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Jacobi, M. P. Some considerations on endometritis, 468.
Jacoby, G. W. Neurotic affections accompanying joint lesions, 10.
Janeway, E. G. Etiology of typhoid fever, 203.
Janney, W. S. Malignant pustule, 423.
Jarvis, W. C. A new method for the removal of laryngeal growths, 511.
Jelly, G. F. General paralysis of the insane, 217, 228, 246.

Jurisprudence. Recent progress in forensic medicine, Draper, F. W.,
80; emotional insanity, and the defense of Nutt for killing his father's
murderer, 113; medico-legal note, 261.

Jurors. Medical attendance upon sick jurors, 162.

Kingman, R. A. An extemporized ice-bag, 94.

Knight, F. I. Chronic nasal catarrh; removal of hypertrophied tissue,
132; laryngeal complications of pulmonary phthisis, 540.

Laboratories. The relation of laboratories to medical science and medi-
cal education, 233.

Larynx. Laryngeal complications of pulmonary phthisis, Knight, F. I.,


Leale, C. A. Scarlet fever in the foetus in utero and in the mother at the
ninth month of pregnancy, 445.

Leffmann, H. Criticisms, from a chemical point of view, on some favorite
prescriptions, 411.

Leprosy. Modern and ancient leprosy in Syria, 354; leprosy in the Ha-
waiian Islands, 474.

Lethargy. Protracted lethargy after use of bromide of sodium by one
having the morphia habit, Cutler, E. G., 248, 256.

Liebmann, G. Spinal irritation and neurasthenia, 460, 470.
Lincoln, R. P. Stricture of the oesophagus, 512.

Liquor Licenses in Boston, 262.

Literature in medicine, 18.

Liver. Cases of rupture of the liver, Draper, F. W., 339, 349.

London. Condition of the London poor, Huxley, 39; the prize offer by
the Worshipful Company of Grocers, London, 42, 48; letters from Londou,
141, 572; letter from London, W. P. M., 309.
Longaker, D. Sudden death in diphtheria, 422.
Louisville Medical College, 238.

Lukin, M. A case of plagiomicrocephalia, 117.

Lyman, G. H. Prolapse of the anterior wall of the vagina during labor,

Lynn. The sanitary condition of the school-houses of the city of Lynn, 329.

MacConnell, W. G. Section of fibroma mammæ, 38; section of large
spindie-celled sarcoma of lower jaw, 38; liver of chicken with tubercular
growths, 38.

Macdonald, A. Abdominal section for extra-uterine pregnancy, 525.
Macdonald, J. W. Paracentesis of the pericardium, 22.

Macewen (Glasgow). A contribution to the surgery of the brain, 333.
Mackenzie, J. N. A contribution to the study of congenital syphilis,

Malaria and diphtheria in Connecticut, 382.

Malignant Pustule. Pustula maligna, Griffin, A. C., 429; malignant
pustule, Janney, W. S., 433.

Manslaughter. A verdict of manslaughter against an irregular practi-
tiouer, 547.

Manton, W. P. Letter from London, 141.

Mason, A. L. Cerebro-spinal meningitis; five cases; one, of the fulmi-
nant (foudroyant) type, treated by subcutaneous injection of apomorphia,
morphine, and atropine; recovery; one autopsy, 121, 132.
Massachusetts Board of Health, 41.

Materia Medica and Therapeutics. Nitro-glycerine and the chlo
ride of gold and sodium in the treatment of albuminuria, Bartholow, R.,
32; antiseptics in the New York Hospital, 106; the use of the menthol
cone as an anodyne, Wendt, E. C., 109; some surgical uses of collodion,
Gamgee, S., 166; a bill to prepare and publish a national pharmacopoeia
for the United States, 168; Report on Materia Medica, Bolles, W P., 200;
suppression of urine treated with cantharides, Fifield, W. C. B., 271; criti-
cisms, from a chemical point of view, on some favorite prescriptions, Leff-
mann, H., 411; the subcutaneous use of morphine in elderly persons, 427;
the therapeutics of early rising, 473; the importance of a knowledge of
the physical characters of drugs, 595; the principles of modern therapeu-
sis, Wood, H. C, 597; six generic drug modifications, Field, II. M., 601;
materia medica at the Harvard Medical School, Edes, R. T., 620.
Mathieson (Outario). A case of extra-uterine gestation. Delivery of a
living child per vaginam. Removal of placenta. Recovery, 622.
Medical Examiners. Rhode Island Medical Society, 36.
Melancholia. Cases of melancholia, Tuttle, G. T., 77, 84.
Menthol. The use of the menthol cone as an anodyne, Wendt, E. C., 109.
Metric System and the Pyramid of Ghizeh, 210; a plea for consistency,


Military Drill in schools, 547.

Milk. On milk supply in large cities, Morris, J. C., 315, 323; the milk
supply of Boston and the benefit to be derived from spaying cows, Abbott,
L. F., 317, 349.

Miller, H. G. Blepharospasm, 304.

Mind. Cases of melancholia, Tuttle, G. T., 77, 84; emotional insanity, and
the defense of Nutt for killing his father's murderer, 113; hallucinations
from salicine, 118; restraint at the Utica Insane Asylum, 187; general
paralysis of the insane, Jelly, G. F., 217, 227, 246; recent progress in the
construction of insane hospitals and management of the insane, Chan-
ning, W., 295, 321; insanity and the law, 354; the New York Asylum for
Insane Criminals, 452; effects of political events on the forms of insanity,
Saulle, L. du, 574; institution for feeble-minded children in Pennsyl
vania, 574.

Minot, C. S. Renewed request for embryological material, 189; the life-his-
tory of the distoma hepaticum, 418.

Minot, F. Two cases of uterine polypus, 58, 62; on the treatment of
acute pneumonia, 169, 183; anuria from compression of the ureters by
cancerous disease, 227; case resembling infantile paralysis caused by im-
proper diet, 275.

Mitchell, S. W. Note from Dr. Weir Mitchell, 21; vivisection, 533.
Monsters. Malformed foetus, Green, C. M., 61; a case of plagiomicrocepha-
lia, Lukin, M., 117; malformation of the vagina, simulating extrophy of
the bladder, Rotch, T. M., 132; an acephalous monster, Brown, D., 539.
Montgomery, E. E. Tracheotomy in croup and diphtheria, 567.
Morphine. The subcutaneous injection of morphine in elderly persons,
Morris, J. C. On milk supply in large cities, 315.

Morrow, P. A. An improved method in the treatment of certain forms
of skiu affections, 231.

Morse, H. L. Treatment of diseases of the ear, 164.

Musser, J. H. Atheroma, dilatation, and aneurism of the aorta, etc.,
87; hour-glass contraction of the stomach, 88; lung from a case of pleuro-
pneumonia, complicated with delirium tremens, 88.
Myxedema. Clinical lecture, Edes, R. T., 385.

Nanerede, C. B. Three cases illustrating some points in the pathology
of certain injuries of the shoulder-joint, 387.

National Board of Health. Report for the year 1882-1883, 41.
Nervous System. Neurotic affections accompanying joint lesions, Ja-
coby, G. W., 10; syphilis of the brain and membranes, Wood, H. C., 25;
a case of cerebro-spinal syphilis, Post, A., 28; nerve stretching, 40; cases
of lesion of the brain with unilateral symptoms, Webber, S. G., 49, 60;
what is meant by nervous prostration? Bartholow, R., 53, 63; hysterical
pseudo-phthisis, Fabre, 70; necrosis of the temporal bone and brain ab-
scess, Hinsdale, G., 85; two cases of injury to the back, Folsom, C. F., 97,
104; cerebro-spinal meningitis, five cases, Mason, A. L., 121, 132; the
simulation of stone, 135; transitory aphasia in typhoid fever, 161;
"trance" as a symptom of hysteria, 185; clinical aspects of cerebral syph-
ilis, Wood, H. C., 196, 220; general paralysis of the insane, Jelly, G. F.
217, 228, 246; paths of coordination, Spitzka, E. C, 231; the reflex effect
of dealing in "futures," 259; some suggestions upon cerebro-spinal men-
ingitis, Davis, H. G., 262; a case of "wasting palsy "(partial), Read, G.
M., 268; case resembling infantile paralysis caused by improper food,
Minot, F., 275; insular sclerosis of the posterior columns of the spinal
cord, Pepper, W., 313; locomotor ataxia and syphilis, Weber, L., 325; a
contribution to the surgery of the brain, Macewen, 333; a case of hyste
roid convulsions, Cowles, E., 368; the doc'rine of evolution as applied to
pathological states of the nervous system, 425; multiple neuritis, Webber,
S. G., 411; spinal irritation and neurasthenia, Liebinann, G., 460, 470;
cerebral localiztions, Hurd, E. P., 561; a new line of research for cerebral
physiologists, 569.

Neuritis. Multiple neuritis, Webber, S. G., 441.

New Haven. Enteric fever in New Haven, Eliot, G., 361.
Newport. The winter climate of Newport, 168.

New York. Quarantine and Health, Charity, and Lunacy in the city and
State of New York, 66; antiseptics in the New York Hospital, 106
Nichols, A. H. Salt on street railways; its medico-legal aspects, 92.
Nitric Acid. Poisoning by fumes of nitric acid, Temple, W. W, 496.
Nutt. Emotional insanity and the defense of Nutt for killing his father's
murderer, 113.

Obstetrics. Report of a summer course in obstetrics, Green, C. M., 389,

Ohio State Medical Society and medical education, 310.
Old-time Doctors', 113.

O'Leary, C. Aneurism of the thoracic aorta, 37; loss of sight from injury
of facial nerve, 304.

Opium Habit. Protracted lethargy after the use of bromide of sodium by
one having the morphia habit, Cutler, E. G., 248, 256.
Orthopraxy. A new hip splint, Cabot, A. T., 6'; excision in hip disease;
are its proguosis and its results better than those of a spontaneous cure,
Bradford, E. H., 7; the treatment of hip-joint disease, extension better
than excision, Davis, II. G., 116; the orthopedic surgeon as a mechanical
engineer, Shaffer, N. M., 189; on the use of force in the treatment of re-
sistant club-foot, Bradford, E. H., 265; report on orthopædic surgery,
Bradford, E. II, 394; Dupuytren's finger-contraction, Abbe, R., 419.
Osteo-Myelitis of tibia, Wilson, C. M., 136.

Otis, E. Ŏ. The use of tobacco by boys, 99, 101; a case of cysto-pyelitis,
or pyelo-cystitis coincident with pyelitis, 290, 297.
Ovariotomy. The operation of ovariotomy, Homans, J., 337; reasons
for the early removal of ovarian tumors, Irish, J. C., 314; hysteria, as af-
fected by removal of the ovaries, Walton, G. L., 529, 542.

Packard, J. H. Case of epithelioma of the stomach and colon, present-
ing surgical difficulty of diagnosis, 371.

Paget's Disease, case ot, Hearn, J., 565.

Panama. The cemeteries and water supply of Panama, 522.
Paracentesis of the pericardium, Macdonald, J. W., 22.

Parks, N. O'D. Topical cardiac blistering in the treatment of acute
rheumatism, 303.

Parsons, R. L. Detention in asylums, 110.
Passengers. Carrige of passengers by s a, 406.

Pathology. Recent progress in pathology aud pathological anatomy,
Whitney, W. F., 438, 462, 487.

Peabody, G. L. Specimens of sarcoma, etc., 205; the treatment of ty-
phoid fever, 300.

Pepper, W. Insular sclerosis of the posterior columns of the spinal cord,


Petersen, O. Pressure in the treatment of buboes, 5.

Pharmacopoeia. Another United States pharmacopoeia; is it needed?
161: a bill to prepare and publish a national pharmacopoeia for the United
States, 168; the government control of the United States Pharmacopoeia,
213 new national pharmacopoeia, 235; shall the United States Pharma-
copoeia be the legal standard for drugs in Massachusetts, or shall it be
some one of several commentaries or dispensatories? 282; relative cost, as
legal standards, of United States Pharmacopoeia and Dispensatory, 334.
Phlebitis. Spontaneous phlebitis, Fified, W. C. B., 397.
Phthisis. Hysterical pseudo phthisis, Fabre, 70; case of phthisis, with
empyema, Fisher, H. M., 86; laryngeal complications of pulmonary
phthisis, Knight, F. I., 540; phthisis following empyema; amyloid kid-
neys; cancer of uterus, Hughes, W. E., 207.

Physiology. The determination of sex at will, 211; the grant of £10,000
to the Physiological Laboratory of Oxford considered as a national disas-
,"214; periodical change of color of the hair, 234; a new line of re-
search for cerebral physiologists, 569; methods of instruction and re-
search in physiology, Bowditcb, H. P., 584.

Pilo-Nidal Sinus, Porter, C. B., 398.

Pinnock (Victoria). Scarlatina coexistent with typhoid fever, 526.
Placenta. Retained placenta, Doe, O. W., 436, 441; bi-polar version in
placenta prævia, 622.

Plaster Supports, Browne, W. T., 289; the plaster posterior splint in
the treatment of fracture of the leg, Gay, G. W., 585.

Pleurisy. Case of chronic pleuritis with excessive sanguinolent effusion,
Crandall, C. R., 580.

Pneumonia. On the treatment of acute pneumonia, Minot, F., 169, 183

"infectious" pneumonia; gangrene of lung; fetid empyema; recovery,
Broughton, H. W., 172.

Poisons. Refusion in carbonic-oxide poisoning, Halsted, W. S., 22; pro-
tracted lethargy after the use of bromide of sodium by one having the
morphia habit, Cutler, E. G., 248; poisonous wall-papers, 262; poisoning
by fumes of nitric acid, Temple, W. W, 496; inhalation of ammonia,
Swan, C. W., 497.

Polaillon. Hydatid cyst of the abdominal walls, 310.

Politics. Effects of political events on the forms of insanity, Saulle, L. du,

Polypus. Two cases of uterine polypus, Minot, F., 58, 62.
Porter, C. B. A case of pilo-nidal sinus, 398: diphtheritic perineal
wound; chronic cystitis; bilateral incision of prostate for removal of
stone; acute suppurative peritonitis; autopsy, 399; removal of a frag-
ment of catheter from the bladder, 399; excision of a portion of intestine,
including a part of the ileo-cæcal valve, for the cure of fecal fistula in
right groin, 457, 467.

Post, A. A case of cerebro-spinal syphilis, 28; etherization by the rec-
tum, 142.

Pregnancy, Affections Connected With. Prevention of puerpe-
ral infection, Garrigues, H. J., 14; an unusual obstetrical case, Strong, C.
P., 30, 36; report on obstetrics, Green, C. M., 33; a case of tubal preg-
nancy, Terry, II., 37; the delivery of the second foetus in labor with twins,
Green, C. M., 62; pregnancy and morphinism, Féré, 117; the treatment of
retained secundines after abortion, Brannan. J. W., 147; the prevention
and treatment of puerperal fever (Discussion), Thomas, T. G., 178; high
temperatures after labor without obvious cause, Fifield, W. C. B., 275; the
induction of labor, Richardson, W. L., 276; hæmoptysis in the course of
puerperal septicæmi, Hosmer, A.. 276; method of management of face
presentation, Richardson, W. L., 276; acute eczema in pregnancy, Abbot,
S. L.,276; prolapse of the anterior wall of the vagina during labor, Lyman,
G. H., 276; a case of face presentation with some remarks on the treat-
ment of this class of cases, Swift, J. B., 293, 298; the treatment of puer-
peral fever, Terry, H., 303; the removal of the after-birth, Garrigues, II.
J., 373; duration of the menstrual hæmorrhage in relation to the devel-
opment of the foetus at term, and to multiple pregnancy, Cuzzi, 382;* re-
port of a summer course in obstetrics, Green, C. M., 389, 398; retained
placenta, Doe, O. W., 436, 441; removal of fœta! bones by rectum, Doe, 0.
W., 441; podalic version, and abdominal pressure upon the after-coming
head, Green, C. M., 449; the Cæsarean section as performed by savages,
450; retained placenta of abortion, Field, H. M., 524; abdominal section
for extra-uterine pregnancy, Macdonald, A., 525; an acephalous monster,
Brown, D., 539; puerperal convulsions, Blake, J. G, 565; puerperal case
with numerous complications, Willets, M., 566; clinical phenomena fol-
lowing the puerperal state in two cases, Schiedt, P. M., 566; temporary
blindness following labor, Schiedt, P. M., 566; retained placenta of abor-
tion, with hæmorrhage, Brown, ML, 573; a case of extra-uterine gesta-
tion; delivery of a living child per vaginam; removal of placenta, recov-
ery, Mathieson, 622; bi-polar version in placenta prævia, 622.
Prizes. The decision in regard to the prize for essays on malignant dis-
eases, 20; the prize offer by the Worshipful Company of Grocers, London,

Prosecutors. Public prosecutors and private persecutors, 94.
Providence. Mortality statistics of Providence, R. I., for the year 1883,

[blocks in formation]

Rags. Importation of rags from Egypt, 478.

Read, G. M. A case of wasting palsy "(partial), 268.

Recent Progress. Otology, Green, J. Orne, 3; obstetrics, Green, C.
M, 33; forensic medicine, Draper, F. W., 80; medical chemistry, Hills,
W. B., 130; anatomy, Dwight, T., 225; theory and practice of medicine,
Shattuck, G. B., 249, 270; construction of insane hospitals and manage-
ment of the insane, Channing, W., 295, 321; diseases of children, Rotch,
T. M., 365; dermatology, Tilden, G. H., 413; pathology and pathological
anatomy, Whitney, W. F., 438, 462, 487; ophthalmology, Wadsworth, O.
F., 556; dentistry, Rollins, W. H., 582, 606.

Rectumi. Excision of the rectum for cancer, Cripps, II., 598.
Kenal Abscess, Stedman, C. E., 591.

Respiratory System. Case of mammary cancer, operation, subsequent
catarrhal pneumonia, with cancer of the lungs; autopsy, Green, C. M.,
59: hysterical pseudo-phthisis, Fabre, 70; case of phthisis with empyema,
Fisher, H. M, 86; lung from a case of pleuro-pneumonia, complicated
with delirium tremens, Musser, J. H., 88; lobar pneumonia in a child,
Rotch, T. M., 132; chronic nasal catarrh; removal of hypertrophied tis-
sue, 132; on the treatment of acute pneumonia, Minot, F., 169, 183; "in-
fectious pneumonia; gangrene of lung; fetid empyema; recovery,
Broughton, H. W., 172; recent progress in the treatment of thoracic dis-
cases, Shattuck, F. C., 174; bæmoptysis in the course of puerperal septi-
cæmia, Hosmer, A., 276; a year's experience in tracheotomy, Gay, G. W.,
320; the treatment of membranous croup, Jacobi, A., 443; the clinical
significance of fibrinous exudation upon the mucous membrane of the
upper air passages, Bosworth, F. H., 491; a contribution to the study of
congenital syphilis (throat), Mackenzie, J. N., 492; retro-pharyngeal ab-
scess, Roe, J. O, 493; congenital web of the vocal bands, with cases, De-
Blois, T. A., 494; gunshot wound of the larynx, involving the vocal bands,
Daiy, W. II., 494; a case of complete paralysis of the left vocal band in
extreme abduction, the result of an incised wound of the neck, Cohen, J.
8., 495; a rare form of tumor (cavernous papilloma) of the vocal band,
Hooper, F. H., 511; a case of ecchondrosis of the larynx, Asch, M. J., 511;
a new method for the removal of laryngeal growths, Jarvis, W. C., 511;
permanent unilateral paralysis of laryngeal abductors, following cerebral
hæmorrhage, unique case, Delavan. D. B., 512; tracheal stenosis, Ingals,
E. F., 512; cases of buccal stenosis, DeBlois, T. A., 513; hay fever and
its successful treatment, Sajons, C. E., 513; the comparative value of the
galvano-cautery in diseases of the nasal and pharyngeal cavities, Shurley,
EL, 513; a contribution to the study of adenoid vegetations at the vault
of the pharynx, Robinson, B., 513; spasm of the glottis, Elsberg, L., 513;
laryngeal complications of pulmonary phthisis, Knight, F. I, 540; ease
of chronic pleuritis with excessive sanguinolent effusion, Crandall, C. R
530; the course of the fever in acute croupous pneumonia, Silvestrini,
Retroversion. The treatment of retroversion of the uterus with adhe-
sions, Elliot, J. W., 398.


Reynolds, J. P., An over-dose of chloral, 151.
Rheumatism. Topical cardiac blistering in the treatment of acute rheu-
inatism, Parks, N. O'D., 303.

Richardson, W. L. The induction of labor, 276; method of manage-
ment of face-presentation, 276; umbilical hæmorrhage, 592.

Roberts, J. B. The surgical abuse of sponges and of silver wire, 333;
malignant disease of the testicle tapped for hydrocele, 372.

Robinson, B. A contribution to the study of adenoid vegetations at
the vault of the pharynx, 513.

Robinson, G. D. Governor Robinson's inaugural, 45.
Roe, J. O. Retro-pharyngeal abscess, 493.

Rollins, W. H. Progress in dentistry, 552, 606.

Rotch, T. M. Recent progress in diseases of children, 365; malforma-
tion of the vagina, simulating extrophy of the bladder; lobar pneumonia
in a young child, 132.

St. Mary's Lying-in Hospital, Cushing, B., 363.
Sajons, C. E. Hay fever and its successful treatment, 513.
Salicine. Hallucinations from salicine, 118.

Salmon, D. E. The discovery of the germ of swine plague, 285.
Salt. Sea-water for streets, salt on street railways, Nesciens,44: " sea-
water" (?) and salt in the streets, Quærens, 69; sea water for streets, salt
on street railways, S. II. D., 69; salt on street railways; its medico-legal
aspects, Nichols, A. H., 92; salted tracks, Nesciens, 94.

Saulle, L. du. Effects of political events on the forms of insanity, 574.
Scarlatina coexistent with typhoid fever, Pinnock (Victoria), 526.
Scarlet Fever in the foetus in utero and in the mother at the ninth
month of pregnancy, Leale. C. A., 445; scarlet fever, Flint, A., 539.
Schiedt, P. M. Clinical phenomena following the puerperal state in two
ca-es, 566; temporary blindness following labor, 566.
Schweinitz, G. de. Sarcoma of testicle, 566.
Scurvy. Unusual cases of scurvy, Edes, R. T., 607.
Sea. Carriage of passengers by sea, 406.

Sea-Water for streets, salt on street railways, 44; "sea water" (?) and salt
in the streets, 69; sea-water for streets, salt on street railways, S. H. D., 69.
Serous Membranes. General tuberculosis of serous membranes,
Hughes, W. E, 206.

Sewage systems and the epuration of sewage by irrigation and agricul-
ture, Barpes, H. J.. 5.7, 603, 609.

Sewerage. Boston's improved sewerage system, 139.

Sex. The determination of sex at will, 211.
Shaffer, N. M. The orthopaedic surgeon as a mechanical engineer, 189.
Shattuck, F. C. Recent progress in the treatment of thoracic disease,

Shattuck, G. B.

Report on theory and practice of medicine, 249, 270.
Ships. Reform of medical service on ships, 401.
Shoulder-joint. Three cases illustrating some points in the pathology
of certain injuries of the shoulder-joint, Nancrede, C. B., 387.
Shurley, E. L. The comparative value of the galvano cautery in diseases
of the nasal and pharyngeal cavities, 513.

Skeleton. Another prehistoric buman skeleton, 574.

Smith, H. H. Extracts from the address at the annual meeting of the
Pennsylvania State Medical Society, 481, 507.
Snow-shoes. Quick time on snow-shoes, 598.

Societies. American Medical Association, 425, 463, 478, 477, 489, 517;
Boston Society for Medical Improvement, 104, 131, 183, 227, 271, 348, 397,
441, 495, 560; Boston Society for Medical Observation, 59, 84, 256, 398; Bos-
ton Society of the Medical Sciences, 419; Bowdoin Medical Alumni Associ-
ation, 549; British Medical Association, 216; Connecticut State Medical
Society, 611; Essex North District Medical Society, 181, 561; Interna-
tional Medical Congress, 216, 569; Laryngological Association, American,
491, 511; Massachusetts Medical Society, 157, 502, 570, 584, 590, £94;
Massachusetts Medico-Legal Society, 182, 617; Medico-Psychological So-
ciety, Boston, 368; Neurological Association, American, 617; New York
Academy of Medicine, 106, 178, 229, 299, 325, 373, 419, 443, 468, 536; New
York County Medical Association, 107, 203, 445, 038; New York, Medical
Society of the County of. 14, 231, 300, 353; New York Neurological Soci-
ety, 10, 109; New York State Medical Association, 163, 277; New York,
Medical Society of the State of, 158; Obstetrical Society of Boston, 61, 275,
448, 564, 591; Pennsylvania State Medical Society, 481, 532, 559; Phila-
delphia Clinical Society, 422, 516, 566; Philadelphia County Medical Soci-
ety, 63; Philadelphia, Pathological Society of, 16, 37, 85, 136, 206, 371,
565; Rhode Island Medical Society, 36, 303, 616; Suffolk District Medical
Society, 6, 36, 101, 131, 151, 156, 253, 272, 297, 298, 349, 467, 47, 514, 540,
Spitzka, E. C.
Stedman, C. E.
Stevens, E. H.

Paths of coordination, 231.
A case of renal abscess, 591.
Abdominal aneurism, 61.

Stillé, A. The value of ethical codes for practitioners of medicine, 404.
Stoné. The simulation of stone, 188.

Stricture. The treatment of gleet and gonorrhoeal stricture by Otis's
method, Garland, G. M., 181.

Strong, C. P. An unusual obstetrical case, 30, 36.
Surgery. Fracture of the base of the skull, Hinsdale, G, 85; prevesical
celiulitis following herniotomy; phlegmonous abscess, "sous-onibilicale,"
in Hertaux space; perinephritic abscess, Ingalls, W., 289, 297; three
cases illustrating some points in the pathology of certain injuries of the
shoulder-joint, Nancrede, C. B., 387.

Swan, C. W. Inhalation of ammonia, 497.

Swift, J. B. A case of face presentation with some remarks on the treat-
ment of this class of cases, 293, 298.

Swine Plague. The discovery of the germ of swine plague, Salmon, D.
E., 285.

Sylvestrini. The course of the f-ver in acute croupous pneumonia, 622.
Syphilis of the brain and membranes, Wood, H. C., 25; a case of cerebro-
spinal syphilis, Post, A., 28; clinical aspects of cerebral syphilis, Wood,
H. C., 196, 220; diagnosis and treatment of syphilis, Detmold, 205; chancre
of the tonsils, Taylor, R. W., 537.

"Taxation" Theory of expert testimony, 546, 573.
Taylor, R. W.

Chancre of the tonsils, 637.

Technology. The new building of the Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology, 502.

Temple, W. W. Poisoning by fumes of nitric acid, 496.
Terry, H. D. A case of tubal pregnancy, 37.
Terry, H. The treatment of puerperal fever,
Testamentary Capacity, 500.


Testicle. Sarcoma of testicle, Schweinitz, G. de, 566.
Tilden, G. H. Report on dermatolog, 413.

Time. A plea for consistency, 238.

Theory and Practice. Report on theory and practice of medicine,
Shattuck, G. B, 249, 270.

Thomas, C. H. Downward displacement of the transverse colon; three
cases, with autopsies, 1.

Thomas, T. G. The prevention and treatment of puerperal fever (Dis-
cussion), 178.

Thrombosis. Thrombosis and the conditions which favor its develop-
ment, Brockway, C. H., 56.

Tobacco. The use of tobacco by boys, Otis, E. O., 99, 101..

Tonsillitis. The treatment of follicular tonsillitis, Garland, G. M., 103;
De Blois, T. A., 514.

Tonsils. Chancre of the tonsils, Taylor, R. W., 537.

Tracheotomy. A year's experience in tracheotomy, Gay, G. W., 320.
Trance. "Trance" as a symptom of hysteria, 185.
Trichinosis. An epidemic of trichinosis, 358.
Trotter, Dr. Thomas, surgeon to the fleet, 306.
Trumbull, J. Letter from Valparaiso, 620.

Tubal Pregnancy. A case of tubal pregnancy, Terry, H., 37.
Tuberculosis. General tuberculosis of serous membranes, Hughes, W.
E., 206; tubercular ulcers of intestines with perforation, Hughes, W. E.,
206; secondary tuberculosis of the bladder, ureter, kidney, and suprare-
nal body, Hughes, W. E., 207; inoculation of tuberculosis, Verneuil, 238.
Tumors. Section of fibroma mamma, MacConnell, W. G., 38; section of
large spindle-celled sarcoma of lower jaw, MacConnell, W. G., 38.
Tuttle, G. T. Cases of melancholia, 77, 84.
Typhlitis and perity phlitis, Wheeler, L., 409.

Typhoid Fever. Transitory aphasia in typhoid fever, 162; ætiology of
typhoid fever, Janeway, E. G., 203; the treatment of typhoid fever, 300;
enteric fever in New Haven, Eliot, G., 361; an epidemic of typhoid fever
at a summer hotel, Woodward, L. F., 364; contagiousness of typhoid, Ca-
baniss, T. T., 524; scarlatina coexistent with typhoid fever, Pinnock (Vic-
toria), 526.

Umbilical Hæmorrhage, Gibb, J. S., 422; Richardson, W. L., 592.
Urethra. Periurethral phlegmon, Waterman, T., 392, 348; external ureth-
rotomy, Wheelhouse's operation, Fifield, W. C. B., 398.
Urethrotomy. A fatal case of internal urethrotomy, Gay, G. W, 2, 6.
Urinary System. A fatal case of internal urethrotomy, Gay, G. W., 2,
6; nitro-glycerine and the chloride of gold and sodium in the treatment of
albuminuria, Bartholow, R., 32; nephrectomy for the removal of cancerous
or sarcomatous tumors of the kidney, Homans, J., 73; malignant disease of
the kidney, Wheeler, W. G., 106; the simulation of stone, 138; foreign bodies
removed from the oesophagus and the urethra, Gay, G. W., 157: amyloid
kidneys, Hughes, W. E., 206; secondary tuberculosis of the bladder, ure-
ter, kidney, and suprarenal body, Hughes, W. E., 207; anuria from com-
pression of the ureters by cancerous disease, Minot, F., 227; suppression
of urine treated with cantharides, Fifield, W. C. B., 271; a case of cysto-
pyelitis or pyelo-cystitis coincident with pyelitis, Otis, E. O., 290, 297; the
detection of albumen in urine, Fowler, G. B., 299; malignant disease of
the bladder, Burge, W. J., 304; chronic retention of urine, Bowditch, H.
I., 349; clinical lecture on a case of myxedema, Edes, R. T., 385; peri-
urethral phlegmon, Waterman, T., 392, 398; external urethrotomy, Wheel-
house's operation, Fifield, W. C. B., 398; multiple calculi in the bladder,

Cabot, A. T., 398; diphtheritic perineal wound; chronic cystitis; bilateral
incision of prostate for removal of stone; acute suppurative peritonitis;
autopsy, Porter, C. B., 399; removal of a fragment of catheter from the
bladder, Porter, C. B., 399; albuminuria, Griswold, G., 538; physiological
albuminuria. Chateaubourg, 550; links of articulated catheter removed
from the bladder, Warren, J. C., 560; a case of renal abscess, Stedman, C.
E., 591; a case showing the effects of hot water on papillary tumors of the
bladder, Baker, W. H., 593.

Utica. Restraint at the Utica Insane Asylum, 187.

Valparaiso. Letter from Valparaiso, Trumbull, J., 620.
Verneuil. Inoculation of tuberculosis, 238.

Version. Podalic version, aud abdominal pressure upon the after-coming
head, Green, C. M., 449.

Vickery, H. F. Artificial inflation of the colon with gas, 332.
Vivisection. Mitchell, S. W., 533.

Wadsworth, O. F. Three cases of homonymous hemianopia, 483, 495;
recent progress in ophthalmology, 556.

Wall-papers. Poisonous wall-papers, 262.

Walton, G. L. Hysteria, as affected by removal of the ovaries, 529, 542.
Warren, J. C. A substitute for strapping the testicle and the treatment
of hydrocele, 157; the healing of arteries after ligature, 418; links of ar-
ticulated catheter removed from the bladder, 560.
Washington. Letters from Washington, 453, 477.

Wasting Palsy. A case of "wasting palsy " (partial), Read, G. M., 268.
Waterman, T. Periurethral phlegmon, 392, 398.
Waverly Convalescent Home, 525.

Weber, L. Locomotor ataxia and syphilis, 325.

Webber, S. G. Cases of lesion of the brain cortex attended with uni-
lateral symptoms, 49, 60; multiple neuritis, 441.

Wendt, E. C. Note on the use of the menthol cone as an anodyne, 109.
Wheeler, L. Typhlitis and perityphlitis, 409.

Wheeler, W. G. Malignant disease of the kidney, 106; treatment of
blood-poisoning following surgical operations, 271.

Whitney, W. F. Recent progress in pathology and pathological anat-
omy, 438, 462, 487; a case of actinomycosis in a heifer, 532, 545.
Wigglesworth, E. Pathological conditions of the skin following the
internal use of borax, 404.

Willets, M. Puerperal case with numerous complications, 566.
Williams, C. H. Intraocular changes in cases of cerebral tumor, 257;
case of foreign body in the orbit, 348.

Williams, E. T. Downward displacement of the transverse colon, 45.
Wilson, C. M. Osteo-myelitis of tibia, 136.

Wilson, J. C. Tumor of the anterior mediastinum with secondary de-
posits in the heart and lungs, 208.

Women. Admission of women to the Massachusetts Medical Society,
585, 594.

Wood, H. C. Syphilis of the brain and membranes, 25; elinical aspects
of cerebral syphilis, 196, 220: the principles of modern therapeusis, 597.
Woodward, L. F. An epidemic of typhoid fever at a summer hotel,

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The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal is published weekly by Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 4 Park St., Boston, where subscriptions are received and single copies of the Journal are always for sale.






So minute a Subdivision of the Oil Globules is not accomplished in any other Emulsion. It is therefore more easily assimilated and transformed into tissue. There is no saponification of the Oil. quainted with this preparation are respectfully asked to give it a trial and note results. FORMULA WITH EACH BOTTLE.

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well-known Professor Horsford, who has made the subject of the phosphates a life study.

It should not be confounded with the dilute phosphoric acid of the pharmacopoeia, or with any acid phosphate compounded in the laboratory.

Dilute phosphoric acid is simply phosphoric acid and water without any base.

In this preparation of Acid Phosphate a portion of the phosphoric acid is combined with lime, iron, potash, etc. It is not made by com-pounding these articles together in the laboratory, but is obtained in the form in which it exists in the animal system.

It has been noted by some physicians that while in certain cases dilute phosphoric acid interfered with digestion, this preparation of Acid Phosphate not only caused no trouble with the digestive organs, but promoted in a marked degree their healthful action.

It is well understood that "phosphorus," as such, is not found in the human body, but that phosphoric acid in combination with lime, iron, and other bases, i. e., the phosphates, is found in the bones, blood, brain, and muscles. In the brain is also found phosphoric acid not combined with any base. It is the phosphates and not the simple phosphoric acid that is found in the urine after severe mental and physical exertion, or during wasting disease. Thus the researches of chemists and physiologists would seem to prove that it is a phosphate, with an excess of phosphoric acid, i. e., an acid phosphate, that will better meet the requirements of the system than either phosphoric acid or a simple phosphate, and this theory has been proven beyond à doubt, by practice, in a great variety of cases.

We have received a very large number of letters from physicians of the highest standing, in all parts of the country, relating their experience with the Acid Phosphate and speaking of it in high terms of commendation.

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Has removed to 39 Marlborough St., Boston.


will receive a few cases of Mental and Nervous Diseases at Brookline. P. O. address, Brookline, Mass. Office in Boston, 146 Boylston St. Office Hours, 12 to 1. From June 1st to October 1st, in Boston by appointment only.


Will receive a few Lying-In Cases at 358 Columbus Avenue.


A strictly first-class Medical Practice, together with Real Estate, near Boston. There are several highly de sirable features connected therewith, and the advertiser believes the opportunity unsurpassed for a physician de siring to establish himself. Full particulars can be obtained by calling on or addressing DR. G. A. LELAND, 549 Marlborough St., Boston, Mass.


A Home for the Care and Treatment of Per sons afflicted with Mental Diseases. For Terms, etc., address MERRICK BEMIS, M. D., HERBERT HALL, WORCESTER, MASS. Town Office, 34 Pearl St., Worcester. Office hours, 10 to 12 A. M., 2 to 4 P. M.


655 Tremont Street, Roston. DISPENSING PHYSICIANS PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. All the preparations of the New Pharmacopoeia, and re liable foreign and domestic remedies, constantly on hand.

Office Hours: Before 9 A. M., 2 to 4 and STATE ASSAYER AND CHEMIST

6 to 7 P. M. Telephone No. 4882.


Has removed, and will meet those desiring to consult him in cases of Mental Disease at No. 15 Pemberton

FOR MASSACHUSETTS. Analysis, Expert Testi
mony and Investigation, Sanitary Research.
W. FRENCH SMITH, PH. D., 235 Washington Street,
(P. O. Box 3126), BOSTON. (Correspondence invited.)

Square, from 11 to 1 o'clock daily, or elsewhere by ap- MASSACHUSETTS
pointment. Residence, 19 Berkeley St., Cambridge. Tel-
ephone 7014.


Graduate of Harvard Medical School, eight months
House Surgeon in Boston Lying-In Hospital, and three
years in private practice, has permanently located in
Jacksonville, Florida.


Assisted by his son, DR. F. W. RUSSELL, receives patients into his "Family Home," WINCHENDON, MASS., for the treatment of Nervous and Mental Diseases.


President of the Board of Trustees, N. H. Asylum for the Insane, will receive into his family a few cases of MENTAL or NERVOUS DISEASES.

P. O. address, KEENE, N. H.



Warren Triennial Prize, $450. "On some subject in Physiology, Surgery, or Patho logical Anatomy." Dissertations to be forwarded on or before February 1, 1886. For further particulars address J. H. WHITTEMORE, M. D. BOSTON, May, 1883. Resident Physician.


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