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Wednesday, January 4, 1899.

In conformity with the requirements of the Constitution of the State of Michigan and the statutes in such case made and provided, the Senate of the State of Michigan on this day, at 12 o'clock m., convened in the Senate chamber at Lansing, in said State, and was called to order by Hon. Orrin W. Robinson, Lieutenant Governor and President of the Senate.

Religious exercises were conducted by Rev. Mr. Seasholes, of Lansing. The certified list of Senators elect was read by Charles S. Pierce, Secretary of the last Senate, as follows:


Lansing, January 3, 1899.

Hon. Charles S. Pierce, Secretary of the Senate of 1897:

Sir-The accompanying is a list of the Senators elect of the Senate of the State of Michigan for the years 1899 and 1900, as appears from the returns of the clerks of the several counties of this State now on file in this office.

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