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universities of Germany, the students of which, in their last year, mostly repair to London or Paris, and even further: seldom do they turn their steps towards Sweden or Russia, and never visit Norway.

sors, is independent of the university.


The veterinary school enjoys a very high reputation; but it has not yet been extended, as in Austria and in Saxony, to all farriers apprentices indiscriminately. It has been judged sufficient to The library of the university is very oblige every diocese to send a pupil voluminous, and yet is not considered there: there are generally forty scholars as of any great utility: the number of new works is but small, and many of the antient ones are not complete. It seems to have been adopted for a principle, and perhaps it is not ill founded, that a library, as complete as that of the king, is sufficient for such a city as that of Copenhagen; but there is one very valuable article there, viz. a collection of Icelandic MSS. many of which have been already made public.

The botanical garden contains about 7000 plants from all parts of the globe; it is open every day to such as cultivate this science; plants are even distributed, several times in the week, to students that wish to form herbaries.

The principal literary societies are, the Academy of Sciences; the society which has for its object the study of his tory, and of the Northern languages; the Academy of Belles Lettres; the Society of Rural Economy; the Royal Society of medicine; the Genealogico-heraldic Society, which publishes an historical abstract relative to noble families, with the engravings of their arms; the Society of Icelandic Literature, the object of which is to diffuse information, and, above all, on the subject of economics, among the Icelanders, by publishing their memoirs in their own language; the Society of Natural History; the SoThe cabinet of natural history is very ciety of Scandinavian Literature, estaextensive, and has a great number of blished to combine the literati of Denrare and valuable articles in it: the col- mark, of Sweden, and of Norway, by lection of serpents, in particular, is very publishing, alternately, the result of considerable. Many of the insects have their labours; and, lastly, the New Sobeen brought by the society of Arabian ciety of Literature. All these learned voyagers, Niebuhr, &c. The collection bodies publish works, propose prizes, of minerals contains almost all the and, proceeding with zeal and constancy known species, and some others which to effect their different objects, do not have not yet been described; the whole arranged according to the system of Werner. This cabinet is open once a week to the public.

The university has, likewise, a laboratory of chemistry, and an amphitheatre of anatomy.

The academy of chirurgery, formed of celebrated and distinguished profes


cease to contribute towards the aggregate mass of knowledge, and have already efficaciously operated to raise to a state of splendour, a small country, very little favoured by nature, and which has more than one powerful obstacle to struggle against.

(To be concluded in our next.)


in the highest degree; for, according to Bayes, the audience were to make a plot for themselves. This may not apply ia its full extent, but what we were alde to make out, was as follows:

N Thursday evening, the 14th of the long period of three hours. If inNovember, was represented at Co- tricacy be the chief recommendation of vent Garden, a new Comedy, avowedly a plot, the present comedy, possesses it from the pen of Mr. Reynolds, called The Delinquent, or, Seeing Company. Much as we might have been induced to give him credit from his former successful productions, for something that could have claimed our approbation-we must confess that we felt ourselves severely disappointed on the present occasion. We did not expect high finished or strong characters, nor depth of plot-but we certainly had reason to, fook for something like interest, during

The delinquency of Sir Arthur Courcy forms the principal foundation and ground-work of the whole fable. It appears that he was a man of considerable property in the county of Northum berland; that he married a daughter of Lord Danvers, who ruined him by her

degree of propriety, the obedience of Sir Arthur to the abduction of an inno cent female, is by far beyond our powers, a man whose moral sentiments are so refined, and who seems to be one" more sinned against than sinning." In short; the whole play is a heavy series of improbability. We augured something very favourable from the two first acts, in one of which EMERY, whimsically enough, appears as a north-country sailor, who has been gambling at a race course with good effect. In the subsequent scenes, however, his part became very dull, in which the actor was not to blame. The part of Sir Arthur was given to Kemble, who acted extremely well. Mrs. H. Johnstone gave

extravagance and dissipation. He became a bankrupt, eluded his creditors, fled his country, and became an outlaw. The father of Sir Edward Specious and old Doric, an architect, from the Minories, are his principal creditors. Sir Edward Specious meets the delinquent in great poverty at an obscure inn, in Italy. recognizes him, and promises him forgiveness upon (what appears very unaccountable) the actual obedience to all the orders of his patron. The hopes, however, of finding the long lost treasure of a daughter, induces Sir Arthur to accept the offer, and they both arrive in England. Lord Danvers, upon the supposed death of lady Courcy, takes the infant under his protection, but being obliged to go to India, and dying to Olivia considerable interest-and there, consigns her to the care and pro- Munden was all life and spirit in Majot tection of an honest and rich old veteran, Tornado. Mrs. Aubrey proses too Major Tornado. The mother contrives much, and Lewis's part wants conside to be appointed governess to her own rable curtailment. The marriage of the daughter, that she might teach her to last with Olivia, seems to prove the inavoid those errors she had fallen into.- dispensable necessity there is for a love Sir Edward has seen, and loves Olivia plot in an English comedy, according Tomado (as she is called) and failing in to the author. The prologue was neat, his attempt to arrest Mrs. Aubrey, the and the epilogue touched on the pregoverness, he employs the delinquent vailing fashions of the day with some to convey her on board his yacht, at humour, but too much in the hackwhich the latter hesitates: but when neyed method; after which there were he hears it is to proceed to Northum- a few lines to the memory of LORD berland, he no longer delays, that being NELSON, which must ever be grateful, the place where he hopes to find his long though melancholy in the contempla lost treasure. Proceeding to execute tion to a British audience. the orders of his patron, he finds out by On Thursday evening, the 28th day the stale trick of the picture of Lord of October, was represented a new co Danvers, pendant to her breast, that medy from the joint pens of Messrs. she is his own daughter. Sir Edward Pye and Arnold, called A Prior Claim. repents, gives him up his bonds-Sir Arthur is reconciled to his wife, and bestows his daughter on young Doric, with whom she has not a single interview on the stage, and who seeins to be pitched upon, for no other reason, than that he must be given in marriage to somebody.

In the developement of this fable, we are at a loss to conceive the motives of resentment which actuate Miss Stoic, a sister of Major Tornado (whose propinquity we should be glad to have made out) against Mr. Aubrey and Olivia, that induce her to forge such tales against them to the Major.-She is represented as an hypocritical old maid, who lives in the most recluse solitude, and from revenge of former disappoint. ments, directs her venom against those innocent objects. To reconcile with any

Vol. IV.


The story which is simple, is as follows.
The first scene opens with a peal of
bells, which is to announce the ap
proaching marriage of Sir William Free-
man's daughter to Mortimer, with uni-
versal concurrence. She had formerly
been betrothed to Col. Raymond, who
had gone to the East Indies about four
years before, and is supposed to be kill-
ed at the siege of Seringapatam.
was, however, an attachment more of
esteem than affection. Mortimer, to
whom she has sincerely given her heart,
however, cannot get rid of some severe
forebodings, near as he is to a consum-
mation of his happiness, and they prove
too well founded; for Col. Raymond
makes his appearance just at this time.
He discovers himself to the father, and
insisting upon his pretensions to a prior
claim being just, he resolutely demands

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Maria, to which Sir William, being a Mair il n'y a rien de nouveau dans tout

man of strict honour, unwillingly con- ceci.-Mortimer is to be had in every resents. Maria, in an interview with Ray- cruiting party, and Raymond is found mond, acknowledges the justice of his on the stage in fifty other pieces. We claim, regrets that she can never bestow are not a little surprised at the obstinacy on him the affection of a wife, but at of Raymond in refusing to give up Mathe same time promises never to marry ria, even after she tells him of the im any other. Raymond, however, still re- possibility of her bestowing on him fuses to give her up. She has a meeting any more than her esteem--and particuwith Mortimer, (supposed by them to larly, in his making his servant watch be their last) to which Raymond is the two lovers, whose honesty revolts at privy, in which, after making a number the condescension. Whatever might of pathetic speeches, they mutually take have been the stern virtue of the cololeave of each other for ever, with such nel, he certainly had no delicacy, and heroic sentiments, that every heart must his subsequent generosity seems to be beat in sympathy with their distress.- very unwillingly wrested from him.Raymond, transported with admiration The denouement is perceived from the very at their constancy as well as magnani- first, though it is somewhat rendered mity, comes forward and joins the intricate by the pervicacity of Raymond. hands of the lovers, with all the effect It must be confessed that Barrymore of a German picture (upon which mo- gave to this character all the energy and del the play is evidently written) and the dignity that it required. The undercurtain immediately drops. Attached plot of Emily and young Freeman is doto this principal story, there is one made lorously heavy. It consists almost en to join it, though it has no relation.- tirely of sentiments, several of which are Freeman has made overtures of a certain merely traps ad captandum vulgus; and nature, which his understanding by no the part of Lounger, which was ill cast means subsequently approved of, to a in being given to Palmer, was a miserayoung person who is a dependant of ble imitation of the Hon. Tom ShufMaria's, which are spurned with just in- fleton, although in the scene where he is dignation by her, who informs him, caught by Freeman, pursuing Emily, he upon his offering her his hand by way of gives him some repartees of peculiar atonement, that she is by no means his force; his pantaloons and his coat, inferior in point of birth, but scorns the however, were the only novelties. There idea of coming into any family in the are three songs interspersed in the piece. light of a dependant, nor will she ever That by Miss Duncan, who as Maria, marry with apparently selfish motives.- sustained her part with considerable Freeman lights upon an old Scotchinan, propriety, was rapturously encored.who is just arrived, with the intent of Miss de Camp's was not quite so letting Emily know that she is heiress good. Johnston, as Patrick O'Shatter, to the house of M'Donald, in Scotland, and who is the common blundering and is entitled to a large fortune, upon Irishman, introduced a parody on the which intelligence he generously re- "Willow," which did no credit to the solves to give up all thoughts of her, for author, nor to the audience that encorfear she should think the offer of his ed it. In short, the authors had no reahand the result of prior information. In son whatever to complain of the perhis farewel interview with her, she formers, who gave to their parts every takes notice of his never once mention- degree of excellence. But we augur uning the subject nearest his heart, and favourably as to the continuance of the ventures to enquire the reason; upon piece: it is too dull and sentimental, which he declares them--when she of- and would suit much better the phlegfers herself to him, if worthy of his ac- matic gloom of a German audience. ceptance. These very heavy scenes are Although it was given out for a second endeavoured to be diversified by se- representation, without a dissenting veral comic ones, in which Patrick voice, we think it cannot last long, and O'Shatter, servant to Raymond, finds when it falls, it Fanny, his wife, beset with lovers, and "Falls like Lucifer-never to hope Lounger bears the principal part. again."

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