse and brace manufacturer: in the Gaol of Nottingham.-Wm. Singlehurst, Willoughby on the Woulds, Nottinghamshire, farmer's assistant: in the Gaol of Radford

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