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and verified on oath by the said Directors, or a majority of them, (which oath any Justice of the Peace is hereby authorized to administer) shall be filed in the Office of the Secretary of the Province before the expiration of four years after the passing of this Act, the operation of this Aet shall cease, and the existence of the said Corporation shall be terminated at the expiration of the said four years.

17. The Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Charlotte shall have power to regulate, restrict, and control the acts and doings of the said Company which may in any manner affect the health, safety, or comfort of the inhabitants of the said Town, and to make such rules and regulations relative thereto from time to time as the circumstances of the case may require, and to enjoin obedience to the same by such penalties as they may deem necessary, not exceeding the sum of twenty pounds for any offence.

18. The said Company do and shall in every street or road through which the said pipes shall be laid, make and provide proper leaders and apparatus for supplying with gas any Light House and public lamps which may hereafter be set up in the several streets, and shall provide such apparatus, and at such distances from each other as the said Justices in General Sessions shall from time to time direct, provided that such Justices in General Sessions shall pay any additional expense that may be incurred by the said Company by the making of such leaders and apparatus for supplying gas.



An Act to incorporate the Saint Croix Bridge Company.

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Be it enacted, &c.-1. Thomas Wyer, Harris Hatch, Nehemiah Marks, Ninian Lindsay, William Todd, Junior, Daniel Sullivan, William Porter, George S. Hill, their associates, successors, and assigns, be and they are hereby created and declared to be a body politic and corporate, by the name of "The Saint Croix Bridge Company," and by that name have all the general powers and privileges made incident to a Corporation by Act of Assembly in this Province, and may make any bye laws for the management of their concerns not repugnant to the laws of the Empire and of this Province, and may choose a Clerk, Treasurer, and any other officer proper for the management of their corporate business, by a majority of votes present, allowing one vote to each share; provided that no individual be entitled to more than ten votes on his shares.

2. The said bridge shall be established and continued where it now is in the Parish of Saint Stephen, in the County of Charlotte, in this Province, that is to say, from the public highway, nearly opposite the dwelling house of James Hannah, to the centre of the River Saint Croix, a short distance below the Salt Water Falls, (so called) and said bridge shall be kept in good repair and condition for the convenience and safety of passengers, and a passage way for lumber shall be kept open under the same, at least thirty feet wide.

3. A toll be and is hereby granted for the benefit of the said Corporation according to the following rates:-For each foot passenger, one penny half penny; one person and horse, two pence half penny; a horse and cart or wagon, four pence; a horse and sleigh or chaise, or other pleasure carriage, drawn by one horse, six pence; each team, including cart, wagon, sled, or sleigh drawn by two oxen, ten pence; and for every

additional beast, one half penny; four wheeled carriages with two horses, one shilling; for every additional horse, two pence half penny; beast of burden, exclusive of those rode upon or in carriages, two pence each; sheep and swine, one half penny each; and to each team one person only shall be allowed, as driver, to pass free of toll: and at all times when the toll gatherer shall not attend his duty, the gate or gates shall be left open, and the toll shall be collected in such manner as may be prescribed by the said Corporation; and as the tolls are collected, the rates of toll, and all others which may be hereafter granted, shall be fairly and legibly printed in large letters, and kept constantly exposed to the view of passengers; provided however, that after ten years from the time when this Act shall come into operation, the rate of toll shall be subject to the further regulation of the Legislature.

4. Either of the persons named in the first Section of this Act, may call the first meeting of the said Corporation, by posting up a notification thereof in two public places in the said Parish of Saint Stephen and Town of Saint Andrews, at least seven days before such meeting, and specifying in such notice the time and place of meeting, which meeting shall be holden in the said Parish of Saint Stephen.

5. The above rates of toll shall be in full for passing the said bridge to the opposite bank of the said river.

6. No horse or other beast, or carriage of any kind, shall be taken or driven over the said bridge at a pace faster than a walk, on pain of a forfeiture of twenty shillings for every offence, to be recovered in an action of debt before any Justice of the Peace, on complaint of the toll gatherer or any proprietor in the stock of the said bridge, and legal proof thereof; the money, when recovered, to be applied to the use of the said Corporation.

7. Any person who shall run or evade the payment of toll for crossing the said bridge, shall forfeit and pay, for the use of the said Corporation, the sum of ten shillings for every offence, to be recovered as is directed in the last preceding Section of this Act.

8. This Act shall continue and be in force until the first day of May one thousand eight hundred and sixty five, and no longer, and then be subject to renewal on such terms and rates of toll as may be just and equitable.


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of Iron Wire across the Falls of the River Saint John, at Split Rock, near the City of Saint John: And whereas a Bridge is greatly needed at that point, and would be highly useful to the public in general, and it is thought advisable to incorporate such persons as may be willing, at their own costs and charges, to construct the said Bridge, and grant them all necessary privileges for maintaining the same ;—

Be it therefore enacted, &c.-1. William K. Reynolds, his associates, successors, and assigns, shall be and they are hereby erected into a body politic and corporate, by the name of "The Saint John Suspension Bridge Company," and by that name shall have all the general powers and privileges made incident to a Corporation by Act of Assembly in this Province.

2. The capital stock of the said Corporation shall be twenty thousand pounds of current money of New Brunswick, and shall be divided into four thousand shares of five pounds each, to be paid in at such times and in such instalments as the business of the said Company shall require; and also, the said Corporation shall, when necessary, have leave to extend the said capital stock to the sum of forty thousand pounds of like current money, and shall have power to increase the number of shares accordingly, or to assess such increase upon the original number of shares.

3. The first meeting of the said Corporation shall be held at the City of Saint John, and shall be called by the said William K. Reynolds, or in case of his death, neglect, or refusal, by any

two of the said Company, by giving notice in one or more of the public Newspapers published in the said City at least twenty days previous to such meeting, for the purpose of establishing bye laws, choosing five Directors, and such other officers as may be necessary for the management of the affairs of the said Company; which Directors and officers so chosen shall serve until the first annual meeting, or until others are chosen in their stead, and shall have full power and authority to manage the concerns of the said Corporation, subject to the rules and regulations hereinafter made and provided.

4. A general meeting of the stockholders of the said Corporation shall be held at the City of Saint John on the first Tuesday in June in each and every year, for the purpose of choosing five Directors, and such other officers as may be necessary for the management of the affairs of the said Corporation; which Directors so chosen shall remain in office for one year, or until others are chosen in their place, and shall at the first meeting after their election choose one of their number President of the said Company; provided always, that not less than three Directors do form a quorum for the transaction of business, and in case of the absence of the President the Directors shall have power to appoint one of their number Chairman for the


5. No person shall be eligible as a Director unless such person is a stockholder, and holds not less than twenty shares of the capital stock of the said Corporation, and is of the full age of twenty one years.

6. The number of votes to which each stockholder shall be entitled on every occasion when in conformity to the provisions of this Act the votes of the stockholders are to be given, shall be in proportion of one to each share of stock; and absent stockholders may vote by proxy, provided such proxy be a stockholder and produce sufficient authority in writing.

7. The shares of the said Corporation shall be assignable and transferable, according to such rules and regulations as may be established in that behalf; but no assignment or transfer shall be valid and effectual unless the same shall be entered and registered in a book to be kept by the Directors for that purpose; in no case shall a fractional part of a share, or other than a complete share or shares, be assignable or transferable;

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