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up, that is to say virgin land, the young plants wither and exhibit symptoms of ill health. The chlorophyle of the leaf does not form in sufficient quantity, on which depends the health of the plant; and it is only after the soil, sun and air have exerted some influence that the plants are enabled to commence growing. It is at this stage that the insects are most destructive. The ashes of the sedge by being strewn over the land previous to ploughing, sets the soil to work at once and the young plants, finding sufficient food, are soon pushed out of danger of caterpillars and earth-worms; and moreover start with a good constitution, healthy and strong. I am well aware of the objections to burning and of the advantages of ploughing in green manures, but these objections do not appear to me to bear upon the soils of these islands under these present circumstances.

The ashes being strewn over the land, I would use the subsoil plow if the land would bear it, to give a bottom to the soil. I then would fallow my land and keep it in fallow till broken up by the hoe.

In planting I would open my furrows with the subsoil plow, and have it so managed that no furrow should be left unplanted that day. The advantage of single drill planting over all other methods is so well understood that it is unnecessary to explain it here. On these islands it seems to me more urgent as a matter of economy with regard to labor and as a means of destroying insects.

In open lands commencing growth is exposed to too much light, and from that circumstance the strength of the plant is retarded, the crop does not cover so soon, drought is sooner felt. In drill planting the young cane has more shelter; if the land is light and dry you can plant thicker; if seasons turn out to be wet you can thin out, in fact you can work the crop according to the means the seasons afford you.

In drill planting you have a more even moisture. The crops will be more even instead of having large and small plants indiscriminately mixed as is the case generally in the other method. But no less useful is the drill planting: you will clear your ground sooner of its insects and a great deal of labor will be saved in keeping down the weeds and those circumstances alone will give a greater bulk and a better material for the manufacture of the sugar.

The consequence is that any land that is brought to the surface is immediately covered with earth.

After the same manner seeds just bursting, instead of perishing, are simply lifted from one spot to be deposited in another without materially injuring them.

The labor of keeping drill planting would stand seven and one half and equal distance planting ten and one half, which is a practical fact. The hoe in drill planting works in a straight line; the earth is not curled up and any larvæ of insects that are brought to the surface, die by exposure, and by the same means any seeds just opening that are brought to the surface are destroyed. Thus two crops are destroyed by one operation, and if the circular hoe was used instead of the square clogging up hoe now in general use, the work would be done much better and last longer. In planting the cane, it occured to me it would be a good plan to prevent the cutting of the earth-worm to have the cuttings hardened by a previous cultivation. I mentioned the suggestion to a gentleman who had been largely engaged in the cultivation of the sugar cane on these islands. It was that gentleman's opinion it was practicable, and would be of eminent service in stopping the depredations of the worm. I am pretty certain it would do much in strengthening the crop and would make it more hardy. Puddling the cuttings in a mixture of lime, oil, sulphur, and strong soap suds and earth would keep off the insects for a time, and would be of great advantage in pushing on the plant, and more so if a small quantity of guano could be added.

In keeping a sugar plantation free of insects, the adjacent land requires to be attended to. Caterpillars travel for their food. They seem to issue from the cocoon at an orifice and travel in a straight line till they find something to eat when they spread. I have seen the caterpillar travelling nearly a mile in length over a clean fallowed land without deviating from a straight line. They found nothing to eat, and on they went. They all perished before they reached any cultivated land. They do not appear to have the organs of smell very strong, or they would have fell upon a springing crop of wheat which was about 12 yards parallel to their line of march. I would recommend the land surrounding a sugar plantation to be either kept in fallow or to be burnt and when the caterpillar is expected, I would torment the grass to some distance, brush harrow and roll it while they were in the neighborhood. Insects should have no peace or rest from

me. I would keep my land as a good housewife keeps her house. I would brush out every hole and corner. I have mentioned the disuse of the common harrow in preparing land for cropping. It seems to me totally unfit for working land of these Islands, and does a great deal of harm in preparing land for a second ploughing, or in covering in seed. Porous lands in all warm countries particularly in countries subject to drought, by being harrowed, lose sooner their moisture and from the smooth surface it brings on, affords no shelter to the piercing rays of the sun; consequently shoots are weak and spire up without stooling; whereas land worked by the tormentor or plough, locks up in the roughed surface moisture already prepared for the young springing plant without the means of escape. The young shoots penetrate these rubbly clods and draw out their moisture which by being worked has been rubbed down by the harrow and have escaped. For those reasons it is the practice in many countries to plough in all grain crops instead of harrowing them in again. On these Islands the land cakes and receives little benefit from the slight showers when the rain patters against hard ground which the harrow brings on. The drops of rain burst before they can penetrate the ground and their constituents escape again into air. Although moisture may be afforded still it has to be prepared before the plants can use it.

In concluding my observations permit me to bring once more to your notice the following facts. I have endeavored to prove in the case of the Pine Apple that there is a state of vegetation highly favorable to the appearance of insects. I have also endeavored to show in the case of the Apple-blight a similar circumstance, and both cases by changing the mode of cultivation has brought on a vegetation which afforded no inducement.

It occurred to me since I wrote these observations that it would be well to explain the theory of transplanting when a plant is produced from a seed. The rhizoma or root descends deep into the soil and the sap it sucks up is not acted upon by the atmosphere. It ascends the plant in a crude state; it is distilled by the leaves and descending forms wood. The returned sap is excrementitious and is exhaled from the roots by the knobs; it is again sucked up slightly modified by additional matter. In course of time this sap becomes too impure and too strong and is one of the principal causes of the diseases of plants,

their premature decay, and originates those gormandisers mentioned by Mr. Rhodes.

Transplanted plants have a fibrous structure and act upon the atmosphere in the same way as the leaves; they distil the sap before it enters the plant, consequently take up less of foreign matter. The plant is increased by double distilling, the sap is of a finer quality, contains better sugar, hence its increase specific proof and the essential oil which gives flavor is more perfect. Plants also exude this returned fluid from the stem branches and leaves, hence the insects crawl up the stem branches in search of it and as long as the plants furnish them with food they remain, stop the supply and they are off; from the same cause the smutty appearance of the leaves and stems of plants. This matter vegetates a minute fungus which may be brought on the plant by insects and they are always found together or by the atmosphere the spongy places are full of them; it submits to the same treatment as the American blight. Dark leaves being more subject to them than light is easily accounted for by the difference of energy of chorophly of the colors. Thus leaves in shady situations have this powder in greater quantity. The faculty that plants have in expelling the returned matter by the roots is the theory of Ranton crops and many other beautiful arrangements of the vegetable world.


HILO, HAWAII, 20th May, 1852.

R. C. WYLLIE, Esq., Chairman to collect Statistics.

SIR:-As one of the committee on Statistics I have the honor herewith to transmit you a report of our proceedings in this district for the year ending with date the which should it serve no other purpose will at least I trust be admitted as proof that notwithstanding the insignificance of our ways and means, and the numerous disadvantages we labor under the charge of slothfulness cannot be laid at our door.

During the past year we have had but one arrival from the coast of

California, the reason for which I presume may be attributed to the fact of there being scarcely sufficient inducement for visits from that quarter until about the ensuing month and as we are yet unable to compete with the northern quarter of our Island in its attractive trade of Irish Potatoes. We cannot consequently for the time being allow ourselves to hope for an extension of our export trade in that quarter. But I am sanguine enough to look forward to a time when through the desirable medium of good roads and various other embryo improvements together with an addition to our foreign population of some intelligent and enterprising men our district may so far outrival the various others of the Island as its magnificent harbor and prolific soil fairly entitles it to do. In saying this much in its favor 1 would not be understood as conveying any depreciation of the various districts in question; doubtless they are blessed by the same beneficent Providence with their several natural advantages and combined render the Island of Hawaii as a whole one of the most valuable of the Sandwich group. While its scenery, its subterranean fires and its variety of climate are so well and widely known as to stand in no need of comment from my unworthy pen.

Since the Report which I had the honor of laying before the Society last year no material change has occurred in the district if I except the addition of a sugar plantation commenced lately under the auspices of some ploddingly industrious Chinamen. The fact is, no material improvement can reasonably be expected to take place until our roads be rendered more suitable for the transmission of produce and the numerous ravines which lay between the most prolific portion of the district and the harbor are made available to this end. This most highly important object is in a small way and after a fashion in course of accomplishment and I earnestly trust that the present session of the Legislature will not terminate without due consideration being extended to our wants on this head.

I have taken the liberty to forward to Stephen Reynolds, Esq., sundry samples of a variety of produce which I have requested that gentleman in his capacity of Vice President for Oahu to lay before the Society at the approaching meeting.

Though somewhat tardy and out of course in compliance with the Resolution stating that "it shall be the duty of the several Committees

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