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INGERSOLL, CHARLES JARED. The duty on foreign books. North American, 1824. 18: 163-68

JAY, JOHN. Correspondence and public papers, 1763-1826; edited by H. P. Johnston. New York, Putnam, 1890–93. 4 v.

JEFFERSON, THOMAS. Writings; collected and edited by Paul Leicester
Ford. 1760-1826. New York, Putnam, 1892-99. 10 v.
JEFFERSON, THOMAS. The Anas. (In Writings. Vol. 1, p. 154-339)
JEFFERSON, THOMAS. Autobiography. (In Writings. Vol. 1, p. 1-

JEFFERSON, THOMAS. Communication to the American Commissioners
at Madrid, June 30, 1793. (In Writings. Vol. 6, p. 330-38)
JEFFERSON, THOMAS. The Declaration of independence. (In Writings.
Vol. 2, p. 42-58. facsim.)
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JEFFERSON, THOMAS. Draft of Report on Lord North's motion. (In Writings. Vol. 1, p. 476–82)

JEFFERSON, THOMAS. The Jefferson Bible. Philadelphia, McKay, 1908

JEFFERSON, THOMAS. Manual of parliamentary practice. (In U. S. Congress House of Representatives. Constitution, Jefferson's manual, and Rules of the House. . . 1912)

JEFFERSON, THOMAS. Notes on the state of Virginia. (In Writings. Vol. 3, p. 68-295)


Report of the revisors. June 18th, 1779. (In Writings. Vol. 2, p. 195–239)

JEFFERSON, THOMAS. A Summary view of the rights of British Amer(In Writings. Vol. 1, p. 421-47)


[ocr errors]

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KEAN, ROBERT GARLIC HILL. Thomas Jefferson as a legislator. [Richmond] 1887

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LINCOLN, ABRAHAM. Complete works; edited by John G. Nicolay and John Hay. New and enlarged edition. New York,

Tandy, [c 1905] 12 v.

Letter on Jefferson's birthday. v. 5, p. 124–26

LODGE, HENRY CABOT (editor). History of the United States, by J. W. Garner and H. C. Lodge. (History of nations, v. 23-24) Philadelphia, Morris, 1906

MABIE, HAMILTON WRIGHT. Some famous schools: The University of Virginia. Outlook, August 4, 1900. 65: 785

MADISON, JAMES. Papers; being his correspondence and reports of debates; [edited] by Henry D. Gilpin. Washington, Langtree, 1840. 3 v.

MARSHALL, JOHN. The Life of George Washington. . . 2nd edition. Philadelphia, Crissy, 1850. 2 v.

MELLEN, GEORGE FREDERICK. Thomas Jefferson and higher education. New England Magazine, 1902, n. s. 26: 607-16

MERRIAM, CHARLES EDWARD. A history of American political theories. New York, Macmillan, 1903

MERWIN, HENRY CHILDS. Thomas Jefferson. (Riverside biog. series.) Boston, Houghton [1901]

MORRIS, GOUVERNEUR. Diary and letters; edited by Anne Cary Morris. New York, Scribner, 1888. 2 v.

MORSE, JOHN TORREY, JR. Thomas Jefferson.

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New England Magazine. [Editorials on Thomas Jefferson.] 19001. n. s. 23: 228-40

OTIS, JAMES. The Rights of the British colonies asserted and proved. Boston, Edes, 1764

PARMELEE, MARY PLATT. Jefferson and his political philosophy. Arena, 1897. 18: 505-16

PARTON, JAMES. Jefferson a reformer of Old Virginia. Atlantic Monthly, 1872. 30: 32-49

PARTON, JAMES. Jefferson's return from France in 1789. Atlantic Monthly, 1872. 30: 547-65

PARTON, JAMES Meeting of Jefferson and Hamilton. Atlantic Monthly, 1872. 30: 704-19

POWELL, EDWARD PAYSON. Jefferson and Hamilton in our education. New England Magazine, 1896. n. s. 14: 699-706

POWELL, EDWARD PAYSON. A study of Thomas Jefferson. The
Arena, 1891. 3:712-23

QUINCY, JOSIAH. Speeches delivered in the Congress of the United
States, 1805-13; edited by Edmund Quincy. Boston, Little, 1874
Thomas Jefferson as a lawyer. Columbia Jurist, 1886.

2: 479-80

From the Legal Adviser, 7: 223

RANDALL, HENRY STEPHENS. The Life of Thomas Jefferson. New York, Derby, 1858. 3 v.

RUSSELL, JOHN, 1st earl. Life and times of Charles James Fox. London, 1859-66. 3 v.

SABINE, LORENZO. Biographical sketches of loyalists of the American Revolution. Boston, Little, 1864. 2 v.

SAGE, BERNARD JANIN. A republic of republics: A retrospect of our century of federal liberty. . . 3rd edition. Philadelphia, Harding, 1878

SAINTE-BEUVE, CHARLES AUGUSTIN. Premiers lundis. Tome 2. Paris, Lévy, 1874

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TOURGÉE, ALBION WINEGAR. A fool's errand. New York, Fords, 1902

TUCKER, GEORGE. The life of Thomas Jefferson .. Philadelphia, Carey, 1837. 2 v.

TYLER, MOSES COIT. The literary history of the American Revolution. New York, Putnam, 1897-98. 2 v.

VEST, GEORGE GRAHAM. Thomas Jefferson. An address at Columbia, Missouri, June 4th, 1885. St. Louis, Buxtom, 1885

WALKER, FRANCIS AMASA. The making of the nation. 1783-1817. (American history series) New York, Scribner, 1899

WASHINGTON, GEORGE. Writings; collected and edited by Worthington Chauncey Ford. New York, Putnam, 1889-93. 14 v.

WATSON, THOMAS EDWARD. Life and times of Thomas Jefferson. New York, Appleton, 1903

WEBSTER, DANIEL. Works. Boston, Little, 1851. 6 v.

WEBSTER, SIDNEY. Two treaties of Paris and the Supreme Court. New York, Harper, 1901

WHITE, ANDREW DICKSON. Jefferson and slavery. Atlantic Monthly, April, 1862. 9:29-40

WINSHIP, ALBERT EDWARD, and ROBERT W. WALLACE. The Louisiana purchase as it was and as it is. Chicago, Flanagan [1903]


Thomas Jefferson: Étude historique sur

la démocratie américaine. Paris, 1861


Jefferson and the American democracy;

an historical study; translated by R. S. H. Church. London, Longmans, 1862


Academy of science, A central, to | American Commissioners at Madrid,

control men,
Act for freedom of religion printed in

Paris, 265

Adams, Henry, on rejection of treaty
effected by Monroe, 133; on Jeffer-
son's aspirations, 200-1

Adams, John, a founder, 1; error of,
about the sentiment for inde-
pendence, 29; inaccurate as to
Declaration of Independence, 30-
31, 40; colossus of debate, 31, 42;
member of committee to prepare
Declaration, 33; to Pickering, on
the Declaration, 41; wrote Report
of Committee on Rights and
Grievances, 42-43; failed to see
ultimate issue of French Revo-
lution, 59; contempt of, for common
folks, 61; in France, 107; "Dis-
courses of Davila," 143-44; a re-
actionary, 144; conversation with
Hamilton on the British Consti-
tution, 156-57; defeated Jefferson
by three votes, 169-70; secured
peace with France, 173-74; hated
by Federalists, 174; his greatest of
services, 180; heterodoxy of, 245-46
Adams, Samuel, at Boston tea-party,
9; and committees of correspond-
ence, 9

Agriculture, A school of, planned,
289, 290-91
Albemarle County, Instructions of,
12-13; Committee of Safety in,
20, 21; British prisoners in, 109-10
Alien and sedition laws passed, 145;
unexpected results of, 171; power
of President under alien law, 172;
Jefferson's antagonism to, 172; and
Know-Nothing movement, 172
Allegiance, The doctrine of inde-

feasible, 16; first denial of, 68, 91
America, the fad in France, 107
American colonies, The, expatriated
themselves, 16

Jefferson's communication to the,

American experience, 6; our institu-
tions the product of, 38
American history, A suppressed chap-
ter of, 143, 148, 194
American nations, An American policy
for all, 134, 136
American people, The, based their
claims upon natural rights of man,

American political theory, Jefferson's
the, 54

American products in France, 107-8
American reign of terror, 175
American Revolution, Back to the
principles of the, 141, 183
Americanism, Exponents of, 100
Ames, Fisher, Letters of, 155; the
American people like free negroes,
155; on use for an army, 180
Anarchy, Seeming state of, 12
Angles and Saxons, The, expatriated
themselves, 16

Apollo Room in Raleigh Tavern at

Williamsburg, Meetings in, 10, 11
Applied sciences, at University of
Virginia, 282

Apportionment for representation,

Appropriations in lump sums, 237
Aristocracy and clergy, Jefferson's
hatred of, learned in France, 57-58;
eradication of, 85; and the rabble,

Aristocracy of Colonial Virginia, The,

Aristocracy of virtue and talent, An,

Armstrong, General, on Florida, 221
Army, with Hamilton as chief, and
Federalist officers, projected, 175-
76, 177; to overthrow popular
liberty, 179; size of the, 179; Ames
on use of an, 180; Jefferson on, 198

Asiatic interests and alliances, 3
Assemblée Nationale, L', Name of,
suggested by Jefferson, 56; com-
mittee of, on constitution asked
Jefferson's assistance, 64; not an
integral legislature, 115
Auditors placed in one Department,

Austria denies expatriation, 15
Authorities on the rights of man,

Bancroft, George, on the committees

of correspondence, 8

Barbary powers, The, put down, 243
Bayard, James Asheton, Claims of,

baseless, 189; on Aaron Burr, 191;
the creed of, 192; gave off-the-bench
opinion of Marshall, 194
Bequests, Limitation of, 86

Bibles, Old ladies hid their, 261-62
Bill of Rights adopted in Virginia, 43
Bill of Rights, embodied in Consti-
tution, 163, 264

British nation, Arraignment of justice
of, 22

Brown, Justice, Decision of, in
Downes case, 213

Bryce, James, on the Louisiana
purchase, 206

Buckle's "History of civilization," 4
Bull Moose Convention, The, pre-
tended to draw faith from Jefferson,


Burke, Edmund, edited Jefferson's
"Summary View," 14; failed to see
ultimate issue of French Revo-
lution, 59; on Chatham, 93; rhetoric
of, 156, 157

Burr, Aaron, Miranda's connection
with, 174; had same number of
electoral votes as Jefferson, 183;
Hamilton's hatred of, 185; Bayard
on, 191; something to credit of,
191; conspiracy of, put down, 242
Business, big, Divorce of government
and politics from, 159

Blacksburg, Va., College of Agri- Cabell, Joseph C., Letters to, 97-98;

culture at, 291

Blackstone on libel, 178
Blockade, Jefferson on, 126

Bookkeeping, Hamilton's system of, 36
Books, Removal of tariff on, refused
by Congress, 306-7

and State University, 274
Cabot, George, Letters of, 155
Calhoun, John C., far apart from
Jefferson, 96

California became a part of the
United States on acquisition, 212

Borough, Rotten, system in England, Canada, G. Morris on acquisition of,

156, 157

Bosses, Too many, 195
Boston, Closing the port of, a declara-
tion of war, 11; Jefferson's protest
against, 18; ten years behind
Jefferson in admitting girls to
schools, 271

Bread famine in France, 58

British alliance, Hamilton's proposed,

British ambassador, Reception of, 234
British captives in Albemarle county,

British constitution, our best inherit-
ance, 30; "best form," 148
British Court society imitated, 226
British government "most perfect
which ever existed," 157
British House of Lords, The, 147
British model advised for the French,

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